Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

I feel like I saw Patricia Arquette's ex, Thomas Jane once wore this dress as a suit. Probably should have stayed as a suit.
I know it is the camera angle and all, but Aubrey Plaza looks ridiculously skinny in this photo.
I'm waiting for the day someone sees Billy Zane without his glasses.
I'm always a sucker for positing a photo of Andy Garcia's daughter, but today it is because of Any and the brown corduroy suit. You don't see that everyday.
There is no doubt that Reese Witherspoon's kids are
Sandra Bullock took Louis to the zoo in New Orleans yesterday.
Selena Gomez shortly after she went to Bible study yesterday. Seriously, she went.
The first photo of Shakira's baby.
Hello Vanessa Williams. She still looks amazing.


  1. The angle of the first few photos is really odd. I love Patricia's jacket, looks like Vivienne Westwood.

  2. That baby photo really does look like his arm is a giant thumb!

    And I've loved Patricia Arquette since A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors.

    1. @chop chop - thanks, now I have that Dokken song stuck in my head. "We're the dreeeam warrioooorrrs..."

  3. FINGER ARM! Haha I haven't been able to stop laughing at that since last night.

  4. Reese's daughter is twin.....crazy!!!


  6. The Medium! I didn't know she was married to Thomas Jane.

    Aubrey has a terrific smile.

    Billy Zane looks seriously creepy.

    Wow, Reese's daughter looks like she could be her baby sister!

    My goodness, Demi has great hair! I like the top.

  7. I love love love Billy Zane. Thanks Enty!!

    I'm sorry, but that little baby has lipstick on or some sort of colour. That is not a babylip colour. Not any baby I've seen.

  8. I love Andy Garcia, brown corduroy's and all.

    Thought Selena Gomez was Shakira for a second.

  9. thumb arm disturbs me.

  10. Forget Patricia Arquette's clothes, her hair looks ATROCIOUS! That shade of blonde is so so so fake it's almost neon.

    I absolutely love Aubrey, but she's a very skinny girl. She always has been, but I think she lost weight between seasons 3 and 4 of Parks. That's around when she started being in more movies, so maybe she thought she needed to be skinner for some reason? That's also when she cut her hair, which I think is so much more flattering than her all one length with straight-across bangs.
    BUT, when I open up this picture, it looks like it was shrunk in a weird way (like stretched out on the top and bottom but not on either side) so it makes her look even slimmer!

  11. The Aubrey picture was either shot with a funhouse lens or was power gooed before it reached CDAN.

  12. Andy used to be so fine. Sigh.
    I see your hidden hand, Billy.

  13. Anonymous12:37 PM

    @Tuxedo- shortly after my babies were born they were very chappy- like really dry skin and crusty lips and stuff. Maybe that's why the lips look so red??

  14. @bflogurl

    Yes, that's probably it now that you mention it.... I guess I was wondering if Shakira would be vain enough to put some sort of lip colour on the baby. Here's hoping not....

  15. @Gabby, yes Patricia's hair is that Lana Turner Blonde. I love her, but not the hair color or the dress.

    Love Andy Garcia!

    Selena needs Bible study, to help her cast out that little devil Bieber.

  16. Nah I doubt Shakira would put anything on her baby. It's a cutie!

    I love Patricia no matter what she wears. Ever since True ROmance.

  17. Thumb arm disturbs me to EmEyeKay.

    Oh Andy..You're moving into Pacino territory with that rumpled suit. Who is his lovely date?

    Wow, I've neve actually see Aubrey Plaza smile. It seems uh, odd.

    Yeah Reeses kids look exactly like her and Ryan, no doubt about it.

    Vanessa Wms that beyotch! Get old and saggy woman. She's still stunning.

  18. Shakiras baby is beautiful. Welcome ti world little one. Billy zane looks and is majorly creepy. The arquettes all dress horribly. I think they all got a bad gene or something. I never understood wnat courtney cox saw in him. And imagine those holiday dinners with oddball arquettes!!!!!! Sandra bulicks baby boy never smiles. Whats that about?

  19. I heart Louis. I want to steal him... seriously, I do!

  20. Damn Patricia Arquette has the reverse Nicki Minaj hairline.

    Baby Milan's thumb arm!

    1. @ethorne- hysterical! The hairline is suspiciously odd.

    2. It was originally the Theresa Guidice, but Nicki has made it her own. :)

  21. Wow. Haven't seen Billy Zane in a while. Awesome!

  22. OMG, I never realized Patricia Arquette had a five head. Their whole family is so eccentric. I wonder what it was like growing up in their household?

    Andy Garcia was so cute in The Untouchables!

    I hope Reese makes her kids go to college and keeps them out of the Hollywood machine.

  23. Really Selena? Bible study in a see through top? God doesn't have a dress code but I am pretty sure he would object to crochet with no undershirts.

  24. Andy Garcia is so good looking! There is a reason you don't see brown suits much: they're UGLY! In corduroy makes it even worse.

  25. The Phillipe kids are GORGEOUS.

  26. @chopchop

  27. Patricia looks like Melanie Griffith :/

  28. Selena Gomez is most likely Catholic - and bible study is were catholic school girls go to meet guys.

  29. Now that I got my fashion rant on: is this post about people in their worst fashion disasters (Patricia, I'm talking to you)? I do love Selena's look though, even if I don't like her. It must be the top, I use to wear tops exactly like that 20 years ago! Hippy at heart!

  30. @high heels
    How cool that you're a stylist. My friends and I were just talking fashion over on Facebook (um, our current lack of fashion). I will be looking for your style critiques/suggestions on Random photos in the future :)

  31. Am I the only one who thinks the Arquettes don't look anything alike?

    Reese's daughter looks like a mini Tracy Flick! Love it.

    Vanessa Williams looks great.

    Who is Audrey Plaza?

    1. GrnMtGal (sorry had to abbreviate) I ser little resemblance between the Arquettes either although the transgendered one looks a little like Patricia. Nothing personal to either. Just how I see it.

  32. Good for Selena.

    Maybe Zane will ditch the glasses when he realizes he looks like he's trying to grow Mickey Mouse ears.

  33. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Selena better not walk thru certain hoods in Philly with that hair flowing like that. She'll b bald by the time sheshowed up at the precinct.

    Those are some luscious locks.

    Just sayin

  34. First of all read the Andy Garcia post again and see that is his daughter and the first line of MY Post should say too not to.

    I'm my defense I had to get up at 5:30am to volunteer for a pledge drive at local community college radio station. BTW if you enjoy jazz this station, if I recall correctly, is one of 2 or 3 all jazz stations left in the US. Check out KCSM.org. Early morning is my favorite show; Morning cup of jazz is the name. Hope you listen and enjoy!

  35. Loved "Medium" -- miss that show. Fortunately for me I'm watching reruns of episodes i never saw of Ghost Whisperer while at the gym. Makes an otherwise boring elliptical hour go by really quickly. And i get my occult tv fix.
