Friday, February 15, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Jessica Chastain showed herself in public for the first time since the death of her biological father last week. Here she is with Olivia Wilde at a Fashion Week show.

I know it is the camera angle, but Rudy from The Cosby Show looks like she is going to smack into the cement.
Kimberly Stewart out shopping with her daughter.
I guess that is one way to give a dog a bath, although you would think Mariah Carey would have people for that.
Melanie Griffith doing some last minute gift buying yesterday.
Mila Kunis hanging out with a friend yesterday who has not taken a photo of Ashton Kutcher in his pajamas.
Instead of going out last night, Chris Evans and Minka Kelly made food at home.
Rosario Dawson and a well bundled up Danny Boyle.
Steve Martin out riding his bike yesterday. He never used to get papped but when you make news, your photo sells.


  1. Jessica Chastain's "biological" father?

  2. I still can't believe Rosario dates Danny Boyle.

  3. I love Mariah Carey. Even though I think it's gross to put an animal in the water you're bathing in, I love how happy she looks.

  4. I love that pic of Mariah and her pooch! The dog leapt into the tub while Mimi was bathing.

    I don't think Chastain is too concerned with her fathers death since they were estranged.

    Is Minka wearing her boyfriends sweater?

  5. For everyone who missed it when I linked it earlier:

    Jessica Chastain's alleged father dies

  6. Jessica Chastains wiki says her DAD was a firefighter. That would be her STEP dad who was the firefighter and her bio dad was a "musician".

  7. As much as I like Jessica, I am disappointed that she refused to even acknowledge her real father when he was seriously ill and dying. No one's perfect but that just seems so... distant. Even adopted kids can rarely resist tracking down their relatives.

    1. He must not have acted much like a "real" father. I can think of a variety of reasons why someone wouldn't get involved.

  8. My cats just weren't into the bath thing although they were fascinated with the bubbles!

    Cannot believe that Steve Martin became a father. Good luck to him and his lovely partner.

  9. Some men are sperm donors. It sounds like the step father was Jessica's dad. It sounds like the bio father who did nothing to raise her wanted some of the fame and money. Jessica is lucky Mum was smarter than Dina.

  10. I just want everyone to note that Mila not only toned back up, she's also wearing make-up every day and halfway decent casualwear recently. I wonder if Ashton bullies her looks, like he did JJ?
    I hope the pride in her appearance is a good sign, not just pleasing him. That's all.

  11. @ Phoenix. Without knowing all the circumstances, that's just not something that you or I or anyone else has the right to judge. If I wanted to, I "know" how to get my biological father's phone number within a couple days. I also "know" who taught me to ride a bike, who checked under my bed for monsters and sat with me in the ER when even my mother was say "It's just the stomach flu. Again." (It was.) This is the same person who punished me when I needed it, who made me eat my vegetables, do my homework and whole score of other things I didn't want to do. His name was Dad. He was not my biological father.

    I also know who dumped me at his grandmother's house, when he bothered to show up at all, who signed adoption papers because he was in trouble with the law (again) and wanted to be forgiving of all his back child support. I know who didn't show up at my high school graduation, years later when I made the effort to reach out to him, and whole score of other things he didn't do. His name is John.

    If someone called me today to tell me John was terminally ill, I'd hang up the phone and change my number. When my Dad was terminally ill, I drove two hours in one direction to take him to chemo every other Monday (my sister, who he lived with at this point,) took the alternate Mondays.

    Jessica doesn't owe anything to someone who contributed a little DNA and probably not much else while she was becoming the person she is today.

    1. Thank you! My Dad is the one who did all of those things and more, who took it on the chin when I was a mouthy teen and did all the " you're not my real father" shit I doled out, it wasn't til I was an a 20 year old reaching out crying for help that I knew what a man and father is. I praise him to anyone who will listen about how awesome my dad is.

    2. @Gayeld - Thanks for sharing your story. I thought what you said was really beautiful.

    3. Yes! Thank you. Birth father doesn't equal actual parent. It wasn't until I was a legal adult that my mom actually came clean with my brother and I about what a jerk our birth father was/is (taking her to court to get out of paying child support while owning a business) and when I think of the crap my stepfather put up with from me when I was younger, I feel terrible. I have no relationship with my birth father by choice, and I have no regrets.

  12. @phoenix, I can't really fault a kid (even a grown-up one) who doesn't want to have a relationship with a parent who didn't raise them. She probably doesn't even think of him as her father.

    Semi-related, I saw something on E! about Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson several years ago. Bill Hudson was whining about how Goldie never let him see the kids and how he wasn't invited to Kate's wedding to Chris Robinson (Kurt Russell walked her down the aisle AND she named her son after him). Then it showed Kate vehemently saying that Bill Hudson wouldn't send cards or even call them on their birthdays. Every story has two sides.

    If you're going to blame anyone, I say blame the parents, not the kid.

  13. @katie, Jessica's mother ran off with both her daughters and changed their last name so the bio dad couldn't find them, and from what I've read, he wasn't a bad guy at all. He was well liked in the music community and there's even a tribute web site set up by them to honor him.

    He was dying. What she did, or rather refused to do, has planted a question mark in my mind.

    1. Ok so what he was well liked in the music industry doesn't make him a decent dad & playing devil's advocate she could have been running away from him because he was hurting her/them. My bio dad didn't raise me really & did all sorts of sh*t to me, but anybody that met them thought he too was a nice guy. Luckily my dad and I have reconciled and I have two great dads. Bottom line you don't know the reasons why people do what they do & she's the one that has to live with that decision.

  14. Is that a blind reveal for the bathing with dogs? It's been a long time, so I don't remember the details...

    Minka Kelly has great posture! I get tired of seeing all the celebs slouching about.

  15. I didn't hear that Ron Howard had passed. He was a wonderful director.

  16. my kids "biological father" dropped off balloons, cards, flowers, and candy at their school yesterday. the women in the office apparently thought this was wnderful and could not understand why my kids didn't want any of it. one of my kids pointed out that since he abuses them, steals anyhing they bring to his house, never has any food, hygine products, etc., at his house, it wasn't as black and white as it might seem.

    i'm on board with the sperm donor comment. jessica's real dad was the one who was there when dhe needed him. day in and day out.

  17. In the article, someone blasts Jessica for not helping to pay the funeral costs. How is that her responsibility all of a sudden? Because she's in Hollywood movies and gets big paychecks she's automatically supposed to pony up cash for her relatives she never knew? That way of thinking is something I'll never understand.

    If she doesn't want to acknowledge this man, it's because she was fulfilled with what she had already in her stepfather. I applaud that man for stepping up to the plate when he didn't necessarily have to.

    1. @lotta. Completely agree with you. Just because he is biological father doesn't mean he is your father. The person that raise you does.

      Wow I havent seen Chris and Minka chick in a while.

  18. Aly, Ron Howard didn't pass and isn't Jessica's father. That's just a false rumor that was circulating.

    1. I think (hope) Aly was kidding.

  19. @phoenix, I'm playing devil's advocate here, but just because someone is respected professionally doesn't mean that he was a good person back then. Roman Polanski raped a girl and people still clamor to be in his movies. Whoopi Goldberg: "It wasn't *rape* rape."

  20. Minka is holding on to Chris as long as she can because that's all she has going for herself. What a famewhore! Notice how Chris was hardly ever pap until Minka came back into his life. Im guessing she's been making a lot of phone calls lately

  21. Anonymous12:58 PM

    jessica looks JUST like her bio dad so the RH thing is not an option for me anymore, even though the "Howard" last name as a youth doesn't make ANY sense.

  22. So Mariah can't wipe her own butt, but she can give her dog a bubble bath? Weird.

  23. No one knows what happened between Jessica and her biological father accept for her family. It really is a private matter and she made her own decision.

    My biological father isn't a bad guy(he wouldn't hurt anyone). My mum left him, she didn't leave town. I still saw my aunts (his sisters) regularly and he never came, he didn't show up for birthdays. My mum tells me I saw him every now and then until I was at least 5. Yet I have no recollection/memories of ever meeting him. I have memories and remember people who I met only once during that time. Kinda sad huh?
    I lived in the same city as him until I was 9. I then moved to the UK but would go back for 3 weeks at a time to see him aunts and cousins (HIS FAMILY) and he never tried to see me.

    Last year (20 years later) he wanted to get in touch and sent me a letter. He finally wanted to see me. That letter brought evoked so many different emotions, but I said no. I have no feelings towards him, to me he is a stranger.

    My point is DNA means nothing. If someone told me he was dying, I'd feel sad for my aunts and uncles but not for me.

    So please don't judge Jessica. You don't know everything. It's not a decision you make lightly and I'm sure she's grieving in her own way.

  24. @Gayeld I hear you. This "biological" father of mine is the reason I have now block my family who I was so close to before I lost touch with them for 15 years our of my life again. I was getting pestered and kinda emotionally blackmailed from them to get back in touch with him.
    They kept saying how much he missed me...They showed him my facebook page etc. He doesn't deserve to know me. I've changed my number/email and blocked their facebook just 2 months after we got back in touch.
    Families eh?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Um, I'm kind of confused. Wasn't one of the New Year reveals about how Mariah spends time with sick children (unpublicized) at hospitals? So why the catty remark about the doggy?

    LOVE Mila's batman shirt.

  27. I've come to like Mariah, maybe she has one bubble bath with the dog and another one alone.

    Steve Martin, whom I adore, looks deep in thought. His wife is lovely and I hope he lives a long, long, time so his child can know he's an awesome guy.

  28. Jessica Chastain's bio father is just that, 'her' bio father. No one knows what went on, or didn't go on between them. Just because someone's a respected figure in their professional life doesn't make them a good father.

    She doesn't owe it to anyone to acknowledge him. No one WANTS to not have a relationship with their parent. How about feeling sadness for both of them at not being able to have a relationship and leaving it at that?

  29. Jeter's ex girlfriend has a name ! Congrats, Enty.

  30. Who is Kimberly Stewart again? Besides the luckiest girl ever to have Benecio Del Toro's kid, I mean...

  31. Biological family doesn't hold that much water with me.

    First, he's a musician and musician means drugs.

    Second, Jessica Chastain's sister (according to that article) committed suicide at 24. Suicide's two strongest correlations are mental illness and childhood abuse.

    Third, saying how brought you are of your daughter when she's rich and you're poor? Yah. Right.

    Everyone's got family that they hate. I'm not gonna waste your time or pity, but I've got a half sister who I don't talk to after we got into a bitter fight over my mother's will and my uncle once told me that I'm a mongrel and he was disgusted that my father named me after him (I'm mixed race, obviously).

  32. Jeeez, when did this fun place turn into celebitchy? Lighten up y'all!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Right on @Agent! haha

  35. Well that seals it, Jessica's dad is not Ron Howard---the biodad pictured has her same distinctive jawline, etc. Could she be his niece, though, or some other relative? It's curious how she is so often mistaken for Bryce Dallas Howard her last name was Howard on her birth certificate.

  36. Look Enty answered my question about where Rossrio had been! Thanks for paying attention mr/miss lady/sir

  37. Amen on the differences between bio dads and REAL dads. Amd as private as Jessica is no one knows for sure tge true story but it's always amazing how many friends /relatives you have when you get fame and fortune.

  38. @ phoenix - I think Aly was being tongue in cheek.

    Jessica's mother had to have had some reason for leaving and not wanting to be found. Jessica's a dark horse and we'll probably never know.

  39. I have a similar situation to what seems like a lot of you. My bio father is a bipolar alcoholic who has said and done extremely hurtful things to me. A few years ago he was sick in the hospital and his sister was pestering me endlessly about visiting him, and doing all she could to make me feel guilty about not doing so. Just because you get your DNA from someone doesn't mean you need to respect them or have a relationship with them if they don't deserve it. So no, I don't think it's weird, nor do I lose respect for Jessica Chastain for not funding her bio father's funeral.



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