Thursday, February 14, 2013

Paul Nassif Is Dating 27 Year Old Former Miss Nevada

Apparently one of the reasons that Adrienne Maloof started dating Sean Stewart is because her ex, Paul Nassif already had his own much younger girlfriend. Nassif is 51 and was dating several women, before picking Helen Salas who is 27 years old and is the former Miss Nevada. The two now live together. You think that might have something to do with Adrienne dating a much younger guy?


  1. Adrienne needs to teach her new "man" how to use Nair appropriately.

  2. I like Paul, but this chick looks like a piece of beef jerky. I guess he likes surgically enhanced chippies

  3. That girl is too skinny.

  4. I have no idea who any of these people are, and I'm kind of okay with that.

  5. Noooooooo! I soooo want Paul and Taylor to get together. Reality TV Gold right there!!!

    1. Or Paul and Brandi haha

    2. I am still trying to figure out why he so vehemently defends Adrienne this season and is so nasty with the ladies. I know it's about the surrogate thing, but considering how "The Bickersons" got along in the first place and ended up divorced I just don't understand his position.

      I'm surprised Taylor isn't hopping on the free-injections-for-life train

  6. Paul must know this chick is only with him for his money.

  7. Don't know who these people are either and don't want to know.

  8. Anonymous9:35 AM

    GO PAUL!

  9. If she's trying to make him jealous, with Sean Stewart... She's doing it wrong. Those nudes from yesterday were very unforgiving.

  10. Anonymous9:37 AM

    OH Gawd. Thing one and thing two are getting a divorce and trying to out do each other. Hasn't this been done before?

  11. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Here's some possible light being shed on the original big blind: re: the A List singer who doesn't sing her own songs. I've always suspected it's Britney. Seems there are others too who think she might not really sing her material.

    1. @Anna When Eve was on WWHL the other night, she said that she had "heard" that it wasn't really Britney on the Will I Am song (I get confused on where to put the periods in his name)

    2. That song gets played at least 4 times a night at my work so I'm kinda an expert in this. I can't hear Britney Spears voice anywhere in that song except 'Britney, bitch', which is from what, 8 years ago?

  12. Ha @ VIPblonde. I think you need to be a reality TV producer.

    1. @Susan I agree :) I am looking for a career change...

  13. A friend of mine who was nerdy in high school but who is now very successful, recently fell for a girl about 17 years younger. He posted pics of his "trophy" and we were all disgusted. She looked like a Russian mail order bride. I immediately asked him if he had lost his mind - as did plenty of others. They promptly broke up, but he is needy and decided to give it a second go. I told him that he was worth more rhan that. So, he finally asks me a question.
    So, do you think your nieces or their friends - or do you have any friends in their early 20's who you could set me up with? I asked if he was kidding - he wasn't - and then I let him know rhat anyone who dates a guy that much older wants a sugar daddy and could care less about him, actually IS a hooker or has major daddy issues, and if I asked my nieces they would totally be grossed out. His resonse surprised me - well, now that you have put it that way...I do know of a few genuinely happy May/December marriages, but I don't think any of those had money on either side, pre-wedding.

  14. @snapdragon - me, too! I always read them, thinking "Who is this?" I wish there was a reality show tag so I'd know which ones to skip since I don't watch them.

  15. Oh, duh, now I'm looking and there it is: Labels: Real Housewives.

    Good grief, I need coffee.

  16. A beauty queen hooking up with a plastic surgeon?! I did not see this coming. I give it six months, max.

  17. Who are these people??!!

  18. @Pink - good advice to your friend! When I was almost 18 (but not quite!) this 34 year old guy kept trying to get me to go out with him and I kept politely declining b/c we had mutual friends. He kept saying he had little in common with women his own age. Finally he said "why won't you?" and I told him that he was twice my age - so if we had anything in common? He was terribly immature. I also told him pretty much what you told your friend about daddy issues or gold diggers and that he needed to figure out why he had so little in common with women his age and fix his issues or he'd end up with a girl who would either outgrow him or just be using him.

    Nassif is just being about as shallow as you'd expect a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon going through a divorce to be. Which is too bad - before this season's edits he came across as a genuine & funny guy. Not surprised he turned out not to be though.

  19. These two old asses need to get back together and yet their younger playmates date each other.

  20. I think Paul and this piece make a great couple!

    He can give her free botox and nose jobs for life and she can shave his back hair. SCORE!

    @Jacq - I think Paul is defending Adrienne on camera this season because it is pre separation/divorce. After they separated he actually became friendly with Brandi again from some reports.

  21. There isn't enough money in the world. Just imagine picking all that hair out of your teeth after!

  22. Mala, my friend goes through women like crazy. He has a good heart, but still feels like the picked on kid. He is very handsome (still sounds like a dork, unfortunately) and has an incredible base income. I thank you for your comment! Sorry you had to go through that!!
