Monday, February 04, 2013

Muhammad Ali Not Near Death Says Family

Yesterday in The Sun, there was an interview with the brother of Muhammad Ali, Rahman, who said that Muhammad was near death and only had a few days to live. "My brother can’t speak. He doesn't recognize me. He's in a bad way. He's very sick. It could be months, it could be days. I don't know if he’ll last the summer. He's in God's hands. We hope he gently passes away."

Turns out that reports of his demise are a little exaggerated as Muhammad spent yesterday dressed in his Ravens regalia and had a Super Bowl party.


  1. It's so sad, he's a shadow of man now...

  2. I saw Muhammad Ali a few years ago at a basketball game and he looked godawful. He was shaking like crazy and needed assistance to walk. I was freaking awestruck he was there though, but it was pretty sad.

  3. In the 1980's he was at Red Wings games all the time, and I was forever running into him. He was very nice, with a smile and greeting- no ego at all.

    I'm sorry to hear that he's not well, I wish him nothing but the best. He's a legend.

  4. I still think one of the best Olympic moments of all time - no, I'm going to go ahead and say it - THE BEST moment - was when Ali was the final torch bearer and lit the caldron in Atlanta. He is the icon against which all other icons will be measured for a long, long time.

    1. I cried when he lit that cauldron. I realized how advanced his disease was and it hit me pretty hard.

  5. What a life he has had, and despite being a professional boxer he has lived it with dignity.

  6. He's the greatest. I found some of his fights on youtube and showed my son. It changed his view on boxers. I couldn't let him grow up thinking Floyd Mayweather is the way a Champion behaves.

  7. If only media/gossip outlets (including Enty) would pre-empt the quote with the fact that Ali's brother had been estranged from his him for a while and therefore didn't know his current condition. That way, the quote would make sense in context.

    But then, that would defeat the purpose of sensationalist headlines.

  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Now I want some noodles! Since the brother's name is Raman??? Get it?Kidding. Boxers and even football players often get parkinsons and other brain related conditions because of repeated head trauma. Retired NFL players have these kinds of conditions ALOT. Where would he have been without boxing though? He has looked pretty bad for a long time. But if they are estranged then the guy's just looking for a quick check. if they weren't then they are now.

  9. Tuxedo what do you mean despite being a professional boxer he has lived it in dignity? I'm not being snarky, I just don't get what you are saying.

  10. It's the media who over-reacted, not the brother, who seems to be telling the truth. Muhammed Ali is definitely very ill. God bless him, an icon to so many. I hope he gently passes, too, he deserves a gentle passing.

  11. I don't think attending a superbowl party and being ill are mutually exclusive; unfortunately, he looks quite ill in those photo.

  12. @JSierra

    I meant that despite hitting people in the head for a living, and being hit in the head for a living, he has managed to live his life with dignity.

  13. So I suppose you reserve the same sentiment for linebackers as well?

  14. One of my sister-in-laws rang my husband & said his mother was close to death, she wasn't, but he had already told work & a course was cancelled. He was so embarrassed & the nursing home wouldn't release any information. It wasn't until he rang another sister that he found out his mother wasn't dying. Needless to say, we really don't get on with his family.

  15. Muhammad Ali has been such a charismatic figure, much more than an athlete - I mean, he's obviously handsome, intelligent, etc., but I always admired the way he stood up for what he believed in.
