Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Melissa Gorga Says Cheating Rumors Have Made Her Marriage Stronger

Life & Style's cover this week says that Melissa Gorga cheated on her husband Joe. Yeah, I kind of told you that already so that is not what I'm going to write about. Instead, I want to focus on one of the lines Melissa told Life & Style when they asked her for a statement. “This is only making Joe and me stronger." Have you ever noticed how the person who always says this line is always the one who did the cheating? You never see the cheated person talk about how it is making the marriage stronger because it doesn't. Do you think Joe is at home saying to himself, "Until Melissa cheated on me, our marriage was crap. Now it is so much stronger now that she has."


  1. Forgiving doesn't mean a person forgets. He's always going to have that seed in the back of his mind, and I'm sure the way he sees her is forever changed.

  2. It's stronger because they are both getting some now and Melissa is no longer jealous that Joe gets all the hot gorilla ass instead of her. Distribution of wealth yo.

  3. Melissa and Joe are so trashy. Thank god their dirty laundry is out for everyone to see now. The Teresa show was getting boring.

  4. Sick day number 4: watching RHoA. Porsha attempting to calm her niece down with shaken baby syndrome was fucking priceless.

    1. Hahahahahaha!! Holy shit, I just chocked on my water. Omg, that was classic! That girl is a moron "265 days" of the yr!

    2. FUCK YOU SPOILERS! Just kidding, I would rather have heard that before so I know which part to skip to! I abhor Kenya and can't watch her atttt all.

  5. I'm not saying she didn't cheat, but do you really think she's the only person Joe's been with?

    Also, I have a hard time believing Tre isn't behind the campaign to air all their dirty laundry. Again, not saying Melissa is a saint, but Teresa seems hellbent on exposing her as a sinner.

  6. "Until Melissa cheated on me, our marriage was crap. Now it is so much stronger now that she has."

    Sounds very stupid thing to say.

  7. Just like: "don't fix it if it's not broke." Heard this from lots of couples that broke up later.
    Might work some times, but other times it's just an excuse.

  8. Joe don't give a shit he is fucking one of his employees, well he is getting fucked lol. Boy likes boys.

  9. Isn't this almost exactly what was said when Joe Guidice cheated on Teresa?

    I've always said there has to be a reason why the Gorga parents don't like Melissa-- that kind of family--the only son is a GOD....and they keep pretty distant from him since he married and stick very close to Teresa.

  10. Whoa! That face! I'm sorry, but DAMN!

  11. I agree, car. Joe Gorga keeps saying it is all Teresa, she turned her parents against him. I think Teresa is way too stupid to do something like that successfully. Joe Guidice is possibly going away for 25 years, and they still choose to be around him, instead of their own son.

  12. I know this is OT but she has great skin. Very pretty color. That's all I have to contribute to this.

  13. Puggle, Joe Gorga took his parents nest egg and blew it. Some of it was via fraudulent actions but the parents will not press charges.

  14. God I want to take a sanding block to Melissa Gorgas chin
