Lady GaGa Made Her Assistant Sleep With Her
Lady GaGa is being sued by her former assistant for unpaid overtime. Yesterday I wrote about GaGa's deposition where GaGa called her former assistant a hoodrat and said that all her employees are her slaves. GaGa also swore under oath that GaGa is the queen of the universe. So, yes, queen of the universe and employees are slaves. I understand why you think you are reading a post about Scientology. Anyway, in the assistant's deposition she says that she was required to sleep in the same bed as GaGa every night and that because of that was on call 24/7 and never had one minute to make a phone call or talk to family or even to have sex if she wanted to have sex. I bet she watched a lot though. If you are in bed with GaGa and GaGa has a boyfriend and you have to be next to her at all times, I can see why you would want to invest in some really nice headphones. How did the whole sleeping thing work with three of them?