Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lady GaGa Cancels The Rest Of Her Tour

Instead of sitting at a piano and playing all of her songs so she wouldn't disappoint the thousands of fans of hers who bought tickets to her shows, Lady Gaga just decided to pull the plug on the rest of her tour. She says she has a tear in her hip which will require surgery and then extensive rehabilitation. GaGa said originally the reason she canceled the shows was because she would be unable to perform at the high run around pace she does now and it is not fair to the fans. Honestly, if your hip is busted, you shouldn't run around, but I am really confused why she can't sit at a piano and play them all or just stand in the center of the stage and sing them all. Fans would like that way better than just getting their money back. I wonder if it is because of the poor ticket sales and how when she goes out in public now, people are heckling her instead of applauding her.


  1. Yeah, I'm with everyone saying I used to like her, but she just became truly insufferable. Like AnnE.

  2. I assume if you buy a ticket to a Lady Gaga show, you buy a ticket to a SHOW. A spectacle. Not to watch her sit at a piano all night, or stand completely still at the mic.

  3. Sitting for an extended period and past a certain angle is not good for your hip either.

    1. What patty said. Very painful.

  4. Stars rise and eventually they fall within porportion to the speed of their ascent. Gaga climbed quick and woth no real substance to sustain her gimmicks is falling just as quick.

  5. Bye bye GooGoo

  6. @seaward You took the words right out of my mouth. I hope Gaga gets better soon. She must be in a lot of pain if she cancelled her entire tour.

    1. Me, too. I saw her in Melbourne a few months ago, and the show was amazing.

  7. I think she should have made an effort for her fans. She's on so many drugs anyway, what's a couple more Percs here or there?

  8. She reportedly has a labral tear of the right hip. Sounds painful.

  9. If she has a tear in her hip and needs surgery to correct it, delaying the inevitable will only cause her unnecessary continual discomfort and restrict her ability to perform when GaGa is ALL about performing. Another example of Enty not liking a celeb so he kicks them when they're down. smh

  10. The thing that sucks about cancelled shows are the fees that ticket sellers add on - those are not refundable. Her fans lose money even if she refunds the ticket prices.

    I don't really give a lick about her and will be kind of glad when her 15 minutes are up but I do hope she recovers.

  11. So much for being the Queen of the Universe.

    And maybe all those ridiculous shoes are fucking up her legs and hips. How does one walk in those everyday without needing medical attention? They're heeless!

  12. The injury is serious from the little googling I have done and even with the surgery she may not get back to full speed. I hope she has a good outcome and speedy recovery.

  13. Since we're talking about Gaga I have to ask: Does anyone here dislike her song Born This Way? I can't be the only one who finds it annoying, can I?

    I'm not talking about the lyrics, just the way the song sounds.

    1. @gmg- hate it. I like her earlier stuff when she was still a tad mortal.

    2. Same here, her "Born this way" was so over-hyped that there was no way she could ever live up to it. As for the song, it reminds me to much of a badly done Madonna cover.

    3. I I have absolutely positively detested that song since I first heard it. And not because it's a poorly done Madonna knockoff but because it's a poorly made song. The whole album is crap. The first one was so much fun and I would dance around for hours to it on repeat...obviously taking herself WAY too seriously has hurt her song making abilities. Maybe if she put as much time in to making her music as she does in to her ridiculous getups she would have made a better album. Best thing Lady CaCa could do now is dress it down a few thousand notches and learn a little humility.

    4. The Weird Al version is pretty great, though:

    5. I also loved The Fame, but her Born This Way album sucked donkey balls, with the exception of Judas (great workout song). The Edge of Glory is another song of hers that gets stuck in my head all day long and annoys the bejesus out of me.

      I'm so glad to see that I'm in good company among other BTW haters :)

    6. Fru, that was hilarious.

  14. I wouldn't even want to sit at a piano with a torn hip.

  15. @greenmountaingal, I didn't like anything on Born This way, and yes, the song's anthem style and radio overexposure caused me to hate it. I'm really hoping PopArt is a return to form for GaGa.

  16. I am not a fan, but I think she made the right decision. If I paid to see her show I would want the full spectacle, not 2 boring hours of her playing piano or standing in front of a mic. I think her fans will understand that she has an injury and she has to do what is best for her health.

  17. How do you get such a tear? I'm thinking Lotta is right about those damn shoes anyway. I'm sure all the time away from her monsters with money is going to hurt her purse more than her hip.

  18. I especially love "Born this way". It has become an anthem of sorts for LGBT groups.

  19. I hate Born This Way. It sounds like a Madonna knockoff (many of her songs do). It has a good message, I just don't like the song. I think she has gotten far too much credit as some sort of artistic genius. Her songwriting kind of sucks. Her outrageous outfits are so gimmicky. She only became this outrageous to gain popularity. She was not "born this way", music people made her that way.

  20. I have constant hip pain, thanks to the fact that my big toe only has 10% movement, my right hip has to do all the work to make my leg go. So if I sit too long at work I will have terrible pain and it will take me a few minutes before I can walk, same goes with just standing too long.

    Until you have to deal with a bad hip you don't realize just how much it impacts everything you do. Sitting, standing, walking, sleeping. And forget when I was pregnant, towards the end it would take my 30 minutes every morning before I could take my first step, the pain was so excruciating.

    I don't care one way or the other about Gaga. But if I was going to her show, I would expect it to be the full on lady gaga experience.

  21. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Enty you do make a good point about she could do it sitting down, but she does like to make a big running around spectacle of herself. But, this is convenient if what you say is true about the poor ticket sales and people heckling her. Her poor fragile ego, what will she do? I like her music overall, but let's get real. It's not amazingly complicated lyrics, melodies, material, structure, etc. It's "Let's Dance" "I love you" "I want you" etc. Her shtick is her outfits primarily, I can't even think of any new material she's had, so why would anyone go see another concert if there's nothing new/chart toppers? To go see a pint sized new york girl freaking out in go go boots and a meat dress, or whatever other strange performance art outfits she puts on? To me the music isn't that deep to justify paying that much, spending that much, going to that much trouble. What kind of artistic/life message/knowledge/inspiration can one get from " I want to ride your disco stick, let's dance, bye fernando, don't call my name, " etc. ?

  22. I'm not the biggest Gaga fan, but some of the hate is ridiculous. I'm sure she didn't take cancelling her tour very lightly. That's a HUGE decision for a performer.

    And playing the piano is VERY physical. You have to sit with strong posture and hold your body properly in order to play well.

    It sucks when huge concerts get cancelled. But U2 did it a few years back when Bono jacked up his back. And didn't Adele cancel due to her vocal chord issues? I didn't hear all this hate then.

    It's probably best that she gets treated properly and then is able to put on a show with 100 percent.

    I loathe the song Born this Way. I appreciate it the message, it just doesn't do it for me like Poker Face, Bad Romance, Just Dance. I think those hits are really great.

  23. Anonymous7:59 AM

    No matter what you think of Gaga, she takes performing seriously. If she says she's having joint issues and needs surgery for an injury, I tend to believe it until otherwise proven.

    No performer worth their salt is going to cancel a tour without good cause.

    No one is considering that extensive travel on a bad hip could cause Gaga serious discomfort. It's best that she address her health and tour later.

    Born This Way is uneven, but there are several good songs on it. I enjoyed it, but that's my opinion.

  24. You'd think the queen of the universe would be impervious to pain and suffering. I like some of her music but the revelations from that deposition really turned me off.

  25. Enty sure lets us know when he dislikes someone! We don't know if her ticket sales were bad, he says what if.

    Well I guess it's not lupus, but still, sheesh a busted hip is awful. And she needs surgery, yeah she'll still perform, wtf?

    Hopefully she'll take a long break and get her head back together.

  26. This is not an injury to make light of. Not only will she need surgery, but intensive rehab. If it was worse, she would have required a hip replacement. I'm not a Lady Gaga fan, but I do wish her a full recovery.

  27. Whether or not you like her or think she's any good, the fact remains that 99.9% of all performers hate, hate, HATE having to cancel any dates, much less an entire tour, so I won't throw any shade on her for that. They know that not only will be it terribly disappointing to their fans, but they may end up putting most, if not all, of their crew out of work for God only knows how long, plus the venues will lose money, etc. etc. etc. (I'm thinking back to a couple of NIN tours where Trent was way too sick to perform; he tried to do one show in Quebec when he could barely croak, and while everyone appreciated his efforts, they all felt terrible for him--if they all could have brought him tea w/lemon & honey and wrapped him up in a big fuzzy blanket, they would have.) It would appear that her hip problem is severe enough to not only put a crimp in performing (and the above posters are right; when you go see Gaga, you're definitely paying for the show as much as her performance), but could potentially cripple her for the rest of her life, and she's still a young woman. I hope she's able to get the surgery and whatever other treatment she needs, and is doing much better quickly.

    1. @Robin: I love that you are recalling Trent Reznor/NIN examples of performers who hate it when they aren't 100%. I recall Trent apologizing a TON when his voice wasn't perfect during the Wave Goodbye shows in LA in 2009.

  28. I think that if she would just sit at the piano and sing, she would have even more loyal fans than she does now. I can't stand all of her frippery, but when I saw her play the piano with Elton John, I was blown away by her talent.

  29. Born This Way sucks. The LGBT community should pick a GOOD song as their anthem, not that crap.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Long time lurker & first time poster! Hi all! I've actually had this surgery about four years ago and I can tell you, it is EXTREMELY painful. I was home bound for one month, out of work for 2, with six months of rehab. It was a result of sitting at my desk for extended periods of time. I still have pain when it rains. Not a Gaga fan, but wouldn't wish this surgery on anyone! And I can only imagine the pain she performed with! I had trouble just walking.

    1. Princess, welcome! I thought it "sounded" painful, sorry you had the actual experience.

  32. A hip injury is no laughing matter and it is terribly painful. No way she would be able to sit at a piano and just sing. Amd as someone posted above, we bought tickets for her "show". Gaga isn't a lounge act. I don't blame her for cancelling.

  33. When I first read this I thought it was a type of reveal to a blind. Didn't some id her for possible pregnancy? If it is the hip I can attest it will be a long time before she is back on tour. She couldn't possibly do the travel required even if she did just sit at a piano. She seems like a hard worker. Not a fan of her music but can't hate on her either. I will snark on her outfits though.....

  34. PuggleWug, you win the internets!
    I think you made every point about her fame I was going to write. Also, you can take the "Born This Way" song, and sing Madonna's "Express Yourself" and it goes perfectly.

    Susan - I don't throw Gaga any hate because of her tour cancellation... and I don't particularly hate her, I just find her to be a fraud. The music isn't special, and her persona was invented to make $€£¥.

  35. Even what I said above, I think she was absolutely right to cancel her tour.

    Even if she could just sit at a piano for two hours there's the offstage time that is grueling. She'd still have to get on the tourbus, walk around the airport, get on a plane, check into a hotel, get made up, change around outfits that don't work with sitting down, go to the show, and do interviews EVERY DAY.

  36. Didn't she vow to give all of herself when performing for her monsters? Even if she was dying, she would die on stage for them. Bitch, please. Sounds more like a shattered ego from low ticket sales.

  37. Her tickets were some of the most outrageously priced I have seen lately.

  38. I'm with the rest of you who mentioned her shoes contributing to this injury/reason for surgery.

  39. @lil723 Really? I thought her prices were reasonable compared to other concerts. Lenord Cohen is coming to town, and his tix (for a good seat) are about 180 Canadian. And Madonna's are about 300 bucks! For Gaga I had 5 row on the floor and they were 89 dollars each, though I supposedly got a discount because I joined her fan page and got a secret code. lol Gaga has said before that she didn't want to price gouge her fans with high price tickets. That's why she almost went bankrupt her last tour.
