Friday, February 01, 2013

Lady GaGa Admits She Doesn't Pay Overtime - Calls Herself Queen Of The Universe And Employees Slaves

About a year ago, I wrote about a former personal assistant for Lady GaGa who had sued the singer for almost $400K because of 7,000 hours of unpaid overtime. Well, Lady GaGa finally gave her deposition in the case and it must have been amazing. First, according to the NY Post, she called the woman suing her a f**king hoodrat. Nice. Then, she said that she pays none of her employees overtime and that everyone knows that and they should never expect any. Finally, she had this to say, "She’s just — she thinks she’s just like the queen of the universe. And, you know what, she didn't want to be a slave to one, because in my work and what I do, I'm the queen of the universe every day." So, basically, yes, what she did was call herself queen of the universe and her employees slaves to the queen. Nice. I'm guessing GaGa does not get many Happy Bosses Day cards.


  1. I wonder if Elton and David will ask her to be Godmother to their second child...

    1. Good one, Cathy. Made me guffaw.

  2. Wow. She really is a Mother Monster.

  3. Another person deserving of their millions. Don't forget to buy the overpriced water.

  4. When a person is expected to work 24/7 overtime is a given

  5. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

    I feel like she had an opportunity to have a permanent place in the future of music and then totally screwed it up. Now she comes across as trying too hard to be "out there" and unique, like she thinks she is on a while other level of talent and the rest of us cretins are just lucky to bear witness to her eccentricities. IMHO anyways.

  6. 75k per year was her salary and the bennies included world wide travel, private plane and 1st class hotels amongst many other bennies. I'll take that job!! OT is for hourly paid workers, she does not have a shot in court at this, IMO.

  7. Great hair, Lady HoodRat, Queen of the Universe of Your Mind!

  8. Uggghh this totally brought me back to that video enty posted a while back of a fan getting stomped on by her bodyguard.

    Add her to that list of pretentious snobs.

  9. It kills me that someone with so much effing money can't part with a very small portion to keep her employees FAIRLY paid.

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  12. At least the Enties didn't use that pic of her with her weiner hanging out.

  13. I'm actually with Gaga on this one. This is what life is like for the personal assistant of a celebrity. It can be hellish, but you out in your time for a year or two, and your connections (or the celebs themselves) find you a nice cushy position. Has this assistant never seen Devil Wears Prada? Do you think Anna Wintour's assistants expect overtime? Bitch, please. The one who wrote the book is another assistant who should have known better (but I'm glad she didn't, because then she wouldn't have written the book, and I love the movie!!)

  14. i'm with @Person.. i've been a long time reader of this sight, but i'm beginning to think, or maybe i should say, have been thinking that Enty, or whoever writes for this sight, makes up half the crap he/she writes. Some of these blinds just arent adding up.. I dunno.

  15. Just another example of a singer who should remember to KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT unless she's singing. It's the only way to keep your image.

  16. @Person,

    If this is one of the most disgusting sites you have seen on the internet, then I suggest you ask your mom to adjust the parental controls...

  17. Anonymous8:13 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Dear Lady Gaga, I liked your music for a couple weeks a couple years ago. I'm over you. You're over. Buh-bye. From someone who was never one of your "little monsters".

    I'm sure Catholics are going to love her "Queen of the Universe" schpiel. Get the f*ck over yourself.

  19. @ person

    You are horrible. Fuck off.

  20. ****Public Service Announcement:****


    1. I know I know. But I have mentally disabled family members. That retard comment made me angry.

    2. @Nellie, I completely understand. The more time of day you give them though, the more they will stick around.

    3. But-but it's just so cute to see them foam at the mouth.

  21. Who is this Person you guys are talking about?

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      @jsierra dude! that's what i said! the Person person is way after everyone's replies to them on the mobile site. it's like the twilight zone

  22. I'll wait until her deposition in the case is made public. I'm not really a fan of hers, but do admire the numerous ways she tries bringing various types of aid to those who need it. The NY Post is as sensational as any British tabloid.

  23. Whatta little bitch. My love for her started to fade after she declared a pet peeve of hers to be: ordinary people.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Go away little monster...

    2. So, you're saying Lady Gag-gag perjured herself in court and none of what she said is true? Oh dear, there are laws against that. Toss her in the pokey.

  25. @Person - and yet you are here, leaving troll droppings all over the comments. LOL! (Pssst: @Person is a publicist for D-Listers)

    1. MadLyb, I nearly peed when I read that. Troll droppings!!!

  26. Haha, tx @Lotta, I got sucked in by that "retarded" comment. Some of my students have developmental issues and my nephew is autistic - "retarded" has turned into a bully word that sets my eyeballs on fire.

    @JS, it seems to have disappeared. Person trolled on the site as being a pack of lies lifted and sensationalized from other sites, then said the commenters were "uneducated housebound retards."

  27. @carolinec

    I don't support or judge Lady GaGa. Sometimes I do find things contradictory on this site, like is Bradley Cooper actually bi or gay?

  28. @Person, did she give you Princess of the Universe business cards for being her new publicist/pa/slave?

  29. LMAO at that slick lady gaga foundation name drop.

  30. "This one pisses me off the most though because it takes perfectly normal stories, recouches them in a way that they look better or worse than they are and doesn't include any kind of facts about any of them. He/she has a personal problem with some celebrities so those ones are always made to look bad, even when they are actually doing something really good for society."

    I see what you're saying, but a lot of gossip sites do this, not just Enty. I stopped reading CeleBitchy because the main person on there would not quit it with her opinion that Duchess Kate was maybe having an affair with Prince Harry because "they get along so well" and "look at them laughing together."

    I come here more for the camraderie in the comments.

    1. Uugh...I think I'm quitting Celebitchy! Sometimes I just feel like they think they're Queen of the Universe, one in particular. I've also been feeling like they're getting more political and like celebs, making you feel like a total jerk if you disagree. I quietly disagree inside my head and still feel alienated. Even their commenters seem nasty and combative. I like this and dlisted.

    2. Yes. I never read anything about Kate anymore for this reason.

  31. Is that really her In the picture?

  32. Gaga's fame is fading fast. Enjoy it while it lasts.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. If your statement, about studying the way people act were actually true, you'd be contaminating your study by commenting here. More than likely your a fan who needs to toss insults around in an attempt to feel superior.

      Oh, and as long as we are tossing around the insults. Proofreading is your friend.

    2. Good grief you presumptuous asshole. Autism isn't a "thing" that part is somewhat correct, it is an actual diagnostic diagnosis that has a huge range of symptoms on a spectrum. Asperger's Syndrome is on the autistic specturm and Albert Einstein had Asperger's, to name just one of many.

      Troll or whatever all you want, I don't normally give two shits if people are offended by an innocuous statement that came out sounding differently than it intended, but by trying to pass this off as "research" for a class you're trying to put yourself above anyone here. Maybe you are smart, since I have no clue who you are, but people with genuine intelligence and common sense don't feel the need to let other people know just how smart they are. I have a significant amount of experience and education in mental health issues and oftentimes if I make a comment that involves a MH issue I preface my
      Opinion by saying that, but only because I base my opinion on my experience. It's not intended as a showy kind of thing.

      You will find out more about the human psyche by kindness and objective viewpoints than to attempt to tower over others by acting like King Shit of Turd Mountain.

    3. @mybrothehero - I think I just fell in love with you

      @person - you're so full of it. No true scientist or psychologist would conduct a study by reading comments on a gossip blog. Also, no true scientist would say autism is fake.

  34. She's turning [more] into Madonna. :-o

  35. So where are the opinion police defending this Person and giving everyone else shit for disagreeing with them and not respecting their opinion?

    And yesh, if you don't like this blog you must have an awful lot of free time if you want to waste it commenting on something you find so disgusting IMHO.

  36. I'm still dying for a new record, though!!! Make with the new record, Gaga!!!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh God, please stop. I'm going to break a rib laughing. You sound just like the 15-year olds defending Brenda on the GH boards back in the day.

      "Yer just jelious cause Vanessa is pretier than you and you life alone with 15 cats. You SUK!"

    2. Haha! @person you're cracking me up, woth how little you seem to know about the world or people. I do not even know where to begin with you. You claim to be so much smarter then everyone else but lack effective communication skills.
      People on here do have a level of friendship that your "superior" brain must not be able to comprehend, they really do care about one another and share tales from their own lives in the hopes of helping others. They are compassionate, beautiful people. Sure there may be some bullies and trolls lurking in the shaddows so speak but that does not mean everyone here is like that.
      No sane lecturer would make you study gossip blogs as part of a religion class. Next excuse as to why you're here? :P
      Also you make it seem as though you know very little about mental health and disablities with your uninformed comments as to autism and "retards" -_-' But then again what would i, a psych student know, after all we are just "developmentally disabled" according to you.
      The exit button is in the top right corner of your web browser. Click it and then go inform yourself of the real world darling! :)

  38. Only you can edit your comment Person. Enty doesn't have the time or the inclination to censor you.

  39. Oh, and autism isn't a thing - it is parents pretending something is wrong with kids because they are too lazy to parent.

    Stop talking out of your ass now. Thanks.

  40. Dear Lady Gaga, I'm sorry to inform you that the Fair Labor Standards Act exists, and you are in gross violation of failure to pay overtime. Regardless of your feeling akin to god, or being above the law, I'd suggest you get your garish, hideously dressed checkbook out and trim your fugly nails so you can start writing checks if this woman has a case. Laws suck, don't they?
    Love, workers everywhere.

    What a bitch. I'm sure the court reporter in that deposition got a lot of LOLs out of that testimony.

    1. That depends entirely on her employment contract. I get overtime (or I would if I worked OT, which I won't,) but my supervisor does not.

    2. Gayeld, exactly right. Where's Lola on this part?

  41. If the assistant was salaried, then they are exempt from overtime pay, in Texas anyway.

    If this is a civil trial with a jury, they might award for the plaintiff after seeing a glimpse of what she dealt with all the time.

    Between this and the Michael Jackson purchases, I'm hoping that Gaga becomes the kooky recluse she needs to be soon.

  42. ok 'Person', now you've tripped my wire. Autism is most certainly a 'thing', meaning real. You don't have a clue.

  43. " Oh, and autism isn't a thing - it is parents pretending something is wrong with kids because they are too lazy to parent."

    All you are doing with these crazy comments is getting more hits for Enty and promoting this "disgusting" blog. So I suppose we owe you a thank you for keeping us mindless retards occupied every day. Lord knows what we would do if we were left to our own devices.

  44. Nessa yeah IDK what is going on but I feel like the mobile comments are delayed in their posting, I have noticed several comments on several posts where I can't figure out what/who everyone is relying to. It's a mystery!

  45. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Never liked this trick. At least I have reasons not to now.

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  47. "It is the curse of the educated to be belittled by the stupid. I am used to it."

    OMG, that is my new tag line! You are so awesome, Princess Gaga!

  48. @Person

    If you think this is bad, you should see the Ron Jeremy threads.

  49. I used to like her but now I can't stand this woman. She is so disgusting. She makes Rihanna look like a saint.

  50. @Person, this is what it says about several missing comments, not on a mobile device: This comment has been removed by the author. I see at least three of these.

    It is the curse of the educated to be belittled by the stupid. I am used to it. Oh, a persecution complex in addition to everything else. Please spare us your enlightened opinions and go somewhere where they are appreciated. Unless you're into masochism.

  51. ""Only you can edit your comment Person. Enty doesn't have the time or the inclination to censor you. "

    If I deleted it, it would say deleted by author. It doesn't say that. It is just missing all together. I imagine some crybaby who thinks I said some dirty word reported me and had it deleted. Or Blogger itself has a censor on that deleted it. It obviously was there long enough to let one person comment on it. I would re-post it right now if I thought it would not be censored. Let's just say that I stand by my comment about uneducated housebound "developmentally disabled" people being the majority audience of sites like this."

    It says "Comment deleted
    This comment has been removed by the author." So, nice try?

    Also, I think that I get along very well with most commenters. I've never had a problem with name-calling or bullying. You reap what you sow.

    And? If you're here to study us, aren't you kind of ruining that by joning us?

  52. Don't all assistant to stars know this is the way it is a lot of the time? Dumb ass.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Autism isn't a thing? You're not a "Person". You're a hateful, ignorant troll monster. Go back under your bridge before someone punches you in the throat.

  55. For real, there are some dirty, dirty things said on this site and none of those have been censored.

  56. You Guys! @person must be a doctor! They know everything and have such amazing, educated opinions on all things medical, such as those with developmental delays as well as Autism Spectrum Disorder! We should certainly listen to someone new who has such kind, worldly things to say.

    1. A Doctor or a Scientologist. Because, of course, Scientology can prove that there's no such thing as Autism (look how well that worked for Jett Travolta) or Mental Disease. It's all caused by nasty space cooties that they can help you get rid of, all for the low, low price of 19.99 per nanosecond.

    2. ITA. I didn't even think Scientology but that totally fits, because clearly @person is as sick as they come.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I'll put Lady Gaga in the column of
    "Believes her own PR".
    Unless she comes out with a phenominal new album to make up her latest crap,it's over.

  59. Oh wow. "Person" thinks Gaga does so much good in the world. Looks like Gaga brain washed you, Ms Holier than Thou Religious Studies aka reporting deep from within Gaga's colon.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Um... If you were actually qualified to "study" us, you'd have a third party "challenge" us so personal emotions wouldn't tamper with your findings. Methinks you're the retard you speak of.

  61. Gaga parties with Lohan. Done.

    1. My exact thought. While I love her Fame CD and listen to it while working out all the time, and I have Born This way and do enjoy most of it, I cannot in good faith buy her next offering. When you party with Lohan, you lose ALL credibility. I cannot ignore it, sorry. No more sweet sweet my piggy bank.

      And those who throw the word "RETARD" around is certainly not one to take seriously. Get over yourself @Person. Your are the definition of sad little troll. And you will lose on this site. People here will chew you up and spit you out.

  62. Damn it.. who left the back door unlocked and let the Monsters in?

    House rule, always look the doors gang!

  63. Troll favorite!

    Yeah really as hard as it is, if you ignore it, it will go away. It's obvious there's something very wrong in their head and you're not going to reason with it. Like singing to a pig, it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

    I can see this case as somewhat similar to the Starbucks court case. The managers sued for overtime and Starbucks said salaried employees were not eligible. BUT there was sa much consistent extra hours that it was apparent they were using one person to do the work of two. The managers won. If in Lady Gaga's case her assistant was trying to get 24/hrs a day pay that is a little out of the question.

    Go on The Smoking Gun. Someone posted and ad for a personal assistant and it was hilarious. Makes you wonder if anyone sane would actually apply.

  64. *LOL* @ "autism doesn't exist".

  65. @Alexis makeme - thats what i'm saying! there's a lot of contradicting blinds going on. and sometimes, these blinds just feel a little too far fetched to me. and dont get me wrong, i LOVE blinds, been reading them for years.. i'm just really starting to wonder if they're actually real now, well, some of them..

  66. Im with GaGa here too. If you are an assistant, there is no overtime. The whole point of the job is to be the other persons right arm, wife, or slave depending on how you want to word it. Their job is to be slave to your Queen/King of the World.
    You can spin the words to make GaGa look bad but what she said is true for her and every other celebrity and busy person.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Wow! It's hard to believe that a celebrity who lives on stage and wears metal and stacked boots to the airport just so she can hold up the security checkpoint and make ordinary people wait would be narcissist enough to think the value of other humans is to serve her needs,

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  71. @Person

    There is a problem with your selection method for your study.

    The fact that you have dropped yourself into the bubbling vat has tainted the brew.

    Go back to you professors and review the proper protocol for a well balanced study that would be fair, balanced, and objective.

  72. This is funny. The funny part is Person is being obnoxious but it's the same as some of the regular bullies come off to me.

    :::grabs popcorn, enjoys show:::

    1. I agree, i am loving this. I cant say i love TC or Bradgelina with out them calling me. Cos lover and bragaloone. A little taste of their own medicine was coming. Haha

  73. @Person

    No, that's why I mentioned the Ron Jeremy threads, I'm serious.

    This is the last reply I"m going to write to you bc you are so extreme and so sure of yourself that you will never likely change.

    Words are important. To someone who has a disabled son or daughter, the difference between the detested word 'r****d' and 'developmentally disabled' means the difference between ignorance and dignity.

    Autism doesn't exist? Maybe not to you. My ex sister-in-law just finished a basement apartment for her grown son for her son who isn't autistic. My best friend has struggled for years to forge a communication with her now grown son who is not autistic.

    If you are seriously in a Religious Studies program, you need to rethink it before you ever work with the public. You will be working with vulnerable people who need guidance, not judgment or ridicule.

  74. @caroline, I think it's pretty much widely accepted that most BIs are either untrue or obvious but obscured bits of news. PerTroll's offense isn't questioning, but acting like an a* and making jokes about disabled people.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You have some potential validity to some of your statements but you ruin it by presumption. I know you don't care what people think here, but a point of advice, in your academic setting and vocation, you'll have to drop that attitude to be taken seriously, or you're going to have experts owning your ass.

  76. LOL What in the hell...

    1. Right on Amber. It's Friday Mayhem!

      I've been looking out my windows for flaming meteors and hoards of locusts.

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  80. Y'all, we got punked!

    @everything Tuxedo said.

  81. I'm with the assistant on this one. She was probably working 100 hrs / wk. Maybe more if she really was 24/7 staff. So that works out to about $14 or $15 / hr.

    Then you have to deal with all the ridiculous demands of the star. Stuff normal humans would never ask for. Poor girl probably never slept or had days off.

    Fancy hotels and the luxuries are not fun if you're working too hard to enjoy them. I knew a lady who was an assistant producer for The Oprah Show during the Australia trip. I asked her how her trip was and she said she never saw a thing bc she as working the whole . Hotel and studio and back again. It's not a fun life for the assistants.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Eibbdl- Never seen you here before but wise input. Thanks for sharing. (Waits now for the next attack)

  84. I just love when people (i.e., Person) very publicly contradict themselves and make themselves look like brainless turds.

    If you're claiming to make truth an object of study, and at the same time you're a student of religion, you've already stuck your head in an oven of a conundrum. To cop to long-term readership of a site (at least enough to be able to claim 'scholarly' cred) and at the same time attack its readership as a bunch of 'uneducated morons' -- which, clear to everyone but you, ostensibly includes yourself is a ridiculous and flawed proposition.

    Not only have you antagonized your so-called object of study, you've also revealed yourself as a bad scholar. You're a moron and possibly a scientologist with your uneducated views on autism. You'll never get any credibility in academia with your approach. FFS, you can't even get it here.

    1. Ooohhhh. Maybe they are a scientoligist. It is all starting to add up.

  85. I'm having deja vù: this is the Chloe Moretz post allover again.

  86. Stop feeding the obvious troll. You guys are better than this!

  87. Mommy doesn't love somebody!
    Somebody needs attention and a hug!
    Somebody had a shitty childhood and now looks for attention online because they have alienated everyone else with their dramatics and general bullshit.

    aww...poor NOBODY.

    1. Now, now, let's be fair. David has been having a hard month, what with Scientology being slammed in the news and courts every day in January, and sometimes a boy just needs to let off a steam. I'm sure that once he purges himself of all that entheta he'll be his jolly old self again.

  88. Ugh, "GaGa." I can't stand this trick and I'd love to see her go away. SOON.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Actually most insurance doesn't pay for autism treatment, the parents usually pay out of pocket and wind up in the hole finacially. I know you're just a troll, but fuck, at least get your trolling right if you insist in doing it.

    2. I know. Can't even troll accurately. Lame.

  90. Ugh, another drug addled, delusional asshole (and I'm not even referring to @person!). Gaga is completely a victim of drug induced self delusion assisted by sycophants' asskissing! You can't listen to anything on that second album without asking -didn't anyone tell her this is shyte? LOL!

    As far as this assistant's case, she should have an employment contract as a salaried employee. If not, good luck to her.

  91. Good morning Enty.

    I hope you're having fun moderating the posts this morning, though I know how you love a good debate, just as long as it doesn't cross the line and involve personal attacks, or other serious and objectionable material.

    We'll try not to feed the trolls, and try harder to place nice with others.

  92. "She's turning [more] into Madonna. :-o"

    Gaga wishes she were becoming more like Madonna.

  93. On the GaGa thing - if the assistant did not spend more than 50% of their time doing managerial, supervisory or self-directed work they would not qualify as overtime exempt. No matter how well they were paid. When I worked for a well-known chain of copy and print shops we had this issue come up. Suddenly those of us in management were directed to make sure we spent no more than half our time helping customers directly to get around this.

    On the troll thing - if this is the most disgusting site you have found on the internet you have clearly never googled "Goatse".

    1. @ Lucas lmao. Goatse never gets old

    2. Oh damn, I actually have real knowledge regarding this that totally went out of my head while I was having fun pet and feeding the troll. Entertainment industry! Duh.

      I used to work at a fairgrounds. We did not pay overtime to the workers we hired because we had a special exemption as part of the entertainment industry. If 2/3s of your income is earned during 1/3 of the year, you're exempt from paying overtime. I'm not sure if that applies to this situation, since Lady Gaga presumably earns money all year, but it is something else to consider.

      Also, every nasty thing you ever heard about carnies -- totally true.

  94. @mybrothehero


  95. LMAO!!! Friday madness at CDAN!

  96. I think we should let @Person go back where he/she came from, and go on being happy with our gossip friends here. Just ignore!!

  97. Let's all meet on another posting and let the other person just hang out alone..who's with me?

    * tiptoes away*

    1. *grabbing purse* Davey's ignoring me anyway.

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  100. LMAO, I just saw this part "I am doing an anecdotal study to see how people react to things that happen to challenge them" That's the exact definition of a troll. Haha, good times people, let's move it along now.


  101. Bwaahahahahahahaaaaa.... total comedy.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. @Lucas, re: goatse...DAMN YOU. I had forgotten all about that horrible, horrible image. There goes my lunch. :)

    And Gaga, as irritating as she can be, will come away fine in this mess, because the other posters are right - if she were a salaried employee, there's no such thing as OT. There are other stipulations in her employment contract, I'm sure. Sounds like she saw one of those Morgan and Morgan commercials about unpaid OT wages, and *thought* it applied to her.

  104. @Prolixe: The Steven Tyler post seems kind of lonely.. We can go there.

    Oh yeah I watched the office last night. I remember the boom guy hitting her but I didn't think it was anything other than t remind her she's not alone or something to that effect.

  105. @prolixe - Pam and Brian the Boom Guy! I know! I was like, "Oh, no, you'd BETTER not mess with JAM, or I am going to NYC or L.A. to hurt someone at NBC." :-P

    "You are a TERRIBLE person! These people CARE about you, and you're USING them! But, again, the food was REALLY REALLY GOOD!"

    Heheheheh, Kevin...

  106. @Sherry - I think it was at the end of the first epi, when Pam was saying something about falling in love with the people you see every day -- or was that a Jim voice-over? -- and then they pulled back and showed Brian the Boom Guy smiling REALLY big directly at Pam. Then, of course, he hit her with the mic to get her attention, and then at the end all of that "if you ever need me for ANYTHING, let me know."


  107. @Person, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are, because if you were, you would not be carrying on so immaturely. There's no other word for it. Have a great day.

  108. OMG, Kevin, that was awesome! I love how they use him as a foil.

    @AKM - it was a Jim voice-over, and then Brian's (I think that's Boom Guy's name - also, he's hot, reminds me of the Dirty Jobs guy) saying "ANYTHING" so earnestly, and Pam looks after him and at the camera... After the Angela & Oscar (mean-spirited!) storyline, I wouldn't put it past them.

  109. Thank you AKM..I am notorious for reading and watching tv at the same time. I totally missed that part of the scene.

    Not too bad for someone who is too stupid to live according to others..But then they don't know the difference between the possessive "your" and the contraction of you are/you're either.

  110. Is CO$ still considered a religion?

  111. So, let me get this right. You're doing an academic study on a gossip site, on a post about Lady Gaga? Seriously? You're trying to challenge
    "strongly held beliefs" on a fucking gossip page? Where do you go to school, Springfield Clown Collage? Jesus, only on the internet can someone use a couple of $2 words and declare themselves

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  113. @ Person ... your mother & father must really be fucked up to give birth to an asshole like you. Shame on your parents for sleeping together & creating such a monster. Your parents are probably just as awful as you. I pray they didnt have anymore kids after you were born. Maybe they should of had an abortion because your a waste of space & a piece of shit. Go fuck yourself!

  114. Is this the assistant Lady Gaga made hold her naked in the shower? I think she had to wait until Lady Gaga was asleep to leave the room because Gaga didn't want to alone.

  115. Ahh- bless your heart Person, you really believe what you say is true. That is just so sweet. Your just a student who wants to share what you have learned with the obviously uneducated masses, since they are not in school like you.
    How about you graduate and live a little, then come back here after being in the real world for awhile and dazzle us with your insight.

    There is a Mark Twain?lincoln quote that fits you perfectly, can you guess which one?

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Awwwright, you go Person! I am LOVING this, way to stick it to these old, fat ugly catlady losers! Who gets their pwecious feewings all butthurt over the word "retard" anyway? It's just a word, but I guess when you're as pathetic as these posters, you probably hear a lot of nasty comments so you get all offended on the behalf of everyone else.

    I'd have to agree with you on autism too, the reason so many kids are "autistic" is because schools get big government money if they have "special needs kids" (aka retards) so they label any kid they can find. It was the same with ADD/ADHD and all they've done differently is make up a new disease because people caught on to the last big scam.

    It's funny because the posters here think they are so intelligent, educated and superior to "racist rednecks", trailer trash and everyone else yet they can't see how they're being manipulated just like everyone else...only in a different way. It's like "bullying", when you allow people to tell you what words are are aren't acceptable, you allow them to control your thoughts. If you have to constantly police your speech then you are not free, but these people don't see that, nor do they care since despite their claims of intelligence, they are emotion based creatures, therefore they are easily manipulated. And you can't tell them WHY or who is behind it because it's all a "conspiracy theory" and you're racist and crazy. But that's really another subject entirely.

    Anyway, Person, I like your style! I hope you stick around and continue to piss off the cat ladies. Also, I know what you mean about the comment deleted thing...I used to post here and my whole account was deleted, probably because I pissed off someone's precious feelings. So it does happen.

    1. Sorry love, i can't speak for everyone but i'm 18 certainly not old. Also i only have one cat.
      Telling someone using the word "retard" is inappropriate is by no means bullying. How would you feel of you had a child with some for of mental or phsyical issue and everyone was like "oh there goes the retard kid" " He/she is just a f##king retard" or being told your kid could not attend a certain school or actvitity because they are a "retard" ?

  118. I'll say it again @person you're cracking me
    up, with how little you seem to
    know about the world or people. I
    do not even know where to begin
    with you. You claim to be so much
    smarter then everyone else but lack
    effective communication skills.
    People on here do have a level of
    friendship that your "superior" brain
    must not be able to comprehend,
    they really do care about one
    another and share tales from their
    own lives in the hopes of helping
    others. They are compassionate,
    beautiful people.
    Sure there may be
    some bullies and trolls lurking in
    the shadows so speak but that
    does not mean everyone here is like
    No sane lecturer would make you
    study gossip blogs as part of a
    religion class. Also.if it was a personal study you have tainted your results straight away. Not a wise move in research. Next excuse as to
    why you're here? :P
    Also you make it seem as though
    you know very little about mental
    health and disablities with your
    uninformed comments as to autism
    and "retards" -_-' But then again
    what would i, a psych student
    know, after all we are just
    "developmentally disabled"
    according to you.
    The exit button is in the top right
    corner of your web browser. Click it
    and then go inform yourself of the
    real world darling! :)

  119. Back to the overtime issue. It doesn't matter if Gaga says she doesn't pay overtime, or if there is a contract making saying she's exempt. The labor courts will look at the job that was being performed and if it doesn't meet one of the three type of exemptions (which it probably won't) then overtime and penalties will be owed. Since she most likely didn't keep timecards it will be the employee's word about how many hours she was working that prevails. Gaga is an employer and regardless of being a "Queen" needs to run her business like any other employer.

  120. Apparently, all of my postings have been deleted. I guess they just don't bring in the ad revenue the site wants. Or enough people whined about getting the poor little feelings hurt. Ah well, some people can't handle the truth.

    1. Your posts are all still there. Obviously it must be that we can not handle "the truth" it couldnt possibly be an internet glitch could it. -_-

    2. @Person, you deleted those comments. No on "reported" you to Enty. Deleted by author. Scroll up.

    3. Very enternaining-
      And humbling
      I've been served!

  121. Diane, now that isn't very accepting, tolerant or PC! Tsk tsk, I'm sure you'd get all offended over the word retard though, but telling someone that they should've been aborted is a-ok! STAY CLASSY!

    PS too bad YOU weren't aborted and I hope you get the karma of your kind sentiments back threefold. You deserve it :)

  122. Person keeps deleting his comments, and now I have no clue what is going on.

  123. Yeah, I see what it says, but I didn't do it.

  124. I feel she created this persona not just for her career, but becuz she (like alot of "odd" ppl) didn't fit in in high school and had to make themselves different and call normal ppl borish to make themselves loved. Nothing wrong with being different, but no need to bash normal ppl either!

  125. Hey, 888 - welcome back! Always good to see the racists join in the fun!

    @Person... sure thing.

  126. sounds like my job at ot for me either.

  127. So I get the gist of what Person has said. Stop feeding the troll! If he truly believes autism is caused by lazy parents, I'm thinking he is not that smart. We aren't his teachers, he can go elsewhere to learn a thing or two about life. Attention should be given to those who deserve it.

  128. Good god, now 888? Nice to see her pop in to insult someone. Does she just lurk here, waiting for a chance to say something nasty about some commenters?

  129. Re: the Office... I got a lump in my throat when they insinuated something last week. The Jim/Pam storyline was my favorite thing about the show. I've seen the actor playing the boom guy in other stuff, so I think he's going to get a real role.

    BTW, how cool were all the TV nerds last night as the applicants? I especially liked Badger from Breaking Bad being thrown in the mix.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. 888, what would you do if you didn't have people to disrespect from behind an anonymous monitor screen? That was quite a rant. I bet your sanctimoniously superior gas tank hasn't been this full in ages.

  132. @888 - ah, did I hurt your feelings???? Go fuck yourself you troll.

  133. I barely know of 888, but when she pops in she is insulting someone for no reason. In this case it was all the commenters. Apparently we are all old hags, with millions of cats. Very original, must say.

  134. Gaga acted ridiculous but to be fair a salaried employee does not get overtime. That person should've known that based on her contract or whatever it was she agreed to from the beginning.

  135. Happy friday, CDANers!!!

  136. I love Lady Gaga but I think this more than overtime issue. Oh and what happened to her and Perez Hilton?

  137. WTH's going on in here today? So many "This comment has been removed by the author."

    And why did that Person person delete all of their comments?

    Back to the OP: If OT doesn't apply to salaried employees in whatever state Gaga is based in, this woman has no legal case. But I will say that with that in mind, $75K a year seems low for the amount of crap you'd have to put up with, bennies or no bennies. I could never be a personal assistant, I just couldn't put up with the crazy. I'd rather be a Wal Mart wage slave.

  138. Too bad the salacious commenter hasn't stayed around. I was going to have an academic discussion with him regarding autism, backed by, you know, studies, empirica data, and such frivolities. You know. Since someone who is taking al "religious studies" course knows all about my field of expertise.

    I'm sure the ego just couldn't take a bruising from my superiority. *sarcasm*

  139. I think it's funny that Person deleted all of their comments and is blaming it on "someone else".

    Too bad a pasted all of them into a document if anyone is interested.

    CDAN is not a place to be such an a##hole.

  140. You guys do realize the more you react, the more ammo you're offering up, right? For someone that wants to antagonize people for fun, expressing your feelings and rights-vs-wrongs is most definitely not a deterrent. Getting you all whipped up in a tizzy is FOR FUN, and the antagonizer in any situation doesn't necessarily believe anything they're saying - they're saying it because they can. Cuss an antagonizer out all you want, but you're just giving them a boner.

  141. I gotta side with GaGa on this one. If you decide to go work for an eccentric, world-famous celebrity surely you are doing it for a reason! If you're so worried about overtime get a normal job with normal hours and get your damn OT. I'm betting most people would be happy with the 75k and travel and myriad benefits and opportunities being her assistant affords. Hoodrat should hush.

  142. Damn blogget ate my words. Or maybe enty deleted them since he does that now.

    Gah whay happe.ed to our spoiler alert agreement?!

    You guys have converted me to gagas side, you gota read yhe contract.

    Sorry for typos, phone use for first time on a bumpy road trip does not make me a great speller today.

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Challenge acepted prolixe. I Lso plan on getting some beyonce dirt, she is staying in the hohse three doors down from us.

      Hit me up if any cdaners i. Nola want to plan a meet up!

    2. Wait! Prolixe you are from NOLA? I have several PDX friends that live their now. It's one if my favorite places! I absolutely love Big Band Jazz and impromptu street concerts!

      JS - have so much fun! Eat and drink like there is no tomorrow!!! My God! The food!!!

  144. Gotta agree with Amber. Ignore, ignore, ignore! :)

  145. Hey, @Person and @888 - let me put this in a way even you two might understand. NEITHER of you affects us. You are strangers over the goddamn internet. Typing words into a comment section on a gossip web site, most of which will be forgotten about this time tomorrow. No more, no less. In an hour I'll have already forgotten about your insane/paranoid/bitter troll rants. Oh, I happen to be a 31 year old male with a full life and not some crazy "Cat lady" as you have incorrectly generalized most everybody here.

    As for not being able to "Handle the truth", you remind me of this person I know who constantly warns everybody she sees to pull out of their money out of the bank because she strongly believes that one day very, very soon the sun won't rise and we won't be able to get our cash when this "no sun" circumstance occurs. Of course she believes she's correct because she's read The Bible every night for 20 years. So hey, What do we know? According to her we just can't "Handle her truth."

    Gosh, gee.

    Now I'm moving on and putting YOU out of my mind.

    Forgotten in 10...9...8...7..6...

    What were we talking about?

    The situation with Pam and Brian the boom guy just came out of nowhere pretty fast. It might have packed a bigger emotional punch if they introduced him earlier, like say, the beginning of the season. If the boom guy's feelings for Pam were that obvious surely Jim would have picked up on it over the course of 8 years. Boom guy was practically leering at her last night. Yeah, Jim would have picked up on that for sure.

  146. @Amber, uh huh. It's an idle game bored trouble makers play. If they actually had a life, they wouldn't be spending it somewhere they don't like, interacting with people they don't like.

    lmao @ troll boner

  147. Jason .."we won't be able to get our cash" ? You actually know somebody that has cash?? You fib:) xo

  148. 7,000 hours is a hell of a lot of extra work. GaGa actually had it spot on when she described her employee as a slave.

    I don't blame the assistant for seeking compensation and hopes she wins.

  149. PS: Agree with those who think Celebitchy is pretty atrocious. It's well known that unless you agree and support Kaiser's opinions then you get black-listed from the site.

  150. Oops, spoiler alerts! And I was one who didn't like the "AHS" spoilers last time. Whoops. Sorry. :-/

    (Although in my defense, that was the season finale of "AHS" with a bunch of real shockers, and these were just a few tidbits about "The Office" and it's not over yet. But I'll still stop now. Oof. Sorry again.)

    1. Lol akm totally understandable. Im not to botherwd by spoilers, not like some others, which is again, understandable. Im just a smartass

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. I'll take "Troll Food" for $100 Alex.

    "What is attention and continued responses"?
