Monday, February 04, 2013

Jenelle Evans Was Doing Heroin While Pregnant

While it is tough to determine whether Jenelle Evans was snorting heroin or injecting it, her husband says that Jenelle's doctor questioned her as to why there were opiates in her system when they went to see the doctor when Jenelle was six weeks pregnant. Radar Online got their hands on a video from a woman named Tiffany who shot it of Courtland Rogers while he cut lines of heroin to snort. Tiffany then sold the video to Radar. In the video, Courtland discusses Jenelle's drug use and how he wanted to have her committed. Of course then he would not have been able to afford his own drugs so he chose not to.


  1. Courtney Love also!

  2. Please take these idiotic shows off TV.

  3. Stupid, selfish bitch.

  4. Didn't she have a miscarriage?

  5. Who cares?" I never watch this stuff and think it's immoral to glamorize these girls.

  6. Thank goodness she had a miscarriage. I know that's terrible but she's a horrible person and her mother doesn't need another child to raise.

  7. One of the posters (sorry, I don't recall her name) lives in the same town as Jenelle and says that the show, for all intents and purposes, makes sure the addicted people all have enough to feed their habits. I know I'm repeating myself, but it's more Bread and Circuses. I can't watch these shows knowing that.

    1. That's horrible. I live in the same area and I believe it. It's weird though- we have a huge film industry here (Iron Man 3 just wrapped) but we never ever see the MTV crews anywhere ever. I think they know if she meandered into the real world (pun intended) the locals would call her out on her BS. They keep her well hidden.

  8. She needs jail time and MTV is responsible for this behaviour....

  9. can we please sterilize these fuckwads? I'm so tired of people fucking up their children and facing zero consequences. /soapbox

  10. This chick is insane. I thought she faked the whole "pregnancy" & sold the story to Radar for 20k & split the $ w/ her meth face "husband". @ least that's the rumour.

  11. Not surprising. I remember right before Christmas that girl posted their convo about Janelle just getting off of heroin & onto suboxone(?), which a lot of the commenters said was worse than h itself.

  12. Anonymous7:45 AM

    You can definitely see that arrangement in (is it Courland?)'s face. He looks like he's not even her friend. This girl needs medication and people that love her. Sad situation. But she's done it to herself. This is a perfect example of money not solving shit, and just making more problems.

  13. These people have no business being on TV. SHAME on MTV for making "celebrities" out of this trash.

  14. I'm sorry but this should be a criminal offense and not only should people like this never get pregnant again, something should be done to make sure of it like monthly mandated birth control injections. Enough of this BS destroying the lives of innocent babies before they even get a fair shot at an already screwed up world.

  15. @warecat, you got it. She might not be that smart but she and her addict friends realized come up w something crazy get $$ for the story. She doesn't care what's said just needs her fix.

  16. Oh ok, so we talk about his but not her crazy miscarriage shopping bar crawl last week.

    At least MTV is considering cancelling so that they aren't to blame for her inevitable death. Although I'm not entirely sure that that is a good thing either.

    1. @JSierra, at this point nothing MTV does will clear them of any wrong, they are huge enablers and sit back while the cameras are rolling to get their money shot. TM2 is going down really hard, really fast.

  17. She makes a good case for government mandated sterilization

  18. Well then, please - let's reward her with her own tv show and a pile of cash!

  19. I wish we had a "Teen Mom Free February" as well. Why do we care about these people??

  20. Lotta can they get busted for all the bad stuff that they have on film? The footage that isn't aired but you know they got, like drug use, neglect, alcohol use, etc?

    1. @JSierra I'm pretty sure that's what happened to Amber. The courts got unaired footage of Amber beating on Gary (or it might have involved drugs, I don't remember 100%), which was a big part of the case against her. So I'm sure if it ever comes to it, the same will happen to Janelle.

  21. Why oh why did MTV make these low life hags celebrities?

    Jenelle, get you fucking tubes tied, you bitch.

  22. da faq?

    Any of you old enough to remember watching MTV for the videos? And the vjs?

    Now it's glamourizing pregnant teen drug addicts and their loser boyfriends.

    I don't want *this* MTV.

    (Is this her in the pic? She looks sweet and kinda fun, sad to ruin her (and her child's) life that way. He looks like a d*bag.)

    1. They need to bring Remote Control back instead of this garbage.

  23. I am not one for adding legislation, but I think some kind of law should be passed for people like this. They are not allowed to appear in any reality shows as a condition of their a parole, or give them a choice, no appearances or jail. That might, just might work...perhaps switch appearances/participation in any form of media! Love it!!

  24. @tuxedo. If that is true, that is just so morally wrong. :(

  25. Let's kill all the reality shows and go back to decent scripted television. These people suck. And Yeah MTV used to stand for Music Television. Who decided to make it all reality now? What a waste it is now.

  26. Seaward yeah I thought the court would demand to see the footage, especially if Amber's kid was there during the beat down. I can only imagine the shit those cameras catch.

  27. Reality tv is just trash. I wish they would go back to just writing shows and hoping they connect with an audience. It just seems like the bitch way out to pretend these scripted pieces of crap ate real and if they are it's the junkie lowlife.

  28. M - For Mediocrity!

    Pretty disgusting. MTV are vultures -- they take these people, give them fame and cash, while leaving them stewing in their bad lives. It's a wonder everyone involved isn't dead from an overdose or fire at a meth lab.

  29. Urrrrrrrrrrr! Why do these people exist?! Can you please add them to the February list of twatfaces we don't talk about on this site. The only reason I've even heard of this waste of space is because you post about her everyday, Enty.

  30. I don't watch this show but isn't this the one that was about to lose her shit over not being able to go to her hero, Ke$ha's concert? I'll thank Joel McHale for that knowledge.
