Tuesday, February 05, 2013

I Wish Britney Spears Could Talk

Britney Spears loves getting out of the house. Whether she gets her photograph taken or not, I think she loves being able to escape the confines of the walls that surround her and I think she dreams of being able to be on her own again. On a day like yesterday when Justin Timberlake had called her a b**ch over the weekend and never came up with a good apology or excuse or alternative for who he was referring to, it would have been nice to hear what Britney had to say. It would be nice to hear why she chooses to dress like she does and what her favorite drink is at Starbucks and how many drinks she has in her rotation. The thing is though we will never get to hear her speak. Oh sure, there will be interviews with her in magazines. Monthly magazines. Controlled interviews with questions in advance so she is not surprised. Considering that I don't think she ever got over Justin, I wonder what she would have said about the situation if TMZ had put a camera in her face yesterday. Of course they may have been more focused on asking why she wore a pair of boxers out in public.


  1. Leave Britney alone!

    First time poster...couldn't resist.

  2. Why do I get the impression that it's even a treat to be out shopping by herself? To be able to choose her own groceries, or unbelievably, to choose what she wants at Starbucks???

  3. Why would Justin call her a bitch? Their relationship ended years ago. Bitter much JT?

  4. 1) When the only decision that Brit Brit is allowed to make these days is what to wear and she comes up with that, you see why she isn't allowed to make any other decisions for herself

    2) Her favorite drink used to be a Carmel frappuchino :)

  5. She looks thinner lately.

    O/T This morning my sister and her young teen boys walked outside to go to school and their family cat was lying on the grass dead. He had been shot in the head. I feel sick. We live in the same neighborhood and I have 2 cats myself. Why would anyone do that? Anyway, thanks for listening friends.

    1. That's so sad and horrible. Poor kitty. Anyone who shoots or abuses an animal should be fed alive to hungry sharks, IMO.

    2. That's horrifying! Cruelty against animals makes me ill. I accidentally ran over my kitten friend I dubbed Atticus who I had been feeding and was eventually going to try to make my house at (husband doesn't like cats and i was trying to coax him into it). He was sitting behind my tire. I didn't see him and ran him over. I saw him flapping and heard him shreeking in the driveway. I was pregnant and called my husband, whilst sobbing I asked him to come home and end his misery. It was awful.

    3. Oh, that is awful. I'm so sorry to hear about your sisters' kittie :(

    4. Reno, that is horrible! I love kitties, too - what a cruel thing to do. :(

    5. @Reno- Wow, that is so wrong. Why do people get a kick out of killing defenseless animals? It really pisses me off. And to make things worse it sounds like the kitty wasn't even far from home.

    6. So sorry ~ what a shock. agree your sister should report to police

    7. Thats sick. Sorry. Whoever did it is a dangerous idiot.

    8. @Reno that's horrible!

    9. @Reno, hugs to your sis. That's so wrong, makes me sick to my stomach!

    10. Reno, this is a serious concern. Take care.

    11. So sorry Reno- that's awful and keeps your eyes out, that's never a good sign for the neighborhood.

    12. Report to police and call the local news! People need to know so they can keep their animals safe! So sorry about that!

    13. Oh, Reno, I'm so sorry to hear this. Please take care, and keep your kitties in for a while if you can. I know that can be impossible, but maybe you can. Hug your sister and nephews for me.

    14. Reno - that's very sad. So sorry to hear that. You really have to keep your pets inside to keep them safe. RIP kitty.

    15. @Reno - I'm sorry. that's a really sad way for your sister's kitty to pass, and must make it a pretty crappy day for the kids. :(

    16. I hope they catch whoever did this and lock them up before anymore animals get hurt or the move on to people.

    17. I am so sorry! I honestly think animals are better than most people. Anyone that hurts an innocent animal, or child can't suffer enough. Hope this sick person is caught quickly!

    18. Reno, I'm sorry that happened. Poor kitty. I hope they catch this person before he/she has a chance to hurt another animal or person. Please be careful for you and sister and try not to walk around alone at night. People that do these things are evil.

    19. Awwww Reno that is just awful. I hope you and the family will be ok.
      I know how you feel. I had a kitten, years ago, and somebody strangled it and threw it into traffic. I was devastated. Never had another kitten after that.
      Big hugs to you all.

    20. That is just horrible! Poor baby :(

    21. Reno I'm so sorry! I know the kids must be a mess. Please make a report of it. We have someone in our area poisoning cats. It's like a kitty serial killer. I'm holding my baby extra tight in honor of your kitcat tonight.

  6. Also, Justin would say anything these days to get people to stop comparing him to Robin Thicke! LOL

  7. Reno - wtf! horrible, you should report it to your local PD if you haven't already.

  8. Maybe Justin wasn't calling anyone a bitch. Maybe he was just saying it about the subject of the song as a means to build the attitude for it, and not really about whom the song was written. IDK.

    @Reno - I'm sorry. :( They are calling the police, yes?

  9. Waves hello to Hometown!

    Poor Brit, trapped in a privileged world and still cannot find happiness. No one expects this of fame do they? I was going to parrot what someone else said about growing up before the public and always remaining that age. Coild it be true here?

  10. @Renoblondee How cruel for someone to have done that to a family pet, especially. Are they calling the police?

  11. I second the *Leave Britney Alone* up at top!! Welcome to CrazyTown, Hometowngirl!

    Why the snark with Britney? At least she gets out of the house, right? Unlike me: I'm lucky if I'm able to drag myself out of the house once a week and it's rather grudgingly that I do so. I know if Britney was holing up like I do, the snark would go the other way. Just leave her the hell alone!! ;(

    1. And how do we know she is so unhappy? Mb shes never been happier fir all we know.

    2. @aliddy i agree i think pretty like the new "poor britney image".

    3. Sorry meant people! Lol

  12. Whats the big deal if he did call her a bitch . She is his ex gf! Not many people talk very highly of their exes! Lol

  13. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Say what you want about Brit, she's still a very do-able young lady.

  14. @Reno. I had to compose myself. Otherwise it would've just been expletive after expletive.

    I'm so very sorry for your sister's kitty and her family. Please do call the police. I cannot believe that cruelty to animals is not an automatic felony. You have to be sick ass motherfucker to hurt a defenseless animal. If one can do that to an animal...gahhh!!!!!

    I'm so sorry. This crap pisses me off no end.

  15. @Reno--- WTF!!!? jesus! i can't believe your kids had to see that. poor kids :(

    Brit IS looking thin. but it's a break up and that's normal.

    Why did JT call her a bitch? That's so random? lol like, get over it BRO!

  16. I'm going to get flamed for this, but I honestly don't care what Britney has to say. I never thought she was anything special. Yes, she's a troubled young woman and I'm glad she's getting the help she needs, but I'm just not interested in her.

    1. No one will flame you. Not everyone is interested in the same people. Thats cool.

    2. @greenMG..I don't care for her either. There are thousands of untreated mentally ill homeless here in L.A, why should I care about her..she really is not special at all.

  17. i agree with @Amber. I think he was just going along with the tone of the song. I dont think he was specifically talking about ANY of his ex girlfriends. That said tho, he should have known better..

  18. Thanks so much for your kind words everyone. My sister and boys were just hysterical when they saw their sweet kitty. I did tell her to report it to the police. She said she was. I just feel that if a person can do that to a domesticated animal, they can do that to a human. That is a sick fuck right there. Now I'm worried about my cats. They are rescues and they refuse to live inside 24 hours a day. I'm going to try to make them.

    1. @Reno- Keep us updated, let us know if they find the bastard who did this. Hope your kitties stay safe.

    2. reno - so sorry for your sister & nephew's loss.

      psychopaths/sociopaths usually start their disgusting lives out hurting animals before moving on to people.

    3. @ Jennifer, I was going to say the same thing. I watch to many crime shows and I have seen this talked about a million times. I would definitely get the police involved, it's just sick. I could go on and on about my anger over this. I just want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts, that would be devastating. Find this sick person!!!

    4. Reno - keep those kitties inside, whatever you have to do. It's not safe out there for them. Jennifer is right about the psychos too. They don't mind hurting animals at all. Between vehicles and dogs that run free I'm not sure how kitties make it. I'm happy to be in a place now where chickens walk the streets freely. It's a different land for sure.

    5. So sorry @Reno. This is awful. Does you sister have an angry neighbor that gets mad when neighborhood animals, or kids for that matter, come on their yard? These people can be crazy.

    6. Reno try some Feliway spray or the diffuser to help keep the babies inside. It costs abt 30 bucks at the pet store but has bio mommy pheromones and might help.

  19. Damn @Reno, I 'm so sorry for your family. People are sick.

  20. Reno, if I were your sister, I would be out for blood. My cat and dog are my little loves. Do they have any idea of who I'm the neighborhood would do that? I would call the cops to question whoever she thinks did this, just to scare the shit out of them. In Michigan, the most jail time one can get for animal cruelty is five years. I find that bullshit. There needs to be a longer jail term.

  21. Idk I still don't think he was referring to Brit.

    Reno WTF! Where do you live? Anyone want to get together and find the perps then complete the most epic toilet papering of a house in the history of toilet papering?

    But really, what the Fuck. I am so sorry that happened and worse, your nephews had to see their pet like that.

    GreenMountain how dare you type such blasphemy! Be gone! Juust kidding, you aren't going to get flamed for shit, not everyone is a Britney fan and that is a-ok with us.

  22. I think I'd pull a Fist Brown on the asshole who killed that poor kitty.

  23. I believe that she was at the vet, some kind of pet emergency, she also had her boys wwith her, so yeah, leave her alone!

  24. @Reno, that sucks! I'm so sorry they had to see that! I hope they do call the police and that the police take it seriously. You never know what sick fuck did this and what they could be capable of doing if not caught. That scares me. Be safe.

  25. Leave her alone!
    your obsession for her is almost noxious

  26. PS. regarding why we want to hear from Britney....I think it has more to do with the fact that she's so highly medicated (we think) and that she just simply 'can't' function on her own. I don't think we're looking for her to solve the worlds problems or anything, but it would be nice to hear her be coherent.

  27. @Reno that is horrible. I am sorry. Hope your kitties are safe. I would try to keep them in doors for a few days. Who the hell does that? Again so sorry.

  28. Anonymous7:06 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. You guys are so wonderful. Thanks again. I'm sorry I had to be debbie downer this morning. It was just so awful I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was particularly horrifying the way he looked. :(
    I live in Eastern NC. There's a hunting reserve 1 mile away from our neighborhood. There are tons of guns we hear firing all the time. I have no idea who it could have been. There are a few teenage boys that hunt around here, but I just don't know. I'll let you guys know if we find out anything.
    Thanks so much for caring!

  30. Reno, I am so sorry and really at a loss for words.

  31. I still ship britney & justin... I cant help but hope they'll end up together.

  32. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I'm so sorry to hear that Reno!! I agree with others that said that they'd be out for blood and to hunt the little chicken shit down. I'd go door to door with a picture of my cat, talk to all the Mom's in the neighborhood, find out what little bastard has a bee bee gun and hold his feet to the fire, contact the police, etc. I also agree that it should definitely be a crime, as serious as hurting a human, if you hurt an animal. It is never ok for someone to torture/murder/abuse animals. They have souls, minds, hearts, they communicate, how are they so very different from people? Are they not members of our families? Would anyone in the community, law enforcement or otherwise dispute that? Forget all the endless back and forth about gun laws. Think of the KITTEHS!!! I'm going to www.icanhascheezburger.com for some kitty calming. And Enty, lay off Britney, she's mentally ill, can't care for herself, brush her own hair, wears boxers in public. It's like picking on the slow kid at recess, it's getting old.

  33. Poor Brit, they have made her so self conscious she won't even speak.

  34. Jeez guys whats going on? Reno's sisters kitty? The tattoo boyfriend freak? Dina Lohan? Is there an epidemic of mental illness happening? Are people just pushing the envelope of craziness to get the attention of "Celebrity"?
    THIS stuff is what makes me take a break from gossip blogs and I never watch the news, but essentially isn't that just ignoring the problem? Seriously what can we do?

  35. I don't believe Justin was even referring to Brit when he made his comments. That is all.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I really could have done without the random dead cat story. Way too morbid.

  38. I know this is totally out of left field but I have to comment. I'm reading a bio on "Mad Queen Juana" a daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella who lived in the 16th century.

    She inherited a lot of power and a lot of money and was controlled and abused by a greedy husband. When he died her father seized her wealth and position and spread a story that she was unstable, insane, and incapable of ruling. He had her locked up and when he died her son did the same. Turns out that she had a history of acting out when she felt powerless but had long periods of being lucid. Sound familiar? I know its not an exact match but it kept reminding me of Brittany.

    1. Except that Brit randomly shaved her head, got lost driving home, and attacked a car with an umbrella.

  39. Really glad I'm not famous bc I frequently go out of the house in boxers.

  40. Oh look, another day, another CDAN reader hijacking a comment section with their personal sob story. Is this going to be a daily thing now? Because it's almost as obnoxious as the white text on black Enty continues to use.

    1. Just to clarify Andy/Andycane two different people.

    2. Just to clarify Andy/Andycane two different people.

  41. @Andy: Renoblondee is a longtime and beloved poster in this parts, and one of the best things about any online community (including this one) is the support members give each other in times of need. If you have a problem for which you could use some sympathy, then feel free to speak up as well; if you're just being an ass because you can, then kindly go fuck yourself with a telephone pole, OK?

  42. I think britney has more important problems and people talk shiz about her all the time. There are bound to be residual feelings for both of them. Justin made it very obvious with the song and video. Girl, pajamas are for sleepytime. And uggs are for goodwill.

  43. @Reno: I'm so, so sorry for your sister and her family (and you, too)--I know how I feel about my own furballs over the years, and how upset I would be if something like that happened to them. Please give all of them hugs for me, and keep us all posted, OK? And yes, try to keep your kitties inside if at all possible--I know how hard it can be; I had an indoor/outdoor cat while I was in Georgia, and while I would have preferred to keep him inside, he made it all but impossible. Still, good luck doing it for at least a few days, or until the police get to the bottom of what happened...

  44. @Reno, so sorry. I'm pro-gun (RESPONSIBLE gun ownership, that is), but anyone who shoots a helpless, harmless animal should be drawn and quartered.

  45. p. s. Andy, STFU. Go find a combox that's on topic.

  46. Andy, kindly shut the fuck up.

  47. Reno, hugs and love to all of you. I am so very sorry.

  48. Sigh. I agree with JSierra - I don't think he was commenting on Britney AT ALL, but I guess it becomes a story if we say he did?

  49. Reno, thinking of you & your family, also echoing others who say report it to the police. The 3 signs of a future serial killer are animal torture/murder, bed wetting & arson. Stay safe.
    While I disagree with Andy's sentiments, I don't think there was any need to swear at him. Let's try and keep this blog civil.
    I think Justin was just explaining what the song was about, not flaming anyone in particular.

  50. @Andy

    Oh my God. That was really cold. I don't know Renoblondee, but her sister's cat was shot by someone. It was the family pet of some little kids.

  51. Dangit @Andy, you are ruining my scientific academic study on the behaviour of gossip blog commenters!!

  52. "It's Britney, Bitch". It was just a lame attempt at a joke from JT if you are familiar with her music and their history.

  53. @Reno
    That is horrible to hear about your cat. We recently had to have one put down after he was poisoned. Some people are beyond cruel.

    For those of you who hate ot's, read Enty's posts, then kindly skip over the comments. Thanks.
    Personally, I like the conversations in the comments.

  54. 1. I feel for Brittany too, as much as we would like to see her go someplace where she could just relax and be a mom to her kids we know it will never happen. Do you think she would even know how to drop out of the spotlight if given the chance?

    2. @Reno, I am so sorry about the kitty too! Hope yours are safe and sound. Our pets are our family!

  55. AndyCane, NTW. We can spot them a mile away.

  56. You guys are quite amazing! Thanks again and again for your support. My kitty #1 has not come home yet. :( Kitty #2 is fine. I found out more specifics and it's pretty graphic. I won't put it here. Hugs to all! I'm now off to class. See you guys tomorrow or later tonight hopefully on a lighter post thread.

  57. Tell your sister that PuggleWug said call the police, Reno! For the time being, once the other kitty comes back, you should probably make them temporary indoor kitties. I would put posters up around my neighborhood for info on what happened, and a description at all that was done to the poor thing. Perhaps even a small reward (I really want this little shit to get caught and punished, if you can't tell yet). They are basically a danger to all pets who aren't being watched by the owner at that moment. I may sound like I am taking this to the extreme, but if my pets ended up like that, I would be knocking on doors, calling the cops, posting things on telephone poles, as well as online. Abuse towards kids and animals fires me up.

    On topic, I do not see JT's comment as a dig towards Britney. I am sure he is over any bad feelings over their breakup. They have both moved on. Justin can seem like a douche, but I honestly think he is generally a nice dude. After seeing all that she has been through, I don't see him continuing to slam her. I think he was just explaining the song. While she may have been the "bitch" back when it was originally recorded, I think he wasn't speaking of any specific person in this case.

  58. Seriously, there aren't any Starbucks employees on here who have served Brit? Anyone?

  59. Reno I agree that your sister should notify local media. They eat up animal stories and this is one that will actually be informative and maybe save other pets (and peoples) lives.

    No way someone deer hunting accidentally shoots a cat. In the cat's front yard, no less.

    Also, please do put your kitties inside for the time being. Putting up with the meows is better than the heartache of something like that happening to them.

    Hugs to your sister and nephews.

  60. Renoblondee, I am so sorry to hear about your sister's cat. I hope you find the jerk who did this, and I hope the police are as interested in finding the perpetrator as you are.

  61. As for Britney, I don't see anything wrong with her outfit. It probably shouldn't be worn out of the house, but at least it covers everything. People in Walmart wear much worse.

  62. @reno wow that is awful. i hope your otehr kitty comes home soon!

    and yes i hope they report it to the mpolice and to the media (good thinking Ablake!)

  63. I seriously think Britney is becoming schizophrenic. No, I'm not a psychiatrist. Just my observations of the homeless back home in Berkeley.

    There were always the homeless who refused shelters because they didn't want to be confined. They dressed in ways that make you wonder if they're right in the head. One woman would always put lipstick on beyond the outline of her lips -- even beyond what a clown would put on.

    Jason seemed to help her dress slightly better than she is, post-Jason. I hope she gets the medication/help she needs.

  64. CandianMiss why is that so hard for people to do?! I once got a ton of shit because I asked an off topic question instead of commenting about the 100th pedo blind of the week. IRC the haters said I forced everyone to change the topic, apparently I have magical internet powers and can do that :p Sorry I just hate when people are dicks about posts they don't like.

  65. Lol @JSierra
    That is an amazing power! My only power is usually I'm a threadkiller! :)

  66. @Reno, I'm so sorry to hear about that! Keep us posted about what happens. I agree about contacting the media about what happened. :-( Poor kitty.

    Andy - welcome to an Internet message board. Is it your first time here?

    I feel truly sorry for Britney. She seems like such a lost soul.

  67. I feel JT tried to "joke" about Britney bitch because that s exactly what she s saying in her song with Will I Am
