Wednesday, February 06, 2013

I Thought John Travolta Wanted A Trial In Cruise Ship Sex Assault Case

Turns out that John Travolta really didn't want a trial after all. John's attorneys have always said John was innocent of the charges made by a former cruise ship staffer that said that when he brought room service to Travolta's cabin what he got was Travolta pressed against him naked with an erect peen. The staffer sued. Travolta's attorneys had tried to force the case to private arbitration but a judge sided with the staffer which meant there would have been a trial. That happened on Monday. Yesterday the two parties settled the suit and the staffer dropped his lawsuit. I guess writing that check was a whole lot easier than having everyone tuning in to watch the trial live everyday while a parade of other witnesses talked about Travolta and his previous actions.


  1. He just paid one of his accusers 1.75 million ...

    1. @Misch, really? Do you have a link?

  2. Does anyone still think he is straight?

  3. I know this is naive, but I was soooo looking forward to all the depositions! Oh, well

  4. Jsierra my mom does! I keep telling her but she won 't listen lol
    Wish he would come out already. It's a shame he won't.

  5. My 17 year old cousin still believes he's straight.

    Erect Peen would be a good band name.

    1. Hee hee hee hee hee! (cause "lol" just wont do)
      "And up next on Saturday Night Live is..Erect Peen! Everybody stand up.for Erect Peen!"
      (falls out of chair, rolls around on.the floor)

  6. Great. Now I have the image of JT pressed against him naked with an erect peen stuck in my head.

  7. I hope this guy at least got a good settlement. I could care less that Travolta is gay - I just wish he was exposed for the PREDATOR that he is.

    1. Amen, Cathy. You speak the truth.

    2. @Cathy- YES! There are plenty of other closeted gay actors who don't go around comitting sexual assault! This needs to stop.

      Quite frankly I don't think we'll ever get a Travolta who is secure enough to come out.

    3. @Cathy Hell yes! That's the part that bothers me. There are plenty of paid options and gay guys that would be thrilled to get with him (ick) but he's one step short of attacking someone in an alley.

  8. Damn!!! I was hoping Enty would use the piccy that he used on FB y/day! I just loooove the shoe-polish 'do that Revolting Travolta is sporting these days! Kinda reminds me of the fuzzy hair on the old G.I. Joe dolls.

    What can I say...I'm easily amused. ;)

  9. That must have been some cheque.

  10. That's quite a big payoff, for what was probably just a quick ASS to ASS.

    *balloons drop, confetti flies*

    Hi everybody!
    OT--I watched ALL of seasons 1 & 2 of a certain show with the initials D A, in the last two days. Needless to say, I've been away from most everything else.

    I already know the upcoming spoiler;I knew it before I watched the first episode.

    I don't want to hijack the thread, just wanted to say 'thanks' to my fellow CDaN Mornin' Hens, for forcing me to finally watch it.

  11. Yes I saw on some newlink that it was because the guy suing John doesn't have the 75,000 needed to put up bond(?) to continue the trial. You know Travoltas lawyers spun that one. HA!!

  12. @Libby, I'm so glad you watched. Its a wonderful show and a nice way to spend a couple hours! I was obsessed and watched both seasons in a weekend, and read all articles about the new season. I'm spoiled.

  13. My favorite Travolta picture is him, eating the candy bar in the hot tub....I can't seem to google it up though.
    When I saw it, I thought, 'God bless America!'

    1. @VIP - you win the internets today!! Good job! That picture is just 10 shades of awesome.

    2. @VIP- Woo hoo, party in the hot tub!

    3. Anonymous7:07 AM

      I giggled out loud when I saw that pic! Wednesday will be a good day....

  14. libby, get outta my head! That is one of the best pictures of any celebrity, anywhere anytime.

    And a round of applause for, well, you know - well played.

  15. Thanks, Frufra! And I'd like to clarify that I meant to say "I couldn't care less." To say that I could care less implies that I care. Typed that before my coffee.

    1. Cathy, I love you! People always say they could care less but i don't want to be an ahole. Unless it's a friend and i say, "you mean you couldn't care less". Then they slap the nachos out of my hand just to watch me cry. My point: You're awesome!

  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    My ex boyfriends Dad used to play poker with Travolta and his boyfriend in the 80's. When he told me this 20 yrs ago I thought it was crazy but believable, why would his Dad make that up? Now I feel sorry for him that he's lived a lie so long and disgusted that he has become a predator. He is the "Queen of Denial"

  17. Anonymous6:51 AM

    What a joke. If it was so terrible, than why didn't he go ahead and press charges? If you're a woman and get raped, are you not going to press charges if the guy offers you money? This was a money grab, pure and simple. I'm not even saying Travolta is a saint, but it's obvious money is more important to this douche than "justice."

  18. rcb---I'm totally hooked on DA. Hugh Bonneville played Kate Winslet's doctor in "Sense and Sensibility" way back. A tiny part, then. I was thrilled to see him.
    I think BOTH the current & future Earls are SO friggin' hawt. I lurve DAISY best of all tho.

    That is all. Sorry.

    1. @libby- I remember Hugh from Notting Hill and I'm glad to see him in DA (even if he's an asshat) my favorite is Thomas but Daisy is wonderful too. I miss Gwen but its nice to see her on GoT.

    2. @Libby & rcb... I think Hugh looks like Piers Morgan.

  19. Thanks, VIP--You touch my heart with that photo. SAVED!

    I had so HOPED you would reply to our CDaN siren song of the 'ass to ass'.

    1. @Libby I like to think that when it comes to male masseurs, John Travolta doesn't need a dildo :)

  20. I love John Travolta. If he insists on being in the closet and his family seems ok with it. Then i hope he finds a loving partner who wants to be with him. I am sure there are plenty of men who would love to be with him. The fact that he thinks it is so very wrong that he just chooses to try to get sex that way is very sad. The fact that the guy chose money in the end also bothers me too though. :(

  21. Lotta I just pictured John in that pic waving his arms around and spinning in a circle yelling "whoohooo! Whooohooo!" like Vicki G from Real Housewives of OC.

    Thanks for that pic VIP!

  22. rcb--The Gwen story WAS a good one.
    I really like the relationships, for better or worse, between the upstairs & downstairs people on the show.
    Thomas?! Boo! Hiss!

  23. I think John has had loving partners both men and women. However, in my opinion, he is a sexual predator and he gets off on that. He seems to pick those in service positions--God knows they are more easily paid off to drop the charges.

    You would think Scientology would rein him in--he is no longer a poster boy for that cult.

  24. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I cannot imagine anything more horrifying. Well, yeah I can, but still! A nude gay travolta excited pressing up against you? I would run faster than ever before. Not even straight would this be hot. I understand he's got to get his rocks off, he's in the closeted scene, maybe he thought it would be a hot come on, but come on man! This approach must have been working for him for a while for him to be so brazen about it! Damn man!

  25. Anonymous7:49 AM

    @ Libby, I was just saying on another thread, has anyone seen Libby??? I thought I hadn't seen you commenting much.

  26. Agent, is that you? Shelly, I mean?

  27. Libby nope, I got confused with that at first too, but agent and Where's shelly are not one and the same.

  28. So he'll wait a few years and assault someone else, that sucks. Maybe his attorney told him to next time leave the payoff in the tip envelope.

  29. Thank, J. I thought I had surely missed the name change.

    THANK YOU for your concern, Where's Shelley.

  30. @FSP - I read that as you had an erect peen stuck in your head! LMAO! Ouch!

  31. What I don't get is how he could easily hire men who would do the same and avoid paying out victims $1.75 million. Jeebus slap $500 down with someone willing to do what you need. The fact that he does it the way he does says a lot about what he's like..Sad.

    Off to look at pic with the candy bar.

  32. OMG I want to murder Daisy sometimes! Murder her and make a pie out of her and serve it to Lord Grantham, who I think is a raging ass.

    Libby, glad to see you've discovered DA. I often find the downstairs much more interesting than the upstairs. I thought the first season was BRILLIANT and then it became a soap with staggeringly gorgeous/expensive production values, but I'm still hooked. I just finished S3 online last week and I can't believe how fast it went by. WE MUST HAVE MORE EPISODES !!!

  33. I couldn't find a Travolta candy bar pic but one of the best celeb photos is the Jack Nicholson eating a sandwichwich pic. Jack eating a big ol' sub shirtless with his man boobs hanging out. Se-hexy!

  34. I agree, Cathy. I get the impression Travolta's been doing this for AGES, and it AIN'T right.

  35. John and Kelly need to get out of Co$. Three decades of this bullshit. It's safe, John, you don't have to hide anymore. You can't let them hold this over your head forever.

  36. The victim tried to do the right thing. He wrote a report for his employer, he tired to have this dealt with. Having been burnt trying to address it the right way he may have gone civil because he didn't trust his employers to support him in court. Or maybe he felt that money would hurt Travolta more than a criminal action. The conviction rate for female sexual assault is so low he may have gone civil because the parameters for proof are lower, like with OJ Simpson. I'm glad Travolta paid, he is a predator & one day it will all come out.

  37. How is Lord Grantham a raging ass? I'm only 2 episodes into season 3, does he get bitten by a were-donkey?

    Is it the maid-kissing, or breaking Edith's heart? Because I just finished that episode and am reassured that the writers must be 'saving' Edith for an exciting romance later. Can't have all the girls married so quickly!

    No spoiling please! I'm almost caught up.

  38. Go grease lighting you're coasting through the heat lap trials

  39. Cathy nailed it, and others followed up. IMHO, feraltart added convincing reasons for the victim to act as he did.

    Live your life the way you want to, but don't hurt others. Travolta's [seeming] pattern of abusing people in subservient positions makes him despicable.
