Thursday, February 07, 2013

Grandmother Sentenced To Death In Indonesia May be Executed Within Weeks

The normal procedure in Indonesia for death penalty cases or any cases that have been ruled on is for their to be an appeal which can take years. Yeah, so kind of like the US. The thing is, as British grandmother, Lindsay Sandiford is finding out, you have to be able to pay someone to handle the appeals. She has no money and only two weeks left to file an appeal. The British government is not willing to pay and she has no funds of her own. If no one comes to help her or pay for her to hire an attorney, then no appeal will be filed and after the two week period is over she can be executed by firing squad at any point after the two weeks. No dates are given and the subject is never told when their time has come. Someone comes to get them and they are driven away from the prison and executed. Lindsay was convicted of attempting to smuggle $2.5M worth of coke into the country in her suitcase. The man behind the smuggling and the man who was supposed to get the drugs got a six year sentence. Apparently he had a good lawyer.


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