Monday, February 04, 2013

Frank Ocean Not Pressing Charges Against Chris Brown

Even though "Chris Brown tried to beat the s**t out of Frank Ocean," Frank has decided not to press charges. That announcement via Frank's blog comes the same day as his producer described the incident and gave the quote above. It is a shame that Frank has decided not to press charges. He thinks he is turning the other cheek, but what he is doing is just letting Chris brown have the opportunity to beat another cheek and showing Chris that he can be violent with people and not suffer any consequences.


  1. That Chris Brown, he is turning into the new Lindsay. Dodging legal matters left and right.

  2. I get the Chris Brown hate, but frank was the instigator and egged Chris on. While I'm against violence, frank ocean would have destroyed his career by taking Chris to court. He would forever have been known as a snitch.

  3. I feel bad for Frank Ocean. He's really in a lose lose situation. If he pressed charges, I'm sure a lot of people would say that it's because he's gay, and that a "real man" wouldn't need to press charges. So he didn't, and now we're mad at him for not punishing Chris Brown. Like I said, lose lose.

    Still wish he would have pressed charges though

  4. I wish he'd press charges too, but I'm gonna give Frank a pass. He's navigating uncharted waters as an out R&B artist. Maybe he's afraid that pressing charges will make him look like less of a man?

  5. @VIP - haha, I typed what I wrote before I read what you wrote!

  6. Wouldn't the police lay charges regardless, if they thought charges were warranted?

  7. Or maybe he was pressured to not press charges, especially since he initially said he would.

  8. @Sasha, how would he be a snitch. He was assaulted and called the cops. That isn't "snitching", and I really don't think he would have gotten shit for filing charges. It does not matter if he started it. Fist Brown got physical. The end. It's not his fault that Fist Brown has zero self control and thinks with his fists. "You started it" is a lame defense that school children use.

    1. I was stating how he would be perceived, and also being a gay man would get him more flack. I was on mediatakeout last night, and at the time I read the boards people were calling frank all sorts of names and already calling him a snitch.

  9. Chris bolted like a startled horse once the cops were called. Says it all about who's a man & who isn't.

  10. Chris is an ass but Ocean is no choir boy. Before you throw stones at Chris make sure you know something about the other party involved.

    Chris does have impulse controls but Ocean started the altercation with his mouth. Perhaps he's not pressing charges b/c he knows he's just as deep in this as Chris is.

  11. Chris Brown is a big bag of dirty douche water.

    However, Frank Ocean and his man-crush on Chris Brown prevented him from pressing charges. Especially since Frank started the fight.

    1. What makes you think Frank had a crush on Chris? Because Frank's gay? I think Frank has far better taste than that, and he is clearly the bigger man here. For the record, as a gay man myself, I find Chris Brown revolting. I don't wanna do him just coz he's a guy.

  12. Both of these men are getting tons of publicity out of this.

  13. Anonymous7:48 AM

    What Enty said. Frank is taking the high road, but Chris is just getting another chance and no consequences.I think what's more at play here is that it's not, not not not not not notnot EVER ok to snitch in that world. And that's what Frank would be doing. Going to the cops and spilling your guts to get another person in trouble, would have labelled him a snitch. So not only is he being a "good person", he's also not violating the street code of ethics. Which could have gotten him shot.

  14. There's no way Frank Ocean has the hots for Chris Brown. Does Drake have the hots for Chris Brown because HE got in a fight with him last year? No. Chris is a douche and I'm sure Frank was just pointing that out to him.

  15. @Vagina (because I'm assuming that's what "Pink Kitty" means - where do you get off saying that Frank has a crush on Chris? Because gay guys have a crush on every guy they meet? It's mindsets like yours that make male celebrities not want to come out of the closet.

  16. And to those who said Frank started it: Chris started it by parking in a spot that had a sign on it saying it was reserved for Frank. I'm glad that Frank told Chris to move his car, because it's about time someone stood up to him about something.

  17. @Christopher C

    That bothers me too. Some people seem to think that at any given moment any gay man is just dying to be with any random guy that crosses his path. It's ridiculous and is really irritating. If someone actually believes that, I think they need to get out more. I've seen lesbian jokes on here too - not too many, but really insensitive comments.

    1. What about the notion that men who beat women are closet homosexuals who secretly hate females.I've heard this more than once.

  18. Chris Brown wishes Frank Ocean had a crush on him. Ocean is so far out of his league.

  19. It's a dick move to get into a fight and then press charges when you get hit. Buck up. This shit happens all the time on Bad Girls Club (yeah, guilty pleasure, don't judge me). The "bad girls" start a fight with another roommate and then call the police and press charges when they get hit. Karma's a bitch.

    That being said, I would have loved to see CB in jail or at least get fucked in some way. I fucking hate that tool. If he was behind my car I would not hesitate to hit the gas and give him a nice hard tap to the dick.

    *Sarcasm font on*
    Chris didn't you know, all gay men are always lusting after straight men and constantly checking them out to get in their pants. *font off*
    I smell a CB supporter in our midst today.

  20. Oh, becasu he is gay there is no possibility that Frank Ocean does have a crush on Chris Brown.


    Anything is possible.

    Even if Frank Ocean never admitted to being gay, my statement remains the same. Boy crush gone wrong.

    1. Erm, have you actually SEEN what Chris Brown looks like? Jeez Luise, he is the fugliest thing i have EVER ver laid eyes on.

  21. There's no possibility Frank Ocean has a crush on Chris Brown because he has a modicum of self-esteem.

    If this was a boy crush gone wrong, it's Brown's crush on Ocean. Which was what Enty said originally anyway.

  22. Echoing Tuxedo Cat - the first thing I thought of when it happened was someone was going to say he wouldn't "man up" (i.e., beat the s* back out of Brown) because he's gay.

    I don't think pressing charges would've really done anything anyway, except maybe put another mark on CB's record.

    Oh hey, Christopher Cruz, my friend Paul is gay, too! You guys should TOTALLY hook up! We could do Darcelle's and maybe go clothes shopping!


  23. Hell,Frank wouldn't press charges against Charlie Sheen either so the problem is what???

  24. I love how Chris Brown's people released a statement saying that he "really wanted to give his side of the story to the cops." Um, last time I checked, police stations weren't that hard to find. If he wanted to talk to them so bad, he could've. But he'd rather leak his side of the story to TMZ and hope they won't ask too many questions.

    1. Why y'all giving this so much if white folks really care about Black on Black crime.Fuck outta here.

  25. Hey, Mspink Kitty, GAY MEN ARE NOT ATTRACTED TO EVERYTHING WITH A DICK. Grow the fuck up.

  26. Just curious your wisdom astounds me.

    1. I know.Continue to stay tuned,you may learn something.

  27. just curious, I care about crime because it affects my fellow human beings. And I happen to be white.

  28. "Ocean started the altercation with his mouth"?? Give me a break. Talking shit and using your fists are in totally different leagues. We know who uses his fists around these parts.

    1. The only thing chris is beating up is Rihanna's pussy...and that Kawasaki chick.

  29. Wait, wait. I have a gay friend, too! Thusly I should comment on the motivations of two 'celebrities' I care nothing about.

  30. That would have been a great Super Bowl halftime show: Rihanna with Chris as a special guest star.

  31. @just curious

    That would have been some show. Maybe next year ....

    1. LoL, I believe Halftime is reserved for bands not singers and background dancers.
      Just a short list:
      Van Halen

      Let them play loud and hard.Also,at least 30 minutes not a 12 minute snippet of hits.

  32. :( I understand that he doesn't want the hassle and burden in his life of pressing charges and assisting in the investigation but it would've been worth it to show Chris Brown that accountability and consequence aren't just for poor, unfamous people. The last thing Chris Brown needs is more unearned forgiveness.
