Friday, February 01, 2013

Four For Friday - Cancer And Chemo

It's Friday so that means announcement time and I actually have one today. It is February so that means it is time for the second annual Kardashian Free February. Both on the site and on Twitter there will be no mention of any of the family. None. Zip. Probably not even a blind item. I encourage you if you do Tweet to use the hashtag KFF so that maybe we can get this to spread and an entire month free of the Kardashians. Speaking of Twitter, you can follow me @entylawyer and don;t forget that I will be here all weekend and tomorrow will reveal a blind item or two from the archives.

This A list all movie actress recently went through chemotherapy but didn't want to share it with anyone or anyone to know. She says it is the business of no one but her family and her closest friends. Although she would love to say she is cancer free, she isn't and has not decided what kind of treatment she wants to pursue next. For right now at least she feels fine. She continues to look at movies she wants to work in, but she says the focus in her life right now is her family and she also said that she is trying to do everything she has always wanted to do but been afraid to try. She says that she is going to do standup comedy soon and that she has lots of dreams she wants to fulfill, but is worried about her family and what will happen to them without her around. At this point she doesn't know if she will share what is going on in her life with anyone or make anything public. She is hoping to win the battle and move on with her life, but realizes that may be harder to do as the disease progresses.


  1. Hallelujah to KFF!!!

  2. Replies
    1. @gypsy, I also immediately thought of Charlize!

  3. This is sad and I feel guilty even trying to guess.

  4. That's so sad! I don't even want to guess.

  5. That is very sad. I could only come up with Sandra, but guessing anybody makes me feel bad.

  6. I wonder what kind of cancer it is and how good her chance of survival is. My future father-in-law is going through all that right now.

    1. Hugs to you and the family Karen. Stay

    2. Karen - sorry didn't mean to forget you. Big hug to you and yours!

  7. I think this is charlize

  8. Stand up comedy says to me this is a comedic female actress. Who's an A list comedic female actress? Kristen Wigg? Aniston?

  9. The only positive about this blind is the KFF!

  10. Anna Kendrick. I read something about her pulling out of something due to a personal tragedy.

  11. Ok back to the blind.

    I have no idea who this is. I want her to do whatever she feels is best for herself and her family. Go do some bucket list stuff. Laughter IS the best medicine!

    I hope she lets people know (when she's ready) bc she should not have to suffer in silence. Look at what happened here on yesterday's Rhianna thread. There are a lot of compassionate people out there who would be happy to support her. Good luck to whoever you are!

  12. There is only one A list actress that I can think of that would attempt stand up comedy.

  13. Cancer sucks. Good luck to whoever this is, and to @Karen's future father-in-law!!!

  14. Renee Z? I hope this is NO ONE!

  15. Yay for KFF!! I thought Charlize too even though i hate to think its her... or anyone for that matter

  16. This is sad. Who ever shared this with enty WTF man did u not understand the part where she said she doesnt want anyone to know.

    Yeah Yeah blind doesnt reveal the person but still

  17. Before I read the blind, I'd just like to shout out:


    That is all - back in a few minutes when the dancing ends.

  18. Hurray for KFF! thank you enty!! Hugs!!

    RE: blind - hugs to this person. what a battle.

  19. NO guesses but best of luck to her on making a full recovery.

  20. Whomever this is, I find it heartbreaking. Hope they find peace and their health improves.

  21. Thank you Enty for #KFF! Sending you much love from the tropics for all of February!!!

  22. @VIPBlonde, thank you! I wish the actress well, too.

    I bet if Enty is posting this blind it's because enough people already know and the truth could come out at any time.

  23. Conflicting edit ate my comment. :/

    I hope this a fake rumour. That's so sad. Hugs to cancer survivors and their family/friends.

    1. There must be some bug in blogger today because that happened to me a couple times today too...

  24. God Bless You...whoever you are! I will be diligently praying for you and your family. :)

  25. I'm having mixed emotions right now. Happy about KFF but the blind is too sad, I can't even begin to guess who it is. I just hope is not true.

  26. I hope the best for her no matter who she is.

    Thanks for KFF enty! Hopefully it will catch on

  27. I'm so truly sorry for her.

    The blind says "she "is worried about her family and what will happen to THEM" -- I interpret that to mean that there is more than one person involved (e.g., more than one child, or a child and a partner/spouse, etc).

    While this could be Charlize, with the family being her son and her mom, on IMDB it says that she has 1 movie in pre-production and 2 movies announced after that. It's just my opinion, but my impression is that this poor woman, whoever she is, would not be signed on to so many future projects, since it would reduce the amount of time for treatment and also the amount of time to spend with her family and on her bucket list.

  28. Great news about KFF.

    Regarding the blind, I got the sads thinking it was Meryl Streep. No idea why.

  29. I just wrote a letter to my favorite teacher (5th grade) who is dying of brain cancer. It has been a sad morning and I feel sad for whomever is going through this and struggling with doing it alone. I don't venture to guess on blinds and won't on this one.

    I am very happy to hear about KFF.

    1. @ms cool, I think you are your name for writing to your fifth grade teacher, I bet she will treasure that letter as will her family when she is gone. You must've been a pretty cool kid.

    2. What a lovely thing to do.

  30. Everybody hates Kim but Ray-J gets a pass.....#double standards.

    1. No. It's just that Ray J is so D List we can't be bothered even TALKING about him.

    2. Lmao @Chris, my thoughts exactly.

    3. Ray j is disgusting. He was on some sort of pseudo entertainment show, and made crude comment about the person we must not name. It was so classless. So no free pass from this corner.

  31. It's Christmas all over again! Thank you for KFF!!! For the blind I was thinking Meryl because she's been absent from the awards circuit but whatever she's probably just relaxing at home because she can. *in denial that it's meryl*


  32. Charlize had a recurring story arc in "Arrested Development" so perhaps it isn't her.

    Whoever it is, stay brave.

  33. It's not that RayJ gets a pass, it's that he's not in-your-face famewhoring like those who shall not be named. That what #KFF is all about.

  34. @yodelay, Renee Z is who I thought of first, too, because of that movie she's directing involving a stand-up comedian character (4 1/2 Minutes). She also has terrific comedic timing.

    I hate to guess anyone, though. Thinking the best for whoever it might be.

  35. I have a friend who recently went through surgery to remove a cancerous tumor and felt the same way...none of us (her closest friends) were allowed to tell anyone else...
    I completely matter what anyone says people look at you differently and it would impact her career.

  36. Terrible situation. All things good coming ur way from me.

  37. I can't imagine Charlize doing stand-up comedy. Am I missing something?

  38. I think i am the only kardashian fan but even i am happy at this news, they are eberywhere, a reprieve would be nice.

    i hope this actress is able to do what makes her happy though, live it up girl!

    Btw what happened to four for friday?

  39. @JSierra, I think Enty just likes alliteration and tradition. Now he posts so many blinds every day that we don't need four in one post once a week.

    1. Karen i wish he would replace it with full fro.tal Fridaysnow that i like

  40. I read this as an actress that is going to do things she's WANTED to do but never has, one of them being stand-up comedy. That does not mean she is a comedic actress or even close to doing stand up, or someone you would even think would do stand-up, just something they've always wanted to do.

    1. @Jessica, that is exactly how I interpreted it. Just someone who wants to fulfill a life-long dream. It has nothing to do with her immediate background.

  41. What about Angelina? It's been ages since I've seen a pic of her & Brad just flew alone from London to LA I think. You used to see themall the time travel together with the child army

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This may not fit the blind but wasn't a photo posted recently of someone and a few comments were made about how her hair was so terribly thin and should invest in rogaine? Not mama Kris (sorry for mentioning her in Feb) but someone else.

  44. Very sad blind that I hope isn't true. :( Charlize was my first thought.

    I dislike Ray J, but he's not all up in our faces every single day. I can surf and surf the internet and never see a story on him. Hoorah for KFF!

  45. Charlize was great in "Arrested Development" so I can totally see her doing standup, but Anna Kendrick even more so. Hope it's neither of them!

  46. @Lil P:
    Sorry hon, but the concept of Angelina doing stand-up comedy made me spit tea all over my PC!

  47. Sorry but this shouldn't even be a blind, Enty. Clearly it's her decision to keep it private, why make us guess? It's terrible either way, public or private.

  48. I think everyone thinks it's Charlize because her hair was buzzed!

    Whoever it is good luck, and it's a shame we can't all do the things we dream of until a mortal illness descends on us. :(

  49. I read it as an older actress--Helen Mirren? Dame Judi Dench? Sally Field?

  50. Is everyone guessing Charlize because she cut her hair off? Because that was for a part, I thought. I don't think it's her. I thought maybe someone older, who isn't being papped every 5 minutes. Don't know who though.

  51. My sympathies to this person. Cancer is a biotch.
    My dad has prostate cancer and leukemia. He's been having chemotherapy and radiation for a year now and is doing ok. What gets him through is having all our support.
    However, just before Christmas my Father in Law was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Its not looking too good for him. We do what we can and hope for the best. He's getting all the treatment he can, so fingers crossed.
    The point of my rant is that having cancer is hard enough without having to hide it away and pretend its not happening. Support is everything when it comes to that horrible disease. I hope she has somebody to lean on. She needs it.
    I also want to add that all the commenters here got me through a very difficult year. I am happy for your support.

    1. (((Hugs to you))))

      @its just U - agreed! Hiding an illness takes away precious energy that she should be using to heal herself. But I respect her desire for privacy.

      I'm sorry about your dad and FIL. Big hug!

    2. Thanks Dia. Much appreciated.
      I can kinda understand her keeping it quiet. My FIL and my own dad are both only 60 years old.
      My dad is retired but my FIL still works. He is a roadie for musicians (same as my hubby) and can't tell anybody he knows what he is going through because , if he does get better, he will never work again.
      Who would employ a 60+ lighting technician with a brain tumor to place rigs above peoples heads?
      That's sad, but the way of the world.
      Thanks again, big hugs.x

    3. @its just u, I so get this. My dad was well into treatment for his prostate cancer before we even knew he had it, I am blaming it on his 1st generation Irish background that makes us predisposed to never talk about anything real....I wish the best for your dad and your FIL. Hang in there...

    4. Yeah, we are Irish so I know what you mean E Gee Be. Sorry about your dad. Hugs to you.

    5. @its just U, my dad is in remission, it was just hard that he went through it alone, thank you for being so sweet!

  52. @Topper... I could TOOOOOOTALLY see Helen Mirren wanting to do standup! I hope it isn't her, though. I hope it isn't anyone, really.

  53. @WorstCompany, I hate Ray J equally. Just thought you should know.

  54. I say Charlize also, mainly for saving her head for a movie role. Maybe she timed treatment to coincide? Tragic whoever this is because it sounds terminal.

  55. {hugs}, its just u.

    1. Thanks prolixe, my New bestie!!!


    2 - Ok, now that's a downer :( My gut reading it was Meryl, which broke my heart, but Charlize also seems possible, and is also sad.

    Regardless of who it is, heal hard and fast.

  57. @It's just U, I wish your dad and your father-in-law well!

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Sally Field played a stand up comic in a movie in the late 80's with Tom Hanks. Maybe she really liked doing it at the time & wants to do it for real while she still can. Anyway I feel for whoever it is & her family.

  60. Hugs to Karen and Its just u for your family medical issues. I am sending out positive feelings for healing.

    This blind should stay just that.

    1. Thanks Sherry. You were great to me early last year. I sent you a msg at New Years but I don't think you saw it.
      Very much appreciate

    2. It's Just You: I did miss it. My phone doesn't always work at my house. Sorry I missed it. I certainly did not mean to ignore you. Do you have a link I can see? And again good thoughts being sent to your loved one.

  61. Jodie Foster did quite a bit of TV as a kid, so she might not fit.

    I don't think Meryl's ever done TV?

    :-( no matter whom it is.

  62. Did Charlize shave her head for a movie role? If not, it could be her, and that could be the reason why she did it.

  63. I love of some of you guys are picking Charlize just becuz she shaved her hair

    1. @dragon, I know right? Someone will bring up Miley next.

  64. Robin Wright is in the DM today looking kind of frail and wearing a knit hat with wisps of hair coming out. I hope whoever it is recovers and has a very long, happy life ahead of her.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. @lotta I wouldn't be surprise if they do lol

  67. Just lost my mom to Chemo/radiation/cancer. Been a rough 2 weeks trying to shake it off. RIP mom.

    1. @internetbully- Lots and lots of hugs to you.

    2. My deepest sympathies. Hope you get through this tough time.x

    3. @its just u- I was just reading over your comments, lots of hugs to you as well sweety.

    4. I am so sorry. My deepest condolences to you

    5. I am so sorry. My deepest condolences to you

    6. @internetbully - another big (((hug))) for you.

    7. So sorry to hear of your loss. Hugs to you.

    8. So sorry to hear of your loss. Hugs to you.

    9. Thank you all so much. This is more of a community to me than a comment section. I Truelly appreciate you all. Just home now from the service in Miami, another in new York next week that I probably won't make it to. I send hugs back to you guys and gals as we must all walk that path one day.

  68. Sorry to hear that theinterentbully. Prayers to you and ur famz

  69. @Theinternetbully: I can relate, lost my mom in 2008 after treatment. Hugs to you.

    Hugs to anyone dealing with such a difficult struggle, either themselves or their loved ones.

    1. Hugs to

    2. Thank you, and my condolences to you. You never quite realize how big of a community it is until you're in it because you can feel so alone. I'm thankful for the cancer treatment centers of America & the united way for their help & support.

  70. Michelle Williams recently said she wanted to try stand up.

  71. This definitely sounds like someone young, like Charlize. Someone who thought they had plenty of time to branch out and do it all.

    I REALLY hope it's not her-but having 3 films right now could just be a way of banking cash for her little son & her mother, while she's well enough.

    I hope this is fake.

  72. @Unknown - Robin Wright started out on "Santa Barbara" on TV.

    I can't think of anyone who is ONLY movies other than Meryl. ???

  73. we need to find a bald A list all movie actress without eyebrow.

    Theron cut her hair for Mad Max and it was filmed in Africa
    Robin wright is not A list actress or all movie

  74. Meryl Streep and her flu?
    Angelina Jolie? we didn't see her since 2 months

  75. Angelina Jolie! because we didn't see her since 2 months and she has no movie projects in pre-production (i know i know there is Cleopatra or her next directing movie but it's not official)

  76. Sally Field? Since she did the movie Punchline with Tom Hanks back in the late 80's/early 90's.

  77. Angelina - "Gia"
    Sally Field - "Gidget," "The Flying Nun," etc.

  78. Hope it's not Meryl but then, really, I wish it wasn't happening to anybody, especially nice, private people that are looking out for loved ones. Wish no one would get this!

  79. Angelina Jolie would be A+ or A++.
    Charlize Théron was supposed to shave her head for the Mad Max part. It was announced months ago.

    My first thought was Jodie Foster.

  80. Feeling Julianne Moore for this one. She's A list (no plusses) right?

  81. If you can't picture Charlize doing comedy, check out her stuff on - shes pretty funny :)

  82. If you can't picture Charlize doing comedy, check out her stuff on - shes pretty funny :)

  83. Very sad. I can certainly understand why she has not revealed her illness because week after week it would be some tabloid cover reporting she is on her deathbed, or some other fantastical headline.

  84. Meryl is about as A+++ as they come. I first thought of Charlize, but only because she buzzed her hair. I think whoever it is is hiding it under wigs, fake lashes and fake eyebrows. As much as I love gossip, I hope they're given their privacy. You know the Enquirer is just dying to know who this is so they can publish that they are in their 'last brave days'.

  85. @Its Just U - mad as a box of frogs, I'm still laughing! Let's put on the boots!

  86. I am saying Charlize. Not because of her hair, but because of her life changing so much the last couple of years: she broke off a very long relationship, she adopted as a single mom, she did a fake sextape-thing, which seems odd because she is always very private and not trying to get attention. That was so not her!

    Also, the last couple of months something weird is going on with her skin; a lot of times it looks VERY uneven and sometimes it looks like she recently had a chemical peel: red skin/bobbly skin in the face: for example:

  87. Oh dear, you may have it. I noticed that when she shaved her head, there was a lot of gray, which seemed odd for someone so young.

  88. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Why are we guessing charlize cuz she shaved her head? lol
    I'm guessing Meryl

  89. Thank you for the KFF!!

  90. Meryl Streep is A++++++

  91. I would totally be happy to read nothing but the KK bunch all day every day in trade for this actress to have some peace and good health.

  92. How 'bout ScarJo for something different?

  93. LOL @Turkish Taffy

  94. If she wants to keep it private, I won't hazard a guess.

  95. Kate Winslet? She's A list, not quite A+ like Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman for example. She's a very private person. She hasn't been in the spotlight for a while. She's continuing to look at movies she wants to work in ('A Little Chaos', 'Divergent') but hasn't officially signed on. I can see her trying new things. Ugh I hope this isn't true.

  96. I read this as someone older with youngish kids, Diane Keaton. Regardless of who this is, I wish them the best and a speedy recovery. Very sad.

  97. CZJ. She may want to keep quiet because of all the media attention when Michael got ill, perhaps it frightened the children.

  98. To be different - Julia Roberts.

    Angelina Jolie just wrote in NY Times why she had double masectomy
    i know she doesn't fit

  100. @French doesn't fit, thought about this b/i too. Hope it doesn't show in reveal to be her , bc I won't believe.

  101. I was also trying to remember what BI this was. But in reading her op-ed I don't think this is her. Maybe Enty heard that AJ was at the hospital for this procedure and assumed it was the worst. I've never been AJs biggest fan, but something about her tells me that she'd fess up if it were something worse than a pro-active measure. I admire her for sharing it and hope it saves lives.
