Four For Friday - Big Secrets For Her
It is Friday. It is also National Margarita Day soooo, today should be fun. Usually I like my tequila straight. You know, to make sure I don't top out at 400 pounds, but today I imbibe in all kinds of wonderful margarita goodness and I figure I can make it until about noon my time and lunch which will turn into some more drinks which will necessitate me not returning to the office which will make this the start of a wonderful weekend. Speaking of weekends, I will be here all weekend and will have a reveal or two tomorrow. On Sunday I will have two open Academy Award posts in the afternoon. One will be for the red carpet and one for the show. Apparently when there is just one it gets really confusing due to the high number of comments. Oh, and I would love for you to follow me on Twitter where I say things I don't always say here and often say them drunk on the weekends. Plus, when I get to 20,000 followers I have a juicy reveal. I am @entylawyer
This actress is a walking blind item. If you thought Jessica Chastain was a walking blind item, then this B- list mostly television actress from a very hit network show is a running blind item. She is filled with them and they just tangle themselves all up. Over the past few months I have spoken to enough people to fill you in on the whole picture. She has run into controversy in the past. She has run into her ex-boyfriend's fist in the past. She was forced to have a procedure done while she was dating that same boyfriend for her to stay on her hit show. Oh, and she prefers women over men. Details? Ex-boyfriend is headed up there to A list land if he would only learn how to act and also not drink as much or be so violent. He had no problems with our actress loving women and encouraged it as long as he got to watch. At first she balked but by the time they had been dating for six months she would pretty much do what he wanted. They didn't break up over the beatings or abuse. Nope. She lived with it and rationalized that it was part of his drinking and that she would try and avoid him when he was drinking. Because of her upbringing she also feels a lot of guilt for the fact that she is bisexual. She almost felt like it was ok for her to get beaten. Yes, she could use some therapy. The reason they broke up was because our actress got pregnant. Her ex was all for keeping the baby and wanted to keep the baby and actually stopped drinking he was so excited. Our actress though told the bosses at her show and they were not enthused and basically said she could have the baby but she would not have a job. She told her ex and he said to quit the show. She said no and that is when he left. Never to return. She had the abortion and has been a shell of herself since. She barely functions while filming and has lost a ton of weight off her ridiculously small frame. She usually stays in and it takes some kind of very important charity event to get out of the house.