Monday, February 18, 2013

Djesus Uncrossed

This is probably the most cutting edge, take a chance segment that SNL has done in years.


  1. I wonder how much hate mail NBC has received from those who don't get it.

  2. It takes A LOT to offend me, and even I cringed at this a bit.

    BUT that said, Christoph did prove he can do comedy as well!

  3. "Life of Brian" is my favorite comedy movie. This reminded me of that.

  4. That was funny! "The H is silent." Haha

  5. That. was. hilarious. "A less violent Passion of the Christ." Hee.

  6. Lol.

    "When you get to heaven say hi to my dad."

  7. Loved this - it takes a lot to make me laugh and I was cracking up all through it!!!

  8. An Austrian as Jesus? That's outrageous! Errbody knows Jesus was an Amurrican! Who wrote the Bible hisself. In English!

    1. Rosemary, I laughed at that til I realized how close to the truth that is for some.

  9. I'm still laughing but then again I have a warped sense of humor

  10. I loved it and after last week Bieberwreck. My first thought was oh boy, the bible belt is not going to like this at all.

    The Pope skit was funny also.

    and casual Hitler, yeah they went there.

  11. I wish I had the opportunity to be offended or applaud this. But I can't see this in Canada!

    SNL us the fucking worst when it comes to the their clips being aired, which is ironic since most of their clips have been stolen from already pre-existing ideas.

  12. Christoph was so great, I also loved the slow jams sketch they did. Kenan was trying so hard not to break!

  13. I thought it was funny then felt bad that I thought it was funny.

    Cristophe is absolutely fearless! I thought he did a terrific job. They thew a lot of stuff at him when they realized he would do anything.

  14. that was the problem with Bieber Scooter was in the writing room nixing all the funny bits they could do. One lame jab at his 'blackness' and looking like Ellen was all that got through, not exactly groundbreaking comedy. It was all about his singing in every skit.

    Kudos to Christophe for running with SNL to the edge.

  15. That's a movie I would go see. Reminded me of Games of Thrones.

  16. And it paid off for them. This is why SNL was good back in the day - it was bizarre and out there and reflected the humor of the writers regardless of who may be overly sensitive.

  17. it would be more cutting edge if it was Mohammad Unchained, but since that would have actually caused riots and deaths around the world, legal advised no. Christianity - fair game. Islam - not.

  18. I could totally see Tarantino doing this, LOL. I'm an atheist who is a fan of the Jesus depicted in the Bible. I'm not a fan of sacrilege because you shouldn't trample on what people hold sacred, but it seems that this Jesus is more like the one his current 'shippers follow and try to emulate, so fair enough. And it was funny!

  19. "No more mr. Nice Jesus"

