Sunday, February 03, 2013

Dina Manzo And Her Husband Announce Split

Back in October Dina Manzo and her husband Tommy separated. Apparently the topic has come up during filming for RH-NJ. Caroline mentioned it so Dina wanted to talk about it first so did what everyone does now when they have important news to share and no publicist. She used Twitter. Dina was on the show for the first seasons and a half, but unlike the rest of the husbands, her husband would not come on the show even though his brother Albert, who is married to Caroline is on the show. I always thought it was strange that Tommy never wanted to be shown.


  1. She has serious WTF face...I would be afraid to wake up to that...sheesh

  2. Maybe he wasn't on the show because he doesn't have the need to push himself in front of the whole world to know his private life. There are some people like that. Me, for one.

    1. Good theory, SusanB, but he was happy to put his private life on television when they did an episode of a wedding show wherein he admitted to cheating on her before they got engaged. She spent half a million dollars on wedding flowers and wore a pink "Mrs. Manzo" tank top at the reception, and they had something like 5 or 6 hundred guests. I remember it well.

  3., what? I only know one Dina.

  4. He didn't want to show his face so all his jump-off's wouldn't realize he was married. I saw this one coming years ago!!

  5. Tommy is big time in the Mob. That's why he never wanted to be filmed. He despised RHONJ. It's known in NJ. At least the parts I'm from.

  6. @susanb, before housewives Dina and Tommy did my big fat wedding and was a giant asshole. So he didnt mind sharing back then.

  7. Ugh. She annoys me. Anyone that would side with Teresa over Caroline Manzo clearly has no sense. "Let me tell you about my family"

  8. didn't he appear when they did "my big fat goomba wedding" before RHONJ ever existed?

    1. Yes they were, some Million Dollar Wedding show on MTV, so I didn't really understand his aversion to being on Bravo.

  9. I heard a rumor that he's gay. Who knows. I never liked Dina. I always thought she was a Class A bitch.

  10. There's a comic in today's paper (I get the Sunday paper on Saturday) where the little girl doesn't want to watch the Super Bowl & suggests a mother-daughter day with manicures. She asks if they can paint "Gumbo's nails, too" and mom says she doesn't think she want her licking the polish off. Little girl says, "Rats! I always wanted to see a dog with painted nails!"

    Husband calls from the other room - "Hey, honey, that housewives reality shows is one!" and then you see mom smirking. HAHAHAHA!

    It's here - Adam at Home.

  11. Tommy is no stranger to reality tv. He and Dina did a VH1 show about their wedding back in the day. He came across as such a huge jerk (and to be fair, she came across as a gold digger who will put up with anything). That said, I've always liked Dina. Hopefully this means that she'll come back to RHONJ.

  12. @Geebz, she was on Real Housewives of New Jersey. She ended up leaving after realizing it could ruin her reputation (i think). She later did a stint on HGTV for decorating.

  13. She openly talked about her husband cheating on that wedding show. I don't see her as a bitch at all. I think she kept herself in check while the cameras were filming, so she appeared almost cold during the time she was on. I will always like her based on the fact that she realized what a clusterfuck that show was, and got out of it.

  14. I always thought she was pretty.

    Like Ashie says, there is talk about mob connections (but don't mention the mob in connection with Tommy and Albert's father or Caroline will wail like an ambulance siren).

  15. It was only a matter of time.

  16. Its no secret that her husband is involved in the mob, thats why he was never on the show. You think the Manzo's are rich b/c of their catering business? Puh-lease! A catering hall in NJ cannot fund the lifestyle they live. Plus, The Brownstone has a rep for being a shitty establishment (I live in the area).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yeah my aunt had her wedding reception there, and it was pretty sh*tty.

  17. Albert and Tommy's father was an associate of the Gambino crime family. He got whacked in the 80s for skimming profits or something like that.

  18. Awww, I like Dina. Hope she's okay.

  19. @pugglewug, that's kind of how I took her to be too, although reading about the wedding reality show (never saw it), seems like that would have painted her a worse light.

  20. I saw her episode of that wedding show. She definitely played her role of the wife to be wanting bigger and better, but it wasn't anything outrageous. Nowhere near the level of the women on Bridezillas. It was pretty obvious that the husband was a grade A douchebag.

  21. It is widely accepted that her husband is gay, and their relationship a marriage of convenience.

  22. Her daughter is not a manzo she is from another marriage. Rumor has it he is gay.

  23. That's a terrible photo of her. She is actually very beautiful. She will be just fine post-divorce.

  24. They were not living together for most of their marriage - he lived across the street. This was just a matter a time because, well, Tommy doesn't really like girls. This whole marriage was a sham.
