Dina Lohan Wants Privacy - Hits Red Carpet
You know what I hate? When celebrities clamor for privacy while they are hitting red carpets and giving interviews everyday. Yet, that is exactly what Dina Lohan did when she said she wants the press to leave her alone because she is just a single mom of four. Uh huh. Who kis also trying to sell a book she wrote and will want lots of attention if she ever does sell it. Oh, and she would also like to make sure companies give her free stuff and that she is invited to events and everything else. Just no questions please. She is a piece of work. According to the NY Daily News, she or Lindsay is also being sued for not paying something. Chase is doing the suing and the guy serving it was afraid to lose his job so it must be something pretty spectacular. Maybe instead of spending all that New Years Eve money and the money Lindsay Lohan has been earning from her special friends on first class tickets and $1000 a night hotel rooms, they could have paid a bill or two. You know, like a normal single mom would do.