Monday, February 04, 2013

Demi Lovato Busts Her Leg

Apparently Demi Lovato suffered an accident at home. She says that her roommate polished the hardwood floors with Pledge. Demi referred to the floors at her house so I guess she is not living in the sober living facility any longer. Demi said that she slipped on the floors at home and suffered the damage to her leg and the photo she Tweeted above. I have no doubt she slipped and fell, and hopefully she did so completely sober.


  1. I believe it. My MIL did this before Christmas one year. I'm surprised no one broke a leg then. It makes the floors dangerously slick.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When I was in elementary school and wanted ice skating lessons (because of the Winter Olympics), my dad sprayed Pledge on our hardwood floors and my brother and I got to "skate" in our socks. Cleaned the floors and saved my parents a ton of money on ice skating lessons that I never received.

    My mom was about ready to kill my dad, though, because she would often slip and almost die. I totally believe that Demi could do this sober.

  3. Sure and i'm the Queen Of England.

  4. In fairness to demi I know I am less likely to suffer bad injuries when ‘refreshed‘ cos I‘m more relaxed when falling!!

  5. Is this like the time that LiLo "fell down the stairs and cut her leg" at Bryan Adams house? Did we ever find out what the real story was with that one?

    1. Totally ot, buy remember when Lindsay fell in a big cactus plant? Lolololol

    2. @ethorne OMG, yes!!! Lindsay is nothing if not entertaining :)

    3. To this day, I think that's still my favorite Lilo tidbit.

    4. Gotta a picture? *eg*

    5. I have no clue how to do links but I'm sure if you Google lilo falling into a cactus, you'll get the pics of her flopping back onto it & having to be helped up. Priceless.

  6. Anonymous7:41 AM

    This isn't that hard to believe. I just hope she's staying away from Wilmer. I hope to God someone's introducing her to some nice men, whenever she is ready.

  7. Lilo's cactus tumble was a great moment yes. :)

  8. I fell a few years ago on a tile floor - broke my coccyx (and totally sober). I have no problem believing this.

    1. SusanB I did the same thing 12 years ago and have not been the same since. I used a donut to sit on for close to a year.

  9. I had a friend she was so drunk she went face first into the cement pavement. Lost all her front teeth. Had to have a full set of top dentures at 25. Not very sexy.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Watching t.v. with the foster kids at my crisis residential center job over the weekend, someone saw an old Disney picture of Demi Lovato and asked, "Whatever happened to her? She just disappeared." And none of the teens knew anything about her new post-Disney job at all. That's a bad sign! Y'all know I used to make fun of Lovato endlessly, but I thought she was being followed more closely by her target age group.

  12. I've busted my ass down our hardwood stairs in socks, lets not try and make a mountain out of a molehill here.

  13. Most slippery product to clean a floor with. Bet this is true.

  14. Timebob ahhh that makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it. I hate teeth accidents or injuries, it's like I can feel them grinding together in my mouth or on concrete a la American History X.

  15. I had a roommate who did this. And holy shit it was like an ice rink.

  16. Replies
    1. @JSierra, that just took me to Huf Po's main page.

  17. Accidents happen, I believe she's working on her sobriety & she should get the benefit of the doubt that she could have simply fallen. Hopefully the roommate is a sober-minder. She's trying and I'd like to see her succeed.

  18. I sprained my ankle big tie just walking down two steps from a porch to a sidewalk. And no, I wasn't in a hurry or trying to catch a baby or anything. People get hurt sometimes. It happens.

  19. I could believe this. My mom would yell at (well, okay, not YELL at, more like warn) us never to get Pledge on the kitchen floor just for this reason.

  20. Replies
    1. Classic! Thanks @VIPblonde!

    2. @vip
      Thanks for the link but that's not even that bad. I once actually fell backwards butt first onto a ball cactus. Google for the full visual. Totally sober in the daytime. There was no one around my neighborhood and couldn't sit to drive myself to the hospital. I had to hobble over to the retired lady across the street where she pulled the needles out of my bare ass while I lay face down on her couch.
      We counted over fifty cactus needles. Needless to say I started drinking as soon as I got back home. Half to alleviate the pain, but mostly to alleviate the sheer mortification. I couldn't look that lady in the face for several months. But I did deliver a really nice gift basket to her doorstep later.

  21. I believe it, but the real issue is whether she required painkillers

  22. Ah shite, sorry Ethorne, I'm still not to good with this stuff. Thank god VIP is!

  23. I had a friend slip walking down our newly refinished hardwood staircase and ended up on crutches and needs knee surgery. She was sober, just in socks on very slippery stairs.

  24. my brother and i would spray pledge on the floor next to the phone on the wall. remember when phones were attached the wall and you all raced for the phone whenever it rang?

    add Pledge. *giggle*

  25. You can find several videos on Youtube about what happens when you put Pledge on your floor.

    This guy did and tells people not to.

  26. I <3 you, Barton.

    @jax, I wish I'd thought of that! My brother & I were always playing practical jokes on each other (still do), that would've been awesome.

    I think this is a bit too specific to be a plant job (ha!). Not many people know that Pledge will make a regular hardwood floor into a skate rink!

  27. now she'll need painkillers


  28. I believe her, I've fallen a few times, very sober, down my hardwood stairs.

  29. This is how I broke my arm last February - totally sober, was dusting and some of the Pledge got on the hardwood floor in the hall way.

    If you ever want to entertain the emergency room staff on a Saturday night, go in and say 'I broke my arm dusting.' Endless amusement.

    It's been almost a year and I still haven't regained full use of my hand, either. Needless to say Pledge is no longer in our repertoire of cleaning products.

  30. I doubt she will need pain killers, maybe some extra strength ibprofophen. I rolled my ankle really badly and was in a leg brace identical to that one for 6 weeks. I never took painkillers, I did smoke the weed though. :)

  31. Xander: What a story!

    I was able to get to the picture from JSierra's link. Not sure what happened to others trying and yeah, Pledge on the floor with socks is just an accident waiting to happen. I'll bet she was sober. If she weren't she would have come across okay. Everytime I fall when I'm drunk I never get hurt. Everytime I fall when I'm sober I do. Obviously I fall a lot.

  32. My ex-wife broke her foot back in 2007 when she miscounted the number of steps on our back (kitchen) stairway. It was the middle of the day on a weekend, and though I didn't think about it at the time, I later wondered if she had started drinking already that day. It wouldn't have been the first--or last--time she poured a G&T before lunchtime.

  33. We had hardwood floors in our house in NY where I grew up and my mom would strip the floors and wax them once or twice a year and when she did, we would ice skate in our socks. Good times!

    But back to Demi: Who is her roommate? Guy? Girl? Housekeeper? Caretaker?

  34. She's still living iat the sober living house.

  35. Every time I've fallen & hurt myself, I've been stone-cold sober, so I can easily see that being the case here, especially if she is still in the sober house. She may or may not need serious painkillers, depending on how bad the break is, so I doubt this is an attempt at getting drugs. (Besides, aren't there better ways to scam for pills that don't involve actually breaking bones?) Hope her leg heals quickly and she's feeling better soon.

  36. Awww, that looks just like me about three months ago! I broke my right foot, rolled it and broke the long bone on the outside edge. It's still messed up, has a giant knot where it broke.

    Even so, the ER didn't prescribe any more painkillers than you'd get after a root canal. ("Luckily" I had one of those done right after I broke the foot.) So depending on how it's hurt, they may have given her ice and ibuprofen.

  37. Please I don't know how many times I've fallen and seriously hurt myself. Including fracturing my foot, breaking my tailbone, 12 stitches in my thumb I am a klutz! So yes this can be done sober.

  38. Apparently the accident happened at the sober living house. The roommate referred to is her roommate at the house.

  39. I often trip on flat surfaces and have no sense of balance, so she gets a pass from me.
