Britney Spears is Headed To Vegas
Larry Rudolph is Britney Spears' manager. He told Extra that Britney is definitely headed to Vegas for a long term gig, but that two hotels are currently fighting to see who gets to pay her lots of money. Not Celine Dion money though. Celine will still be the highest paid entertainer in Vegas. The reasoning? Although Britney's fans will pay the same ticket prices as Celine and will probably see the show even more frequently, they are not considered people who will spend a lot of money in the casino after. That is how the casino makes their money back. Apparently they think Britney Spears fans will stay 8 to a room somewhere at a Motel 6 and go see the show and leave and won't think about hitting those tables with the increased minimums that you have to walk past when leaving a show.