Friday, February 22, 2013

Blind Item #5

The neighbors are starting to wonder why this A++ list mostly movie actor keeps showing up in the neighborhood when he is in town and spending an hour or two with the single mom who lives in the very nice house with the two year old boy who is a dead ringer for the actor. The mom kind of looks like the actor's wife. Just way younger.


  1. Well, maybe he's not A++. No Oscar. I suck at this today.

  2. Married A++ Movie Actors that have done TV:

    Tom Hanks
    Matt Damon

    That's all I can come up with. Help please :)

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Hello friends! Happy Friday! How are we all doing today?

    1. Happy Friday Dagny! Glad to see you around!

  4. To add to the list...

    Denzel Washington
    Arnold Schwartzeneger (still married I think)
    Bruce Willis (not sure about A++)

  5. "Mostly movies" is throwing me of my game.

    1. @Lotta Since these blinds are so rarely grammatically correct, I think mostly movie actor can be read two ways:

      1) "mostly movie" actor = Actor who mostly does movies, but also TV

      2) "mostly movie actor" = Got his A++ rating mostly for his movie acting, but also does other things e.g. Producing, Directing, etc

      Hope that helps :)

    2. @VIP, I like #2 since no A++ actor I can think of still does solid work on tv. Thanks for the much needed help!

  6. Happy Friday Dagny!

    I'm thinking Tom Hanks. He's been way too good to be true for far too long.

  7. Brad did the Friend's eppy--so maybe? The gene pool is strong with that one--look at all the birth children of his--they all look like him

  8. JUICY! Bruce Willis already has a child bride. Is Brangelina married?

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I thought Brad too.

  10. Sounds like Brad to me. He did soaps, sitcom jobs, prime time soaps, like many actors starting out. Who knows whether those two have legally married or not? They function as marrieds so wife fits.

  11. Can it just be 5 o'clock already?

  12. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Happy Friday and Good Morning to all the CDANers! I was thinking Brad too, because he's the first A++ I think of. Well, it could be Ben Affleck, or Matt Damon. Damon was revealed to have had an affair with Famke Jannseen wasn't he? Or just popularly suspected? by the way, I'm doing great, moved out and moving on.

    1. Are you doing well Anna?

    2. Been thinking about you. So glad you are ok.

  13. new avi, disco?

  14. Guys, it says "WIFE". Did I miss the official announcement from Brange?

  15. Congrats, Anna!

  16. Also A++ & married, Daniel Craig. Christian Bale. Enty has described them as A++ before.

  17. Seems like who ever it is wouldn't have a young wife. Wife is probably at least in her late 30's-40's if not older for the mistress to be way younger. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but the fact that it says that she looks like the actor's wife implies that the wife is well known enough for the neighbors to know what she looks like.

  18. I'm going to change my guess to the little grayish silhouette.

  19. Indeed, FSP. Brad Neely. One of my favorite cartoonists.

  20. He says way younger than his wife, this is someone with an older wife, I'm going with Tom Hanks. Can't get no more A +++ than him, has older wife and did some TV early on.

  21. I'm puzzled by the reference for neighbors- I would think if it was a wealthy neighborhood filled with stars, no one would second guess a famous actor coming around. Could be a "meeting" on any given day. With the detail included it makes me think the mistress lives in a more average place if people are that star struck.
    Happy margarita day!

  22. "when he is in town" makes me think he lives in NY

  23. Is Warren Beatty a++ ?

  24. Hmm so far Tom Hanks fits the best.

  25. Maybe the neighbor should mind their business. Just saying.
    I got nothing

  26. Brad Pitt IS NOT MARRIED.

    I think this is Denzel. His wife is old and he's a notorious cheater. I think he knocked up Sanaa L. at some point, too.

  27. Shit in the dark here... Pierce Brosnan?

  28. Replies
    1. Ha! I like shit in the dark. Sounds a lot more carefree.

  29. Brad, George, Damon, Willis are A or A+.

    Deniro, Pacino, Nicholson, Connery, Redford, Hoffman...they're A++

    Also, the A++ actor is question is still married.

  30. Brad, George, Damon, Willis, DiCaprio, Denzel are A or A+.

    Deniro, Pacino, Nicholson, Connery, Beatty, Redford, Hoffman...they're A++

    Also, the A++ actor is question is still married.

    I'm thinking it's Warren Beatty and he's cheating on his wife. There have been rumors that he had been cheating on her. He's known for his cheating ways. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

  31. Gosh, how mysterious

  32. Please be Will Smith! There is just something about Jada that doesn't sit right with me. Hasn't done television in over 20 years but could never be considered "all movie".

    1. @smokey if that women was Will surrogate then i agree.

  33. Oh...Warren Beatty is a GREAT guess!

  34. That said, I would rather it be Tom Hanks. I like Annette Bening, but Tom and Rita really get under my skin like a bad rash.

  35. Naturally, I cannot stop laughing at bekH's typo shit in the dark

    I read this as being a middle class neighborhood, where you wouldn't be expecting high profile stars to be popping in. If the single mom is THAT much younger then his wife, maybe SHE could be the love child kinda like that senator (senator?) recently WHO got caught tweeting HER during the SOTU

  36. Michael Douglas's face popped into my head when I read this.

  37. What about Michael Douglas, given the divorce romours and Enty's recent comment about CZJ's age>

  38. Oh I like the Michael Douglas guess the best I think.

  39. Although wasn't Michael Douglas going through cancer treatments a couple years ago?

  40. Immediately thight Michael Douglas

  41. what married A++ list movie living outside LA is in DM today?

    except Johnny depp(who's not married),Tom Hanks or Sasha Baron Cohen( but they live in LA aera) are in DM today

  42. Call the doctor, cuz i got cap lock fever!! (oops)

  43. Michael Douglas must be on some super duper meds to be carrying on an affair so soon after his cancer treatments. Seems like a lot of work.

    I'd turn a blind eye to Tom Hanks simply because I don't care. Hell, I'd probably waive if I were outside at the same time.

    If it were Brad Pitt I might linger around the window a little longer.

    Anyway, I'm +1 with what dragon said.

    Besides, this person must have zero self awareness to believe no one would notice or believes that at this stage of his career, it doesn't matter.

  44. Gotta go with Michael Douglas. He was on Streets of San Francisco eons ago.

  45. A++ could mean 2 best actor Oscars given the timing of this blind... and an older (ie not a child) wife and humble origins on TV back in the day plus some TV narration stuff now... Tom Hanks FTW

  46. It might be a grandkid if it's Michael Douglas and Cameron has a kid no one knows about, or Michael a new-mom daughter no one knows about. CZJ sure did play roulette with her kids' family background on their dad's side, didn't she? Kurt Douglas wrote a book describing his own father as a sociopath or worse. Rumors swirl around Kurt's behavior and anger. Michael's brother spent time in jail, and now Cameron. They are all quite handsome, and those facial genetics are strong.

  47. My first thought was Michael Douglas. How long has Cameron been in jail? Maybe it's Cameron's kid and that's why MD isn't afraid of getting caught?

  48. Warren Beatty was in Dobie Gillis:)

  49. Tom Hanks. He has a little rep for the cheating, no?

  50. I think if the Actor's Wife was an actress, she would be listed as an Actress, not a wife...that rules in someone like Luciana Damon, but rules out Affleck, Hanks, Douglas...

  51. I'm late to the party and clearly alone here, but my immediate first thought was Clint Eastwood.

  52. There's only about 10 actors I would consider A++, so the list is short really.
    We have
    Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Tom Hanks, Robert Deniro, Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman maybe, Clint Eastwood. Not many others.

  53. Town - i'm thinking Ben Affleck.

  54. The "town" could be anywhere - Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, Phoenix, wherever. Doesn't HAVE to mean NYC or LA, just that it's a neighborhood in a town which usually doesn't have movie stars walking through it.

    I think it's one of these straight, married-with-children A++ stars: Affleck, Damon, Hanks, Daniel Day-Lewis, Denzel Washington, possibly Daniel Craig. Not applicable to this blind: Pitt, Depp (both not married), Will Smith (for obvious reasons), Bruce Willis (current wife is a child), Colin Firth (not A++).

  55. I guess if I were picking unassuming towns with even more unassuming neighborhoods then I'd pick Charlotte, NC. I heard celebs like going/living there.

    1. And FlirtyChick Charlotteans love their gossip. I grew up there and I thinl it's a weird town.
