Sunday, February 03, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former A list reality star and now probably a C list celebrity has made it perfectly clear that she is available for a new show or movie or just being paid for her time if any men would like to "hang out." She and her husband are running out of money and she does not want to downsize.


  1. Replies
    1. Andy- she is not married anymore. And she is filthy rich. Not Heidi. Sorry. :)

    2. I think Andy meant spencer and heidi

  2. I was thinking Jill Zarin. But I don't even think she is C list now. More like Z list.

  3. When did they divorce? How are they filthy rich all of a sudden? I thought they were pretty broke.

    1. @pug i think smash meant heidi the model whose last name i forget

  4. I think Andy meant Heidi Montag

  5. Kendra.

    Off topic, but i heard on the radio yesterday that Nicole Richie and Joel Madden just threw Harlow a party at the Beverly Hills Hotel...fits nicely with the blind about the celebrity husband who was cheating with hotel staff while planning a party.

    Betting the marriage doesn't make it through 2013.

  6. I have left several comments trying to clarify I thought Andy ment Heidi Klum not Heidi Montag. But blogger keeps eatting them.

  7. Heidi and spencer are a fantastic guess.

  8. Because downsizing is soooo much worse for your soul than pimpin' yo'self out----

  9. I don't think Heidi was ever A List (maybe name recognition, but that's it), and she's at the very least D List.

    Downsizing from what exactly? I think they also said they were broke and living with Spencer's parents. That's way past "running out of money."

  10. Yes sorry I meant Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt.

  11. I think "downsize" is a clue given Heidi Montage's XL implants. (That is a clue, right?)

  12. Kendra is a good guess

  13. In what universe was Heidi ever A list?

    1. Groovy- A list in reality tv world. Not the regular world you and I live in. ;)

  14. Guessing Kendra on this one too. They do still have money as opposed to Heidi and Spencer.

  15. I think Jeneral got this one.

  16. Kendra because she was in a TV segment on celebrities who sell their baby pictures and now the new trend is sonograms of the fetus and when asked if she was exploiting her child she said well I did get a lot of money for it hee hee and never really answered the question

  17. this sounds like kendra all the way so to speak. she is an exhibitionist and after living in the playboy mansion with hef as her"boyfriend" it might be an upgrade

  18. Kendra sounds more like it. Hank put money into an athlete fitness club that I doubt is doing well yet if at all. He's not making NFL money anymore.

  19. I say Tori Spelling

  20. Yeah, Heidi Montag. They just did "Celebrity Big Brother" in UK and would want to continue their tour of annoyance.

  21. Heidi Ho for the win.

  22. I read an article about Heidi's mother having to work as a housekeeper, because they spent all the family money.

  23. I think this is Heidi. When they were on BB she didn't fart without Spencer's permission. And he made a remark once while watching her dance that he wished there was a celebrity pole dancing show that she could go on. I doubt she would want to do it, but I could see Spencer pimping her out.

  24. There are news articles that Heidi & Spencer blew $10mil because they thought the world was going to end last December. :/ Gullible shouldn't be allowed to watch the new or read a news paper. They end up making really stupid decisions.

  25. Kristen from the hills?

  26. Kristen from the hills?

  27. Actually, spencer and Heidi are still married, living with Spencer's mother while spencer finishes his degree. They've made it very clear that they are a-ok with where they are now. I doubt it's them. I'm pretty sure this is Kendra

  28. Kendra and Hank, definately. Kendra had no problem hanging out with Hugh. She will do whatever needs to be done for money.

  29. If ya really want to know the answer, just google blind items revealed.

  30. Given that the last line says "SHE does not want to downsize" and not "THEY don't want to downsize," I think this is more likely about Kendra and Hank v. Spencer and Heidi.

  31. AGC says Heidi Montag. So I guess this answer depends on if you put your faith in AGC or prefer to wait until reveal day with total faith in your guess.

  32. How hard is it to remember the names of Jennifer Love Hewitt's breasts? She only has two of them!

  33. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Kate and Gemma said it well. Heidi doesn't take a shit without spencer approving it, there's no way it would say "her" if this was about speidi. I'm liking Kendra for this. Plus it's not like she's new to the game.

  34. No way this is Speidi. They have talked publicly about how they've already downsized:

    The spouses of three years currently live with Pratt's parents to save money while the Hills villain gets his political science degree from the University of Southern California. "A lot of our expenses are minimized," she explained.
