Sunday, February 03, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former almost A list movie and television actress who made her fame in television and now is probably a B-/C+ with a crazy accent was at an event this weekend for kids. All about kids. And she was crazy drunk. Hammered. In the middle of the day. After she got sick the second time she decided to leave.


  1. Sofia Vergara? Only because of the "crazy accent" hint. Not sure though.

  2. Charo! Jk. No idea.

  3. Good guess, Veech. Never watched the show but the commercials on the ABC app "I'm prehhhhgnunt!" are hilarious!

    Eva Longoria is in the DM, but I can't remember if she did an accent on DH.

  4. My first guess was Fran Dresher. Sophia Vergara doesn't do movies does she?

  5. What movies has Sofia Vergara been in? And she's still on the rise and on a popular show, whereas the bling makes her sound like her "making her fame" is past-tense. Not her.

    Fran Drescher is a good guess. The accent doesn't have to mean foreign-born.

  6. *blind, not bling. Sorry!

  7. Fran drescher very health conscious since her cancer, doubt its her.

  8. This sounds a lot more like Fran Drescher vs. Sofia Vergara. I hope this isn't to mean she has a drinking problem, especially after her recovery from Uterine Cancer.

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Sofia Vergara was in Three Stooges

  10. Sofia Vergara has done quite a few Tyler Perry movies... She was hilarious is Medea Goes to Jail.

  11. Sofia Vergara was at DirecTV's Super Bowl concert last night in New Orleans.

  12. Just to be different- Lorraine Bracco?

  13. Sofia doesn't fit FORMER A list just yet, I believe she's still up there. She's everywhere nowadays. If you're a has-been, endorsements just don't come as easily.

    My first guess was Salma Hayek but I'm not sure she's done enough TV to fit the description.

  14. Not sure if she was ever A list, but how about Paz whatsername? She gets drunk in public alot.

  15. Sofia also did the movie Four Brothers.

  16. h'bout Jamie Pressly?

  17. Thank u I was trying to think of persons with maybe a strong southern accent. Thought Brett Butler but Jamie Pressly fits.

  18. Jamie Pressly. She's had one or more DUI's, famous for TV, had that redneck* accent. It's too bad, I really loved her on "My Name is Earl."

    *Which is not the same as a Southern accent. :)

  19. I immediately thought Rosie Perez. She has a "funny accent" and she's done voice work for children's shows (Go Diego Go). But I don't think she was almost A list.

  20. The second time? Jeez.

    I have no idea who this is but I'll keep racking my brain.

    @chopchop I could see Rosie Perez being described as almost A-list at some point because she was nominated for an Oscar a number of years ago.

  21. Jaime is a very good guess. :(

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Sofia was in The Smurfs :D

  24. OT here.
    What do "former" actors do for work? You don't generally hear about them working in a Starbucks, but they have to have income somehow.

  25. Coincidentally Jamie Pressley was officially charged with drunk driving on 2/2/2011.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. "What do "former" actors do for work?"

    Depends on how hard up they are for cash. If you were at all famous at one point you can make pretty good money doing the nostalgia-con circuit. Teach. Dawn Wells toured around giving acting clinics for years. If you can sing--or even if you can't--you can do the roadshow theater thing.

  28. Anonymous12:56 PM

    How about Lark Voorhies. She talks all kind of crazy in recent interviews and with an accent that would be considered crazy. She also got her start in tv. But to say she's B even C makes me second guess myself.

  29. It is NOT Sofia Vergara.

  30. Salma Hayek got her start in Spanish TV doing novelas and has an accent.

  31. Jennifer Tilley? No reason to guess her, except we've begun listing actresses with unusual voices/accents.

  32. Another thing for it being Pressly: She's the only one that's really had a "crazy" accents. Various South American or Hispanic accents are different to an American ear, but not paticularly deliberately crazy.

    I love her Joy character, though, she's kinda my patron saint. When I encounter something that is absolute horseshit, I'll break out a Joy inspired "Awww, HELL NO!" or the like, even though I have nothing remotely like a Southern accent.

  33. Can't be Fran. Her NY accent isn't that crazy in real life.


  34. I was gonna say Megan Mullally, but her accent was faked on Will and Grace. I was SHOCKED to hear her speak with her normal voice haha!
    I hope not Jaimmi; I loved her on My Name is Earl.

  35. Totally Jaime Pressley. :(

  36. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Just to be different, how about Rosie Perez?

    1. Niw that is one f*cking annoying voice, ugh.

  37. There is no way Jamie has ever even approached a list anything, I don't think fake redneck accent for a role counts

    I dont think we've guessed it yet

  38. I heart Spike!

  39. Sofia Vergara's accent isn't really crazy. Fran Drescher's is crazy!

  40. barbara walters. weird accent. boom, done.

  41. But Jaime Pressley doesn't have an accent in real life! The one on My Name Is Earl was affected.
