Sunday, February 03, 2013

Blind Item #1

It is not enough anymore for this C+ list all movie actress to be the only offering. She has exhausted her shelf life with her main benefactor. The beatings and the extra women brought in and he is still getting bored. To keep up the money flow, they are going to have to bring out the secret weapon who made close to $250K herself last year being the mistress of an Asian billionaire. The benefactor here is desperate for her.


  1. Replies
    1. @Firebug: how's the baby cooking going? I loved the picture of you on reader photos. So cute.

  2. As the one that isn't enough anymore

  3. Didn't read it properly, probably Lindsay & Ali

  4. Could that explain Lindsay's bruises from a few weeks back? Hmmm quite sad

  5. I agree, Lindsay & Ali. How old is Ali now?

  6. The Lohan sisters. JFC, what a nightmare.

  7. wonder who the benefactor is

    1. Teri Richardson. I think that's his name. The photographer

    2. I'm amazed that guy is running around and folks like Marc Jacobs vouches for him.But y'all talk about Chris Brown.

    3. I don't know if its true, but its speculated on this site that he is her "benefactor "

  8. They're bringing in Ali because guess what never gets boring? Ass to ass!

    1. I admire your dedication to ass to ass, VIP!

  9. WTH?!

    Those parents are monsters.

  10. I can see this being Lindsey but with Liz and Dick she's no longer an all movie actress. Plus who in the world would ever be desperate for Ali?!

    1. Someone with an underage fetish? She looks young

  11. Holy shit poor Ali. No wonder Dina shipped her off, she's scum of the Earth.

  12. There's something in Barney Stinson's Bro Code that says:

    "No matter how hot the woman you're sleeping with is... her friend, roommate, or younger sister, who you've never slept with, is hotter."

  13. Lindsay, Ali, Dina in any possible combination. For that money can´t be less

  14. dina is really a POS she use those kids like a credit card

  15. I keep seeing ass to ass references when Lindsay's name comes up....what have I missed?


    Originally coined by the ever-excitable Uncle 'Ass-to-Ass' Hank in the movie Requiem For a Dream upon seeing two naked girls insert a large dildo in their rectums and then 'push it real good', the usage of this phrase soon became so widespread that it became a universal reply to any question, situation or insult.

  17. There's an ass to ass scene in Requiem for a Dream. Lohan recently got paid a shitload to hang out with some prince. Someone said she probably did ass to ass, and the rest is history.

  18. Thanks Unknown, but I meant is there a specific incident or blind involving Lilo

  19. Thanks Puggle...please pardon my Sunday morning ignorance, guys

  20. @Really, I think that sums up her whole life pretty well.

  21. I saw Requiem for a Dream when I was 14, which was probably too young. For the longest time I thought they used a beer bottle, not a dildo, for ass to ass. It always freaked me out.

  22. Teri is such a PERV how the hell isnt he being investigated

  23. thats bieber and lebron favorite toy too


  24. Lohan's should be banned from reproducing..

  25. This has got to be Lindsay and Ali or Dina. Ali was in Korea for much of last year, so she wasn't "modelling", she was a kept girl of an Asian millionaire.

    I dread to think what Dina has planned for the youngest boy. Wasn't there whisperings of her pimping him out too?

  26. Jeebus. These poor kids. Ali shipped off to Korea and makes $250k. Then makes her come back to satisfy Liho's benefactor. Sad.

  27. Where the fuck is the rest of the family? There has to be aunts and uncles. No one seems to be stepping in, calling CPS, doing anything to protect these kids. Dina is clearly on something, she is out all the time, when does she have time to raise the youngest son?

  28. This is a fit for LiLo & Ali. would explain the bruises all over Lindsay. It also fits that Ali was living in a "model house" in Korea (right? Somewhere in the orient) and has been largely missing from the public eye.

  29. If this is the Lohan girls, how does Dina sleep nights?

  30. I was watching Mildred Pierce last night (the original) and was thinking that although Dina is horrible-Lindsay probably is a manipulative little bitch among her siblings. If anyone has seen the movie, one could compare Ali to the character of the sweet and innocent Veda who mommy doesn't give 2 shits about and runs the whole family unit to get what Lindsay wants and when she wants it.

  31. @Just Curious, Marc is a disease spreading, sex and drug addicted scumbag---he is no moral authority and we talk about Chris Brown cause he beats women and acts like a 12 year old brat outta juvie

  32. No offense, but this is really insulting to Asians. Some billionaire can buy pussy and he picks a Lohan? I think those girls are rented out to people much (much) lower on the list. Lindsay wouldn't be in such financial difficulties is she could pull in people with real money and power.

    That Arab that invited Lindsay to the party brought her there for entertainment, not sex. I'm pretty sure he's not into women.

  33. i believe Ali Lohan was in rehab during her "Korean trip"

  34. Here's a list of Korean billionaires, if you want to find out the guy:

  35. @TheGWU - I agree with you about the Prince of Brunei. The celebs he invites to his parties (which happen in London) are people like Dionne Warwick, Joan Collins, and Diana Ross. He's not schtupping any of these women.

    One minor point, though: he's Asian, not an Arab. Muslim, yes, but not Arab.

    A lot of people have been confusing Brunei with Dubai. Brunei borders Malaysia, near Vietnam, Cambodia, Dubai is a city in the UAE, which is near Saudi Arabia.

  36. i was wondering why Vikram was back in the picture when he had been gone for awhile but then he was back buying Lindsay a buttload of designer clothes again. And now we know why. Enty had a blind (or was it a reveal too?) of him being obsessed with Ali and wanting Lindsay to bring her into the fold.

    Le sigh.

  37. Lindsey and her sis. What a wreck her the parents are, I feel for them. Never stood a chance....

  38. I only hope one day these girls write a tell all and sell out Dina for her vicious behaviours!

  39. Ugh, I'll never get ass to ass out of my head now. It's like learning about the facts of life from my middle school friends. Which, is how I learned most of the stuff I knew. Lol. Ahh. My Internet debauchery continues.

  40. beatings? that's part of the deal?

  41. Lindsay/Vikram/Ziyi Zhang....I'm going to assume that Vikram is desperate for Ziyi? Ugh...too many sex workers to keep straight in my head!

  42. No one would be desperate for Ali Lohan. She is seriously hideous to to look at.

  43. LOL @VIPBlonde ass to ass never does get boring. definitely Lindsay/Ali. Lindsay had those bruises and Ali went to Korea or whatever for "modeling school" last year
