Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blind Item #1

This Teen Mom faked her pregnancy for money from a tabloid and then had to fake a miscarriage since she was not actually pregnant. Oh, and your first thought is probably not correct, but I'm pretty sure it is where she learned the trick.


  1. So my first thought was Jenelle Evans, but then again, I only know of her from Enty's posts.

    1. Ha @Cleo - it's funny 'cuz it's true! I had the exact same thought!

  2. Well I would say jenelle but that's my first thought. So Leah ?

  3. Replies
    1. I'm pretty sure he hasn't gotten his period yet...

    2. Bwahaha! I almost spit my drink all over!

  4. The one that had twin girls and got married immediately after her divorce and now has another child. I don't remember her name, thank goodness.

  5. anything to score drugs

  6. Why are the Teen Moms even newsworthy?

    1. Greenmountain, I'm with you! Wth cares. I don't even know their names and didn't know they existed until this site. Why glorify this group of crap

  7. A search shows Leah Messer announced a pregnancy last month. I wish these girls would get a real life with real pay.

  8. My first thought was Leah.

    Is the last line supposed to mean that one teen mom picked up the move from a different teen mom who did this already?

  9. But didn't Leah go through the miscarriage before Jenelle? At any rate, awesome job role models!

  10. It's Leah. She actually did this a year or so ago. She wound up getting caught up in her lies (conflicting stories/timelines, stuff that just didn't make any sense), her mom went on a twitter rampage against anyone who said anything about it.
    And Janelle would be the one who learned from it.

    I used to have a really old phone that could barely handle being on the internet, one of the only sites it could pull up was a Teen Mom gossip site. This is why I know so much about these girls. I am a loser.

  11. First thought Jenelle, so obviously it's Leah. They showed her taking the test on Teen Mom though and the digital said pregnant so I don't know how she could fake that (and why she would yell it to her kids)

  12. It's Ok, seward. You're among friends here. I find myself giving unsuspecting people info they never wanted or asked for about their favorite celebs.

  13. You guys got it! The only two who have had "miscarriages" are Leah and Jenelle; Leah's came first. And for those interested, Leah did actually did just give birth to another girl: Leah Messer Baby

  14. these girls disgust me

  15. I'm just surprised skanky Janelle has stayed out of the headlines for a couple weeks.

  16. Ok so Jenelle learned from Leah's ways. @VIP, I checked out your link and good lord! 3 kids and a divorce by age 20. I just can't comprehend being a mom of 1 let alone 3 at that age.

  17. No shame in your game, Seaward. I'm in that same bad taste boat and I'm loud & proud. Errrr, too far. Wouldn't say proud.

    Haha, ethorne. The tabloid world was Jenelle's oyster for a long run there.

    Anyone want to speculate on Leah's new baby name? It has to have some form of Leah in it right? I mean the twins are Aliannah and Aleeah FFS.

  18. *giggles at Bieber*

  19. Well at least Leah didn't tweet her "miscarriage" from beginning to end.

  20. What about Ajaleah? Starts with an A, combines Leah with a J for Jeremy. I like your guess ethorne (I keep wanting to type our Emily :)

    Soooo, in that link from VIP, the kissing the pregnant belly with her having hair only a hairdresser who hates her would give her and it being taken in a garage....I'm dead from laughing.

  21. @rex- :)

    Lol, ew in the pic it looks like he's about to go downtown.

  22. Hahaha, I think she found that hair in the garage.

  23. @seaward and frufra, you wouldn't believe the number of times I start a sentence with "I know you don't care but..." Lol and then go into whatever celeb gossip tidbit I found super juicy that day lol.

    Also, hahahahaha @ the garage pic and if she didn't say the baby name I'm sure she's holding out until someone pays her for it.

    Whatever happened with the one twin being a dwarf?

    1. Maybe* being a dwarf. Just wondering if they ever found out for sure or not.

  24. Leah - no doubt.

  25. These girls are such trash and we're glorifying them with tv shows. Incredible.

  26. Never seen teen mom. Don't care.

  27. who watches that pathetic show? I watched one time and that was all I could handle.

  28. I watch that pathetic show. And enjoy it for many, many reasons.

    It's funny, I was just wondering what you & Dragon thought of Teen Mom and lo and behold - you popped in to give us your opinion! Thanks! You can move on to the next now. I've duly noted your preferences.
