Monday, February 04, 2013

Beyonce's Super Bowl Show

In case you missed it or saw it once and wanted to make sure that Beyonce really did shut off the microphones of Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams so you couldn't hear them over Beyonce here is Beyonce's halftime performance in its entirety. Whether your power goes off at your home or place of business afterwards is at your own risk.


  1. Didn't watch yesterday, won't today.

  2. Hellooooo Beyonce's new nose

  3. She was panting and trying to catch her breath the whole time because she attempted to do this live and dance. There wasn't much singing. It was screaming, talking and grunts. Sad about turning down the mic on Kelly & Michelle. They looked great and made the best part if the performance.

  4. I thought she put on a great show.

  5. I'm suprised she shared the stage with them. This was HER Super Bowel performance (yes, I misspelled it on purpose).

  6. Kelly stole the show. Bey looked and sounded like a reject from RuPaul's Drag Race.

    1. Lol this made me laugh out loud! I think she looks like that most of the time.

  7. I watched. Not impressed. There have been so many great performances over the last few years (Tom Petty, Rolling Stones, Springsteen) and this fell VERY short.

  8. I didn't watch but caught the end where she was just crouching and singing Halo. I don't mind that song but only because Florence and the Machine did an amazing cover of it.

    1. Florence is a goddess with the voice of a thousand angels.

  9. It was underwhelming and she's a horrible live singer. No wonder she lip-synched the National Anthem.

  10. @VIP - Beyonce got a new nose years ago - did she replace that one or something?

    1. @Cathy Not sure. She looked extra sculpted last night. Either new nose or went overboard on the contouring

  11. And Entwardo, why don't you post the Calvin Klein commercial?

  12. I'm not a fan of hers much, but I liked it somewhat. It had her megalomaniacal ego thing to the max, and it was nice to see Kelly and that other one. However, "Halo" is one of my least favorite songs of all time. I can only survive it by singinging along "When I hear that heiffer bellow, bellow, bellow, hear that heffa bellow, bellow, bellow, hear that beffa bellow bellow bellow ... bellow."

  13. I watched it on Youtube last night and thought they did a great job! As Land Manatee mentioned, Beyonce made sure to do everything live. It was an excellent example of why artists pre-record their tracks - to give the audience a better show!

  14. I thought it was quite awful. Beyonce sounds horrible live. Destiny's Child was my favorite part. I am also irked that Beyonce got to do the half-time show before way more deserving artists such as Bon Jovi. (OK. I am a hopeless Jersey Girl, so I am biased. But Bon Jovi has SO many perfect gametime songs. Living on a Prayer, HELLO?!?!)

    Dare I say it, Madonna and the Black Eyed Peas were much more enjoyable for me than Beyonce. From her all-girl "band" to her look-alike dancers, the whole thing gets an ick nast from moi.

    And sidenote, I really didn't think Alicia Keys did a bang-up job on the National Anthem. Could she be a bigger screamer? I feel like all her accolades are because she actually sang live. This is what it has come down to: We're thrilled when our bazillionaire over-rated musicians ACTUALLY do something without backing vocals and fakery. Sigh.

    1. Yeah, Alicia Keys doesn't do anything for me either. Her voice is meh. I think she is a decent songwriter, but her voice ruins a lot of it for me.

  15. Lol @ Barton! Now I have it stuck in my head!

    And Vicki, Yes! Yes! Yes! This world needs more Calvin Klein commercials.

  16. Kelly was good. Michelle looks liked she was half asleep.

  17. Did anyone catch this clip?

    Looks like somebody will probably be moving a little slower today.

  18. When you dance that much, you should lip sync a bit (imo), or else you get grunts and talking, like we saw last night. The Destiny's Child reunion was awesome, aside from the fact that I could barely hear Kelly and Michelle, and they were only onstage for a hot second.

    I was pretty disappointed. Beyonce has a phenomenal voice, but was dead set on proving she doesn't lip sync, which ended up making her performance suffer. I get that she is the "queen bee", but if their is going to be a reunion of her group, let it be an actual reunion. They only got to sing a few lyrics, and that was it. I'm still annoyed about that.

    1. I felt like Beyonce was too intent on making it clear that SHE was invited to the party. The song choices were off, she chose a few that no one cares about over big hits off her solo stuff or even DC hits they could have done. No Survivor?

  19. O'Really, Florence is amazing! She and Pink are two of my girl crushes.

  20. She looked like a heffer hooker

  21. I don't think there was a part of her performance that stood out or wow'd more than when Kelly & Michelle came out. Had they not joined her, the whole thing would've been pretty blah IMO.

    I agree with @susan that even Madonna and the BEP put on a better show.

  22. Wish there was a lot more Destiny's Child! Also, if Beyonce sang live, it would be a first. They always make the performers pre-record so that they don't have any audio issues day-of

  23. i thought it was a pretty typical beyonce performance. nothing special or spectacular, as usuual. lots of gyrating (which looks gross and vulgar when she does it), leotards, lacefronts, hair swinging, etc. she can sing and she's talented but she's so blah to me. she's been doing the same thing music and performance wise since her first solo project and its boring now. on a brighter note, her band was amazing. i hope she switches it up on her next album.

  24. Yeah, her nose did look weird last night. I think it was just weird contouring and her bugging her eyes out the whole time.

  25. Actually I caught Beyonce lip syncing twice, during countdown and halo, trust me it happened, OK performance but this is same routine and same songs she has done for years o_O

    1. Yep, I KNEW she was 'syncing on Halo! I'm glad someone else saw it!

    2. I caught that too. Was actually coming here to say it.
      After the high energy of Single Ladies she probably needed to catch her breathe before going to a song in such a low register.
      Gotta say I hate that Halo song. It wrecks my head.
      I liked, but didn't love, her show. It could have been so much better.

  26. @ Bella - it's funny - my boys were laughing at her gyrations - that's how preposterous and non-sexy they are. I have a 14 year old, so that's pretty telling. My 11 year old was even inspired to do some "dancing" of his own, which was much more entertaining than what was on the TV.

    They also mentioned that it reminded them of a Kermit the Frog parody that they'd seen on MAD TV. Ha!

    1. Haha @Frufra- now you have me thinking of that boy dancing in the clip Enty posted the other day. I'm still laughing over that. :)

    2. Lmao! I'm sure your boy's imitation was better lol

  27. I freaking love Pink, and that girl always has mucho physical performances and sings live.

    If Broadway performers train to sing and dance at the same time, why shouldn't Beyonce and other pop stars?

    1. Susan, you are preaching the gospel today! I've wondered why pop singers get a pass but anyone in musical theater can run circles around these fools while singing nonstop.

  28. I really wanted to see more of Destiny's Child.

  29. How about all of the blue lights? I thought for sure she was going to be decked out in a blue get-up since it's her new favorite color with a big "4" on it somewhere.

  30. Yes, Alicia Keys did a wonderful job of the National Anthem. I think it was one of the best I've ever heard.

  31. There's so much great music in New Orleans, I wish they'd used local musicians and had a Mardi Gras theme. It would have been so much more enjoyable.

  32. Not a fan, but thought her performance was bang on very good.

  33. O'Really - Totally agree with you. I was thinking the same thing while watching.

  34. I wish Destiny's Child sang a second Destiny's Child song, not one of Beyonce's. That was lame. And their microphones were turned down so you could here her grunt more. Great.

  35. @OReally and Vicki- I adore Florence and her voice is a treasure. I hate when she covers any song I love because she destroys the original and I can only listen to her version!

    1. IKR?! Did you see her a few years back at one of those awards shows when she filled in on that doctor song with Dr Dre? Perfection. That sealed my love for her forever and always.

  36. I thought it was a great show and she did an awesome job, I thought way better than Madonna, imho.

    However, I DID catch a NUMBER of occasions where I could hear singing and the mic was not by her mouth so... there was lipsycning but I think it makes for better sound quality.

  37. didn't watch, heard some of the audio, it was crap. Bring back REAL musicians and vocalists!

  38. It was nothing we haven't seen from Beyonce. It was a waste of a halftime. I would have rather seen the commentators discuass the game during halftime.

    I didn't care for the commercials either but I loved the trailers for the upcoming movies, esp Iron Man 3.

  39. I also thought it was a good show and thought she looked beautiful. I don't get the tranny thing, she's so pretty. Loved seeing Kelly!
    Oh and I'm not a fan of B. The only songs I like are Crazy in Love and Baby Boy with a smidge of To the Left.

  40. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Kind of underwhelming but halftime shows are always underwhelming

  41. I loved it, I thought she did a great job. And I was glad to see Kelly and Michelle! :)

  42. O'Really-ITA about the local musicians. THAT would have been awesome!

    Count me in on the Florence + The Machines love!

  43. Beyonce was absolutely AMAZING!! Lol it's really pathetic people are still stuck on that lip syncing debacle. Give it a rest. She's a vocal and entertainment powerhouse and you will deal :).

    Anyways kelly was gorgeous, fierce, and simply perfection!!

    I wish all three ladies much deserved success!

  44. Even though I don't like a lot of Beyonce's music, I thought the show was fantastic. She's an incredible performer IMO! Have you ever tried to jog and carry on a conversation? Now imagine sprinting and trying to belt out a song in front of millions of people. I don't know why hard core dancers take heat for having backing vocals if they are singing the majority of it. It's CRAZY HARD!

    The only thing I had a laugh about was how Michelle and Kelly were put in more plain outfits (and their mics were definitely lower). That was the only thing that I thought reflected poorly on Beyonce

    1. Having seen him a jillion times, Prince can do it and has been doing it like uh forever. So there is no excuse.

      And it was really wrong to turn the mics AND the music down AND making Destinys Child sing along to HER songs.

    2. Having seen him a jillion times, Prince can do it and has been doing it like uh forever. So there is no excuse.

      And it was really wrong to turn the mics AND the music down AND making Destinys Child sing along to HER songs.

    3. @ac
      So what I'm hearing, is DANCE OFF!!

  45. So, when did Beyonce get her new Michael Jackson nose?! That was bizarre- AND she may have sung *some* of her stuff, but she lipped ALOT of it. You could especially tell during her over the top head/hair banging. She just couldn't get it lined up every time. I'm not a big Beyonce fan, but what respect I did have for her was dampened by turning down the other girls volume. That was pure ego bullshit. I have no idea how she and J.Z. manage to fit both their ego's into one room.

  46. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The sasha fierce shtick is getting old! I understand you have to be in a zone when you're performing, but dont carry that bitchiness in to your real life. i really liked her when she was just a nice wholesome honest christian texas girl, smiling and being polite, hard working, great attitude, supportive of her team not all ME ME MEEEEE!!! Ego monster that she is now. Those facial expressions... She's lost all her likability as far as I'm concerned. Oh and I haven't watched this and I'm not going to. Because I just don't care.

  47. Im not her biggest fan and I have to admit this performance was perfect.
    Madonna who?
    THIS is how you do a superbowl halftime performance!!

    did she really sing live?? amazing.

    1. @Beta If she sang live, that would be the first time they let someone do that at the Super Bowl. The NFL makes them prerecord and lip sync. Even Paul McCartney. And he wasn't happy about it

  48. video's already gone. Thanks for sharin' NFL!

  49. Next year the Superbowl will be in an outdoor field in New Jersey! WTF? Whoever gets to that Superbowl will be freezing their balls off.

  50. Hahaha@ethome, EXACTLY like that little boy dancing!

    Video has been removed, but I watched it live. It seemed like she felt she was under a lot of pressure to put on a "really big sheeww" after the anthem mishap. I wouldn't've cared if she lip-synced (seems to me they do that routinely to avoid day-of mishaps), she's just paying the piper for lying about doing it before.

    Will Ferrell's Kanye tweet still has me laughing. Hold on, Ima let you finish, but I just gotta say Beyonce's show was the best! {snerk}

  51. I know it's hard to sing and dance and imagine in front of MILLIONS of people!
    BUT what bothered me was the camel toe annoying. Sorry there is not a nicer way to say that!

  52. Hi everyone, longtime lurker just waiting for the right time!

    For starters I love all of you CDaNers; diapapaya, lotta, timebob, vicky c, you guys have given me some of the biggest guffaws a girl could have, I still crack a dimple at "I laughed frufra"!).

    Now back to the post, this A++ singer recently battling some brouhaha over her MV'ing the NA, recently turned down the mics of her co-singers during her “comeback performance”. She'll deny it, but the walls will soon come tumbling down. Hey Ent-Dog!
    Seriously, after careful analysis of the video, here are my thoughts:

    • The Vince Lombardi quote at the opening was kinda cool, as were the pyros, but I genuinely feared for the folks out there who probably caught a seizure or two.

    • Her nose did look the same to me, which is funny considering the LED-lit silhouetted profile she used for the show was pretty plain-jane.

    • I was really hoping she would have sang more of this version of "Love on Top" (with LL Cool J and Keezo Kane) as it ALWAYS gets the party jumping!

    • Did anyone else think that Ms. Beatrice bears a resemblance to Solange? (Beatrice rocks, tho, love her!)

    • “Say You'll Never Let Me Go” is one of my top 5 and she did an interesting arrangement with this and she seemed really into it (5:35) + she look really good here (6:00).

    • The use of the "Limb by Limb" sample from Cutty Ranks (6:27) gave her some serious dancehall cred in my book, but did she really have to continuously shout "Dutty Wine" like some kind of Mad Hatter?

    • Kelly COMPLETELY OWNED that DC interlude. She is a "Sho Nuff Boss Baby"! (7:41, 10:11, 10:38 & 10:44)

    • Michelle - poor thing, I really thought she was gonna faceplant there for a minute (7:43); she couldn't keep up with the choreography (8:51, 10:12, 10:30, 10:34) and otherwise looked like she could give a ish about the whole production (10:45) – and I secretly think she tripped on her way down and accidentally killed the switch.

    • Their harmonies were damn-near flawless though, even when she tried to out-sing them (9:05)

    • She did perform (snippets of) two destiny child songs, which for her, was pretty cool. I agree with the other posters - We Want More DC!!!

    Other than a few well-timed squat-jumps, the whole show pretty much read as a Queen B-.

    Now, where my ring at!

    1. Hi Plum! Glad you decided to start commenting - you've got a lot to add! Just had to second your seizure comment. My oldest son mentioned that, too - they needed to give a heads-up about the strobe-light mania!

  53. 5 months of rehearsal for the lights to do all the work. All this did was prove my point on how boring she is and how lame her catalog is. Her best work was with DC and that's because Kelly's voice carried all of those songs. Say what you will about Madonna, but she, Prince, U2, etc. have music that is timeless and universal. This is just the usual vapid, smoke and mirrors that she does. Stans will be stans.

  54. beyonce is super beautiful and can dance, but her voice is really really nothing special. its weak and very forced. she does sing on key, but its still a very weak voice.

    I watched a few minutes of the performance and the destiny's child women both had better voices than she does, faint as they might have been.

    I understand that she is 'beyonce' but seriously if she were fat and ugly and couldn't dance, and were a contestant on american idol, she wouldn't have made it to hollywood.

  55. I don't really like Beyoncé, but the performance was fun. She was *clearly* lipsynching at least part of it. I think almost all overproduced music these days is lipsynched in part live, because there's no way one singer can sing both main and backing vocals at the same time. There's too much damn splicing and trickery in the studio that is impossible to reproduce live.

    I'm just mad at Animal Planet for a) running the puppy bowl all day, so it was in rerun by the time we got to the actual game, and b) where the hell were the kittehs at halftime?! I want frolicking kittens, dammit! I seriously feel cheated this year.

  56. oh please with this bashing of Beyonce already dam. You hate her we get it.

  57. Stripper lap dance show. Belonged in a strip club. Would be so nice to see a half time show that actually focussed on MUSIC rather than pyrotechnics and women trying desperately to strut their stuff.

  58. she did a great job she worked it and gave a great show.

  59. I thought the mics for Kelly and the other one (sorry I can't remember her name) were way down.

    It was an okay halftime.. if you want a Vegas show it was great, singing, or song choices.. nope.

    The real entertaining thing was, reading on Yahoo OMG! page.

  60. Well now I know what she lip synced for the Pres. She's awful live. That was one of the worst SB half time shows ever.

  61. I thught it was pretty good, al things considered (read: not a big fan, lip synching scandal, out of breath). My only real pet peeve was the head-banging and hair tossing. I was getting dizzy. Coulda been the beers, though...

  62. I found that whole performance to be very boring. All her songs sounds the same to me and they always get stuck in my head. Today I have the ring song in my head, with occasional moments of the Charlie's Angels song, and it is making me quite grumpy.

    There are so many more interesting choices they could have made for halftime.

  63. It was ok, not the best though and really after all the hoopla about her doing the show and all those pictures she posted of her practicing I guess I really expected something that would really be impressive but nothing was. It was nice to see the other girls if only for like 30 seconds.

  64. A lot of special effects, not much singing.

    Plus, when she was doing her gyrations, the first thing I thought was, "Why is Beyonce doing the robot?"

  65. There are many acts that can perform live and perform live well, they do it on tours every single night so get those folks out for Super Bowl not the overproduced singers.

  66. I've had Halo stuck in my head all day and I didn't even watch the show. Kill me now! This is torture.

  67. I really thought that the whole microphone thing was really tacky...
    Seriously, why invite them then?

  68. I just started listening to Florance and she is a goddess!!! Her voice is seriously angelic. Pink in a hard rock mama and I love her!

    I gave my take on Beyonce last night. Lots of grunting and humming. She has pipes and girl can sing, last night was not great but ok. I agree that I rather see a lip synced really good performance rather than a half sung "show". And I am really over the jirating hips and shit. Gross.

  69. Whatever happened to marching bands during the half-time show?

  70. This video was removed. I'm having a hard time getting any on YouTube to actually play. Odd. Can't make a comment about this performance but would love to be able to see it.

  71. Oh and welcome Plum!

  72. @Robert

    Unless the marching band members were half-dressed and doing backflips while playing their instruments I don't think they'd make the cut.

  73. As far as I know, Beyonce was always the lead singer in Destiny's Child - why would it change at this point? I don't think anyone forced Kelly and Michelle at gunpoint to sing with Beyonce! They were probably happy to be asked! Is the Superbowl going to hurt their careers?

  74. Well...

    in terms of the gyrating and hip/ass action, bodysuit, etc, that's just what she's been doing for years so none of that surprised me.

    It did surprise me that Destiny's Child were not out there very long and the song selection for DC was especially not good. Survivor would have been a no-brainer.

    You could see the lip synching during Halo or when she wasn't you could hear her trying to catch her breath, which is understandable given everything that led up to it in the performance, but still it was not perfect. And I don't understand her weird crouched over posture during that song.

    Overall though most people are talking about her and not the game so I think she accomplished her mission regardless of the quality.

    And on Alicia Keys- is it just me, or does anyone else find it borderline sacreligious to "riff" on the national anthem!?? I mean it's one thing to do all the vocal acrobatics with the words that are in the song. It's another thing to repeat the last 2 lines of the song in "your style" once the song is done.... I honestly though she would segue into New York. I think that is obnoxious as hell. Was always neutral on AK but now I'm a definite sell.

  75. Kelly is rumoured to be Beyonce's illegitimate half-sister. The video has been pulled so I can't comment on the performance.

  76. @Izahart

    I see what you're saying about the National Anthem, but if you're taking a poll, no it didn't bother me that she embellished it.

  77. What an ego-fest it was.

    And .. serious question here .. why the hell is this woman incapable of keeping her legs closed? I swear her inner thighs never get closer than 8 inches apart. I am sorry .. but constant flashing of the coochie is just not even remotely sexy .. imo. I could be wrong but .. yuck.

  78. @ really should check out some New Orleans marching bands. They would've blown Beyonce 's tribute to Beyonce away.

  79. Hey Shelly, Hey Frufra (heart your name!)

    Here's another link, I just checked it so it should still be working.

    Happy Monday!

    I know this thread is a little worn now, but I would like to add that this was something of an epic night for AA women & the NFL as all of the performers were AA - but then again, with the Illimunati, you neva know!

  80. Well, i loved it, and my 11 month old was hypnotized by Bey. i can't believe anyone would prefer the Black Eyed Peas to what we saw last night, the Black Eyed Peas were fucking AWFUL.

  81. I thought it was horrible!!!!! I kept waiting for "something" to happen besides the dancing. Say what you want about Madonna (who I don't like one way or the other), but she knows how to but on a show. Fail!

  82. I mostly just wondered how she does that flinging herself around dancing without throwing her back out.

    But then I'm kind of old.

  83. @O'Really

    What sort of things are marching bands doing now? It sounds interesting!

  84. I nearly cacked myself when Kelly and Michelle tried to use their microphones.

    It was a very enjoyable 15 minutes though, Beyonce was fantastic but I have Beyonce-fatigue, it's too too much lately with no sign of letting up.

  85. This has probably already been said but my first thought was "I bet she wishes now she hadn't lip synced the National Anthem because everyone is watching closely to make sure she doesn't lip sync halftime" - She got those two flip flopped and had she not been called out for the NA she would have lip synced both.
    My opinion about Kelly and Michelle's mic's getting lowered - they were making her look winded and tired and Bey couldn't have THEM singing clearly while she was gasping so she turned them down. She was not so sasha 'fierce' last night. All hype.

  86. Rock & pop singers have been gyrating their hips since Elvis. What pisses me off is the # of female singers who seem to feel obligated to perform dressed as Vegas showgirls, with Vegas-type backup dancers to boot.
    To quote Hole, "I am not a Feminist" but the sense that so many flash their flesh like "Hustler" models to make it to the top of the music industry is depressing... though the exposure's not a bad way to conceal vapid lyrics.

    Had they ditched 90% of Timberlake & relegated "Beautiful B" (see her GQ interview? Scary stuff) to a brief-but-bona-fide Destiny's Child Reunion to please the masses, & filled that time with JayZ & a visit from Kanye? I'd have tuned in--1/2 time show would have been a heck of a lot more interesting on many levels. What teams were playing again? Sports just not my thing, sorry.
