Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Attention Ryan Gosling - Rachel McAdams Is Now Available

Dear Ryan,

I don't know you. The closest I have come to meeting you is when my long time friend Dominique went looking for your house in the middle of the night with some friends because you invited them to a party at your place. She said you smelled really nice. I have met Eva Mendes who you are currently kind of dating, but lets be real, the diva thing gets old after a while. She is an animal lover though so we do need to give her points for that. And hot, yes, yes, fine, but a diva. I wanted to let you know that Rachel McAdams and Michael Sheen broke up. No, not Martin Sheen. Yeah, everyone gets them confused and Michael is not even American so it is really like a name thing more than a when you hear his voice you say, oh, ok. I think Rachel was attracted to the accent. Honestly, I don't know what Rachel or Kate Beckinsale saw in the guy. Great actor, but come on, if you get nominated for an Oscar, you should kind of learn to say no when they ask you to do a Twilight movie. Most of the rest of the cast is going to be auditioning for Lifetime movies ina few years and the rest won't only because they saved their money and are into online porn instead of spending it on hookers. Plus, he kind of looks like a Hobbit.

I'm sure you know the world loves The Notebook. Of course when I say "the world," I mean women in the world who have seen the movie. I have yet to meet one guy who will even admit to seeing The Notebook, so yeah. The thing is, you have a tough time winning guys as fans because every woman has seen that movie and then women get this unrealistic expectation of what a guy should do to earn their love. Basically you have made it impossible to take them out for a burger and fries and expect to get lucky. Sure, if they go to In-N-Out or Five Guys they might get lucky, but only if they spring for some Boone's Farm too.

Anyway, the women who have seen the movie all think that you and Rachel McAdams belong together. Guys like Rachel because she was in Wedding Crashers so it would give you an entree back into the guy world and make us start forgiving you for that whole Nicholas Sparks decision you made. yeah, I know he wrote it. Not one of my prouder moments but I was in a waiting room and saw some article and the next thing you know, I know who wrote the book and who to blame for every sappy movie that comes out between December and Valentine's Day. So, where was I? Oh yeah, ask Rachel out. Marry her. Just don't build her a house by hand. Seriously. Enough with that stuff.


  1. Truth be told, I agree with this. But ONLY if she'll eat In N' Out Animal Style and drink beer. And I think she would.

  2. PS I hated The Notebook.

    1. Amber, me too. After 20 minutes I asked hubbie if he'd like to change the channel and he immediately renewed our marriage vows:)

    2. @yes Amber and Agent I thoughtbi was the only one. Dislike the movie overhyped

  3. Am I the only one who absolutely does not see the appeal of Ryan Gosling? Really?

    1. @Cee Kay. No, you're not.

    2. Cee Kay. I don't see the appeal either. Every time I see a picture of him I think of a drug addict.

    3. Girl, he is as BLAND as the day is long. Everything about him, to me, is just meh.

    4. I don't care for Gosling either, too bland and vanilla for me.

  4. I just don't see the attraction to this guy. He looks like a cross eyed younger version of Peter Stormare.

    1. He looks like my old boyfriend...the one I wasn't attracted to. So basically, I'm with you in that one.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think he's adorable...and yes I would love this to happen.
    Eva just doesn't look right with him

  7. Dear Ryan, marry me instead! My boyfriend is a-ok with this, seriously.


  8. Anonymous8:08 AM

    1. Gosling is sneaky hot. I stand by this assertion.

    2. He has his man card with Drive and the upcoming Only God Forgives. As long as he works with Nicolas Winding Refn, Gosling will have manly flicks on his resume.

    3. If you want to see him in a good romantic movie, Crazy Stupid Love is right there.

    1. @Layna, I co-sign the Crazy Stupid Love rave. It's more of a comedy with a dash or romance but not sappy at all.

    2. He is great in "half nelson" and "lars and real girl" "the United states of leland", "the believer" hes scary good sometimes.

  9. My straight male friend Ryan loves The Notebook. Its his favorite movie.

  10. Time to take my Gosling stalking up a notch.

    Also not a fab of The Notebook. Too sappy. I do like the line in Shit Girls Say though: 'if I met Ryan Gosling he'd want to build me a house'

  11. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Oh, and I haven't seen The Notebook. The clips alone gave me cavities. Too sweet for me.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I too haven't seen it. Not my thing.

    2. @Layna Day
      I have not seen it either and have no intention of seeing it. That is the type of thing I will change the channel for, not my type of stuff.

  12. I'm not crazy about Ryan Gosling either, he's hot but doesn't do anything for me but I do love the Notebook so I wouldn't mind seeing these two together again.

    And you would get lucky with me if you take me to Five Guys! Ask my husband! Lol! Best burger

  13. I feel like I'd be really weirded out that a guy I wasn't with built me a house.

  14. To each their own but I personally think Ryan is gorgeous! They make the best looking couple I've ever seen and would love for them to get married and make babies.

  15. I saw The Notebook once. I don't even really remember the Rachel/Ryan parts, I was too busy being simultaneously moved and depressed by the Gena Rowlands/James Garner parts.

    But co-sign with this. Remember when Rachel and Ryan won best onscreen kiss at the MTV Movie Awards? Best acceptance ever!!!! Best Kiss video

    1. @VIP- great clip! We've been robbed of a best kiss replay ever since those ingrates from twilight have been winning it.

  16. Except Ryan just cast Eva in his new movie.

  17. Sounds like your talking about Jake Ryan and Samantha Baker. (Great Joel McHale quote from Community after Chevy Chase mentioned Flip Wilson & Ed Sullivan: "Can you get some references from this century please?".

    1. I love Community and Joel Mchale! One of my bigger fears is that he'll show up as a jerk-blind. He just seems so genuinely friendly and nice and just awesome!

  18. from Dominique Swain's FB page "Swain participated as a guest blogger at Crazy Days and Nights.[3] She blogged under the pseudonym ZX and led the blog's readers speculating about her identity."

    1. Why would she put that on her fb page? Like it's something to be proud of? lol, sure.
      One of the weekend reveals was from her (iirc, it was a super old one), now Enty's mentioning her in this post... I need to stop with the overthinking a gossip blog.

    2. seaward, I thought it was odd:)

  19. Oh dear. Whole ent is campaigning for a Rachel/Ryan reunion, lainey wants her to hook up with Jake G...... WTF! She can't be serious.

    1. I like Lainey, I just wish she would stop pretending that he's straight. I mean the truth about his sexuality it's everywhere if you know where to look.

      Not that he owes anyone anything! It just seems kind of fake I guess. Hopefully they're secret best friends and she's doing it as a favor rather than because they pay her too. Hey come to think of it, maybe that's where she gets her gossip from!

  20. Saw the movie when I was 18, so yes I cried my eyes out and wanted them to get together IRL. At 26, I couldn't give two shits. I do however think Eva is to much Diva for him.

  21. I've never seen The Notebook. I might one day, but I've never had the urge. I prefer comedies to the sappy crap.

    I do want Gosling and McAdams back together, though. Don't know why.

  22. For everyone who thought the Notebook was NOT all that

  23. Yup. Haven't even seen the movie but agree.

  24. Aww a bit hard on Michael Sheen, Enty. He's an amazing actor, cute and very funny. Not done much since he moved to Hollywood - come home Michael and get make great films again.

  25. @agent - here is the article from ZX and it has info about the gosling party:

    1. I knew that story was an old blind :)

  26. Cee Kay - You are not alone! He is small, pasty, with beady eyes that looks like a little rat.

  27. Love love love Ryan Gosling. Love the Notebook. Would love for Ryan & Rachel to get back together.

  28. I love Layna Day's assertion that Ryan is sneaky hot. Is that a thing people say now? Oh my God, I love it. Ryan is so damn smooth. Ides of March? Crazy Stupid Love ?? (one of my favorite movies too)

  29. I think Ryan is kind of a pinchy-face. And The Notebook is a little to saccharine for me. Give me some snappy dialog any day.

  30. This post was so old school CDAN and it made me smile. Also, I am female and thought The Notebook was awful. Ryan though? I would.

  31. my husband recommended the notebook to me and I've loved it ever since.I too didn't find the appeal in ryan gosling until I saw the movie. Now I love him and like to pretend he acts like his movie character in real life.

  32. I just wish Rachel would make some movies that I want to watch! She's a talented actress. I don't see her getting back with Ryan, although it would be nice. Maybe she will find a nice teacher or construction worker to date now. Give those Hollywood boys a rest.

  33. I don't get his appeal either. Saw Crazy Stupid Love and barely remember him although he was the star. Saw Ides of March and thought his character was a jerk. He does have a pinchy face and if he was an animal it would be a rat..Face is too long and pointy. I am sure he's a nice guy but doesn't do it for me.

    And Nicholas Sparks is like the Danielle Steel of romance novels. They are all sappy shite.

  34. I'm not a Notebook fan-or any Nicholas Sparks book/movie for that matter.

    I'd love for them to get back together!

    Loved Crazy Stupid Love, Ides of March and Drive. I heard Lars and the Real Girl was really good also, need to watch that one.

    1. @curly Lars is good and is on Netflix streaming

  35. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ryan!!! And I've been secretly hoping that Rachel would break up with that ugly old man and get back with Ryan. YES!!!! If I can't have him...then I want Rachel to! :)

  36. Was this letter written by a woman? It was more boring than The Notebook.
    (I say that as a woman)

  37. In real life, didn't Ryan and Rachel live down the street from each other growing up and didn't know it? And weren't they born on the same day, same hospital or something like that?

    I thought I had read those facts when the Notebook first came out and thinking how feakin romantic it was they were a real couple. Meant for each other. Wonder why they broke up.

    Can anyone fill me in or verify? Maybe I have it all wrong.

    Oh, and I totally would with Ryan...pinchy, rat face and all!

  38. Argh. Just can't do The Notebook. My romantic movie (besides James Bond movies starring Daniel Craig and Spartacus Starz show) is Pride and Prejudice. Give me action, mystery, and scary movies any day. Or old movies with Cary Grant or Bette Davis.

    I think Rachel McAdams is adorable, though. Gosling doesn't do it for me but I see his why people like him.

  39. I can see that he's a reasonably attractive man, and he seems like a pretty good guy, but for whatever reasons he just doesn't do it for me. Different strokes & all that, plus it's not as if he's lacking for fangirls, eh? ;-) Never saw the movie, as it sounded way too sickeningly sweet for me, but again, I can see how a guy who'd build a house for you, etc. could be appealing (but only if I'm already dating you, OK? Otherwise, it's not going to make me love you...). So sure, if there's still a spark there, it would be nice to see them get back together again, but only if it's the right thing for both of them.

  40. @ Shocky, I just watched Lars on Netflix, with Ryan's co-star Kristen Stewart as Bianca. The movie creeped me out big-time.

    As for the Notebook, please watch the Honest Trailer of the movie. It is funny.

  41. Ryan and Rachel yet tried twice to be a couple,it didn't work so stop to want their comeback together

  42. I think he's hotness. Oh my...

    The Notebook was meh, I only watched it because Mr likes chick flicks. (Seriously. He loved The Lake House, I fell asleep.)

    Crazy, Stupid, Love - that's mine!

  43. I never saw the notebook & never saw the appeal of Ryan Gosling until I saw Drive - He is HOT, HOT, HOT! (and that movie is awesome)

  44. I never found Ryan hot til Crazy, Stupid, Love. I can't really fault him for being with Eva, she is smoking hot. But yes, I am definitely on board with a Rachel and Ryan reunion.

    In-N-Out/5 Guys + Boones Farm? My 15yo self would have definitely been impressed, Enty.

    BTW, I think the Twilight series is what gives girls/grown ass women unrealistic expectations. All Nicholas Sparks does is give you the expectation that one of your loved ones is probably going to die.

  45. I didn't hate the Notebook, but I didn't love it either. I still do think Rachel and Ryan belong together, but not because of their characters from the Notebook. They just seem so perfect together. Can't explain it.

    Couldn't see her with Michael Sheen...definitely can't see Ryan with Eva Mendes. What mis-matched couples these are.

  46. On the subject of Dominique Swain - anyone see the cast list for the movie Girl? She was the lead but there were a ton of people whose careers have eclipsed hers on the bill below her. I wonder what happened? I loved the book Girl, the movie not so much.

  47. Ryan Gosling doesn't do it for me either. Maybe it's the shape of his head, or those videos of him as a kid, break dancing, or him playing a creep in that movie with Sandra Bullock, I dunno. He's just not hot. And I just couldn't sit through The Notebook. I'm gonna sound like Seinfeld here, but what's up with that? A woman writes a book and it's a romance. A man writes a book and it's a love story. If a woman had written The Notebook it would still be gathering dust on store shelves.

  48. Michael sheen is good looking..did u see him in Underworld..he just doesn't clean up well in his normal life.

  49. I read "The Notebook". Hated it. Tried to watch "Message in a Bottle". Hated it. Hated her in "Sherlock Holmes". She was OK in that political thriller with Ben Affleck, Russell Crowe and Robin Wright.

    I don't get the Ryan gosling love, either. He's got that potato-head thing going.

    Normally, I'm rather easy to entertain.

  50. Maybe he's got a big knob. Michael, I mean.

  51. I just want to mention I read this headline as "Attention: Ryan Gosling Is Now Available"...le sigh.

  52. Lainey is the authority of what again? oh ya..NOTHING.

  53. Drive is my favorite movie. LOVED him in it. I would like to see him with someone unexpected. Like Jessica Chastain or something. I mean Rachel would be grey but I think their ship has sailed.

  54. Wasn't there a sad blind believed to be about Ryan & Rachel about a young couple who got pregnant accidentally and gave the baby up for adoption? And that the heartbreak from that experience tore them apart?

  55. Wasn't there a sad blind believed to be about Ryan & Rachel about a young couple who got pregnant accidentally and gave the baby up for adoption? And that the heartbreak from that experience tore them apart?

  56. Sorry, I just don't get all the love for Rachel McAdams. If it wasn't for The Notebook, she'd practically be interchangeable with the girl from Veronica Mars and the petite brunette in that Freddie Prinze Jr. movie (depends on her hair color, I guess).

    She almost ruined Sherlock Holmes for me. I still can't believe her blandness was cast to play opposite people like RDJ, Jude Law, and Mark Strong.

  57. I have not seen the Notebook and I have no intention of doing so! :)

  58. I thought the Notebook was shit.

  59. Hi...long time lurker, first time commenter, yadda, yadda, yadda. Just had to jump in and say I was one who didn't get Ryan Gosling's appeal ... until I saw Crazy, Stupid Love. Ummm, let's just say that although I am old enough to be his mother, that movie made me want to do bad, bad things to (and with) Ryan Gosling. I've never seen the Notebook, and don't intend to. But Ryan Gosling? DAYYY-UMMM!

    1. He's soooooo HOT!!! :-)

    2. Definitely, Diana G! All day long and six ways to Sunday.

  60. I like Nights in Rodanthe better, but The Notebook is a really sweet movie. I want them together too!

  61. Remember when he dated Sandra Bullock for about two years? She was 16 years older than him! I Love it!

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  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Was this part of reveal about actors whose names get mixed up? We were debating the Bill Pullmans and Dylan McDermott pairs.

  65. I find it cringe worthy that fans can't get over their relationship. They both moved on along time ago.

  66. I loved The Notebook but mostly for James Gardner and Gena Rowlands. I wasn't thrilled with Crazy Stupid Love. Ryan's voice creeps me out and I can hardly understand a word he says.

  67. I agree with Enty. If he can't be with me (jokes) then I'd like him to be with Rachel McAdams. Now ends a post that was fully reminiscent of my high-school blog.

  68. It would be sweet, but how do we know it would work out this time. I'm sure they've both grown a lot, they could be completely different people now. However, Rachel is the one that got away, so I think he may want to give it a shot.

  69. I've never seen the Notebook. Or read it.

  70. Anonymous8:53 AM

    they tried, for a long time ,but it didn't work, who knows though? Maybe Michael Sheen is a great guy. He is extremely odd looking though. Gosling seems to think he's God's gift now because of all the rabid fan girl crap. Ryan, you're just a guy, who works in a public profession, girls like you, but you're still just a guy.

  71. Never seen The Notebook and don't intend to. Hollywood love stories piss me off cos they are always such sickly sweet, bullshit stories.

    Gosling? Eeew, no thanks. Squinty and mumbly. If he and Renee Z had a kid it wouldn't be able to see through the squint. If he and Blake Lively had a kid it wouldn't be able to speak due to excessive mumble.

    Sheen? HOT in Underworld, especially the third one I think? The only one without Beckinsale. Mmmmm. Not in real life though... But then, I always get a crush on the monster, not the actor playing the monster.
