Thursday, February 14, 2013

Are You Tougher Than A Golfer?

Has anyone ever been bit by a black widow spider? Did you rush right to the doctor or hospital? Well, if you are Daniela Holmqvist, a 24-year old rookie golfer from Sweden, and you are in the middle of a qualifying round you just soldier on. During the round in Australia, Daniela was bit. It was a Black Widow. Everyone called for medics but they did not come. Knowing she might die or be damaged forever, Daniela took a tee and sliced open the wound and let the venom drain out. She then squeezed the rest of it out and finished off the rest of her round of golf. Yeah, I'm impressed.


  1. A tee? Awesome! She's got some gumption that one!

  2. THATS a bad bitch...

  3. Great minds, @mmshukla008!

  4. Homegirl don't play!

    I am terrified of spiders, so I probably would've run off screaming.

  5. That's a man, baby!!

  6. =-0 <--- my face after reading this

  7. It's all about how bad do you want it! That is what you call "suck it up and drive on" and to think I know people that a splinter constitutes a medical emergency.

  8. Hope our cdan medical readers will shed some light on this. Spiders are icky.

  9. This sounds like something I would do. Pretty hardcore for sure.

    What was she supposed to do, just die?

  10. Amazing, and what poor press for Australia's medical emergency response service.

  11. Evidently it was a redback spider. They said it's also a pretty dangerous spider. This girl is pure bad ass & then some.

    I totally claim her for my Zombie Apocalypse team. :D

  12. If this had happened to Tiger Woods, he would have asked the woman down sucking his peen, to suck the poison out.

  13. ....I mean, I'm impressed, I guess but this is a little overstated. An adult is very, very unlikely to suffer any real damage from a black widow bite. Nausea and cramps maybe. Not that it's anything to be sneezed at, but she wasn't exactly risking her life or permanent nerve damage or anything either.

  14. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Nice boobies.

  15. Damn! Totally a BAMF!!!

  16. Bahahahaha!!! She's a real golfer, all right.

  17. She's badass. I have to wonder why though why the medics didn't come. I hope she qualifies after all of that.

  18. I read this as she had to take some action herself since medics would not respond. You do what ya gotta do in an emergency.

  19. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Right on girl, that's awesome! A wooden tee? She sliced her skin open with a wooden tee? She's like the female rambo or something.

  20. @Anna - that's exactly the first thing I thought. I bet it was something else in her bag like a metal cleat cleaner, but non-golfies said the first golf word that came into their heads.

  21. although I bet you could kill someone with a wooden tee, if you mcguyvered up a tee gun. : )

  22. Unless you're allergic, a black widow spider bite isn't dangerous, just annoying. My sister got bit by one when she was 9 and didn't tell anyone. The only reason we found out a few days later was because she had a little swelling (like a really big zit) and some puss at the site. And my dad was bit multiple times working on old cars.

    That said, yuck, yuck, yuck! Only bug I'm afraid of. Anytime I see one, I poison it and then squash it until it's unrecognizable. Just to be sure.

  23. Damn! I bet she would drink her own pee too if she had to.

  24. I am woman, hear me roar! Talk about tough!

  25. Only around 20% of people bitten by a black widow spider (or redback as they are known in Australia) need medical treatment. Yes they can be deadly, but only 14 people in all of Australias history have died from the bite and modern antivenoms work really well. Heck this info is even on wikipedia, the main problem with spider bites is baterial infection, which can attack at alarming rate. I have seen a person go from being bitten to having huge red welts up their arm from bacterial infection within 15 minutes of being bitten. Cutting the skin was stupid as a lot of times the poison is on the skin and you can introduce it into your blood stream by cutting it open. The woman was a posturing idiot.

    1. Well, not everyone knows that. Good info tho, thanks!

  26. Black widows are truly horrible. Found ine in my dogs drinking bowl. Yep, I screamed. Did not check for "red hourglass shspe" on bottom of spider to make sure it was a black widow;)

  27. Oh, she's the woman!!!!! Awesome!!!!

  28. Does Wisconsin suck? You bet. Especially right now when I'm sick of coats, hats, boots, gloves, snow, sleet, ice, salt all over everything.... BUT: no black widow spiders, no brown recluse spiders, no rattlesnakes, no tarantulas, no scorpions. Yay!

  29. @LottaColada You gotta snatch up the good ones fast. They don't last long in the picking que. I want the most badass team. One big reason I wouldn't want Norman Reedus. If he had skills like Daryl then we'd want him. Norman's idea is to go to the top floor of the Four Seasons & run around naked.

  30. @hunter & @cleo - yes!

    I'm not scared of spiders, I've performed some pretty nasty first aid on wounds, and I have no desire to die on a golf course waiting for medics.

    Damaged forever? That's funny.

  31. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I may be wrong, but going by memory, Redback spiders aren't just Black Widows called by a different (Australian) name. They are similar, but still very different. Dangerous, but not quite as dangerous as Black Widows, as I understand it (although they are the most dangerous spider in Australia.) Also, while Black Widows aren't exactly something most of us see every day here in America, the Redback spiders are ALL FREAKING OVER Australia. They are as common in Australia as granddaddy long-legs are in the American South, as I understand it. This fact alone would make me not wanna visit Australia. Also, they have a really large breed of another kind of semi-harmless spider. Big, like bigger-than-a-tarantula big. And IT is common too. And likes to hide. And JUMP. I saw a spider program of a guy driving and he lowered his sun-visor and one of these ginormous spiders landed in his lap and started running around on him. Simply horrible...

  32. okay i would have been too busy thrashing around screaming and peeing my pants because a spider got on me and bit me to do anything useful but...


    How do all these people call the medics at a big event (where there are usually one or two standing by just in case anyway) at a big swanky place with roads and such AND THEY DO NOT COME?!?!? How is no one talking about this?

    Oh la di da, someone could be having a serious medical emergency, but I'm going to have a vegimite burger instead. What if some old fart watching some hot chick go Rambo on a spider bite had a heart attack from all of her awesomeness? Oh well, too bad for you grandpa.

  33. Hi, Aussie here. I hate spiders, live in the worst country for them. A red back spider is really dangerous, you can die from a bite. The red back is what bit her. You don't cut open spider wounds, you stay still and do compression bandaging up & down the affected limb. She is an idiot. A much deadlier spider is the funnelweb. They often hide in shoes & come inside houses during mating season because it is sheltered (I have the heebies just writing this). May explain why so many people wear thongs in Australia during summer. The spiders that hide in your car and appear under your visor when you pull it down, they are huntsman spiders, not poisonous but big hairy disgusting & love to come inside the house as well. I fucking hate spiders.

  34. I retract the she is stupid part of my comment. Don't normally get snarky, more frustrated that she could have accidentally killed herself. Glad that peple have learnt something that can save their lives. The staying still & compression is to slow the spread of the poison through your blood stream. Jelly fish stings you rinse with warm water to take the sting away (they used to say vinegar but have found warm water to be more effective). If you don't have warm water, pee on the reason. Urine is warm & sterile.

  35. Thanks for the info, I didn't think the action she took "sounded" right. I would have passed out due to irrational spider fears:)

  36. i had no idea redbacks were also called black widows. we have a dozen of them in the shed.

    i'm not scared of spiders which is lucky because i, too, live in the land of them.



  37. AAAAAA!!!! If anyone needs me, I'll be on the moon!

  38. YEAH! Sweden represent!!

  39. Don't retract the part about being an idiot - she IS one.

    Spider bites require compression. Some require anti-venom. Can I just point out nobody has died from a redback bite since the 1950's? She should have compressed and been taken to hospital for anti-venom treatment. What she did was needlessly risky and dramatically increases the likelihood of infection.

    FYI, black widow spiders are NOT the same as redbacks. They are from the same genus (Latrodectus) but black widows are unique to North America.

  40. Here in northeastern North Carolina we have a shitload of Black Widows.

  41. ...and water moccasins (which some call cottonmouths). Neither is likely to kill you but they can eff your day pretty badly...

  42. Interesting FACTOID : Black widows can live up to 7 years. We have them at BLANC Debris Manor but leave them be. They are typically solitary amd non-agressive. You can tell their webs by how "crackly " they sound. Not aas afraid of spiders as I usex to be but not eager to see the huntsman.

  43. She should volunteer as tribute for her district in the next Hunger Games!
