Sunday, January 27, 2013

Zayn Malik Cheats - Photos

I know, I know, you just can't believe that a guy barely out of his teens who has women throwing themselves at him all day and night 24/7 could possibly ever cheat on his girlfriend. Well, it happened and the waitress in question who slept with One Direction's Zayn Malik took about five seconds to sell her story. Oh, and she also took photos of Zayn sleeping after he tried to call her a taxi and get out of the house, Jersey Shore style. She says she had no idea he had a girlfriend until she was in his room and saw all the women's things on the floor and in the bathroom and next to the bed and on the floor but still had sex with him anyway when he said she was on tour. She blames Zayn though saying he is despicable but that if he wants to see her again to call her.


  1. Remember the good ole days, when you could live in an innocence bubble, thinking that your favorite boybander really was a virgin and was just waiting to meet you so you could live happily ever after together?

    I'm serious. I kind of miss those days, and am sad that this generation of pre-teens won't get to believe that of their idols.

    1. I know right seachica! As depressing as it is I was saving myself for Taylor Hanson. I at least never got as crazy as the current fangirls but I like to think it kept me out of trouble with teenage boys when I was in HS :)

  2. Here's my Zayn Temple of Love. Call me.

  3. I agree @seachica. When I was a teen, I KNEW Shaun Cassidy was saving himself for me!

    1. *hanging head in shame* Scott Baio.

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    You can't have it all sweetheart, either he's a cad, lied to you and you're a slutty bimbo, or you knew about it, still slept with him, and you're a slutty opportunist, either way, you're known as a dumb slut or a shameless opportunist slut. What's she going to tell her family? Or her coworkers? There's a word for her, and it's called Starfucker.

  5. I like the fact that they called her an "Aussie beauty". Are we looking at the same picture?

  6. Aww Zayn...he's my fave. ;) at least now there's documented proof he's hetero. Haha.

  7. This probably wouldn't have happened if Zayn didn't immediately try to get rid of her afterwards. And then falls asleep. He so asked for this. I'm glad his girlfriend knows the score now too.

  8. So I guess Zayn isn't one of the gay ones, unless this is a publicity stunt. He's by far the best looking one of the bunch.

    Either way, it makes me miss the days before class, dignity and honor or at least the pretense of it all got flushed down the crapper.

    1. @madlyb, he's def the best looking one. I don't get why Harry gets all the attention from the girls. His pre-pubescent acne still hasn't even cleared up.

  9. Yeah, once again it's HER fault and he's the poor victim. God, that annoys me.

    If you have a girlfriend, you don't sleep around, period. And if you're a star, you don't sleep with strangers because they just might be a "starfucker" who is eager to brag about it--and maybe get a little cash and infamy in the process. What a maroon.

    1. Totally agree! She's an idiot for selling the story but HE'S the one that's true scum

    2. Totally agree! She's an idiot for selling the story but HE'S the one that's true scum

  10. It's like all the dregs of society are trying to climb over each other and out of the shit hole to get their 15 minutes. UGH.

  11. They are both dicks in this situation.

    He was in a relationship and cheated, she saw all his lady's things on the floor and decided to hop on for a ride anyway.

    Gotta stick to girl code, protect your fellow ladies from Ashton Kutcher wannabes like this fellow.

  12. @Topper Madison, you're absolutely right. Thanks for making me re-evaluate my initial reaction.

  13. Stuff like this is why so many celebrity men use pro sex workers. These ladies (and gentlemen) are paid well to deliver the goods, leave immediately afterwards, and keep their mouths shut. Zayn tried to get a freebie. Didn't work out so well.

  14. This is a pair of Grade A airheads. He's indiscreet and she's just so obviously trying to get attention.

  15. You go to bed with parasites, don't cry when they suck the blood out of you when you wake up (and have your pitcures sold)

    I say good for her, he wanted a free cum dumpster and she got the last laugh. Good for her.

  16. @Topper Madison - you're absolutely right. He's a jerk.

  17. why,why, why do these idiots have "girlfriends"? You're young,rich,entitled just be single and do your thing ffs . And if they haven't figured out that these star f#ckers are gonna sell their story then they are complete morons. I can't understand these girls either who don't mind shaming themselves and their families for no other reason then getting their name and picture in the news . before you say she shouldn't be shamed, I don't mean that she shouldn't be able to get hers, but this story serves no purpose other than to say look at me I slept with a famous guy . She knew he had a girlfriend, but screwed him anyway . Did she think he was gonna call his gf in the morning and breakup and start dating her? If she felt guilty she could have let the girlfriend know privately . I don't think it is slut shaming to say that if you want to have random sex you need to be responsible for your choice of sleeping with a guy who you knew had a girlfriend . sure he is a douche for pursuing her, but she didn't have to have sex with him she chose to do it .

  18. I remember reading a wile back that Lady Gaga invited some guy up to her hotel room and insisted that all cameras, cellphones etc were handed over. She immediately put them under lock and key and gave them back the next day when he was leaving.

    If true, clever Lady.

  19. these guys want their cake and eat it too

    why do rockstars have wives and kids when you know they are doing the SAME thing bar none

    I would even guess the rockstars that bring their girlfriends and wives on tour are still getting some extra action

    it is all about ego and I do it because I can

  20. I agree they should just not have girlfriends, it must also be an image thing, like being a womanizer is any better than a cheating boyfriend, the former is at least honest

  21. @Lotta...

    I've always thought Harry looks vaguely like the Joker, sans makeup.

    Can't dig up any sympathy for either of these morons.

  22. @MAC, he's young and dumb, and hopefully just learned he can't have his cake and eat it too. I can look past a lot of things, but deceiving a partner on the most fundamental level isn't one of them. If they have an open type relationship understanding, that changes things of course. I just read in the source for this story, The Sun, that Zayn lied to the waitress about his relationship status before taking her home.

  23. I Hope his girlfriend from little mix doesnt act SHOCK. He has cheated Before. There is Audio Video from last year where he was calling a fan telling her to hurry up for the could fuck in his hotel.
    Nothing new. she is stupid for staying.

  24. @dragon, oh that's right! Totally forgot about that. Maybe their relationship is more for publicity, and he screwed it up kind of like Kristen Stewart did when she got caught.

  25. GTFO of here. That dude is like 18. Do you honestly think his "girlfriend" doesn't know what's up? Or that they're in a closed relationship?

    Being 18 and owning a guitar is like having a magic wand - You wave it around and naked women appear.

    Dude's supposed to, what? Go home and watch Grey's Anatomy and compose love sonnets to his absent girlfriend? Pft.

    Be at least slightly realistic. Of course he's sleeping with girls and he's full entitled to do so. It's not like he forced her or lied to her - Not with his girlfriend's underpants lying on his bedroom floor.

    She took pictures of him naked and asleep and then sold them to the highest bidder..

    If a teenaged boy did the same thing to a teenaged girl, you'd all be here screaming 'slut shaming' and 'cyber bullying'.

  26. lol MrWolf, I think the real lesson to be learned here is for our benefit: when it comes to celebs and their relationships, draw no conclusions until you have all the facts, and even then, proceed with extreme caution ;)

  27. Still would. He's hot.

  28. I might be the only one here who has no idea who this guy is.

  29. I agree that this was a shitty thing to do but they're not married! The guy is 18 and obvious he's going to be doing this, his girlfriend might be doing the same! They're young and constantly surrounded by attractive people throwing themselves at them, it's not shocking that they fall for temptation, it would be shocking if he was faithfull. These people shouldn't be in relationships to begin with.

  30. hahahaha! wonder how he found out this was in the paper? well, if you don't want to look like an idiot; don't be one! if he didn't pretend he was in a relationship, this wouldn't be a story.

  31. Taking pictures of someone sleeping next to you seems vaguely psychotic to me.

  32. @GemTwist, not so much psychotic as calculated. Straight to the tabloids. Look at the posed picture, but also take a moment to read the comments - the Sun readers take snark to new heights/depths


  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Seriously any girl who dates a musician should be keenly aware of the fact that groupies are out there. And 18yr olds on the cusp of huge fame can resist everything but temptation. Honestly if I were on the road being hit on it would be such a heady experience and impossible to avoid a hot guy or girl hitting on me. Regardless of knowing we're using each other. After all we're only human. I'm still unsure if we're suited for monogamy. BUT if you wanna keep it private grab all media devices.

  35. The Sun article (thanks for the link, Snuggle!) was hilarious:

    The Aussie, who had no idea at the time he was still dating 19-year-old Little Mix singer Perrie Edwards, fumed: “He treated me like an object.”

    Didn't know he was an Aussie who couldn't figure out who he was dating... {snerk}

  36. @Topper Madison said...
    Yeah, once again it's HER fault and he's the poor victim. God, that annoys me.

    @Topper, curious. If a guy had a one night stand with a woman, took pictures of her while she slept naked, and posted them on the internet, wouldn't we be calling her a victim?

    She didn't know he had a girlfriend, but she took trophy pictures for a keepsake? She was always going to sell the pics, she was just trying to find an angle that didn't make her look like a slag.

  37. Why do they always leave out the good part - how big is his wang?

  38. Wow now thats classy....or should I say trashy! He should have taken her to a hotel and kicked her to the curb right after....These starhumpers are only out for their five minutes of fame...just wondering if this is a setup stunt...maybe a reveal from A++ boybander and depression.....hummmm...just wondering.

  39. Starf*ckin at its finest.

    Not going to criticize his obvious shortcomings, as I don't feel they matter to me since it's not like I'm going to be putting a ring on it...

    Just here to say he's purrrrrrdy.

  40. He's an asshole for SURE, but sorry, she's not much better. She figured out right away he had a girlfriend, did it anyway, then immediately did the math to figure out how much she could make from her story and took a picture as proof. Just gross.

  41. I find this story hilarious. Some chick goes home with a 'celeb' boy bander, fucks him, and takes his pic when he tries to kick her out? This SO isn't news, folks! It's been happening ever since the beginning of music-time! The difference now is the modern age and technology and how quick it hit the tabs.
    In a way, I'm like, good for her! Called him out, AFTER she got some! The other part of me is disgusted I just spent so much time reading this note and all the comments. I don't care about this kid, nor the girlfriend, nor the Aussie twit. I'm sad for the youngins who looked up to him and were saving themselves because they thought they had a chance.
    Mine? Shaun Cassidy. Showing my age, too, but whateves. Honestly, if this had happened to me, I'd have never told anyone because I would have been too embarrassed to admit the guy tried to kick me out after!
