Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Your Turn

Justin Bieber is scheduled to host SNL on February 9th. will he do better than Lindsay Lohan? Should Alec Baldwin just be named permanent host of the show?


  1. He's been funny in sketches before when he cameoed. I think he'll do okay.

  2. The Biebs will do better than Lohan...and Lohan would do better than KStew. Even I would do better than KStew.

  3. He'll do okay. Way better than LL. And Timberlake should be the permanent host.

  4. The only way he can be funny is if he wears his Hammer Time pants.

  5. Beiber vs Lohan?
    Only if it's a caged death match.
    (Hollywood, are you listening?)
    And yes, Alec for the win. I love his Shweddy Balls.

  6. @crila16, has KStew really been a host?

    I'd love the permanent host to be Tina Fey.

  7. I'm always shocked to hear people still watch this show. I haven't been amused by it in what feels like forever. So, if Justin isn't cracked out, he'll probably do better than Lohan. My left tit could do a better job than Lohan.

  8. I don't know about Beiber, but Bruno Mars was AWESOME SAUCE as the host and guest this year. I don't watch a whole lot of SNL anymore, but I watched Bruno's twice!

    1. @renoblondie, totally agree about the Bruno Mars episode! He killed it, what a talented guy.

  9. Bruno was so charming!!

    Bieber was the musical guest last time Tina Fey hosted. He got dragged into a few sketches and he wasn't... terrible. But he's no, say, Timberlake, who really should just join the cast already.

  10. Bieber will do better than LL. He's been okay in the past. I love it when Alec hosts.

  11. The Biebs will be fine. He's a LOT of people's bread and butter.. They'll make sure he's charming. Kinda like Britney back in the day..

    Will Farrel should be the permanent host. Just so I can have more cowbell.

  12. Define "better"? As in epic meltdown revealing a sublime display of douchiness and entitlement? One can only hope...

  13. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Timberlake as cast member. Baldwin could be an ok cast member but needs Steve Martin to play off of. Beiber will be better than Hohan, but not watching.

  14. I'm sure he'll be better than LiLo and I'm also sure that they'll have one of their veteran guests there to cameo just in case, as they always do when someone new (particularly a non-actor) hosts. Remember how Tom Hanks kept popping up when Bruno Mars hosted?

  15. @Turkish Taffy Nice to see you back again - you have been missed.

  16. my comment comes from the article about her getting nominated for 2 razzies for being the worst actress.

  17. If he does an impression of a teen girl he should do just fine:)

  18. Jason, at first I read that as Cameltoe! LOL.

    It would be an excellent way for Timberlake to hone his acting skills. I personally don't think he's as bad as others do but ensemble wrok teaches you soooooo much.

    NO permanent host. The only good part of SNL is the cultural pertaincy (sp?) of variation in hosts.

  19. Another vote to bring back Bruno Mars! That was the best episode of the season so far.

  20. People still watch SNL? It's just not funny anymore, IMO.

  21. Bieber will suck even worse than Lindsay. My vote for permanent host is Christopher Walken.

  22. Isn't it nice that they're having a young girl host SNL?

    I'd be happiest never seeing Alex Baldwin on anything again. I don't care if he's funny, he's a disgusting human being. I feel the same way about him as I do Chris Brown and Sean Penn. Douchebags all of them.

    Jon Hamm can be my permanent host. I'll actually watch SNL again for him.

  23. LiLo set the bar pretty low, so yeah, I'd say this little brat has a better than average chance of doing better.

  24. I don't watch it regularly any more since having kids, but I always liked the variety of having different hosts.

  25. I know I'm in the minority here, but I can't stand Alec Baldwin & would prefer not to see him in anything.

    1. Popnursing, He's smug and vastly overrates his intellect.

  26. My favorite host this year was Mick Jagger. I've watched it about 5 times and get hysterical each time. Yes, SNL is hit or miss but it always has been. I don't see how anyone can say 'it hasn't been funny for years'.

    It's like stand up, sometimes good, sometimes off but worth catching when it's great!

  27. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Yes enty. LORD Baldwin SHOULD b made permanent host. ;-)

  28. They should rotate host duties between:

    Jon Hamm
    Christopher Walken
    Alec Baldwin (an ass but comedy gold on that show. GOLD I tells ya!)
    Justin Timberlake

  29. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Justin Timberlake should be the permamanent host! Bring it on down to Omeletteviiiiil-ah! Talking it up on the Barry Gibb talk show? But Baldwin is awesome on the show. No one can resist my schweddy balls, it's an old schweddy family recipe. Lolz

  30. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Bieber's gonna suck Schweddy balls, he'll be as stiff and wooden as LiHo was, I doubt he can read the lines convincingly, we shall see.

  31. ugh LORNE how could you? The only reason I will watch is because I watch every episode of SNL, but I will do so begrudgingly. This little shit better do something funny!

  32. Lindsay is a terrible actress, so it won't be hard to beat her skills. I haven't seen Justin act (other than seeing clips of his CSI cameo), so I'd go 50/50 on him scoring/bombing. You never know how a host will do. I thought Bruno Mars did a great job. Did not see that one coming.

    I'm with Mango in that set of rotating hosts.
