Monday, January 07, 2013

Your Turn

Coldest you remember being. Hottest you remember being.


  1. coldest: maine in early march, volunteering at a small lumber mill with no heat

    hottest: preseason football game at the old cowboys stadium

  2. I am from MN and had to walk to school everyday during winter when it would literally get 50 degrees below zero. I remember it would get so cold that my nostrils would freeze together when I breathed through my nose and my hair would freeze with icicles by the time I got to school.

  3. Coldest: Manhattan in January. Jeesh.

    Hottest: Palm Springs, 111 degrees. I stayed in the pool as much as possible.

  4. coldest: -20°C in the Alps while skiing.

    hottest: 41°C Basel, Switzerland in the Summer of 1986 or '87.

  5. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Coldest? This morning to a Seahawks fan coworker...Hottest? 1997 -Senior year in college...I was smokin!

  6. Coldest: -57C in Montreal, extremely painful to breathe and nose/eyes freezing shut almost immediately. I had a half-hour walk to and from school every day :/

    Hottest: Olympia, Greece, in August. I can't believe the held the Games in that heat. I sat under a tree and cried.

  7. Coldest -I used to walk a mile to school when I was in middle school, and I live in Western NY, in Rochester. It gets pretty cold here, too. Single digits with a windchill of -7 or so. My eyes would water from the wind, and the tears would dry on my eyelashes like frozen dew drops. No mascara those months.

    Hottest - I got sick of snow, and moved to Tucson, without a car. Had to walk just a few blocks to work, but when it's 110 degrees, it's HOT!

  8. Philadelphia in February is cold, cold, cold. Down to your bones cold. However, we usually get a "freak week" where the temps go up to the 70's.

    Hottest is Tampa, FL after a violent thunderstorm. I literally had sweat running off my body.

    Happy New Year, everyone!

  9. Great question. I grew up in Buffalo, but I moved to Egypt in December 20 years ago. That first winter in Egypt was the coldest I had ever been in my life. There is no indoor heating in Egypt, we bought a home on the seashore, and I had only brought light clothes. I had given away my boots and most of my coats, thinking I wouldn't need them. I kept my mink (sorry, but Buffalo winters suck), and I wore it in the house that whole winter. When July came, I was still cold. We get a mighty breeze off the Mediterranean.

    PETA people take note: My kitty peed on the mink, OK?

  10. Coldest was while living in Homer Alaska, sooo cold in dead of winter,

    Warmest would be this past summer when the Derecho hit us and we lost power for a week and the outside temps were 100 degrees plus. It was awful!!!! Taking cold showers in the dark was the only relief.

  11. Coldest: Outside in winter in a tshirt, think I was 15. I just remember sitting on the curb outside a show shivering to my fucking bones.

    Hottest: July(ish) 2011. It was the hottest week on record for my area, my goddamn ac broke the day before the record broke, and my 1yr old had a fever. It was AWFUL. Plus the fucking humidity, oh my god. We went to Target a few times just to get out of the sweltering heat, but since the baby was sick we couldn't stay long. This went on for a few days before our ac was finally fixed.

  12. Hottest - Woodstock '99 - 3 days of a massive heat wave. Ugh.

    Coldest - in a car for about 2.5 hours driving back from the mountains of New Hampshire to Boston while it's about -15 degrees out. And the car heater doesn't work.

  13. Coldest and hottest were both at the old Boston Garden:
    -NBA Finals - players had to be given oxygen, the floor was sopping wet from sweat. Fans were literally stripping down and it stunk.
    -Waiting in line for tickets in sub zero cold to see Led Zeppelin (who were then banned because fans were let into the lobby to wait and decided to trash the Garden).

  14. Hottest in Vegas - 120F. The soles of my shoes felt like they were melting.

    Coldest at a Christian youth camp when I was younger. The counselors slept in the main house which had heat - we slept on concrete floors in outside bunkers. We were shivering all night and every one of us got pneumonia.

  15. Coldest - When I was stationed in Cheyenne, Wyoming. -20 is cold...and I HATE cold weather!!!
    Hottest - When I was deployed to Qatar. 120+ is no joke!!!

  16. Hottest: I've lived in Texas and NM so, every summer.

    Coldest: 1987 Madison, NJ in my dorm room. The heat went out and I could see my breath inside. I slept in my winter coat with all my clothes piled on top of my bed. Down the hall the heat was blowing so hard the guys were wearing shorts and tank tops. If I hadn't been a virgin, I would have offered up my body just to stay warm.

  17. Coldest: January in Grand Forks, ND. Wind chill was -25F

    Hottest: Summer 2011 in Dallas TX, we had over 100 days over 100 degrees. There comes a point when you can no longer get cool tap water.

  18. Another one here from MN. I'm pretty positive we've had -50*+ windchills in the last decade. So, yeah. Hottest? Miami in June.

  19. Coldest: Laramie, WY right after a blizzard, everything iced over and the five minute drive to work in a car that refused to warm up took 45 minutes.

    Hottest: Redding, CA - 114 degrees, getting into my car after work. Even with the windows cracked and the windshield shade up, car's internal thermometer showed 130 degrees. "But it's a DRY heat!" they said cheerfully. I wasn't very dry, drenched in sweat.

    1. @dbzee I've been to Redding in that heat. We went to Whiskeytown Resevior to cool off on jet skis. My contact lenses warped in the car & a cassette tape literally melted. Hot is hot!

    2. @dbzee I've been to Redding in that heat. We went to Whiskeytown Resevior to cool off on jet skis. My contact lenses warped in the car & a cassette tape literally melted. Hot is hot!

  20. @MadLyb
    That sounds more like boot camp!

    Hottest was in actually in MN, we had heat indexes of 120F.

    Coldest probably really wasn'tactually the coldest, but it's the time I most remember. My sister and I broke curfew and our parents locked us out. We slept in my mom's car in the driveway. It was a very long, coooold Fall night in MN.

  21. LOL @ goes. That's CRUEL. Our falls are so miserably rainy and windy!

  22. Coldest: Traveling through Wyoming one December. Filling up with gas, and then using a payphone (no cell reception), and with the wind chill it was nearly -80.

    Hottest: One summer in Western Kansas, my dad had me out digging up cactus around the airport--it was over 120 and I seriously thought I'd die of heat. Then I got heat stroke so... I WAS dying of heat. Fun times.

  23. In the same town, about -35 deg F. (more with wind chill) , prob 105 deg. People probably don't realize it can get so hot up in Canada. Last summer it was 90 most of the time. Ridiculous. I'm up in Muskoka, a few hrs north of Toronto.

  24. Coldest I can remember being (after a childhood growing up w/lake effect snow) is camping near the beginning of Feb. in northern CA (Lava Beds National Monument). It was a fun time but I swear I damaged nerves in my backside from being too cold overnight.

    Hottest: I am such a heat wimp that I can't remember anything in specific. It's all pretty miserable. Once we get over 80ºF, I get whiny.

  25. I live in Calgary, AB, which is where I have experienced my coldest days. I think the coldest I've had here was -38C (according to my online converter, that's -36.4F). Because it's windy here, the weather report will always tell you the actual temperature and also what it feels like with the windchill.("Today we'll see a high of -10C, but it'll feel like -18C"). I grew up in Sweden which has a reputation of being cold, but for most of the country, winters are actually fairly mild, at least in comparison to what I'm used to now.
    And yes, people in Saskatchewan, I know this is nothing compared to where you live. *L*

    Hottest was one freak day in San Francisco when it got up to +40C (104F). And humid. It sucked. I am much happier in cold weather than hot.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Random come you sign your comments with *L*? I could have sworn on the "Your turn" about how we got our google names, your real name is in fact just curious :)

  26. Coldest:- Standing on a mountain in Iceland for hours, hoping to see the Northern lights
    Hottest:- after getting sunburn in Los Roques, Venuezuela x

  27. Can't remember coldest because I live in the south and avoid that stuff like the plague.

    Hottest was in a *%&# bikram yoga class. I could feel my nostril hairs singeing every time I inhaled.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Coldest - January in Minneapolis. Hottest - Chichen Itza in Mexico in May.

    1. Audrey-totally agree with you sbout hottest being the Yucatan. I was going to say Chichen Itza in July. That jungle heat is no joke!! And I'm from Houston!

  30. Coldest---a mountain in the Peruvian Andes.

    Hottest---hot August summer in Austin, Tx. Roads were so hot a tire bust on the highway and the tow guy said it happened to two other cars he helped that day.

  31. I remember it being so hot on one of my visits to Vegas that my flip flops were melting onto the sidewalk while I was waiting to cross the street. There was a breeze but it felt like hellfire.

    I've been cold so often, I'd have to really sit and think about when it was coldest.

  32. I've lived in Southern California my whole life, so let's just say I'm not used to extreme weather (I'm trying to preempt some "what a weenie!" comments)

    Coldest was when I was in 5th grade, when we went to Chicago to celebrate my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary at The Drake hotel. We were too cheapo to buy warm winter jackets for a one time experience, so walking down Michigan avenue muttering "How do people live here??" comes to mind. It was probably about 12 degrees F. (I must tell you now I adore Chicago, and would move there in a heartbeat)

    The hottest was backpacking with my best friend for 4 months through the South Pacific and SE Asia. We were doing it on the cheap so that meant not paying the extra $2 to $4 a night for a fan or air conditioning. I just remember laying on some bunkbed in Roratonga sweating through my clothes and laughing at my friend who had already stripped down to her skivvies (despite being the most modest person I know and having other people in our dorm room). It was that bad!! 100% humidity and probably about 106 degrees

  33. Coldest...when I was a kid and the weather would drop below zero with negative 20 windchill

    Warmest...well technically I could count the time I was really sick when I was 17 and had a fever dream (I was actually awake and walking into the kitchen for water and hallucinated walking through a battle field of soldiers that were three inches tall LOL. I am somewhat girly so I don't know why I was hallucinating soldiers)

    or when I was in Vegas in August and it was 115 out.

  34. Living in Calgary has been my coldest. Can dip into the -30's.

    Hottest - My honeymoon in Havana, Cuba in mid August. HOT!!!!

    @Tuxedo Cat - I used to live just outside Haliburton!

  35. Both, daily, when you are experiencing menopause, lol.

    Coldest: Bartlesville, OK, Feb. 2011. Minus 26 degrees and I had a doctor's appointment. Usually takes 10 minutes to get there and it took about 40 because of all the snow.

    Hottest: Driving back to Houston after running from Hurricane Rita. Stuck in traffic that inched forward from DFW to nearly Houston. 115 degrees and you couldn't get the van cool enough.

  36. Coldest - Maine in January. 'Nuff said.

    Hottest - Wedding day in a limo with broken AC in mid August on the hottest day in Philly that year.

  37. Both in the Australian outback. I've got total Dave's syndrome though

  38. Coldest: trip up to the North Shore for MLK Day. -30s temp with -50s wind chill. Thought I was going to freeze to death in the 30 seconds between the car and my door.

    Hottest: Kiln room, glazing my pots. Thermometer read 130. Had to check the kilns a couple of times, and they were across a large room, so I know it was even hotter by them.

  39. Coldest, northern Alaska, -60 for a week. Vaporized hot water. Our tires deflated from the cold. It was so awful.

    Hottest, Mojave desert, 130, felt like my lungs were going to explode from the heat. Also, 100 in Florida with 100% humidity, it's a different type of heat and not a comfortable one.

    The joys of being in the military, going from one extreme to the other.

  40. Hey, Momster - heard the talk that we might be getting some seriously cold air later in the month? Egads, like below zero air temps!

    I don't have a good cold story, but my personal hottest was after Hurricane Dolly hit the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. We didn't have electricity for seven days. The temps were around 100 degrees F, with 100% humidity. My tile floors were wet and slick all the time, just from condensation. You were sweating in a cold shower!

    I came to understand some of the causes of child abuse during that week. Momma got a little cray cray! (no children were abused, btw). I'm sure violence would decline, at least in the hot summer, if we gave everyone at least one window unit.

  41. p.s. Dayum, there are a lot of us Minnesotans up in here.

  42. I live in Phoenix, so hottest is every summer...worst was probably being 9 months pregnant in 118 degrees when the a/c decided to die.

    Coldest, so relative, ha...any time I have to wear a coat.

    @B, a couple years ago I was on a business trip to Delaware in December...I was bundled up in a borrowed winter coat and still cold and my coworker was in a light sweater and not cold in the least. She was from Bangor.

  43. Coldest was one winter morning when I had to help my daughter tack up a horse. It must have been under 20.

    I had dressed in layers, but she did not have enough on, so I gave her some of my clothes. It was heaven to go back to the car to turn up the heat and the blower to thaw out.

  44. Coldest was one year in Chicago, when the wind chill was somewhere deep in the negative thirtysomethings. I don't think my furnace stopped much at all that winter, and my shower (which was on the corner on the building where I had my apartment), froze and burst its pipes. I had to wash up in the sink for nearly a week until my landlord got it fixed.

    The hottest day was here in downstate Illinois, last summer. We were having Arizona weather -- extra hot and dry -- for a month straight. I don't remember the top temperature, but it was well over 100.

  45. Speaking of space heater that I keep on YEAR ROUND just died. This is the worst. I think I have frostbite. I might die. It just makes me want to set myself on fire.

  46. Coldest was probably when I was a kid living in St. Paul. You'd bundle up and then want to come in about 10 minutes later. Your hands and feet would go numb and I get terrible cramps in my feet when I am cold..I hate being cold more than anything.

    Hottest ws a few years back went back to see family in NC where I grew up (St.Paul was just a few yrs tween birth and 3rd grade). It was the hottest it had been since 1936, there was 100% humidity and the heat index said 108. My mothers A/C was broken and her terlet was too! It was horrid. We sat outside as much as possible.

    Still would rather be hot than cold though.

  47. Anonymous11:27 AM

    COLDEST.......the time I ring in the new year in times square. I think it was below zero. The crowd od people keeps your body warm. But your feet are on their own.

    HOTTEST.....the year I lived with my sister. She likes to keep her house temperature setting on HELL. I was so miserable. And there was no talking her out of it. :-(

  48. @Sunny--I've lived in Chicago my whole life, and I say that EVERY SINGLE WINTER! Why do I live here?! But then summer comes and life makes sense again. :)

  49. Coldest - when I was in grad school in Chicago, it was -25 and I had to walk from the El to my class, about a mile. I was paranoid about keeping things covered up, because I didn't know you could get frostbite that quickly. I stopped at a couple of stores on my way, to warm up. I'm in awe of people who live in that type of weather regularly. 4 years in chi-town was enough.

    Hottest - Orlando in the summer. Ridiculous humidity that makes me sweat just thinking about it. I will take 120 and dry over 95 and humid any day. This is why I now live in Seattle rather than Atlanta

  50. Coldest is right now..In my office. LOL. it's seriously freezing in here.

  51. Coldest was in Ruidoso, NM the first time I went skiing. It was -4. I know that's nothing compared to some northern temps, but where you're from Central Texas/Gulf Coast, it's freaking COLD.

    The hottest was at 1998 Warped Tour at Southpark Meadows in Austin. They had taken out a bunch of the tree so there was almost no shade and it was blazing August heat. I nearly fainted twice and my boyfriend's head got so sunburned it blistered the next day. Thankfully, Kid Rock's merch booth guy took us back to their mini-winnie we got to drink beer and smoke some lincoln logs with Kid Rock. Budweiser tasted like fucking NECTAR and Kid Rock was SO sweet. We all hung out the next couple of time he came through town but then he got so big that there was no just dropping in and hanging out anymore.

  52. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Hottest: twenty days of 115 and over during one memorable summer.

    Coldest: five days of -25 oe more during a memorable winter (wind chill was -80).

    Both these events occurred in Kansas City, MO.

  53. I'm australian too and i can't remember ever being really cold - maybe being locked out of camp for smoking in year 7. pricks.

    Hottest, definitly in melbourne a couple of years ago during the bushfires - it was over 40C for a week. my birthday was spent naked and wet under three fans.

    today in New South Wales it's going to be 43. i believe you convert that to 109F

    luckily work has air conditioning

  54. Hottest I remember: 125 in Cairo, Egypt in the summertime. Coldest: 35 below zero in Sweden (above the Arctic Circle) in the winter.

  55. Probably today in Sydney!! 43 degrees

  56. Frufra, oh pooh. I hate really cold weather! Unless there's some snow involved, but I don't think any is expected.

  57. Hottest: Blackout August 2003-4th floor apartment, no running water, electricity was out for a few days, not the hottest temperature I have ever been in, it was probably upper 80's or lower 90's but the humidity was killer.

    Coldest-Possibly February 93 or 94-I remember being in college & it was so cold out, don't recall the temperature, the wind was horrible and they cancelled classes. I don't handle cold temperatures very well anyway and am constantly cold, so every winter is cold for me.

  58. Coldest- Mt. Tremblant Canada...New years eve, 40F below zero and windy. With the windchill, it was probably 60 or more below zero. That whole trip was so freakin' cold (they closed the mountain at least twice because it was so cold you cold get frostbite in under 5 minutes... I think I only skied a couple of hours then whole trip. On a side is a beautiful ski village.

    Hottest - Pick a summer...any summer, in Houston. NOT a dry heat, btw (the most humid city in the US).

  59. @ 10-4, I think *L* means laugh, like *G* means grin. Beats using LOL all the time, like I generally do.

  60. Coldest, in Illinois, walking a block in town to get the mail at the Post Office, with a raging wind.

    Hottest, I live in Vegas 115-118 degrees is an every summer event so I'd say the 120+ when a guest *had* to see Death Valley.

  61. Coldest: Me sitting on the garage floor going through boxes when it was 14 degrees and snow outside.

    Warmest: Right after my C-section when I was wheeled back into the room. I was burning up and nothing could cool me down. It was miserable.

  62. Coldest: a 20 below day in Minot, ND

    Hottest: a 99 degree day in Memphis where the humidity was so bad the heat index was a scorching 123. Never before or since I have seen a day where the difference in actual temp and heat index came close to approaching the 24 degree difference it did that day.

  63. Lola! H-town in the house! :-P

    1. @disco another Houstonian here!

    2. We need to do a Houston meet up!

  64. Darn it, Amber. I was hoping it was going to be a link to "If You Love Somebody, Set Them on Fire" by The Dead Milkmen. Arrested Development works for me, too, though,

  65. @wahoowifey that's the way I read it too ;-)

  66. Hottest: It made it to 105F a couple of times when I was living in Georgia; as for when I personally was the most wretched, though, it would have been the summer of '99, right after I had major abdominal surgery & was recovering at home. Our house had NO AC and was surrounded by blacktop, and the temperature never got below 85 at night; one of my roommates actually tried putting a package of freezer pops inside her pillowcase to cool her off, and they melted in less than 5 minutes.

    Coldest: It got down to -38F a number of times when I was growing up in northern NH, but somehow the winters in Boston bother me more now that I'm older--maybe it's age, or maybe it's because it's windier here, what w/the wind coming in off the water. All I know is that there's usually at least one spell in January every year where it's absolutely bone-chilling, especially if you have to walk through wide open spaces in downtown Boston or along the waterfront where the wind is especially bad. Brrrrrrrr...

  67. Coldest ever was waiting for the school bus at -50 degree weather:( It was final exams, and they wouldn't excuse us as long as the bus would start! My hair froze 3 feet out the door...
    Hottest ever was holidays with my parents going thru the Salt Lake Desert... 120 degrees in the shade. Of course, mom and dad felt it was appropriate for us to stop at a picnic table in the middle of the desert to have lunch...ya, cuz heat stroke makes everybody
    hungry:( Good times....

  68. Hottest:'Valley of the Kings, Egypt

    Coldest: Night time at the base of the Andes, Arequipa Peru

  69. When I was in Egypt it was 42 C and that wasn't incl. the humidex factor. The coldest probably here when it got to -35 C and with the wind chill it was like - 45 C.

  70. I had to go to summer school my junior year. Had to take gym of all classes as I had cut too many classes and had gotten cut from the regular semester.

    The teacher was a gym nazi. He didn't care if it was 100 degrees out we had to run track every day. People were fainting and falling and he said they were faking it. The school nurse had to get involved because kids were coming to her dehydrated and exhausted. But he didn't care, just kept on pushing us. Thought I was gonna pass out a few times. But I never cut a class again after that nightmare. Tough love, it works.

  71. May have to revise mine after today... heat wave in Australia

  72. Coldest ever for me was the coldest day in Chicago history, -26.
    So my dad asked me to go a block over & start up his cab in the middle of the night & warm it up so it would start again in the morning.
    I dressed with a few layers of clothes.
    I ran the engine for 30 minutes & the heater never put out any heat.
    And I often went for walks when it was -15 & never felt cold!

  73. coldest: going to get the mail. i lived in a condo and had to walk about 2 blocks. it was late at night, and i got turned around. i was so cold i just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. ended up sleeping in the laundry room because i was afraid i'd do the same thing and freeze to death.

    hottest: last summer. 2 month heat wave with no air. i still remember thinking i would never be cool again.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Coldest- Winnipeg burbs.. about -43.

    Hottest- Beijing, China it was about 38 but felt like 45.

  76. Coldest: Walking to class in the winter. 15degrees with 45mph winds pelting ice and snow in your face. Gotta love West Texas.

    Hottest: Summer in Lubbock. Good gawd the heat gets up to 105 and the winds pick up all the dust, it is like being in Hell. In 2011 we had 98 days of over 100degrees from May to August.

  77. Coldest: Actual - Visiting Omaha one winter when it was -20F with a windchill that made it -38F. Stepping out into the air in the airport garage caused physical shocks of pain. Relative - on a school ski trip to Loveland, CO when we got stuck on a chairlift near the top of the mountain above tree line just as a wicked storm set in. Temperature plunged 20 degrees in less than 15 minutes and the wind was whipping us around suddenly. Still had to ski down in 5 foot visibility. It was around 0F without the wind, but because it took us so long to get down, half a dozen kids and 2 adults in our party with beginnings of frostbite on faces, hands, and toes by the time we got into lodge and got first aid.

    Hottest: Actual - 120F in Las Vegas. Like everyone said, your shoes start to melt and the asphalt on the street was sticky. Relative - the Summer we lived in a duplex in Denver where someone had painted the windows shut and the weather didn't drop below 90F for 45+ days, mostly at or above 100F. The trees on the east side had been cut down, so full sun on full length of the house from dawn until about 4p... We would go spray it with the house every hour or two and when the water hit the red brick it would turn into steam at first! No AC, we slept with our feet in 5 gallon buckets of water and frozen damp towels with fans blowing on us. Went to a hotel with AC for our anniversary just to sleep in comfort for one night.

    Cold & Heat are relative to me... Depending on your circumstances... The thermometer might be kinder, but the lack of relief from it can be crueler.

  78. When I lived in Nashville we had a freak ice storm that took out power for almost 2 weeks--you could just never get warm--I can remember just huddling under all my blankets just shivering.

  79. December of 1990 in Colorado Springs was unforgettable. The HIGH for the day during this cold snap was -25 degrees. For you Celsius people out there, that's -31. That is straight up temperature. No wind chill out there. As far as the hottest, my wedding in Las Vegas had an outside temp of 117 degrees or 47 Celsius.

  80. Coldest: on a zodiac amongst glaciers during a cruise through Antarctica in 2008.
    Side note, Mark Hoppus (Blink 182) and his family were in the cabin next to mine. He was really cool and down to earth as well as a very hands on and fun dad. No nannies. One quirk? He had the cruise hairdresser flat iron his spiky hair every morning.

    Hottest: August in Palm Springs.

  81. Hottest- back in late 90's in July my cousin and I took my 81 Nissan Pulsar to drive around while my mom was at work. I bottomed out in a very dry sandy road. The frame was sitting in the ground. Now what made this real bad was that we were in boxers and tank tops and no shoes. The sand was so hot we had to stop every few yards and try to cool our feet off. We had to walk about 3-4 miles to our grandparents. And they had a long gravel driveway. Once we finally got there we layedunder the Waterhose for awhile. By the time we woke up our grandfather and I called my mom over 2 hours had went by. Needless to say I got my ass beat and my piece of shit car taken away for a month.

  82. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I've been all over and I lose track of these things, but I must say, if any of you are from Memphis... Lord have mercy, because I swear that is under a hole in the ozone layer. Beautiful city, but that sun is relentless!

  83. @C.Malone

    Oh, Haliburton is close to Heaven. It's just beautiful there.

  84. Hottest-a vacation in Las Vegas at the end of July

    Coldest- winter in Michigan is cold, so I can't pinpoint just one time

  85. coldest, this year....our heat is messed up- i was hottest when i was 17-27 my decade of hotness, before kids! haha

  86. Coldest - Hitchhiking across northern Iowa en route to Minneapolis, Thanksgiving weekend, 1990. I was young and stupid - Never again.

    Hottest - tossup between a road trip in the Dakotas several years back, or any of several times I have vacationed in Arizona.

  87. Hottest was summer of 2001-record highs in our area above 100 many days and hubs and I lived in an apartment with no air conditioning. After work we would go to the movies or hang out at target until closing and sometimes Walmart because it is open 24hrs.

    I would have to think about coldest--but will say that if I am cold the whole world better figure out a way to get me warm. I have never stood in line for tix in the cold no matter how much I love a band or anything like that.

  88. Coldest is easy: I spent one long, miserable month in Siberia this past year. It really is just like Hoth, minus the Imperial Walkers.

    As for hottest: I grew up in Louisiana and Texas primarily, and I would gladly sweat my ass off for an entire Austin summer than to spend even one day in the bitter, miserable Siberian cold.

  89. I'm visiting home next week - fairly certain that England in the winter is going to be the coldest I have ever been after 14 months in Southern California

  90. Cold: I spent a night on an economy train going to Delhi from Rajasthan. The windows were open, and it was the middle of winter. Like an idiot, I had a little cardigan to cover me on the bunk. I thought I would die of frostbite!

    Hot: Southeast Asia in summer months can be a real b*tch. So, too, was India before the monsoon and without AC. Its a 'its-too-hot-to-sleep' kind of place. Air coolers do nothing!

  91. Cold: I change my answer to montreal in Feb. Beautiful city, but HOLY SH*T was it cold.

  92. coldest: -15 degrees C in the 2010 winter. Went out with my hair slightly damp and it froze lol

    hottest: about 38 degrees C in the summer of 2003, on the hottest day in British history. Me and my friend (about 16 years old at the time) were wandering around with a (highly inaccurate) digital thermometer trying to work out just how hot it was lol

  93. Can't say the coldest.

    But the hottest is a tie between:
    desert in Dubai
    desert in Egypt

  94. I don't remember exact temperatures...

    Coldest: An impromptu camping trip when I was in college. Went totally unprepared for cold weather.

    Hottest: During a five hour walking tour of NYC during a record heat wave. It was over 100 degrees.

  95. Oh gawd. Hottest is easy. Working at a dry cleaners in NOLA. During the summer. You remember that line from "Get Shorty" when Leo's widow is telling Chili about the dry cleaning business? You really have no idea how hot it can get in there. It is some Dante type shit.
