Monday, January 28, 2013

Your Turn

So, the SuperBowl is coming up on Sunday. Do you watch it for the game or the commercials or not even bother watching it at all?


  1. I don't watch but my husband watches.

  2. I watch it for both. Football is my favorite sport; my level of excitement is determined by which teams play, though, so this year doesn't interest me very much. But I'll watch.

  3. Football makes me break out in hives, but I do pay attention to the commercials, and the half-time show.

  4. The only football on in our house is college. Not interested in the NFL.

  5. I watch it for the Harbaugh.

  6. It's the perfect day for shopping.

    I'll read the buzz on commercials then go watch them on YouTube. If I'm home, I might watch the halftime show.

  7. Commercials, though I get into the game. If my Falcons or Seahawks had made it, I would be all over the game.

    I hated last year, when almost all the commercials were released on YouTube a week before the game. It made the game a "why bother" event. Hopefully the network has learned a lesson and is preventing advertisers from pre-releasing their ads.

  8. My hubby watches

  9. FPS - lol

    I love football but, being a Cleveland Browns fan, I cannot root for Baltimore *at all* and it feels weird to cheer on the 49ers.

  10. Game - Go Ravens! ;)

  11. I'm with everyone that said Puppy Bowl!!! My chihuahua's favorite part is the kitten halftime show :)

  12. The only good thing about the Super Bowl is it means football is over for a few meager months.

    Loathe the sound of football...the roar of the crowd, the obnoxious, staccato way the announcers speak, all of it, just ugh ugh ugh.

    1. @figgy...

      I used to love football and then my ex started playing fantasy football (several teams). Football no longer was about sitting down (often with friends) to watch a good game, it became about flipping from game to game, from noon til bedtime, to see how "his" players were doing. Ugh. I still hate football and he has been my experience for almost 7 years now.

    2. *ex, not experience. Lol

  13. Usually, I watch it for the commercials, but I live in Northern California. GO NINERS!

  14. my hsband has a tradition of watching it with his best friend. This started 25 years ago before we were even married. Now the best friends lives on a farm 2 counties away so we go visit for the day, cook out and watch most of the game before we have to head home.

    It's a lot of fun.

  15. I watch it for the game; I loathe the hype and the ads.

    Having said that, I cannot stand the Harbaugh boys (to say nothing of Ray Lewis) and will likely take a pass on the entire spectacle for once.

  16. I watch the puppy bowl as well. No one in this house cares for football.

  17. Not a fan. Shop while stores are empty, or find great old movie on tv. Hubby not football fan either. Just another day.

  18. They're having hedgehog cheerleaders at the Puppy Bowl this year!

  19. I watch the Superbowl for the game!!! I love, love, LOVE football. I enjoy the commercials too but i'm more likely to walk away from the TV during the commercials than during the game.

  20. Generally I stay away, but I'm a native San Franciscan and remember the Golden 49er years well. I will be in front of the tube this year because they have to make it six with no losses!

  21. Oh yeah, skip the blowhard halftime show and watch kitties frolicking!

  22. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I'm close to the bay area, so I will be watching it.

  23. I am a bitter Packer fan this year so perhaps no Super Bowl for me.

  24. Never watch it. we'll be up at Blanc Debris Manor and no TV so we'll hit the road to come home to the bay area whilst it's on and avoid a lot of traffic.

    What's the Puppy Bowl? I've heard people mention it but don't know what it is.

  25. I don't have TV but when I did, I was all about the Puppy Bowl. Is there a Kitty Bowl?!?!

    I have never watched a football game. Ever. I've watched the bands play when people told me it was on but no games. I'm strange, I know. =)

    I do love Super Bowl food and snacks. Does that count?

  26. Husband watches it, not me. I may watch the Puppy Bowl for a few minutes. I hate the announcer on it. Less talk, more puppies!

  27. We DVR it and fast-forward through the game for the commercials and the halftime show. :)

  28. Don't care about the teams this year (wait'll next year, Steelers!) but I do like watching the commercials. During the game we'll be bouncing around different channels, although we like the Puppy Bowl, especially the half time kitties!

  29. I have to work it. We're reserving the restaurant by seats so every seat will be filled. Not looking forward to it.

    I don't like football. I prefer the puppy bowl.

  30. I will watch the puppy bowl too!

  31. I'd rather watch NOTHING than football! I couldn't care less!!

  32. I usually watch it for the commercials, but this year it's all about the game. Another Northern Cali girl here so .... Go NINERS!!!!

  33. My husband likes to watch it when he's available and we can (and we will this year), but I'm happy just seeing the commercials when they're posted to Hulu.

  34. If you are in Los Angeles:

  35. I half watch it so I can talk intelligently about it for ten minutes with friends, but I really stopped caring much about football twenty years ago.

  36. For the first time that I can recall, I won't be watching this year. Instead, I will be riding in a wagon train all week. (horse drawn covered wagons)

  37. Game, commercials haven't been that good recently...and go niners!!!

  38. Watch the game sporadically and the commercials and half time show closely. I'm really just about the party and the snacks, except this year because we live in the bay area and it's all about the niners!

  39. I don't watch the Superb Owl.

  40. Syd, that sounds awesome. Is it the whole experience?

  41. Bay Area resident. Go Niners!

  42. zero fucks given.

  43. I will dvr the game since hubby works and won't be home probably till about half time. Will also dvr the puppy bowl too.

    I watch every year. I am also in the Bay Area and will be rooting for the 49ers!!!

  44. I will be in Slidell for a funeral, so no Super Bowl for me.

    But typically I watch it for the commercials, football is about as interesting to me as musicals are to football loving men.

  45. I'm a basketball fan, so mainly for the commercials. Wifey is a Niners fan originally from the Bay Area, so I'm rooting for them.

  46. Puppy Bowl! With hedgehog cheerleaders and hampsters manning a blimp, that is must see TV.

  47. Although I am a baseball/hockey girl, I watch the Superbowl for the football and the commercials. Half time sucks. At half time, I watch the Puppy Bowl!

    Go Eagles. And Phillies. And Flyers.

  48. Proud Baltimore girl here. I love football and am super excited this year. GO RAVENS!!!!

  49. TV spots for upcoming movies

  50. Not remotely interested in sports but if there's enough buzz about a commercial I look it up on the internets the next day.

  51. I only watch so I can have a party and make tons of party foods and snacks to share. Fun time for a gathering.

  52. LOVE the Puppy Bowl! Looking forward to that.

    With the amount of people that watch the Superbowl, I think some of you are lyin' about not watching. ;) I thought it was like a written law that every American must watch with chicken wings and nachos in hand?

  53. Lotta don't forget the Budweiser!

  54. I go to a big party and hang. Eat snacks and watch halftime, maybe a few commercials. I completely ignore the game. :) But when there are Mid-Atlantic teams involved I can give a little...go Ravens!

  55. Omg how could I forget the main source of crazy for that day? Thanks for reminding me J!

  56. No, I haven't watched it in a few years. One of my old co-workers used to have a pretty big party, but no more. If someone had one, I'd love to go for the food and indoor tailgating.

    I'd LOVE to go to the event Sweets McGee posted.

  57. Watching it... Bought some football squares :-)'hope it pays out
