Monday, January 14, 2013

Your Turn

How many car accidents have you been in in your life?


  1. Zero (knock on wood).

  2. Dewie, ditto and double knock.

  3. I am extremely superstitious so I will not answer this question.

  4. Car? 1. Bodily accidents? 3. #1: Long story short - my friend was goofing around and he threw me on a bed, but threw me too far and the back of my head smacked into some nails in the wall. 7 stitches. #2: a drunk guy passed out standing up and dropped dead weight on my left knee. Broken. Didn't walk for 3 mos. #3: A year ago, I went up north to a cabin for my friend's bachelorette party. When I got there, I fell on the icy driveway and lacerated my hand. Her cousin had to drive me to the ER where I got 4 stitches. I went home the next morning.

  5. I've been rear ended twice, where there was no damage, no injuries or anything. Then one accident where I hydroplaned into a minivan. The van was smashed up pretty badly, but my car was fine. Again no injuries, thankfully.

  6. Oh, I have one more. 2 summers ago, I was digging in my fridge, stood up really fast and smacked my head on the freezer handle above me. Concussion. That was miserable.

  7. 5 & last year I was hit by a car while walking across the street-that was scary. Fortunately, haven't been seriously injured.

  8. 3 and always as a passenger never a driver.

  9. One. 16 years old. I was a passenger. I was smashed up pretty badly and got a free ride in an ambulance. The driver? Not even whiplash!
    Probably because of it, I never did learn to drive.

  10. Rear ended twice. Side swiped once. Was physically hit by a car while walking once.

    Oh, and slow-motion crashed into a tree once. That was actually hilarious!

    Crazily enough, the worst injury I sustained was some bloody knuckles, and that was from punching the car that hit me while I was walking; he was low-speed turning and didn't see me crossing the intersection. So I punched the hood of his car and yelled a little.

  11. Four. One was my fault; I drove thru a stop sign while talking on my cell. Luckily the other driver wasn't hurt.

  12. 4 I was only behind the wheel during one of those and I was rear ended by a garbage truck.

  13. Hit by: One.
    Passenger in: One.
    Seriously, I remember thinking "Oh well, I've had a good life, at least I'm with P (one of my best friends)'
    Afterwards, car nearly written off, it protected us (thank you people who built Saturns) we're out on the street waiting for her dad to come, he goes grocery shopping! An hour later he days to his wife, 'oh we have to go and pick up the girls, they were in a car accident.'
    P's mom loses the plot, 'then why are we at Dominion????'
    P's dad; 'but the ice cream is 60% off today!'

  14. One where there was an injury and insurance was involved. My fault.

    One where insurance was involved. My fault.

    2 were scrapes where I just gave the person money to get it fixed.

    3 times I was hit and the damage either insignificant or the other person never came through w/ $ to cover the damage.

    2 times smacked up my own car screwing around.

    1 time in a friends p/u truck when he rolled it.

    total = 10

    that is over 20 years, and I drive between 25K and 35k a year.

    Oh, one motorcycle accident where someone pulled in front of me, stopped when the saw me, and I had to dump the bike.

  15. 1as a passenger -rear ended
    2 as driver- did circle over a icy bridge and was rear ended
    Nothing to serious thank God.

  16. Was rear-ended once; was passenger when my now ex-bf's car slid on ice and we smashed into a guard rail.

    I've also hit a couple of parked cars; once because I was wearing high heels (never again while driving) and my foot slipped and hit the gas as I was parking. The other time, I thought I had more space but backed into my neighbor across the street's car.

  17. 2 Fender Benders. 2 accidents. I was not the driver. I was fine in all but one. The car flipped over and I was stuck until the ambulance came and pulled me out. The overhead light bulb was exposed from the casing cracking during the crash, and it gave me third degree burns on my breasts. I also had a bruised kidney and was in a lot of pain for about 6 months in between these two injuries.

  18. Two. #1, a guy was tailgating me on a dark, foggy highway. I sped to pass the truck in the right lane so I could move over, over corrected and rolled my little pickup. Truck was totaled, I walked away with a few scratches and a nasty headache.

    #2, back in '97 or '98, before Bluetooth and when phones were bigger, a guy talking on his cellphone ran a red light downtown and t-boned me. Hurt pretty bad, but not enough to be hospitalized. And his insurance ripped me off. Still mad about that!

    Mr, otoh, has never been in a car accident but has had 3or4tickets over the years. I've never had a ticket, never even pulled over or warned.

  19. I've been in six accidents. I was behind the wheel in all of them and two were my fault. The two that were my fault totalled the car I was driving. Both times I rear ended and SUV while driving a little Toyota.

    Last time Enty posted a Your Turn like this I posted my own blind item about the B-list mainly movie actress but is now starring in a cable drama that was the recepient of one of my car totalling rear-endings.

    Someone guessed Claire Daines last time, which is a really good guess but not the one. If enough people are interested I'll post the details of the incident again and if I get enough guesses I'll reveal.

  20. Hmmm...

    1) as a passenger, my mom driving. I don't remember a lot, just seeing my moms arm fly over me to protect me

    2) as a teenager, I was hit by a car while riding my bike. I wasn't seriously injured, so I let the driver go without reporting it. I was embarrassed, though now I realize it wasn't my fault.

    3) in college, I rear ended my brother at a stop sign. Doh!

    4) I was rear ended at a stop sign. Minimal damage.

    5) I was hit by a taxi crossing the street in London. Thank you, British health care system. I was clbing the steps of the Acropolis with a minimal limp 3 days later.

  21. One really bad one when I was in high school. No one was killed, but one of the people in the other car (they ran the red light) was thrown from their vehicle.

  22. One more. I hit a yellow pole, parking my car. I had been crying to a friend while driving to a bar to drown my sorrows over a bad breakup. That one sucked.

  23. 5 accidents. 2 were my fault....this does not include the 2 times I fell out of vehicles...( and neither was the back of a pickup truck)
    I am also the only member of my family who has not been in a place crash.......but I was in a plane when the door blew open...

  24. Four. Two of them were my fault, two of them weren't.

  25. 5 or 6, all fender benders (you have to remember, I've been driving for 45 years). 3 were my fault. My favorite one was where, at a red light, the car in front of me went into reverse and backed into me. He admitted to the cops he backed into me but said it was my fault because the color of my car blended in with the street (it was a metallic blue/grey). What a pinhead.

  26. I was in a bad motorcycle accident. My knees have never been the same. If I hadn't been wearing a helmet, I would have died. I flew off at 60 miles hr on a highway, fortunately not a busy one. I wasn't unconscious so was able to roll off bc I couldn't walk. First and last time on a motorcycle (first husband driving).

    Flew on black ice going around a corner in first husband's sportscar and ended up, fortunately, in a field.

    Backed into a post in my ex mother-in-law's (who else?) station wagon, while driving her somewhere. I offered to get it fixed a zillion times, but she preferred to leave it as it was.

    My parents were almost killed in a collision on their way to see me (of course)

  27. I got rear ended last summer - guy behind me pushed my car into the vehicle in front of me ("looks like you're the peanut butter in this sandwich!" - cop who took my statement). Luckily not going very fast, so only minor injuries, although my beloved first car was written off. My right shoulder is still pretty jacked up but in the process, I found an awesome and very handsome chiropractor, so it's all good *L*

    Also, my claim was just settled so I am expecting a cheque in the mail any day now. Where I live, there is a cap on how much money you can receive for a soft tissue injury, but I did get the maximum amount, so I can't complain. Won't make me rich, but I can make a nice credit card payment and maybe buy myself some new shoes or something...*L*

  28. 2 while I was driving.. neither my fault. They both happened the same way. I was going straight through a green light and other car travelling in opposite direction made a left turn into me. My car wasn't too bad after first time but was totaled second time. No injuries though. *knocking on wood*

    A couple minor accidents when I was a passenger.. Again no injuries *knocking again* Worst one was while off-roading in a pick-up with my BF & another guy friend. BF was driving, friend was in passenger seat, and I was in the middle (There was no backseat). We veered off the "trail" a bit and tried to go uphill between trees and big rocks (Because we were young & dumb). It was also dark at the time so my friend got out to assess our situation and help guide my BF. Well he sucked at his job because the truck ended up on its passenger side, and we weren't wearing seatbelts so i flew into the passenger door and my much bigger BF landed on top of me. We had to climb up & out of the driver side window to get out. Thankfully between the 3 of us we were able to push the truck back onto its wheels and it happened to slide down a bit and land in a perfect spot that was easy to drive away from. The pickup was a bit banged up but it ran like a champ for many more years!

  29. One with my dad when he was drinking. We weren't hurt too bad, but the car was wrecked.

    Twice I wiped out on the NYS Thruway in snowstorms. Did a loop-de-loop on ice in one of them.

    I now live in a tropical climate and do not drink.

  30. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I created a fender bender when looking down for lipstick, ran off the road in to a ditch while looking for lipstick, I've got to always have lipstick on, but I'm much more careful with it now and I use the stuff that lasts for hours.

  31. Three total. I was the driver in one. Two of them I am very lucky to have walked away from without a scratch.

  32. Ok let's see...
    #1- my dad was under the influence and laid down the motorcycle we were on. Thankfully we weren't going fast and I just rolled into the ditch. A guy that saw it happen nearly beat my dads ass and refused to let him take me back home which was just down the road. He made my dad drive the cycle and he followed with me in truck.

    #2- dear old dad was DUI again. Luckily I was wearing a seatbelt when he slammed into the back of a car that was stopped on the road(drug deal) while going over 70mph. That time the EMT almost beat my dad up.

    #3- was with friend trying to make curfew when the truck we were in hit the curb, over corrected, then flipped. Again thank god for seatbelts. We had to wait over an hour till someone drove by (we had pagers but no cellphones)

    #4- a car turned into my brand new car when I was 8 months pregnant. Didn't mess up their old beater but really messed up mine. A few months later I got a call from my ins co saying the driver of the other car was trying to sue. Saying that their car was totaled and therefore unable to go to work yada yada. Well, come to find out they lied and had no insurance among other things. Ha!

  33. Total car accidents while I was in the car - 2, neither were my fault.

    My current car has been both dented and crashed by my daughter, then a garage with too much snow on the roof fell on it on Christmas morning one year, then last year it rolled down a hill while I was at a Christmas party and hit my coworker's truck (the emergency brake was ON), which only got a scratch. My car got a nice dent that I still haven't bothered to fix - until I need to get in the passenger door. Everyone I give a lift to just crawls in through the window. I'm kind of done fixing dents in this particular car.

  34. 3. Almost lost my life in one.

  35. Seven. In two, I was rear ended. In one, my mother rear ended someone. At 18, I rear ended somoene. In one, I hit a fire hydrant. In one, a kid hit me making an illegal left hand turn, and in the last one, a guy failed to stop at a stop sign, he didn't see me, and I didn't have time to stop.

    Fortunately, no one was hurt in any of the accidents.

  36. six I think.

    Do I get extra points for totaling my parent's car on the way to take my drivers license exam on my 16th birthday? Spun out on the ice.

  37. Two times...

    The first one was when I was 18(spring of 99), I rolled my Toyata Tercel 6 times trying to avoid a blown out semi tire on the highway! I broke... C5,T5,T6, 3 ribs, calvical and collapsed one lung.

    The second time was in summer of 2010, had a limo try to cut me off hit the front fender of my truck with its rear fender causing my tire to roll up on the trunk and my truck (a Titan) to roll three times before I got ejected out of the passenger window (I was driving). When I woke up the truck was upside down, the front bumper was roughly 8 inches above my head and other then road rash on my arm (still have some cool scares) I was ok.

    Figure I have seven more lives

  38. Several, and I've never caused any of them. Mostly some doofus rear ends me because they are on their cell phone or putting on makeup while driving or some such thing.

  39. 4. When I was 7, I was hit by a truck that was speeding around a corner. Only a minor concussion. I'm ok. Really, I am. :)

  40. Four. None my fault! Two were because of the other driver and two were due to road conditions. To this day I tense up every time I'm in the car.

  41. 2. The first one was two years ago and not my fault. Got rear ended. The second one was this morning and totally my fault. And it sucks.

  42. 1. When I was 2 years old, I was standing up on the front seat of my paternal grandmother's car between her and my mom, when my grandmother ended up going off the road and into a ditch; I was thrown to the floor and knocked unconscious briefly, but the blow to the head was hard enough that I ended up w/significant inner ear nerve damage. (Significant enough that, according to the audiologist who officially diagnosed me 7 years later, if I hadn't already learned to talk as well as I had--which was my mom's doing, combined w/me being precocious--I would have ended up w/a severe speech impediment. And no, I don't have hearing aids; they're around $3600 & insurance doesn't cover them.) They didn't actually have child safety seats in 1963, but I like to say I'm the poster girl for them anyway...

    2) I was 18 & w/a bunch of friends; we'd driven 20 miles to another town to go to the movies, and on the way back, as we were driving along down your typical lonely northern NH country road, we were hit by a drunk woman coming the opposite direction; fortunately, my friend the driver was able to turn just enough to avoid a head-on, and the only real damage to her mom's car was the left rear end. The other driver wasn't so lucky car-wise, although physically she was fine, as were all of us. Weird bit: I remember thinking to myself as I saw the headlights coming over the crest of the hill towards us that it looked like the posters for Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which makes sense because I was Little Miss Film Buff who wanted to go to Emerson & direct. (Clearly, that part didn't happen; Emerson turned out to be $2500 too expensive for us, alas.)

    3. In Dallas w/another bunch of friends; I was in town to see the Texas dates on the NIN/Bowie tour in '95, and I'd just been picked up at the airport. My friend Lisa was driving a rental, as her old Porsche, the Raging Queenie, had already been rear-ended the previous week (and I'd so looked forward to riding in her, too...); we were riding along, minding our own business, when another idiot rear-ended the rental car. For a moment there, I was seriously afraid that Lisa was going to actually strangle the guy when she leaped out of the driver's seat and stomped back to confront the idiot who hit us...fortunately, there was no real damage to the rental, and we were able to continue on to dinner.

  43. Three. Only one was my fault.

    One was when I was about 18 or 19 and in college. I had a job working the skeleton shit. I worked all night and left in the morning, around 8 and was very tired and didn't see a car crossing in front of me and hit their rear fender. The driver and his wife were elderly and really freaked out and the witness who stopped was a real bastard to me, yelling at me like I was a criminal. It came out to a couple hundred dollars worth of damage. I don't even think my rates went up.

    The next time I was stopped in traffic. Two lanes were west bound, two east and there was a turn lane in the middle. I was going west in the far right lane. Traffic starting moving and some boob in the west bound left lane motioned to someone in the turn lane to cross the west bound traffic. The turning driver did... and pulled out in front of the other driver and me, and I hit her. I didn't see the turning driver because the motioning driver was in a SUV. The SUV driver took off. Wen the cops arrived they ticketed the crossing driver. (Hope that all makes sense.) Bottom line is, NEVER DIRECT TRAFFIC!

    Third time I was stopped at a traffic light and some stoned dude hit me, and my car plowed forward and hit the MERCEDES that was at the light in front of me. Luckily those cars are sturdy and it suffered no damage but the the fender of my car was cracked. When the cops arrived the dumbass stoner said, "It was, like, totally my fault. I was looking for someplace to eat and I like saw the pizza place and wasn't paying attention and hit her car." I was shaken but fine but the next day I couldn't get out of bed. My back was messed up. Had to see a doctor and was on painkillers, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories for weeks.

  44. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Three. Not bad for someone born in the 1940s, huh? Once I was rear-ended by a teenage boy who'd had his license six months and had four wrecks. Another time I was driving home from work in my MG and some guy cut across the lanes of traffic and smashed into the front quarter panel. I was not driving in the third...was riding home from work with an IRS employee I knew, and she kept talking and talking and I was thinking "that light's yellow, is she going to stop?" and she didn't...T-boned. The windshield shattered and there was glass everywhere, and I was terrified because I knew she was HIV+ and I was afraid of being covered in her blood. I was never hurt badly in any of them, had a stiff neck and a cut thumb from the IRS wreck, but nothing from the two in which I was driving.

    Also, I've only ever had one ticket.

  45. I drive very aggressively and surprisingly I have only had two accidents at the ripe old age of 52. First was when I was 17 and rear ended a car I was following too closely (that had no brake lights) and another time I backed into a Ferrari that parked behind me. Both minor and no injuries.

  46. Five, and not one of them has been my fault. And I'm not Lindsay Lohan. Really. Never caused an accident but been injured five times.

    Every time I was in a green car. My mother always thought green was unlucky. Coincidence or not?

    Mu current car is blue, so far so good.
