Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Your Turn

How did you come up with your Google i.d. name?


  1. My husband's nickname for me. Yeah, I wear the pants. ;-)

  2. This question just makes me wish that I had chosen something more creative...

  3. It is a nickname for my favorite "Big Bad" villain on one of my favorite shows of all time, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  4. Um, it's my name.

  5. My nickname is care bear

  6. It reminds me of my mom, piƱa coladas are her drink of choice :)

  7. My name is Ashley. In high school they would call me smashley.

  8. It's been my screen name since I first got AOL when I was 11. People used to IM me in the 90s hoping it was Pamela Anderson when VIP was airing. Spoiler Alert: I'm not

  9. A take on Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom. You would disagree with my choice if you saw me trying to operate a can opener.

    1. My favorite great-grandmother was named Minerva. Very fitting, as she was full of wisdom. I think it's a beautiful name and should there ever be a mini-MinnieSaSa, her name will be Minerva.

    2. That's lovely Minnie!

  10. Hee hooo.

    Because why not?

  11. Cuz I loves me some good weed and if you shake me a little, I'll give you some advice. (Majik=majik8bong)

  12. My first name and the first initial of my maiden name. So Mr.B really isn't "Mr. B".

  13. I've been using it for pretty much everything inter web since I moved here to NC from Reno. Plus I'm blonde. There's that.

  14. My online screen name has always been Milan23 but I wanted this one to be more personal so it's my nickname and as we added our boys out family grew to 3,4 then 5.

  15. well its a form of anonymous, as they are not welcome anymore...

  16. I used to post under "freaksofnature" but I had to switch it to my real name.

  17. lol @ mynerva.

    Mine is just my name. I used to change it to different goofy variations, but with Google+ I ended up getting hooked up w/my BF's bosses and colleagues so I made it "normal". (I just bored the shit out of myself - sorry guys!)

  18. Well, mine would have been just plain "Karen" but when I first started commenting a year or so ago (about a month before the whole Himmmm thing) there was already a Karen and a K.

    I went with *karen* to let the asteriks represent my two star tattoos that I have on the inside of each wrist.

  19. Friends children couldnt pronounce my name, it came out auntliddy, and just stuck.

  20. Just the way people shorten my name, super boring.

  21. Company initials.

  22. Mine is based on where I now live.

  23. It was my call sign in Iraq. My unit gave it to me because I twirled my hair when I was nervous.

  24. I'm the mom of 4 boys. Being their mom is the most important thing I've ever done so it seemed a natural choice.

  25. One of my favorite movies with one of my favorite actresses, plus I love the name Eve. I like this question because there's a lot of interesting names here :)

  26. It is a nickname for my favorite "Big Bad" villain on one of my favorite shows of all time, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

    1. @shiny_special_one, I wondered if yours was a Buffy reference! I watched all of Joss Whedons top ten the other day, totes missing the Scoobies.....

  27. Mine's a bit obvious, although lately it's more like I WISH I still had the kind of time to be a TV junkie! Happy New Year to all! I have missed you all - it's been a crazy 6 months but I just had to get back for reveal day!

  28. I think it's obvious (or maybe not?)

    @Patty, was going to say the same thing ;)

  29. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I get annoyed registering screen names. My last one was COUNTESS BLOGGERVILLE. Whilst registering here I was.trying to think of another fancy screen name........and history was born..........

    ((Dramatic bow))

  30. Mine is the nickname that I've always used. Some day I really need to ask my mom why they gave me a first name that they never had any intention of using. I do, however like it much better than my real name.

  31. Originally it was my name but a month or two ago I shortened it to a combination of my and my hubby's last names.

  32. This is my second account because my ex knew the password to the old one, so I deleted that one.

    Anyway, a couple of years ago, I worked at a gas station with a friend named Angela. So much hilarious stuff went down while we worked there, that we decided to start our own blog and named it Kelgela. It only lasted a day or two because she quit right after.

  33. Reese is short for Theresa. Peace is what I'm striving for and in putting my demons to rest, I'm finding some at last. Reese's Peace. =)

    I've been wanting to hijack a Lindsay/Kartrashian thread to ask people to share nicknames. =) My other n/n is Meanie. lol

  34. It's a friends nickname for me - our mutual friend Sara is Big S as she's tall; my name is Siobhan so I'm Wee S as I'm short.

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  36. Same as my twitter handle. And I realize I'm an S short, but it just seems so unnecessary.

  37. It's the only lady character on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and it's ironic because she's a huge bitch. She hangs out with her bro and guy friends, so do I (well two bros--they're twins whereas on the show she IS the twin). Sometimes they call me Sweet Dee because I can be a bitch, but they tell me it's in a funny way. They say that lol. They all love that show, and I like it too.

    That's where the similarities end, because the characters on the show are all terrible people and not smart, unlike my crew, all scientists.

  38. I used to tell my niece that I had a unicorn living in my attic named Glitter.

    1. @glitter You sound like a real cool aunt :)

  39. My brothers nicknamed me Pizzazz after the singer from the cartoon I got older I changed the spelling

    1. That was my favourite cartoon ever. I bought the box set recently and spent a very happy weekend reliving my childhood!

    2. Jem is truly outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous! Sorry, lost it there for a moment. I loved this cartoon so much as a kid I forced a friend to let me draw stars on her face using my mom's eye pencils. She had an allergic reaction to the make-up. Whoops.

    3. Omg I love Jem!!! I still catch the reruns from time to time on hub!! I was a Aja and Stormer fan

  40. Brea rhymes with my actual name although they are spelled differently & McCain is from John McCain

  41. I lurked forever, and the posts that most made me want to create an account in order to comment were the ones to which I'd think or exclaim, "What's up with that?!" So when I finally finally finally decided to comment, that's the phrase I went with for my ID, abbreviated.

  42. Cuz that be my names 4 real! Channeling team breezy.

  43. I had a good friend years ago who called everyone Chica. I used to be atlchica, but changed it when I moved to Seattle. Occasionally people assume I am Hispanic. I'm not, but I speak Spanish near fluently.

    My other screen name is a Russian word. I just like foreign languages.

  44. An ex used to call me the little habanero, which morphed into pepper. I was signing up for something online and pepper was taken so it ended up redhotpepper and it stuck.

  45. I'm a mama, and I still love the song Tenderoni...not rice-a-roni....oh yeah, i'm a dork

  46. poster here but lengthy lurker. After a series of failed relationships quite some time ago I took a break from the dating scene and made a male unfriendly name for the internet. The PV is for my location and the siren is a fictional mermaid type character who draws oceangoing men to their deaths on the rocky shores with her wailing. It stopped guys from hitting on me online (I was shellgrrl before that) so it served its' purpose! I now use it on twitter too.

  47. Thought it was kind of fun and light. Plus I didn't see any other similar names with this site's commenters.

  48. Someone referred to me as a Fair Maiden years ago, also my birthdate.

  49. Childhood nickname that has never gone away. I guess I'm not helping matters.

  50. Humor Me.

    My favorite persuasive phrase.

  51. It's my favourite flower, that's all! :)

  52. The names of my two boys mashed together

  53. I love trains. And I oftentimes take the 7pm train to work.

  54. Mine is the short version of a dog's name.
    When my dad was a boy he had a dog that inexplicably got gloriously named *Don Frederico Del Riser*. He used to laugh and say it was a great name cuz' "You could call him Don, or Fred, or Rico etc. I just love it!

  55. I chose mine b/c my hub asked me why I was spending so much time on CDAN! I'm just hooked on celeb gossip and other readers' comments here--I'm not looking for love! And the "29" is for the age I turn every year.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Pogue, love your name now that I know what it means!

    2. Seems like Pogue deleted her reason, but I love this user name since it is what we named two kitties and our dog while growing up! We thought it was hilarious!

  57. it is my sisters nickname for me as my real name is Raymond

  58. I got it from when I was in Dublin. It's Irish Gaelic and means "Kiss my arse." I thought it would be funny to use for a username and it sounds like an actual name.

  59. i'm from Canada and i'm a chick :D

  60. I am a cut flower grower in NE and dahlia are one of my specialties, esp. the Cafe au Lait...

  61. My boss used to call me Sunshine, and my friend's older crazy stoner neighbor always called me Glowy. At one point, they merged and Sunny is my real life nickname. My best friend's nickname is Pip (I changed a letter so as not to out her!) and we got into so many antics, that people called us the Pip and Sunny show, or my favorite, "fu**ing Pip and Sunny" said while shaking their head. We even had a theme song!

  62. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I've been MsSyko since the first days on AOL, so when I got a Google account I used the same name. I dropped the "Ms" in here just to seem more friendly. I'm not sure why I ever picked that name in the first place, I think it wasn't so much that I felt I was psycho, just that psycho things always seem to happen to me. If I'm sitting in a bar and a one legged man with a parrot on his shoulder walks in, I know without a doubt that he will ask me to dance. I'm a psychomagnet.

  63. My first grown up dog....still miss him.

  64. So many great stories!

    @Twirl... glad you're back home... thanks for serving our country!

    My name:
    Tinsel...I live in LA.
    Sass... My friends appreciate that I speak truth with humor and don't buy into Hollywood nonsense. (Note: You all help keep me honest! Thanks!!!)

  65. It's a combination of the way people in the southern part of the county say my name mixed with the word terrific.

  66. @Sunny - you going to share your theme song?

  67. TV Junkie, do you ever spend time on TWOP? That was my first Internet obsession (back when it was MBTV) but now I just lurk/read the Walking Dead forums.

    1. Jules_345, I love TWOP, and Walking Dead is one of my favorite shows - I always make time for that!

    2. you have the same name over there? Maybe I will see you around ;)

  68. Mine is a 'Princess Bride' reference. 'Mawage!'

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  70. As a mom to 3 kids 5, 2 and 2 months and working as a nurse I feel like Supermom :-)

  71. Sticky Fingers is my derby name.

  72. Sticky Fingers is my derby name.

  73. One of my favorite movie characters, Mia Farrow in Alice.

  74. @Syko, Sorry, but I thought that was awesome, lol. Can I hang with ya, that sounds acctually fun! :D

  75. For Dolly, of course!

  76. @FSP
    Lower your expectations
    Now lower them so more
    Now drink 2 pitchers of pale ale . . .

    The Pip and Sunny show
    The Pip and Sunny show
    When you've got nowhere to go
    The Pip and Sunny show

    Just come along with us
    You don't have to fuss
    It's okay to cuss
    The Pip and Sunny show

    1. Pure awesomeness, Sunny.

    2. Love it sunny!!! I am a musical nut and create crazy songs for most of my animals. Usually whatever song is playing in the background morphed into a special gem. :) your song is a whoot!!

    3. Of course you have a theme song, @Sunny! Makes perfect sense!

  77. Because I could never get my first choice, Dixie Wrecked, to show. Too naughty I guess. *shrugs*

  78. My husband's initials are PMFU. How could I not use it? lol

  79. @Sunny, awesome!! Lol

  80. I work in a National Park.

    1. How cool! Which one? If you don't mind me asking. That is a secret wish of mine someday...

  81. @WUWT? Love it! Anytime I hear someone say that I automatically go the SNL ski with the guy singing What's Up With That and Jason Sudeikis doing the running man in background. Gawd it cracks me up EVERY time.

    Mine comes from everyone tell me I'm so funny....therefore I'm just thatfunnygirl.

  82. It's my last name and I like it. :)

  83. It's my name. The other Sarah was posting here first though so I'm thinking of changing it out of respect to her. I'll probably use the name I used to use on other message boards. Exciting times, y'all.

  84. Did anyone else sing the Pip and Sunny Theme song out loud while reading it? =)

  85. I went to Tulane University for undergrad and we're the Green Wave. And I'm a girl. :) my actual google address is an old email addy combined with my bday (7-11).

  86. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It's the name of my favorite album from my favorite band.

  87. My boyfriend one told me that I was difficult and complex but ultimately worth all the effort..

    One day I was cutting up a mango and I was having a hard time peeling the skin and cutting it up and was making a big mess and then when I eating it it was so delicious and I thought it was worth all the work and then the thought crossed my mind, "OMG I'm a mango!"

  88. @Sunny, love the theme song! I didn't sing out loud, but I did in my head. :)

  89. My favorite bitchtastic quote in celeb gossipdom is Madonnas reaction to a fan giving her a bouquet of flowers and the pretentious bitch shoots a death glare and says in her godawful British accent "I absolutely loathe hydrangeas, he obviously doesn't know that" as if everyone should just know that. Plus the fact that she doesn't even hate them, she loathes them, I love it.

    Onyx is my puppy. He liked to rip off the flower blossoms off of bushes when he was a little puppy and would walk with this giant flower in his mouth so I thought it fits him.

  90. My moniker is actually SadiesRotten - I shortened it to Sadie here - it's been so long I don't remember why.

    I usually don't share its meaning and soon you'll see why. I feel comfortable revealing it here because I don't know any of you personally.

    Here goes . . . It stems from a childhood nick - my mom used to call me Sadie Rotten Crotch. And NO, nothing was wrong/is with my crotch. Its just a saying she used when I was young. So when it came time to create an online user name I chose SadiesRotten and have used it ever since (25+ yrs now).

    So now lets hear your responses, I'm sure this will be fun! lol

  91. People keep singing "Joy to the World" everytime I walk by because of my middle name. It's cute during the holidays but gets annoying quickly.

  92. Mango that is an awesome analogy!

  93. It's a reference to the last job I held. "Comma chaser" is slang for someone who is a technical writer or works in digital publications. I'm not sure if it's a common term, but common enough for my fellow 'chasers that we thought it was funny.

    Also, FluffyCatLover69 was taken, so hence the slightly nerdier/more appropriate alternative.

  94. Because there was a point I felt so jaded after having been hurt so many times.

  95. Thank you, WUWT. Sorry that there's a word or two missing. I'm using my iPad and decided to try Dragon Dictation... It ain't perfect and I should have proofed before posting. Damn you, technology!!!

  96. Mine is a bit dull. My actual first name and the name of my favorite army unit. Janet + 296 Transportation unit. I have an easy time remembering number sequences so it was an easy choice for me. I had a lot of fun in 296 so I included it in my ID.

  97. My friends daughter could not pronounce Linda. :)

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  99. it's my name, so I attribute it to sheer laziness...

  100. Because I do the robot. It's my best dance move. :)

  101. I've made the change.
    My username on another message board was shocked_princess, chosen because I like the word shocked and it is the title of one of my favorite Kylie songs, and Sarah (my name) means princess. Other users referred to me as Shocky as a kind of nickname of a nickname, hence the name I am now using here.

  102. Its a tiger army song (werecat) & my last name (Ware)! Just changed the spelling a bit. Love it =)

  103. Mine is a tattoo I have on my lower back. Yes, it's a tramp stamp! I got it after I broke up with my ex-fiancƩe and the meaning is "eternal life".

  104. Thank you Enty!! I asked him to do this for a your turn because I love all the user names and knew there had to be some great stories behind them.

    Mine comes from when my oldest child was two. My husband told him "You know what Mama is?? Mama's Sexy!" Sweet right? Not really. For several months afterwards my two year old son called me "Mama Sexy" everywhere we went. At the grocery store, the library, work, etc. "MAMA SEXY?? Can I have a sucker??" MAMA SEXY? Can I get this book???" My husband was quite proud of himself...

  105. About 10 years ago, there was a "wu-tang name generator" and a co-worker put my name in and CHS came up. He still calls me that.

  106. It's my first name +buns. In high school, I was the lust of all the boys (unbeknownst to me!) because of my bodacious booty. All my guy friends called my Chrissy buns, and I thought it was because I was adorable and stuff. No. They just liked my butt...and believe me, it has only gotten bigger...

  107. I want @hothotheat to answer, 'cuz whenever I read a comment from him/her I start singing "Bandages on my legs and my arms from you...", and I wanna know if the name has anything to do with the band.

  108. Boring, inspired by Em Eye Kay and others, went with the phonics version of my initials. Lots of my friends call me EGB though, or just E. thought about using the name that the kids call me at work, Boss Lady Erin, but there used to be a Boss Lady that posted and I didn't want to be a copy cat, but that is my name on twitter. Love hearing theses stories, though, especially the musical references- you guys are a creative lot!

  109. Frufra was the nickname of our dearly beloved, treated like a human, first dog. He was the dog we got before children, hence he had a cutie nickname, wore clothes, went on vacation with us, etc. We were the couple who showed up at your house for the weekend with our dog!

  110. It's a discordian holiday that i dig.

  111. is yours your name all spelled out? I've always been curious, and I'm not always the quickest on the uptake ;)

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  113. I used to say this a lot. I still think it a lot want to tell people to bite me. Kinda goes with my attitude most of the time. Really fits me now that I am periomenopausal (sp?) and I am annoyed all the time.

    My real name is Karen.

  114. I think this might be my favorite Your to the hangover cure one. That one was quite informative.

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  116. Agreed Chrissie (hot) buns! Thanks K sexy mama for the awesome suggestion! Each and every one of these has entertained me thoroughly (and answered a lot of questions)

    Lol! Poor Pip!!

  117. A play on my last name. Also because I'm cool or wish I was.

  118. It's after the French proto-surrealist writer Comte de Lautreamont (pen name of Isidore Ducasse) who wrote one book (Maldoror) and promptly died of a putrid fever during the Paris Commune.

  119. My mom picked it out for me decades ago.

  120. @ChrissyBuns: I've always assumed your name came about the way you thought. Sometimes I call The Short One "Buns". Now I'll think of your... buns... :/

    It's not my initials, actually, but close to them. It's the first three letters of my name, phonetically.

    David Garza (if anyone knows who he is... maybe @CommaChaser would?) wrote me a note a long time ago, and he spelled out my first name that way. I thought it was cute.

  121. It's my name. When I write it, nobody knows how to pronounce it, and when I say it, nobody knows how to spell it.

    Some of you may remember that I used to be called Harriet Hellfire. I have a long list of band names I would use if I knew how to play an instrument or write a song. One of the imaginary bands was "Harriet and the Harlots of Heckfire". Harriet Hellfire would be my stage name.

    CDAN comments section; you are my stage. *L*

    1. @Maja: I remember Harriet Hellfire! I always liked that name. Re: your real name, I assume it's pronounced "Maya"?

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. @Maja: there used to be a band in Portland called M99, and the singer went by Heidi Hellbender. Yours is good, too! Loved your reader photo, btw, I'm just now catching up. Pretty puppy!

  124. My goal is for everyone to think of my buns...I am now closer to that goal *rubs hands together*

  125. mine is americanish -- stemmed from a conversation with a Canadian friend of mine:

    call me
    call me Ishmael
    I'll call you Ish -- american ish

    Been my internet name ever since.

    Haven't spoken to the Canadian friend in years -- I should call him.

  126. They're the last names of two of my fave characters from one of my fave shows (spoiler alert: it's Archer.)

    If I had gone with the first names instead, it would have been pam-cheryl. Boring. I've always thought my real names were super boring, so I tend to use unusual names online. If they're fun to say out loud, I'm there.

  127. J is my first initial

    Sierra is my latin name in my AP Latin classes in high school. We had to choose a totally different name that is what we were called in the class all three years.

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  129. My mum is Japanese and she used to bring me Astro Boy merchandise whenever she went for a visit home. All my cars have been named Astro too.

  130. Jane is my real name (yawn). Once when I was a kid I was reading an Enid Blyton book that featured smugglers with a boat called the Saucy Jane. I asked my mum what saucy meant. Her answer left me a bit confused. The moment stayed with me.

  131. @Tuxedo Tuxedo kitties! I am a proud Crazy Cat Lady!! =^.^= One of my other nicknames is ReeseMeow because of my cat-craziness.

    Shake it off, sweetie!! You're amongst friends here. I've had a couple of off-moments here but I'm a fluffball of a human and it hurts my heart to see others hurting. You may have gained weight, but you're still beautiful. Tight hugs, hon!

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Initials+birth year=Car54.

  134. My name is Sway.
    My blog is Swaggen. it's short for Sway Hagen, my name.

  135. @Reeses

    Thanks Reese, I was only joking though! You are so sweet though to post.

  136. im a freak for Cinema

  137. Seachica I honestly thought it was because you really liked the ocean lol.

    Sunny it is bad that I imagined you doing a tap dancing routine to your theme song? That is awesome.

    Tuxedo we would love to see your beautiful face! And anyone who says otherwise is foolish.

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  139. The picture says it all. The cheshire cat is probably one of my favorite characters and well since he is mad... :)

  140. My favorite movie. Also I am obsessed with Italy and I plan to live there one day.... A girl can dream right?

  141. I was registering my ID as Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny were throttling each other on the TV in the background. That’s why I chose Bunny Warren....simples! My real name was the Welsh version of the name Jane.....a tiny bit more exotic! Jane is a lovely name, reminds me of Jane Austen, Jane Eyre and many other romantic heroines. My brothers all call me Jane, even though it isn’t my name....just to make me blush. hahahaha!

  142. I chose this name bc I have 4 black and white cats, all related.

    I deleted my previous post bc I didn't want anyone else to worry - it was just satire going on about the insulting cat lady poster from last week. Sorry about that...

  143. My husband calls me Silly Girl, so that's what I picked. I AM silly in real life. Fun aunt, crazy mom, silly wife, etc. I don't take anything to seriously and we always do our grocery shopping in our pajamas. We dance and sing and enjoy life. My husband is my straight wing man. He keeps me balanced. Because of me, he laughs now. Didn't do that much before we met.
    Love all the stories!! You guys are awesome!

  144. Anonymous1:24 PM

    When i was little i was a typical Irish girl pale red hair and lots of freckles so everyone in my family called me freckles!!! Thank god they stopped when i was a teen, its always the first thing i think of when i need a screen name .

  145. Thank you, Chilie & Em!


  146. One of those days when I was asked for just one login/password too many. I'm sure I still have at least 25. Rediculous!

  147. @Em...I assumed you liked Disney, lol.

    I don't know why I'm Lola but I was nicknamed Lola by an online friend back in MySpace days (you can probably still find me since, I assume, my account still exists) so there it is. I also have a special email related to this name, which I bring up because of a post in the last couple of days about how to get in touch with each other when you don't want to broadcast your "real" email. I suggest creating a "CDAN" email and then giving out your real email when contacted by someone you want to communicate with (, btw)

    When I first started commenting here a long time ago I went by another random name but after a couple of years of not commenting, I've forgot the email and the name I used (I could probably figure it out if I made the effort to go back and investigate...but yeah...).

    I actually go by another nom de plume on most websites and I go by yet a third name on twitter (which was my nickname in college).

  148. I loved Harriet Hellfire.

  149. It's the name on my birth certificate.

  150. I'm a woman in Canada. Blah
    i want to change it, but i have such a hard time thinking of decent screen names...I'm not so creative.

  151. I've always had an obsession with Greek mythology... Melpomene is the Greek muse of tragedy, and who doesn't like to read a good tragedy! It's the only time I let myself bawl like a baby (while I'm alone of

    1. As a fellow fan of Greek mythology, @Melopmene, your screen name always makes me smile.

    2. Thank you! Glad to see that there is a fellow lover of Greek mythology! I promise that even though Melpomene is my favorite muse, I'm actually a pretty happy person! Lol!

  152. Because I'm a winemaker, and I whine. Apparently a lot. LOL

  153. Alright guys, I am almost finished with the official Enty ratings chart.

    Email me at if you want me to send you a copy!

  154. It's my roller derby name. I also collect Pez.

  155. @ Roman Holiday - I *love* that movie. The ending is so bitter sweet that I cry every time.

  156. @JSierra- Salve! I took Latin in HS too. I was Zoe and then I changed to Paulina the next year.

  157. I work in fashion and in school was known for wearing the highest and craziest shoes (preferably red)! I wear flats for work now and heels only for fun times. I still do get commented a lot about the height of my heels! Last time was New Year's. They are mostly platforms, so I don't even consider my shoes being outrageously hard to walk with.

  158. It's a lyric from a Styx song...

  159. For David Seradis - a hilarious and thoughtful genius. Check his books out. You won't b disappointed. He writes about his accentric families n living in France w his boyfriend.

  160. @Em - I definite remember David Garza. Used to go see him play little shows in Houston and Austin as David Garza and The Lovebeads (early 90s), then when he would play as Dahveed, and of, course when he just went with good old David Garza. Ohhhh... he can still make my heart go pitter patter when I think of those days.

  161. I wrote the Hollywood Obituaries column for the now defunct Entertainment Insiders.

  162. David Sedaris is the best @ DavidsFan!

  163. @Disco - of COURSE you would! I was forgetting where you both are from! You get cooler by the minute, in my book. I wish we lived in the same town.

    I just loved him. This was before my music-industry days, when I was just a plain ol' show-goer. My ex was so pissed that he gave me his number.

    "...and the dreadlocked white girls... spinning in a discoball world..."

  164. I moved from Detroit to Nashville and everyone kept calling me, and not in a good way, a Yankee. It pissed me off and sassyankee was born.

  165. I moved from Detroit to Nashville and everyone kept calling me, and not in a good way, a Yankee. It pissed me off and sassyankee was born.

  166. I can't wait to read all these answers, because I agree - we've got some interesting and creative monikers on CDAN!

    My grandma was quite the Southern belle (I'm a fifth generation Cracker, myself) so choosing Cornbread was my little homage to my Southern roots.

  167. Skyy, why would you ever want to leave? Sounds heavenly.

  168. Dlisted was the first site I commented on; this was the second. They are the only two sites I have always used my real name for.

    The small 'l' is because I like the aesthetics of it, plus, I used to REFUSE the 'shift' key back then. Lazy.

  169. Mine is the way I go about my job. And much of the rest of my life too.

  170. IT USED TO BE "IRISHSTAYC" because I'm Irish and my name is stacey -But when I started my blog and online stuff i switched to my full name. I am enjoying reading what everyone was thinking when they chose their names!
