Friday, January 18, 2013

Too Much Barney The Dinosaur Leads To Attempted Murder

The son of the Barney The Dinosaur creator has been arrested and charged with attempted murder. Apparently 27 year old Patrick Leach got into an argument with a guy and shot him in the chest on January 9. The man is expected to be fine after being treated at a hospital for his wound, but Patrick was arrested. I wonder if growing up he had to watch Barney non-stop. Just forced to sit and watch every episode because his mom created it. Then when he finished he had to watch it some more. probably has a lot of pent up rage over Baby Bop.


  1. I loved Barney when i was a kid but Baby Bop. That thing annoyed the shit out of me even when i was like, 5.

  2. My daughter was obsessed with Barney. That is too bad about this guy.

  3. Dora makes me want to cut a bitch.

    Thankfully, my kid is obsessed with programs that don't drive me batty: Bubble Guppies is his current fave, and I must say the music is kinda cute. He also loves Sesame Street, Blues Clues and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. (I guess it's inevitable that Disney will infiltrate my life now. Yikes.)

    1. Bub, Bub, Bubble. Gup, Gup, Guppy. Bubble bubble bubble. Guppy guppy guppy. Bubble! Bubble! Guppy! Guppy!

  4. Guns, as my gran always say you can't shoot someone if you don't own a gun...

  5. I told my son I was allergic to Barney when he was little. It worked. He's 13 now and we laugh about it.

  6. Ooh, I'm getting ragey just looking at the pic. Little bro & sis had it on a non-stop loop growing up.

  7. I loved Barney growing up. I even had Barney shoes. I got made fun of a lot :(

  8. The Backyardigans was my favorite! Barney's Island Adventure, or something like that, was my FAVORITE movie of all time! Kids movie, I should say. It has that one actor from Grease, I think it was...anyway, it was good, the kids loved it!

  9. People aren't going to like this, but I didn't encourage Barney in my house. I thought the character was just too saccharine-sweet and the kids looked as if they were on some sort of soma. I liked the little song at the end though.

  10. Looooved Barney when I was little but my Dad hated him! He called him The Big Purple Goofball lol. As far as kiddie shows that are out right now: Wonder Pets and Doc Mcstuffins are sooo cute and make me smile.

  11. As soon as Barney comes on its turned off. I hated it as a kid and I hate it now. My daughter can watch Ssame Street Dvr episodes, not this big purple dork.

  12. I was too old for Barney when Baby Bop entered the picture. I think he had a younger "brother" too.

  13. I thought I hated Barney until I had kids. My boys loved Barney, and it was really OK with me, too - very low-keyed, pleasant little songs, and it always made my kids happy in a non-hyper way. And I still know all the words to the Washing Your Hands song - "Squishy squashy squawshy, give your hands a washy. You can't wash off your skin, so squishy squashy, wash your hands again!" Catchy, but I always thought it would encourage little budding OCD children.

    And I feel very old indeed that so many of you watched Barney as children! Good grief. Now, if you want to feel stabby, have a kid who's obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. That show makes you want to pierce your eardrums AND stab your eyes out.

    1. @frufra haha nooo, I love Thomas! We haven't watched it in a while, but my house is still overrun with Thomas toys.
      Right now little guy is on a Daniel Tiger kick.
      I have never allowed him to watch Barney, though.

    2. @seaward, Thomas always annoyed the hell out of me, but he got me through a very rough patch - we had the Thomas-obsessed two year old, and I was suffering through a complicated pregnancy. That Very Useful Engine was my bff at 5:30 in the morning, when the two-year old was wide awake and I was on bedrest. He would be glued to the first segment, then scream through the little middle piece, then be happy again when the second segment started. I slept for 11 minutes at a time.

  14. My daughter never liked Barney and when people would ask if she did her response was, "Barney sucks."

    Susan, my daughter LOVED Blues Clues. (We still occasionally watch it...she's 12.) I love the songs:

    Well the sun's a hot star
    And Mercury's hot too...

  15. Neither of my kids really liked Barney, but the oldest was obsessed with Bear in the Big Blue House (I can still sing the song... welcome to the Blue House, hello from the small mouse!). It was a cute show, so I didn't mind. Barney sounded like a slow-moving LSD trip.

    Sad about the son. Didn't his mom get ripped off on licensing or something?

    1. @prolixe - LOVED Bear in the Big Blue House! My son is twelve now and we were cleaning his room recently and I couldn't make myself get rid of his stuffed BITBBH animals. I remember how he used to run around with Tree-lo velcroed around his neck singing "Come on everybody let's clean up the house!" And I still occasionally find myself singing "My favorite thing about brushing my teeth is shucka-shucka-shucka-shucka-shucka".

      Oh man, and who can forget Pip and Pop singing "L-O-V-E Loooove, it's otter love". Off to YouTube I go...

  16. I told my kids that Barney was evil!
    They loved my old videos of bagpuss, Roobarb and Custard and Mr Benn.
    And my son (who is now 16) drove me nuts watching the teletubbies, the tweenies and Pokemon.
    My daughter loved Pepper Pig and Charlie and Lola which I quite liked.

  17. Yo Gabba Gabba is the shizz. Only thing we allow in our house.

  18. Yo Gabba Gabba is .... AWESOOOOOOOME! I'm taking my two-year-old to see the show on Monday. I'm crazy excited about it.

    I quite like the Bubble Guppies too. But I've had that "La la la Long Time Ago" song in my head for two weeks.

  19. @chop. Bring your camera even though they say none allowed. It's a blast! After the show, Biz Markie said hi to our little man. He was so excited!

  20. I knew Barney was the anti-christ.

  21. One of my nephews loooooooved Barney and it made me utterly crazy. I used to daydream about punching him in his big, purple face.

    Didn't Selena or some other tweener start out on that show?

    1. @ Mango - I think Selena and Demi Lovato both started out on Barney. Barney's taped in the Dallas area, and both of those girls are from the Dallas area.

  22. My son's first favorite show was Caillou. Then The Backyardigans. Now Spongebob is a big thing, but I would have to say Mario is his #1.

    To fellow parents out there, They Might Be Giants have some awesome kids' music--- along with videos. (They were popular in the 90s, if anyone remembers Particle Man or Istanbul (Not Constantinople)). I got all 3 for my son and he has them memorized (Science Is Real, Counting the 123s, Here Come the ABCs). He is four and can talk about the periodic table, knows all the colors of the light spectrum, gasps the concept of photosynthesis ad knows the scientific method just to name a few. The 123s and ABCs are great as well. Kids don't know they're learning, they just like the songs and kid oriented videos.

    YouTube some of those (personally I think 7 Days of the Week (Never go to Work) and Roy G Biv are really cute) and show them to the kids. I must admit I like them too. Lol

    1. @MyBro. Thx for the rec. Imma gonna look into it.

  23. Yes They Might Be Giants has done a lot of great kids songs without irritating the heck out of you. My kids were into Blue's Clues and Spongebob. I was totally fine with that, but I didn't even expose them to Barney because I did not want to chance them liking it. Haha! My sister was really into when she was younger (I was 7 years older) and it drove me absolutely batty.

    I will always be a fan of Sesame Street. Well before the show was turned into "Elmo hour." I like the classic ones. I was just watching the "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" song with my kids the other day. Love that tune.

  24. Barney is not allowed in my house. The kids on it looked doped up! I prefer kids shows where the characters actually act like kids. Getting angry and resolving it, disagreeing, having actual emotions that kids can relate to. Treehouse has some good ones. Backyardigans and My Big Big friend are good.
    And a giant YES to Bubbleguppies. I love the jokes on that one.

  25. My mom got my son addicted to Barney when he was little. I don't know about now, but when it first aired it was REALLY obnoxious. When I got pregnant with my daughter I forbade her to put Barney on ever. Ever ever. God, I hate Barney.

  26. Man I was obsessed with Barney.

    My youngest two siblings loved the Wiggles and Backyardigans, I shit you not I know every word and dance move to almost every Wiggles song.

    "D-O-R-O-T-H-Y Dorothy the dinosaur"

  27. Ugh Calliou was such a brat! He never listened to his parents and he was really whiny, I could not stand watching that show.

    1. LOL! If you watch the earlier episodes, Caillou sometimes looked extremely evil, and they had Mommy working. Then they re-did everything to make it saccharin. I wouldn't let him watch TV for the longest time because I hardly watch TV myself (which is why I have no clue who Emma Roberts, ect are, or the exact plot of Twilight) but I finally caved one weekend when it was raining and my bro as in ICU after major surgery. I was so worried and a bundle of nerves and he wouldn't take a nap, so I turned Sprout on and that's what was on. He's loved it since. Have to admit it was nice to watch something so harmonious at that time.

      But, NO MOTHER has that much patience and how does Daddy have so much energy all the time?!

  28. 1. And what the hell is with Max and Ruby? That was the worst.

    2. I have a purple sweater dress that I love, but am always concerned that people secretly think I look like Barney.

  29. I love how this post is about Attempted Murder but the comments have a debate about what kids shows are best lol. This is why I love CDAN.

  30. Lotta, and nobody got "lectured" !

    1. @Agent you're right we have no whiners today, miracle!

  31. @Lucas - "Let's clean up the house" & "shucka-shucka" were absolute genius. They had a Bear stage show in our city - the kid was on cloud nine. Otter love, indeed!

    I'm going to be singing that all afternoon now. He's 14, I don't know if he'll remember it, but those are some good mom memories. :)

  32. Did anyone watch Gulla Gulla Island and Eureka's Castle? Now those are the shows the kids should be watching.

  33. And this is surprising because...?

  34. Not a Barney fan. I only have one place in my heart for a smiling, giant purple mascot: Grimace!

    Also, Hevisaurus is much better than Barney!

  35. @Mitchellaneous

    I know - my kids liked it, but I used to make sure to remind them how bossy Ruby is, and not to let other kids tell them what to do.


    My kids liked Caillou, but my elderly mother enquired out loud as to why they were advertising Caillou shampoo when Caillou is bald. Caillou lost some street cred after that. Also, he seemed to wander around the neighbourhood regularly with no punishment???


    Tank engine foot is almost as much fun as Lego foot, isn't it.

  36. That's sad...Barney doesn't deserve to have his name tarnished...although a lot of it would drive me up a wall

  37. Is that what we are calling him: son of Son of Sam.

    *eye roll*

    First Elmo and now Barney. A pedo and a murderer.

  38. My cousin (who is far cleverer than I) had a program to hack the computer game 'Doom'. He made the boss at the end of the game into Barney. Killing him was SO satisfying!

  39. Everything Prolixe said. Omg sweet sweet memories of sleepless nights with my daughter watching that show. ;)
