Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Teen Going On 30

This actress is starting to make a name for herself. A big name. Went from C list to just about an all A list movie actress in a very short time. Some of her actions lately though have everyone concerned that she is going off the rails. She had been hanging out with another almost A list movie actress who is about her same age and that actress got her hooked on smoking. Not really blind item worthy although her parents are apparently anti-smoking fiends. This probably leads to the smoking a cigarette with a fork so she does not get her hands or fingers stained. I saw a kid doing that on the street the other day. Is this a new trend? Did I miss the silverware becoming a cigarette holder memo? Anyway, our actress also started going to parties and ended up meeting a 30 something producer who is well over twice the age of our actress. Yeah, I have no idea why he would want a tweener either. Probably can't get it up and thinks she won't care. He has been traveling internationally with our actress. Not with her, but on the same itinerary and they sneak around when they can. She missed a photo call recently because she was holed up in his hotel room and told her parent that she had been walking the city and lost track of time. He also introduced her to coke. Just a little bit and apparently she is in love with it. Such promise and something bad is going to happen unless someone steps in. Problem is she is a huge meal ticket for the parents.


  1. Why do I feel like Chloe Moretz is involved in this somehow

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @VIP - That's the first name that popped into my head, too.

  4. Correction ; she is between 15 and 19.5 years old haha

  5. I agree with the Moretz-guess. She seems troubled for some reason. She has the look in her eyes Blohan has too. Think she is on her way to be the next Lindsay :(

    Also, she is the only one I can think of that fits the age-category (15-19.5).

  6. I sense a Chloe Moretz lecture coming soon.

  7. Chloe was the only kiddo I could think of....

  8. Chloe Moretz, Abigail Breslin maybe? They are the only two young girls I can think of with A status movies.

  9. Yes, Chloe has the Carrie remake coming out and was pictured on her way to Paris for fashion week.

  10. Chloe totally makes sense since she's been in Paris and was on DM like two days ago. Sad! Unlike Lindsay, she's a great actress with a lot of potential.

  11. If she does not get it together I can see her like turning the way of Brittany Murphy, another great actress who let herself go to waste.

  12. I think it's Chloe too. Sad.

  13. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I feel like Moretz is the go to answer......then I thought Abigail Breslin, but she seems too sweet...

  14. @Agent - what do you mean lecture? When people start lecturing me about something I cannot pay attention. They usually say the same thing over and over again in different arrangements, and all I start hearing is Charlie Brown's teacher (the voice of whom was just arrested).

  15. What about Haile Steinfield? She's 16.

  16. A list? I never heard of this Chloe.

    BTW CDAN you're on my bloglink list now :)

  17. Is Dan Schneider, pedophile extraordinaire, in Europe for the Baby Gap fashion shows?

  18. if you saw a kid smoking a cigarette using a fork, that sounds like an improvised roach clip to me---not a cigarette holder. and most smokers don't have stained fingers anymore since the advent of filters. yes, i smoke and no stains on mine.

    1. My older sister and her friends would put socks on their hands. What idiots!


  20. How old is Jennifer Lawrence? This could be her.

  21. Let the Chloe defenders begin............

  22. Nice find, bch! Kick-Ass 2 is in post-production.

  23. But she holds her brother's hand, for god's sake! She is totally normal!

  24. Mmmm, yeah, don't think that was a cigarette, Enty.

    1. The fork thing confirms that Enty and I would get along IRL. I'd totally think it was a cigarette on there. I'd probably even try to smoke one with a fork just to try it out. It didn't even cross my mind until y'all worldly readers pointed it out :-).

  25. could be Chloe, Ellla Fanning, Abigail, Joey King

  26. I hope her mom took my advice and got her on the pill. That HPV vaccine would be a good idea too.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Jennifer Lawrence is 22 and last I heard the latest girl to wrongly think she was the one who could make Bradley Cooper monogamous.

  29. but Tarquin Pack is the producer of Kick-Ass and Kick-Ass 2:she didn't meet him at a party.She met him on the set or even before during the pre-prod :he works since some years with Matthew Vaughn
    and Chloe Moretz was with her mum at Paris

  30. Hailee Steinfeld is 16.

  31. Renoblondee,

    What would be the point? The folks around here have given her a lovely persona. They decided long ago that she was the "next Lohan" and that's all there is to it. You can't convince people otherwise when they desire to believe something.

  32. What has Chloe Moritz been in? I've never heard of her except on here.

  33. about Chloe Moretz smoking

    Moretz's boyfriend Cameron Fuller

    she's always with her mum or one of her brother when she's out

  34. Lol how did I know that Sav would comment on this? I KNOW that Sav has "Chloe Moretz" google alerted on her computer, and she is probably either a relative or a publicist/agent. It's ok Sav, not everyone thinks that she's bad news, but when you comment on EVERY Chloe Moretz post, your intentions becomes obvious.

  35. I've been guessing Chloe Moretz as a joke on some blinds for the last few weeks. Turns out this one is probably about her!

  36. Most def Chloe Moretz...

  37. @Gabby, I don't comment on every post where her name is thrown out. I'd be here for eternity if that were the case. Also, I'm not a relative or publicist, not female, don't use Google alert, and have no "intentions" other than voicing my disgust. I am seemingly the only one around her who knows anything about her though.

  38. I think the answer has been guessed but I'm thinking it's someone besides CM only because I've only ever heard of her from her recurring role on 30 Rock which would not make her all movie.

  39. Really Sav? Cause a quick google search shows 967 posts on Chloe's website.

  40. Jonny, what does her website have to do with anything I said? As importantly, why are you doing searches on me?

  41. Just to shake things up a little, Ashley Benson.

  42. "Also, I'm not a relative or publicist, not female"

    Really? If that it true, would you consider yourself more Robert John Bardo or John Hinckley Jr ?

    (safe to Google, ladies)

  43. Definitely Chloe Moretz...and I can't believe anyone who frequents a gossip site doesn't know who she is. She's been getting rave reviews for her acting and is really quite good, but Lainey's been following her poor behaviour and attitude for about two years yeah, I buy this as her.

    Damn cocaine...why you gotta be so good? ;)

  44. @Count - I'll go for Bardo.

  45. Sounds like Chloe, I hope not because she's so talented.

    Why are we picking on Sav? Are we not here to write our opinions without fear of getting picked on? IJS

  46. Dakota Fanning is in the photos. Maybe her?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Sav: This would now be an excellent time to share your personal connection with Chloe in an effort to prove your point. No snark intended at all. We all love the inside scoop. Unless you're just an enthusiastic fan and don't like the snarl on Chloe which is also fine. We're all entitled to say.


    I love my CDaN friends---Y'all always sniff a rat when they visit! LMFAO!!!

    Btw, Sav--If you're really serious about lying, you should study the science of "Statement Analysis", because your comments give you away, too. Just as well as Jonny's googling does.

    Sorry, that exchange was delightful. Special thanks to Count Jerk, you have won your last CDaN holdout.



  50. *snark* not snarl. Funny the other way though.

  51. Libby, I haven't lied, and I wasn't "busted" in any way. Rather than worrying about Statement Analysis, you should work on your reading comprehension because you got confused somewhere along the way.


    I have no personal connection with Moretz as I said previously. I'm not sure how you can call this stuff snark either. Snark I would be okay with.

  52. Is my Google the only one working? Why are people guessing actresses who are twenty-something? Obvious wrong answer is obvious.

  53. Dakota fanning. The going off the rails line refers to super 8.

    1. Chloe motets is the friend who introduced her to smoking FTW

    2. Wasn't it the other Fanning sister in that flick? I think it was.

  54. Smoking w/ a fork, huh? now i've heard everything.

  55. I think the girls do that because the cigarette is the closest thing to food they consume.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Nothing wrong with being a fanboy/fangirl. Unless it's for Twilight shit.

  58. Actually I googled "sav and chloe moretz" and it seems as though Sav HAS commented on every single thread about Chloe anywhere on the internet for a couple of years. Over 900 posts on her website alone is quite disturbing.

  59. @Phillygirl - Super 8 was Elle Fanning. Dakota is the one in Twilight.

    I don't think it's a Fanning anyway - the "huge meal ticket for the parents" part seems to point an only child or a child that's a much bigger star than the others. Can't say yet that Elle is a bigger name than Dakota (though I think she is definitely more talented).

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. ~~and it seems as though Sav HAS commented on every single thread about Chloe anywhere on the internet for a couple of years. Over 900 posts on her website alone is quite disturbing.~~


    Few things here, Jonny. The original comment to me was referring to posts at this site, not elsewhere, and that is what I responded to. Being a contributor on her fan site is completely irrelevant and is not proof of commenting "on every single thread...on the internet." Maybe you could take your detective abilities and put them to good use with the FBI or a political campaign rather than trying to harass me.

  62. Seriously that some devotion. Just saying.

  63. Sav, you're the one staying, pissing into the wind. You expose yourself. If you're not a publicist,a relative, OR a female--You're a creepy guy who's obsessed with a young teen.

    It's over. You don't get the lifetime supply of chocolate; you lose. Good day sir.
    I said good day.

    1. libby, is that an awesome Tootsie reference?

    2. but but i wanted an everlasting gobstopper!!

      (excellent reference Libby, i gave you golf-claps at my desk)

  64. Sherry,

    There are many topics of conversation on a message board and many people one becomes friendly with. Don't assume every comment revolves around the subject of the website.

    1. Yeah there are probably 900 comments from me on this blog justt not all on the same person. What's the difference between devotion and obsession? I think we all know the answer to that.

    2. This! :) I've been reading CDAN since day 1 (or 2?). Btw JeezLouise never did come back...?
      Stopped commenting after Entry banned anonymous loggin...
      I don't know what's been in the water for the last couple of months, but u guys won me back all over again w/ your passive aggressive awesomeness...
      so Count Jerkula me in! ^^

  65. Libby, you were wrong, mistaken. You jumped the gun and then did a victory dance to attack someone who, quite frankly, has done nothing but defend a kid from character assassination. If that makes your day, so be it.

  66. Proof? Here are 12 sites Sav has commented about Chloe on that took me 5 minutes to cut & paste.

  67. Oh no, you got me, Jonny. I've commented on someone I've been a supporter of over the years. The horror. And yet it's still not relevant to anything in particular. All it does is show your pettiness and attempts to discredit someone with a varying position than the pack.

    1. You lost me @"supporter of over the years"
      you fan #something, you! ;)

      there's a saying in French that I love:
      "La culture, c'est comme la configure. Moins on en a, plus on l'etalle"

  68. And not all of those comments are mine either. You simply assumed as is custom around here.

  69. ProTip: Don't use the same screen name on every site. Mix it up so people can't Google you and piece together info.

    I once had a guy give me lip on a porn board, cause I said I wasn't into heavily muscled "fitness" chicks. A buddy Googled his screen name and found a boatload on the guy, including his contributions on a tranny board where he talks about shooting scenes with them during his failed attempt at making it big in porn. All I had to do is say "You really use the same screen name on every board you post on?" and he posted one last time about 6 months later. He was also a moderator on a board for some kind of pecker stretcher device, posting his goals and progress, LOL!

    It is almost as important as not using your real name as your email. Professionally, sure, but not recreationally.

  70. P.S. Great Job, Jonny!!!!!!!!!! You win the internets for the day.

  71. There's a difference between defending someoneand being creepy. You @Sav are a creep.

    Btw, long time reader and I love the site. Had to comment on this because this person is obviously full of it.

  72. There's a difference between defending someoneand being creepy. You @Sav are a creep.

    Btw, long time reader and I love the site. Had to comment on this because this person is obviously full of it.

  73. Thanks for the niceties, Lauren. I'd suggest those smearing others are the creeps but people see things differently, don't they?

  74. It's not a smear campaign, they're just calling you out on your BS

  75. A Chloe Blind would be labeled Easy Easy. Would be more shocking if it WAS the gal from True Grit.

  76. What BS would that be, Lauren? The smear campaign is waged again Moretz, not me.

  77. I'm not reiterating what other users have pointed out to you

  78. Pointed out to me? Well, they found out that I contribute to a message board, and made jokes comparing me to attempted or convicted murderers. Clearly that proves your point. Next time back up your assertion.

  79. This. Is. Hilarious.

    I was going to say calm down on the Sav attack, he/she/shim seems harmless. But dayum those 917 comments are telling.

    I really hope you are in your teens Sav, otherwise you come off as super fucking creepy. And by super I mean someone should think about banning you from commenting on her site because you seem to be getting a little carried away with the teen Moretz love.

  80. Man...I wish I had come here earlier! I missed all the dramahz!

  81. "made jokes comparing me to attempted or convicted murderers."

    Where the fuck did you get that from? Am I missing some comments? Is there another comment section I can't access?

  82. Yep. Creepy.

    Here is a discussion about her predominantly male fanbase. Gross.

  83. "I mean someone should think about banning you from commenting on her site" -JSierra

    Banning me because I contribute to her message board? That makes sense. There are folks there who post more than me and, again, there are plenty of posts having nothing to do with Moretz. Why is my participation there the issue?


    ~~~Where the fuck did you get that from? Am I missing some comments?~~~

    From 12:11 PM:

    "If that it true, would you consider yourself more Robert John Bardo or John Hinckley Jr ?"

  84. ~~Yep. Creepy.~~


    She gained male fans after being in movies and roles that young males thought were cool (Let Me In, Kick-Ass). Nothing creepy about it.

  85. Enty sure does get titillated by these teen girls gone wild stories. What's up with that? It's like an obsession of his.

  86. Sounds like there's a market for an updated version of those long elegant cigarette holders you see women in the black and white movies holding when they smoke.

  87. Who's the other actress though?

  88. Meh IMHO it's creepy when an older male is so infatuated with a young tween star (because she was 11 and 12 when those were filmed) that he comments over 900 times on her fan site. Yes, there may be other non Chloe related posts but you still frequent a fan site dedicated to a very young girl. A fan site where you have discussions about how pretty and attractive she is.

    I don't know you, you may a 16 year old boy. Or you may be a 50 year old man. Who am I to judge if you have an unnatural attraction to young teen girls? You live your life, I live mine.
    But when you post something on a blog and when others respond to that, don't get all hot and bothered because someone disagrees with your remark. Especially when that remark is very aggressively defending a young girl and you have made such remarks in the past. Obviously your comments have made enough of an impact on others if your past remarks are brought up and remembered with a certain fondness, if you will.

    In all honestly, my first instinct was to defend you against everyone else attacking you. It was your opinion, so what if you have an infatuation with this girl? But then, after reading your comments on this site and others, I decided I don't like you so much and decided to voice my opinion. So do not attack me for that.

    And before you call me out for attacking you for your opinion, I am not attacking your opinion and neither were some of the others. We are attacking your obsession with a 15 year old girl that started when she was 11 or 12 in Kick Ass. You even get really defensive and protective when someone in a comment mentions that her parents are divorced.
    Idk what your definition of creepy is, but searching out Chloe Moretz articles and getting extremely protective of her privacy and reprimanded other posters ("That's not something that needs to be public. You should've had more common sense and respect for Chloe than to post that.") is creepy in my book.

    Again, this is all my OPINION :)

  89. Team Sav. Yes, he stands up for Chloe when she gets trashed here, but what is so wrong about a young girl having a defender? He's never sounded like a creeper to me, just someone who is a fan and doesn't like to have her bad-mouthed. I'm sure I posted way more than 900 comments about Owen Wilson when I was going through my fangirl phase. It doesn't necessarily indicate an obsession; it's just as likely to be boredom combined with chattiness. And when you are with a group of fellow fans, once you get a good discussion going, it's easy to have dozens of posts over a couple of hours. I hate to see him get picked on like this, especially when his responses have been very polite compared to what we usually see around here when someone gets defensive.

  90. And Libby, I absolutely love you to death, but standing up for Count Jerkula over Sav? Have you missed some of the absolutely disgusting things he's posted? If I were going to place a bet on which of those two is in need of serious therapy, my choice would be easy.

  91. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Um, we know now old Save is? Perhaps he's a tweener or teenager?

  92. Anonymous5:56 PM

    We know how old Save is? Perhaps he's a tweener or teenager?

  93. People are naturally going to speak up when their favorite celebrity is getting dissed.

    People get called trolls on here when they speak up about something that especially bothers them, I've noticed.

    At least Sav was being polite.

  94. Uh oh. I hope no one is keeping track of how often Lola and I defend Gwyenth Paltrow . . .
    How do I scrub this Goddam blog???

  95. JSierra

    ~~Yes, there may be other non Chloe related posts but you still frequent a fan site dedicated to a very young girl.~~

    And you post at a site where quite a few people have no qualms viciously defaming said very young girl with w/out a hint of evidence. Why is my benign fandom worse than that again?


    ~~ don't get all hot and bothered because someone disagrees with your remark.

    So do not attack me for that.~~


    Where have I attacked anyone? I made one innocuous comment towards the beginning and got jumped on. My intentions have been questioned, people have been digging through some of my posting history, I've gotten compared to John Hinkley, and I've been called a creep and a liar. Outside of defending myself for my stance, what exactly have I done?

    If it makes you feel better, I won't respond anymore. It's clear a large section of the gossip community has found its "next Lohan" and they don't want to hear any different. Pardon me for expressing what a crock that is.

  96. Mooshki, hahahahahahahaha.

    I'm sorry you and some of the others here don't get me, but judging by the comments y'all are in the minority.

    Is everything I type gold? No. Do I go too far at times? Certainly. Are you wrong about me needing therapy? Yep. I have the documents stating as much.

    Are you a Canuckistani, too?

  97. @ feraltart, I think it is a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory reference??

  98. Sav is a fam of Moretz and defends her. Why is everyone jumping up his ass for this? Sav's original comment was not insulting, he didn't single anyone out. Yet others feel the need to do this to him. I like everyone here, but seeing some people join in to gang up on someone, over absolutely nothing, is incredibly disappointing. If a "regular" spoke in defense of Moretz, no one would bat an eye. If a person decided to insult that regular over it, they would be shut down immediately. If Sav wants to be a fan, and defend her, let him. Sheesh.

  99. I just googled myself, the only thing that came up was a name stealing Tweeter with an adorable dog.

  100. Whatever you do, dont mention googling yourself to thoughts of Emma Watson crying. Peoples round here dont look kindly on such things. Somethings I've learned the hard way.

  101. Well I know Chloe so I sent her a private message to check out this thread and be wary of certain posters on her site. Without being too vague, someone close to her will be looking into it.

  102. Yes, and Lohan is the next Meryl Streep, Amy. Totally believable.

  103. I think I'm going to go back to just reading and not posting. This is friggin exhausting

  104. @Amy- let us know if Sav lands on the beware of stalker list.

  105. I don't usually get involved in most of the banter here, but this one is getting a little out of control. I'm with Mooshki. Save hasn't done anything wrong other than defend a favourite actress, and by extension, having to defend him or herself from what appears to be a "mobbing" if that is the correct term. Posting on a gossip site, or a fan board, does not make someone a stalker or potential pedophile (which BTW is a pretty serious accusation). So I vote to just let it go.

    Oh, and Sav, if you are still reading, most if not all, of these posts about this actress have been in the vein of "I hope she doesn't turn out like so and so". Once you get past the "I heards" everyone here seems to be pretty supportive of her and wishes her well.

    And, that is my piece said. Thankyouverymuch. :-P

  106. @Lauren:

    This is NOTHING compared to the batsh!tcrazy full on flame wars that used to occur all the TIME on TWoP...

  107. @Count Jerkula

    More Canadian bashing? I think that's the third or 4th time.

    People aren't going to post if they know they are just going to get shushed by Foghorn Leghorn, the Pied Piper of Porn.

    As far as I can see, you give it but you can't take it. On blind item #1 today, I expressed my view politely, and you got all hostile and about 8 of your new buddies defended you. Who is going to bother posting in that atmosphere?

  108. Yeah, I do feel bad for the mobbing of Sav. I said it in my earlier comment how I originally was going to defend him against it, but I have too much time on my hands today so I did Google "Sav and Chloe Moretz". I was creeped out by what I saw and I said as much. I don't know how old he is, but something tells me that he is not a 16 year old boy. Am I wrong in finding a creep factor in any of that? Can someone find a creep factor in shit that I have posted here? Probably. Feel free to call me out on it too, I have no problem with that.

    Sav I'm not going to get any perverse satisfaction from you not posting on this anymore, I said in my earlier comment you live your life, I live mine. Who am I to judge? It honestly does not effect me if you continue to comment or not, it is not difficult to simply scroll down and ignore and I have no problem doing it.

    Now I feel like an uuber bitch for having an opinion, which is wrong. My apologies to anyone that I have made feel the same because it is stupid, this is a blog where we post our opinions freely. Yes others can disagree and have other opinions, but I at least need to stop jumping down peoples throats when I think their opinion is stupid. Or at least be more open to others attacking me for the same reason.

    And for fucks sake, give the Count a break. Scroll past his comments if you honestly believe that he is serious about a majority of the comments he posts. If we all commented on everything someone said that we didn't like, this shit would be more clogged than a toilet at Taco Bell in Tijuana.

    I don't understand why it is so hard for people to keep scrolling and ignore what they don't like. Yeah, sometimes you feel the need to comment, but if you don't like the humor, move along.

    Jeez sorry for the long ass post. I don't blame anyone if you don't read it.

  109. Tux I say this with absolutely no snark, but I think you may be taking Counts comments too seriously. I can see they can be offensive, but IMO they are a humorous offensive, not an actual meant to burn offensive.

    I'm not sure if that makes sense at all, it's American Horror Story cocktail time so my mind isn't exactly in the right place right now.

  110. @JSierra

    You are allowed to speak up and defend yourself. What makes me so different? You don't hesitate to say when something bothers you, why should I?

    Maybe you haven't seen some of the things that he has posted. He's pretty much called me a dumb Canadian several times -- can't I defend myself?

  111. @JSierra
    I read it all! too much time also on my hands for the moment, I guess...

    My 2 cents: this quote is WRONG on so many levels ("People are naturally going to speak up when their favorite celebrity is getting dissed.")

    1) This is the blind section not the random photos of the day. So fan-girling should not be allowed.

    2)favorite and celebrity in a same sentence? = redundant (He/She has become a celebrity because of being a favorite).

    3)pls everyone, stop this self-defending and taking everything so seriously. Snark happens, especially on a gossip site.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      @claud...why so catty?

  112. First time in a long time that comments on a blind have gone 'off topic' and I've laughed my ass off. Thanks Count Jerkula, et. al. Made my night.

  113. Sorry Sav that I called your following of Chloe Moretz an obsession. Tuxedo Cat I had zero idea that you were Canadian. I honestly don't remember anyone making at stab at our friends to the north. I love the diversity and tge discussion here. We should all pat Sav on the back for a lively conversation at the very least. Okay everyone, group hug!!

  114. @Count Jerkula

    I just realized how fucking lame this is. Count Jerkula, be a pig, good luck with that. Girls apparently love it. For the fourth time, I feel bad for the nice guys in the world.

    (BTW, don't take things so seriously)

    1. TC: We need you here just as much. Popularity is fleeting. Where's Texshan? She let some people get to her and while our political views were diametrically opposed she, like you, brought a lot of intelligence to the discourse.

      It's just another day.

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. WHELP looks like we all agree to disagree. Again.

    Claudea can I just say that I love the term fangirling.

  117. @tuxedo was your last line sarcasm?

    arent you taking count too seriously?

    he tells dark, dirty jokes - whats the problem?

  118. JSierra,

    If you think I'm creepy then you think I'm creepy. I've been called worse. I'm not sure why you're suddenly protective of her when you don't seem to care about ugly rumors being spread, but whatever.

    I didn't come here for a fight or a contentious argument. That said, Claudea is right about something. This place isn't for fan-girling defenses as it were. For more than a year I resisted posting my displeasure but my emotions finally got the best of me recently. I think what's been done to her is abysmal but nothing I say is going to stop it. Defending her didn't get anyone anywhere. Lesson learned.

  119. For the record, our Northern Neighbors in Canuckistan are not dumb, just different. You know, like Canadian Bacon aint bad, but it sure as hell aint Bacon. Canadians cheered for Bret Hart when Stone Cold was THE MAN, and their football fields got wonky dimensions. I don't understand them, they don't understand me. Such is life.

  120. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Note to self: defending the honor of a 15 yo girl is a bad thing.

    A 15 year old girl being bashed by older people is cool.

    It's like High school all over again except the Mean Girls have middle age spread.....


  121. Wow, you crazy bitches never cease to amaze.
    As for Canadian bashing, it just defies logic that people live in a country where it was almost -28 today. Not sure if that is stupid but it's something that's for sure.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. Let's try that again...

    To Basil, Tuxedo Cat, Sherry, PuggleWug, and Mooshki,

    Thank you for your comments. I appreciate them.

  124. So did anyone happen to catch the finale of American Horror Story tonight? Might as well ask since we are all awake and fired up.

  125. I love AHS, that finale was a huge letdown. I didn't even realize it was over until my DVR shut off. Passing out in 3, 2 ...

  126. Not yet JS. I love the show, but have to wait for the weekend to watch it, so I have been trying very hard not to find any spoilers each week. LOL Great show. I'll scroll down if I suspect a post may contain the ending. ;)

  127. @The Black Cat

    Wow, I'll stop complaining about the temperature, it was only -20 here.


    No problem, Sav, you're welcome.


    Thanks Sherry, that was kind of you. I'm not going anywhere.

    fancyscreenname :)

  128. HaHa JSierra: Nice way to bring it down to a good conclusion.

    Nice to hear, Tux.

    Black. Cat: I watched a No Reservations today on Travel channel that visited Quebec and locales beyond and I was almost ready to book my flight. Canada looks awesome! But yeah, cold.

  129. No worries Basil, I won't spoil it.

    But ethorne I felt the exact same way. I thought my DVR didn't record it all the way, then I realized it was over. I wish we didn't have to wait until October, the suspense is kiiiilllling me.

    Although after this thread, I'm sure there are some who are crossing their fingers that it does kill me.

  130. @JSierra- The guesses for next season are a New Orleans/voodoo situation, with amazing Jessica Lange back to glam drama. I can't wait! And she better be back with that southern accent.

  131. Holy balls I can't wait!

    I am in love with Kit/Tate. I can't explain it, I don't know why but ever since he "saved" Violet from dying last season I just can't get enough of him. And in Asylum with his two little kids, *swoon*.

  132. There are already rumors that have surfaced over the last year that Chloe is a big partier and drinker for someone at such a young age. Sounds a little Drew Barrymorish.

    I'm on the Chloe train.

  133. @theBlack Cat - uh actually I live in Vancouver and it was +4 today. And you do know the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit, right? I honestly have to ask because my 'merican friends on fb sometimes flip the fuck out when I tell them "It's 30 degrees today!" and I have to gently remind them we use Celsius up here.

    And I happen to know Mooshki is freezing her ASS off down in Minnesota and I have NO IDEA how someone lives in THAT kind of cold.

  134. Why the surprise Enty? Those inclined towards starf*cking aren't worried about age boundaries!

    Also, what am I missing because I've only seen Miss Moretz in Hugo and I thought she was awful...between her affected speech and squint/pout "acting" she was begging for a slap!

  135. Hello from Edmonton, where it reached a balmy +2 Celsius today!! :) I even went and washed my car at the wand place! Not bad for Jan 25, eh??

    But yes, realistically speaking, January generally sucks rocks here. But Canadians? And Canada? Fantastic!
