Thursday, January 24, 2013

Today's Blind Items - So Confused

This actor was probably going to be A list. He was headed in that direction. Television, movies, he could do it all. Studios gave him popcorn movies and then watched our actor trash the movies and the people he worked with and was soon labeled the guy you don't want to make a movie with. Even if a movie did great, which many of his movies did, studios just wanted to find someone else. It is no fun to have an actor call you out publicly or send you e-mails or scream about f**king your wife. Out of control. Ex-girlfriend? She couldn't stand him after he got fame. hated him. Yelled at her, threatened to beat her. Poured vodka all over her while she was sleeping one night and then walked around the room with a cigarette lighter while yelling at her that it was her fault he couldn't get it up. Mostly his problem is that he prefers guys, but can't accept that which leads to drinking. Lots of drinking. Rehab worthy drinking. Even if he goes though he has a long way to go before he will be given another big chance. Lots of apologies and he is not the guy to ever apologize to anyone. He called one executive's wife a fat f**k and then sent 20 pounds of chocolate to the guy everyday for a week with vicious notes about the guy's wife.


  1. Wtf did I just read? This guy needs therapy.

  2. Wow. He doesn't deserve another chance. Hope the asshole's revealed.

  3. Shis, Shia, Shia................

  4. Screams Shia LeDouche to me...

  5. Sounds like Shia and Charlie Sheen had a son...

  6. First thought was Alex Pettyfer, but I think this reads like someone who had been around longer than he has

  7. Jeremy Piven much?

  8. I don't know why Taylor Kitsch came to mind, but I really don't want it to be him, so I'll go with Shia!

  9. If he's going to waste vodka like that, it'd better have been Karkov and not Grey Goose.

    1. You wana wake my Ass up to bitch about how you can't stay stiff? I'll pretend to listen but pour me a drink, not pour a drink on me.

  10. First name that popped into my mind was Jonathan Rhys Meyers. He has been treated for alcoholism a few times already.

    1. Me too. I loove him though and hope he's not a creep despite his demonds.

  11. What an asshole. Are there any NORMAL people in Hollywood?!

  12. Has Shia done a lot of Television? I'm more inclined to think the Piven guess is closer.

    1. He was on some Disney series for years as a child.

  13. LOL Amber. Don't waste the Vodka!!!

  14. @Cory He started on TV with Even Stevens on Disney? I think, so yep.

  15. I want to go with our favorite angry closeted man - B Coop!

    Can he be B Poop today in honor of my favorite Carnie?

  16. Piven didn't get popcorn movies, and it doesn't even remotely make me think Piven..

  17. This made me think of Vin Diesel.. but I don't think he has done much TV.

  18. Shia started off on TV

  19. This is just awful. It's really sad because it almost seems as if everyone in Hollywood is fucked up.

  20. @dia- it seems like BPoop but I don't think he drinks, anymore.

  21. I can picture that Shia person doing these awful things...

  22. Oh come on, you guys don't actually believe this one, right? Twenty pounds of chocolate a day to a studio exec? Trying to incinerate your girlfriend with alcohol? Obviously a parody BI. And, I have to say, well done. I love the detailed depravity.

    1. Second the BS call. Way too much detail.

    2. B.Profane "a parody BI with detailed depravity". A new CdanLand category. Nicely described.

  23. Def sounds like Shia, but he works pretty steady. I've never heard any stories about him being such a vindictive cunt before, just an up his own ass "Actor!"
    That kid does have problems, but I'm rooting for him. He was great in Lawless.

  24. I like the Jonathan Rhys Meyers guess

  25. I'll eat the chocolate if the wife doesn't want it.

    Popcorn movies = Shia for sure, and the way he keeps getting in bar fights with average joes, there's some serious rage going on there.

  27. This sounds like Shia, but I thought it was Megan Fox who was badmouthing Michael Bay and was subsequently not asked back, not Shia. Everything else fits though.

  28. Replies
    1. I also pondered this as a possibility...

  29. @ B Profane I am with you on this - this is just ringing untrue in my mind! How would he get work with other producer's/executives once word gets out that he is an asshole?? I call BS on this one....

  30. MissPinkKate - NOT Taylor Kitsch "Even if a movie did great, which many of his movies did" All his movies have bombed.

  31. If he sent that to the exec's office I bet that guy's staff loves that actor.

  32. Shia trashed the Indiana Jones movie, (although not without just cause, all told) so with the rest of it, I'm inclined to see this as him.
    Besides, isn't the only thing he's got in the pipeline that indy flick?
    Where "in the interest of his 'Art' he's having actual intercourse as part of a scene" ?

  33. The chocolate thing must be a reference to Gene Wilder's famous role as "Wally Wonka" so this is clearly Gene Wilkinson![/Jackie Harvey]

  34. Whoops, meant to add that seems a bit of a drop - from A++ movies to indy's ?
    Especially financially

  35. I'm guessing Shia for this. He's only in independent films currently.

  36. This does sound like Shia. I wanted to like him so bad.

    Wasting Grey Goose is complete alcohol abuse. I hope it was plastic bottle vodka too.
    Poor girlfriend if this is true.

  37. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Who is an out of control snot who trash talks their own movies? Hmmmmm... this sounds like one for Himmmm. Shia LeDouche sounds about right, he's got that dirty, sweaty, greasy thing going on and does get in alot of fights. he's out there enough with the hippy stuff to do things in an unconventional way, but the fat fuck name calling and chocolate sending is just cruel. Shia La Douche.

  38. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I meant to say he's got the dirty/alcoholic look to him. Where he's so depressed, drinking so heavily that he can't get up the will to shower, shave or cut his hair.

  39. 20 pounds of chocolate? want to burn his girlfriend with vodka?
    the guy needs a therapy in psychic hospital during very long time
    even Klaus Kinski was less crazy !!

    or this story is untrue or exaggerated

    Whatever,my guess is Mickey Rourke (he did crazy things during his wild years)and since his comeback,he worked in popcorn movies(IMMORTALS,IRON MAN 2...)W

  40. Darn the first part not matching, because I could swear the second half is a former Russell Crowe blind/reveal...

  41. I just don't see it as Shia. If anyone did this, they wouldn't even get indie flix. They would have a hard time even getting a job at Burger King in California after that

  42. Again, none of you actually thinks that this is a real BI, right? You all do recognize it's intended as a joke?

  43. He trashed Indiana jones, Wall Street 2, and the last transformers movie he made.

  44. enty is a lawyer? did he skip the grammar/punctuation courses in college? these blinds are terribly written

  45. enty is a lawyer? did he skip the grammar/punctuation courses in college? these blinds are terribly written

  46. enty is a lawyer? did he skip the grammar/punctuation courses in college? these blinds are terribly written

  47. We get it B., you're a wise, urbane man guiding us to the pearls of truth ON A TRASHY GOSSIP BLOG.

  48. James Franco or Shia

  49. What about Gerard Butler?

  50. Does it bother you Profane that people are guessing?

  51. Well, Shia likes the guys for sure but can't deal with it; and don't forget his extreme honesty about his fixation with his own mom, how he's in love with her, she's the ultimate earth mom, etc. He was probably really screwed up by one of those attachment parenting moms which will only tend to confuse one's sexuality and often creates sudden bursts of rage and violence toward women if you add drugs and/or alcohol to the equation.

  52. rosie, it seems the grammar, etc. errors in blinds are at least somewhat intentional to make them more obscure and harder to guess. That's my theory anyways.

  53. +1 Ingrid!!!
    I do think this is a fake blind, though. If an actor is pulling shit like this constantly, there is no way it wouldn't have gotten put to the press. Also, this douche would not be working still.

  54. Man I have no clue but what a fucking nut job.

    Why is the flaming girlfriend vodka shot so unbelievable? People do some crazy shit when they loose their minds.

  55. I read this as Shia.

  56. Rosie you must be new here. Just wait until he starts drinking.

  57. He's one sick puppy whoever he is!

  58. It says "headed" for A-list. Wasn't Shia pretty much already there?

  59. i think this is someone older than Shia..

    "ex-girlfriend?" as if he's had one ex? shia has a list of ex girlfriends we all know about..

  60. JRM is a messy drunk, not a particularly nasty one. In my experience anyway.

  61. Joaquin Phoenix just to be different.

  62. Wow. What a douche.

  63. I don't think this is Jonathan Rhys Meyers. He has a few things in production. TV and Movies.

  64. Guess all you like, but understand my point: I'm not saying that this is a fake BI meant to seriously mislead, I'm saying it's obviously a joke-fake BI meant as humor. And a pretty funny one at that.

  65. The clue is he trash talks the movies cast and crew. Is Jonathan Rhys Meyers known for this? The only one who came to mind is Shia.

  66. Maybe Giovanni Ribisi. I thought he would be huge. He's done tv and movies but then just disappeared for a while.

  67. This sound so fake. I'm talking life time movie fake.

    I m going to For the fun of it Alex Pettyfer. Has Alex done tv show?

  68. I think Enty put it out there as a legitimate blind item. I doubt his intention was to be humorous.

  69. Whoever it is, I want to jank his wee and stomp on it! What a prick! Just vicious and need to be so nasty!

  70. "jank his wee and stomp on it!" - that may be one of the cutest threats I've ever seen! lol

  71. I'm sure its supposed to be Shia. A lot of this sounds super fake- as usual. But Shia fits all the boxes. He started on tv. He's had several big box office hits and he's trashed almost all of them. He has a bad temper which everyone knows....

    Its Shia. I just don't think all of this is true tho.

  72. Amber, I love slang like that! I used to think minge was an adorable term, until I found out what it meant.

  73. I think of Shia now as more of a stoner than a drunk.

  74. I thought if Ed Norton, but not sure about the TV part.

  75. Mickey Rourke? What tv has he done? Off to IMDB again..

  76. For whatever odd reason, I find Jonathon Rhys so hot. Maybe it was The Tudors.

  77. did anyone see the Shia,Evan Rachel Woods interview from Sundance? That kid cares A LOT about his acting career and giving it all he's got. I'm having a hard time believing someone who worries so much about his craft and getting it right, is out there yelling at producers and calling their wives fat.

  78. @ Amber - I was trying to keep it classy while sounding threatening enough to let people know "I mean business". LOL!

  79. I read this as Ed Norton, as I've read before that he's a giant self entitled douche. Though he was recently in Moonrise Kingdom and has 2 films coming out next year so I'm probably wrong.

  80. Uh oh....there's a RockitQueen now? That's going to get confusing.

  81. Sorry Rocket! You have good taste in music :-)

  82. This can only be Shia.

  83. Shia also doing that pron movie.

  84. Just hope it was really good chocolate and not that cheap crap.

    As for spelling/punctuation errors - you'd be AMAZED at how many well educated people, MDs, attorneys, top businesspeople, even some writers, can't spell or punctuate at all. I don't know how they got through school.

  85. I read this as Shia.
    Am I the only one who laughed (smiled, at least) at the chocolate thing? It's so sick that is awesome.

  86. What about Sam Worthington?

  87. What about Michael Cera? I know he has the Arrested Development movie coming out, but he seemed to lose footing on the ladder after his onset meltdown went viral. Did he have a girlfriend? I am not sure about that part.

  88. Wait this sounds familiar -- crap, which almost-A list actors did I sleep with in the 80s?

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. @Kiki that is who I thought of - Sam Worthington.

    Known anger issues, known bad attitude, gay rumors, was definitely headed to A list at one point, and now only "rumored" to be reprising his role in Avatar 2 (meaning it's not confirmed?!)

  91. Michael Cera is in the Random Photos looking shitty drunk and I immediately thought of this blind... He does kinda fit.

  92. lol - well I guess so do you, Rockit!

  93. Vince Vaughn,
    nothing seems to be working anymore.

  94. Shia does seem douchey at times, but don't think it's him.

    He started acting pretty young, so the 'when he got famous' doesn't add up, unless he has a young teen and acted this way...

    He does have issues, I am sure of that, but more in a way of suffering for his art and being delusional. Don't think he would actually do the horrible things this blind suggests.

    *goes back to thinking of other guesses*

  95. Chevy Chase was the first person who popped in my mind. Remember when he yelled at the producer of "Community"?

  96. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Shia La Douche'

  97. This could very well be Shia, but I did find this tidbit:

  98. What an idiot. So many of us waiting in the wings that will never even get a chance and this loser effs his up. I guess it's true; nice guys/girls finish last.

  99. read enough autobiographies and biographies from actors and actresses directors and producers and other serious journalism about behind the scenes in Hollywood, along with stories that are confirmed day to day, nothing will shock you about Hollyweird

  100. Cera also appeared in a staged comedy video that shows him being fired from the lead role of the film Knocked Up after belittling and arguing with the director, in a scene that mocks the David O. Russell blow up on the set of I Heart Huckabees.[11]

    This was not a meltdown it was like a funny or die sketch!

  101. Alex "Petulant" Pettyfer

    Movie he trashed: I Am Number Four
    Popcorn movie: Beastly
    Ex-girlfriend: Dianna Agron

  102. This isn't the Coop. He's too smart for this. It sounds like Shia La Douche.

  103. I am on the sam worthington train..he was in popcorn movies, one after another, titans, avatar, terminator. then bam he is gone. several public fights in relation to alcohol.

  104. Not JRM. He's been around for a long time and still has stuff in production.

    I was going to guess Alex Pettyfer, but I think I like the Sam W. guess better.

  105. @ B Profane - It was a slow Daily Mail day.

  106. Check out Shia's IMDB page. He has recently finished shooting a movie called Nymphomaniac where he billed fourth place behind Charlotte Gainsbourg.


  107. Doesn't Enty mix made up blinds with the real ones for protective reasons? So if he's sued by someone for posting something he can claim he makes up most stuff and the details sometimes just happen "to fit" real life. I thought the mix of fake to real was much more than half (like 75/25).

  108. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Shia LeBouef--immediate thought.

  109. Did Matthew Goode talk a lot of shit at some point?

  110. I think this is Shia, it's a shame that he's such a bastard and with all that talent.

  111. What a nut job whoever it is. I really have no clue. I liked the Sam W and Alex P guess.

    Hollywood is a hot mess!

  112. Hmmmm....I'm leaning towards a fake BI too- so much points to Shia- BUT
    it says the GF couldn't stand him after he got famous, and Shia's been famous since childhood.

    (Yay first comment!)

  113. Chris Evans and colin farrell both have out gay brothers who they are super cool about so I doubt they'd be so torn up about being gay themselves. They might hide their sexuality for box office reasons but it's not the reason either guy is AA imo

  114. Totally random/shot in the dark guess, Michael Muhney? He is supposed to be a real asshole, buuuut a good actor but bc of his attitude folks don't want to hire him. He did Veronica Mars, General Hospital and movies...

  115. I'm onboard with the Rhys Myers guess. I'm from the same town as him and that gay rumour has done the rounds more than once.

  116. Not Pettyfer or the Kitsch of death - neither one has "lots of movies that did great".
