Today's Blind Items - She Is Not Letting Go
She is foreign born. Probably B- list in her own country, she is relatively unknown here. She is probably the most calculating person you will ever meet though. She set her sights on this other foreign born B list actor on a hit network television show and she got him. The fact that she had to trash the other women our actor was seeing at the same time as her doesn't matter to her. She trashed their reputations, sold stories about them to the tabloids and made sure she was the one her boyfriend picked. There was no way she was making the same mistake she made earlier in her life when she last had a chance at a big star. he was an A list all movie actor at the time and she kept him strung out out on booze, drugs and keeping him away from everyone who would ever say anything bad about her. She hooked him, but later he got out of it on a technicality and she ended up with nothing except a miscarriage. Throughout the intervening years she has tried and tried but has not been able to snag anyone else as famous until now and she does not plan on letting go. I feel so sorry for that waitress who gave the actor an extra long stare and made small talk with him because she will probably get fired to keep her away from the actor.