Today's Blind Items - She Has No Idea
This actress is the most trusting person you will ever meet. She will believe any story that you tell her and will do so with a smile on her face. She is really intelligent, but she just has a belief that everyone has some good inside them. You have to really mess up before she will not trust you. Even producers who used to have sex with her for parts she trusts. She says that if they had not given her the parts, then she would not have trusted them. She also said that with the exception of one guy, every other time she slept with someone for a part, she got it. So, when our actress, who is a former almost A list primarily all television actress from a now ended hit network show who has probably dropped close to a C now says she trusts her husband it is hard for anyone to change her mind. Even when she is confronted with notes and hotel receipts and women calling and texting him all the time, she chooses to believe his wild and crazy stories and all of his explanations. Meanwhile he likes our actress to stay at home as much as possible because he has been with so many women at this point that he knows our actress will run into them and he likes to keep everything controlled. The storyline, the excuses, the times for confrontations. This is how he keeps her in control. She has grown tired of her friends trying to reason with her and talk to her about it and she has turned most of her lifelong friends away and now prefers to hang out with her kid(s) or her immediate family because they don't constantly bring up what she does not want to hear. She believes her husband and thinks that everyone must be jealous of her or her life. She has no idea.