Monday, January 21, 2013

Today's Blind Items - She Can't Have A Baby

It is not like out A list all movie actress has been with a million people. She claims to have had sex with fewer than a dozen guys. One of those guys though gave her an STD which has caused her to be unable to ever have children. She has always wanted children and had planned on having children. It turns out though that this B list celebrity significant other gave her an STD which ended up causing internal scarring and has made it impossible for her to get pregnant. He never told her he had the disease and it was not until after they split that she discovered she had the disease. Since that time she has tried to get pregnant through IVF using some samples provided by an A list ex. It did not work. Nothing has worked and our actress has resigned herself to the fact she will never be pregnant. She had a plan and the one guy ruined that plan. When she sees him with other women she wonders if he is telling them or just leaving the women to find out on their own like she did.


  1. sandra bullocks/ Jessi James

  2. Aniston w/Mayer being the B list significant other?

  3. Oh, I like Bullock since she adopted. Could toss around hte idea of Charlize, too.

  4. Cameron Diaz/Alex Rodriguez/Justin Timberlake?

  5. i like the sandy bullock guess. a lot. monster case of chlamydia, most likely. sounds like jessie!

  6. Aniston was on Friends. Ha!

  7. OMG FSP don't start! LOL

  8. Bullock was in the TV version of Working Girl! heehee

  9. I was thinking Aniston, too, but Sandra Bullock makes more sense. I don't know if Aniston would be considered A-list all movie - maybe B-list all movie, former A-list TV.

  10. I think the real hint here might be that she was using samples provided by an A list ex. Sandra Bullock is notoriously close to many of her exes, such as Matthew M. and Ryan Gosling.

  11. good point that she's friendly with her ex's and i think either of those guys would've done that for her, too.

  12. Anniston.

    And I believe she has a moral obligation to warn every partner or potential partner that this pig-man is risking their reproductive health.

  13. Wait, wouldn't the guy have gotten his shot of penicillin or whatever by now to clear that shit up? It's all treatable now. I don't get that part.

    1. Actually, due to antibiotic resistance many STDs aren't easily treatable. Yeast infections are extremely difficult to fully cure now (especially stubborn cultures) and things like gonorrhea and the clap are very difficult due to antibiotic resistance as well. If he gave her a particular strain of HPV it would cause problems for sure and only her immune system could fix that.

    2. @ bravura the clap is treatable if caught early enough. This celeb sounds like she got pelvic inflammatory disease which leads to internal scarring. She must not have paid attention to the early symptoms and only realized she had it after getting PID. This is my assumption from things I've heard and learned of this disease.

    3. Its much harder to treat now though. My degree is in infectious disease and the CDC isnt doing enough to educate the public that these diseases are not as easily cured as before.I agree with you wholeheartedly about PIB. My argument is merely that getting an STD now doesn't warrant an immediate cure any longer. Its not just STDs either but a whole slew of bacterial agents. Hence the push for natural alternative solutions. It sucks but we've abused antibiotics way too much and these are the.ramifications sadly.

    4. I agree on the PID guess. A friend of mine had it but didn't go see a doc until she was in major distress (this was high school so she didn't want her parents to find out). She was very lucky in that she was able to still have kids, but the docs told her that at her stage most people aren't so lucky.

  14. Doubt it's Jesse James for the guy. He has a few baby mamas. If this were him, none of his exes would have kids, right?

    1. Not if he contracted it while they were together during one of his affairs. So gross.

  15. I think it's Cameron Diaz/A rod/ and Jim Carrey for the donor.

  16. This is so sad! And why hasn't she ever said anything about it, she has to suffer in silence & he doesn't have to deal with consequences for his actions??? That's bs he needs to be called out.

  17. While this doesn't definitely eliminated Sandra Bullock, the wording makes me think that the woman doesn't have any children yet. "She has always wanted children and HAD planned on having children."

    The timing doesn't work. Sandra Bullock adopted Louis BEFORE she found out about Jesse James' cheating and the blind reads that she didn't find out about the STD until after they split.

    Sounds like someone who didn't start trying to have kids until after the split. The fact that she "planned on having children" sounds weird when you consider that she already had one.

    1. Good point. I forgot they started Louis' adoption together.

    2. Karen, I thought the same thing about the adoption timing.

  18. ITA that she has an obligation. Woman to woman, especially if if the STD can potentially render her unable to conceive.
    This makes me so sad, there are so many loving, caring women who would give anything for a child and then we have shit heads like Jenelle Evans popping out babies left and right while she is hooked on heroine.

  19. Always can adopt!!!!! Sandra Bullock was in the adoption process while still married to Jesse James, so I don't see this being her. I figure she had already planned on adoption, rather than carrying one herself. Knowingly infecting others is beyond shitty. The guy should be called out.

  20. Maybe Sandra couldn't get pregnant, decided to adopt, then got tested once she found out what a ho-bag Jesse James was. Didn't she praise him up & down at the Oscars(?) a week or so before all hell broke loose?

  21. I was trying to make ScarJo fit for this but it might be a stretch.

  22. I don't think it is Aniston either. I don't think she wants kids, at least right now. The tabloids seem to paint her as desperate for a man and a child, but I think it is the opposite. Even before she met her dude, she seemed to be enjoying life. Aniston also is not A list IMO, so there's that.

  23. Who ever it is that's sad.

  24. Renee Z? Kenny Chesney for B list celebrity, Clooney for the A list ex.

    1. My bad, it said seeing him with other women. Nevermind.

  25. There was a rumor that JA had asked Brad for sperm!!! I do think it's her - don't think it's Sandra or Cameron.

    Whoever it is, needs to inform every women she's seen him with, past and present. The last part is present tense so it doesn't sound like the guy has been cured.

    But I don't see a thing wrong with adoption, plenty of couples are infertile and adopt.

  26. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Guys, Bullock and Theron are consistently the subject of blinds suspecting them to be lesbians. Anyone remember the blind about the america's sweetheart that married a bad boy for show and he was just supposed to not get caught cheating, but did? Suspected, not confirmed, by the way. And before you jump down my throat defending either of them remember this is a Entertainment/blind item blog.

    1. @Anna Nonymous- YES, and everyone in the comments was saying Bullock's "people" deliberately planted an obvious blind with Enty for...I don't even remember why, but yes. The conspiracy theorists were out in full force that day.

  27. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I like Aniston for this, remember she was with John Mayer!

    1. Jessica Simpson had a baby so I doubt it is Jen Aniston. I don't think sandy either. I like the Charlize/Stuart Townsend guess.

    2. Jessica Simpson had a baby so I doubt it is Jen Aniston. I don't think sandy either. I like the Charlize/Stuart Townsend guess.

  28. can't one contact your local Health Unit and report someone like this and they demand he contact all his exes - I'd be bad and mad, I'd probably would warn the new girlfriends - assuming he knows. I wonder if she confronted him about what happened to her and if he even knows - see below

    that is one of the sadder results of STD but you really need to get tested at least once a year for all STDS if you are sexual active even if just with one partner because because sounds like this was left untreated. Chlamadia is an insidious one as it often has no symptoms and it can damage the female reproductive system the longer it goes untreated and its treatment is very simple, one course of antibiotics. But it does not leave you immune, you can be reinfected. A surprisingly large number of people have never heard of it. This was never in our sex ed courses but I am an old broad hopefully it is now. I would think sex ed discussion of STDS would put more teenagers off sex apparently not.

    "Chlamydia infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Sexually active individuals and individuals with multiple partners are at highest risk."

    1. I could be mistaken, but I believe Herpes is right up there as the one STD that the majority of the population has but doesn't know it.

  29. this could still be Sandra. She dated others before Jesse.

  30. not that I want it to be her!

  31. Anonymous10:54 AM

    This blind is sad but seems to be written for Anniston or Diaz, who have never had kids or adopted. Bullock is 45 and I don't think she would even want to try.

  32. @VIPBlondee-
    everyone's body is different, what destroys one girl's reproductive ability might not harm another, particularly if that other girl was on the right antibiotics at the right time. Or as a habit.

  33. Sandra and Charlize.both have kids so they're out.

    My guess - to be different- is Renée Z. with John Mayer as the.ex and B Coop or Crowe as the donor.

  34. Jessica was with Mayer before any of those gals & she is a mom & preggo. Don't think it is the Mayer.

    1. Since Jessica was with Mayer before any of them, maybe he didn't contract the STD til after they broke up.

    2. Maybe they just don't want kids? Everyone nags Aniston, but wasn't a main reason for the Pitt breakup because she wasn't ready for kids? And Cameron doesn't seem to be in any big hurry.

  35. Ugh..I would think that by now the guy certainly would have been treated for Chlamydia. That shit hurts on men and women do not always know they have it. I think this one is BS.

    I had a fling that didn't want to use condoms. (Well it wasn't a negotiation!) BUT you're not having sex with just me so you should wear them to protect yourself. Sure enough he called me because his Dr. ordered him to, to let me know he had Chlamydia and I was one of many phone calls..I laughed and said, I have to say I told you so! Hey at least he did the responsible thing by calling me even if we used protection.

  36. I still think it is Sandra Bullock. And I think now she regrets everything, Jesse, Louis and the whole lot of it.

  37. Wouldn't her gyno have caught this during an annual exam?

    1. After thirty they don't recommend annual exams. :(

    2. Bravura, holy crap I didn't know that.

    3. Yeah I found that out this year at thirty one. I was all saddened by the implied spinsterhood. Apparently I'm supposed to be married and babied up by now or else deemed a sexual lost cause lol.

    4. I might suggest getting a new OB, because that sounds weird.

    5. @bravura no offense but your ob/gyn is an idiot. my aunt is an ob/gyn and she still has women in their 70s & 80s get their annuals.

    6. if you had consistently clean exams before 30 , I think they recommended you there every other year or every 3 years.

  38. Charlize theron or Sandra Bullock?
    Charlize Theron always said she didn't want to be pregnant but she wanted to have kids so my guess is Bullock

  39. So use a surrogate ...she may not be able to carry a child but she must still produce eggs ...

  40. I think Renee Z for this. The wording sounds like someone who is currently single and has no kids so that rules out a lot of guesses IMO. Cameron fits too but I'd be surprised if she was saying she's only been with a dozen guys.

  41. Aniston, Scarjo, probably Sandy have the Herp..this is somethng else, something that lurks silently in your body until it finally becomes a problem...

  42. Like the sandra bullock guess. Charlize was with stuart..blanking on the last name for a loong time. Leaning more toward sandra bullock because she seemed to marry and want a family so quickly and so badly. The things jesse james was sleeping with...yuck that swastika plastic webcam loon. Kat von d makes the rest of us tattoo lovers and alternative chicks seem trashy.

  43. Charlize dated Stephen Jenkins of 3rd Eye Blind for a few years before Stuart Townsend. Also, Rene dated Jack White from White Stripes for years, and Enty often cryptically refers to her going through some awful things. The skeezy ex is a celeb, not id'd as actor ... The problem with Cameron is ... hasn't she dated a million people?! Having sex with Diddy is definitely worth a few hundred thousand by proxy, no? Anniston is def not all movie ... I think the clue to this one is that "she had a plan..."

  44. @Bravura - for real? I've never heard that. I (31) think I'm supposed to ask about getting a baseline mammogram, so when I start having them "regularly" there's a comparison.

  45. Whoever it is, why doesn't she come out and warn those other poor women??

  46. @Bravura that isn't true. Doctors still urge women to get annual exams but new guidelines say women can have a pap smear every 3 years. Which can extend to every 5 years after age 30. But a pap smear is only one part of your annual visit and anyone over 21 should still be seen every year for a pelvic exam.

    1. I was specifically told by my gyno it wasn't necessary unless I felt I was an "at risk" candidate. Meaning unless I've got an abnormal pap that requires observation or humping like a college kid, there is no need to come for an annual exam. I'm.guessing its an insurance thing to cut costs.

    2. Just curious, but is the PAP after 30 because they assume women are married and less at risk for HPV/cervical cancer? Because I'm 40 and not married, so my risk hasn't exactly diminished.

    3. BTW - I'm not saying I agree with it at all. I'm merely pointing out that this verbiage is being communicated and may have contributed to our celeb not knowing.

      Personally knowing as much about diseases as I do, I think the practice is garbage.Lots of diseases take time to manifest and are asymptotic to begin with. Three years can do a lot of damage.

    4. I'm unmarried and haven't had kids yet so who knows their reasoning, CrazyCatLady.

      Is it wrong that I think of the Simpsons cat lady when I read your name? You're not going to start throwing cats at me are you? :)

    5. Lol! Hadn't even thought of the Simpsons!! I'm a crazy cat lady because when I turned 35 I was single and had 3 cats.

    6. I have never heard the no annual pap after 30, and would tell my doctor that I demand it. There is too much crap out there, and as a woman, the symptoms are often not outwardly visible. I really can't imagine this is a "30 and not married, so you're dried up" thing. We ARE past that backward thinking in our society. Right? RIGHT??

  47. It would make sense if it were Bullock, in that she probably would feel conflicted about telling these women. You sleep with that dirtbag, you get the consequences, I guess.

    1. I think she's a lesbian, and JJ was her beard.

  48. Pap smear every 2-3 years IF your previous test was normal. It's still annual if you take the pill for birth control. I'm 46 and I take the pill and get a pap smear/pelvic exam/breast exam every year. Can be done by regular doctor or nurse practitioner if you don't have a gyno.

    1. Yep. This. My GP even asks every year if I want her to do it or if I've got a new gyno.

  49. Didn't Sandra Bullock adopt before she was separated/divorced? If she wanted kids but didn't know she could not have them until after they separated would she adopt before they separated?

  50. I really like Cameron Diaz for this - ARod being the Ahole who gave her something. I think this is someone without children.
    I love me some Brad and Angie and think people focus too much on the Angie she used to be, but can you actually imagine Angie giving Brad the okay to give Aniston some sperm?? Hahahaha! It'd be a cold day in hell....

  51. Oh and I forgot....absolutely tell his current girlfriends...though I'm guessing the disease has been cleared up by now in which case it would be a bit of a dick move.

  52. I dont think of Sandy being woth lotsa guys but Cammy,yes.

  53. Sorry I read it wrong, NOT lotta guys. No clue...

  54. Docs don't test for chlamydia during your annual exam and it is not covered by insurance. It cost me anywhere from $150 - $300 extra for the lab work to test for everything. I think a lot of women don't know that they have to ask for it.

  55. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Im thinking this has to be HPV since he still has it, 90% of men carry it with no signs or symptoms. Ummm I don't think Jesse James is B list. Hes C or D right? And the way its worded sounded to me like this person has no children (even adopted) yet...

  56. my sis had HPV given to her in 1992 in college by a basketball star (now an NBA star) whom she dated seriously. it was so severe she had to have her cervix frozen and is unable to have kids due to it. my sis had to skip a semester of college due to recovering from all the treatments, and is literally scarred for life.

    mr. nba star went on to do this to others. condoms likely would have saved my sis' fertility, but when in a relationship with someone for 2 years and on the pill, it seems silly. not so silly in hindishgt, and not so silly for this actress either. have your daughters immunized against HPV as soon as eligible. regret is the most expensive thing in life.

    1. I had HPV as well. I had the cancerous strain and underwent multiple biopsies and bi annual testing for years. Luckily I was 19 when I contacted it and my immune system did its job. I was very lucky to have nipped it in the bud by 26. My ex had cheated on me constantly when he was underway and he was my first serious boyfriend.I remember being told at 19 I may never have kids because of it. Awful stuff for a young woman too.

  57. I'm really impressed with the dialogue on this subject! So many women are clueless about STDs and what they can do to your body, but folks here seem to be fairly knowledgeable.

  58. I had to ask my OB/GYN to do a special test for HPV. Apparently it isn't something they normally test for, which I found odd. Luckily it was all negative, but I was surprised that they don't just test for it routinely, given how potentially dangerous it is.

  59. I've got Hpv and I'm 35 and have to do annual exams. I think a lot of people post menopause don't realize that you need to have exams then as well

  60. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I don't know who this is, but it's not Sandra Bullock. She's gay and it's not any secret in the industry. JJ was a good friend and agreed to beard for her; she didn't care if he slept around (obviously) but he was supposed to be more discreet about it. Needless to say, she was not pleased by being made to look a fool, the day after her Oscar win, no less.

  61. Every doc or practice is a little different in what they screen for and when. In order for your doc to do the best job, make sure they are fully informed about your preferences and behaviors so they know what you are high risk for, and for God's sake, use condoms! With all the screwing around in Hollywood, I'm surprised that anybody will get near anybody else without double-gloving!
    Many insurances cover HPV vaccine (3 shots) through age 26, works best if done before you are sexually active. Note a person can be infected with HPV and clear it, or it can stay in your system and lead to cervical cancer, warts, rectal cancer.
    I think people are using sex as a surrogate for the emotional connections they really want, and this is the outcome. At least get to know your partner before you put your life in their hands. Certainly most readers on this blog are smarter than Lindsay Lohan and know that all behaviors have risks and consequences.

  62. Gahh HPV, I am currently experiencing that hell hole right now. I have mild cervical dysplasia, I am really hoping it takes care of itself like the doctor said and that it isn't something that will negatively impact my future.

    The best part was when I contacted my ex who was the only person I did not use protection with (we dated for over 2 years and I was on BC for most of it) and he totally denied it and attacked me. How dare I accuse him of such a thing. He also liked to punch me in the face when he was drunk so it's not like he was a stellar fellow or anything.

    *gets up off squishy blue lounge chair* Thanks for listening Dr. CDAN!

  63. I don't have kids but if i did I would print out pictures of blue waffle vaginas and penises with dripping STDs and show them what can happen when you don't know your partner and have unprotected sex. OK i probably wouldn't have the guts to do it, but I would try to scare them straight, whispered empty promises for sex isn't love and love isn't just sex.

    1. It's not just unknown partners you have to be aware of. I contracted HSV II from my boyfriend - 1st guy I ever slept with, we had been dating for a while, and he claimed he didn't even know he had it. I grew up pretty quick - it sucks that I was so naive and trusting, but it just goes to show you can NEVER be too careful.

    2. It's not just unknown partners you have to be aware of. I contracted HSV II from my boyfriend - 1st guy I ever slept with, we had been dating for a while, and he claimed he didn't even know he had it. I grew up pretty quick - it sucks that I was so naive and trusting, but it just goes to show you can NEVER be too careful.

  64. and the problem is you can know your partner or think you do and be in what you think is a committed relationship and SURPRISE - think of the men that cheat on their pregnant wives imagine getting that kind of surprise - it would seem the smartest women insist on condoms all the time, pill or no pill

    had a friend who always insisted on a condom each and every time and her boyfriend of a few years was not happy about it but she insisted, well turns out he never told her first of all that he was a hemophiliac, which at the time meant he was at risk of receiving tainted blood and sure enough he was one of the people who got HIV from tainted blood supply

    he knew this when they were together, never said a thing, they broke up and 1 1/2 years later he felt he needed to let her know, he felt guilty, jerk wad

    1. Everything you just said +2.

      It's sad but in this day and age you really don't know who you're trusting your health with until it's too late.

  65. I'd like to add one more thing.

    If you were treated for HPV successfully, don't think you're out of the woods. It can reappear once you hit menopause. This is a fact.

    So don't be complacent about condoms. And sadly, condoms will not protect 100% against HPV or Herpes (my gyno, a gyno-oncologist told me this).

  66. Jesse James and A Rod have kids so somebody got's not them.

  67. This is actually my worst nightmare :(

  68. The STD didn't affect the guy - it affected her. PID is nothing to f* with, it can scar and make you unable to have kids. Just because all of the guy's other ladies didn't get PID doesn't mean she wouldn't - so Jesse & ARod could still have a bunch of baby mamas who didn't contract PID.

    I kind of read this as Sandy but I hope not. Everyone is saying they started adoption proceedings before the divorce, but I seem to remember reading that *she* started the proceedings. He barely mentioned it ('cause, you know, studs don't have adopted babies).

    Whoever it is, she has an obligation not only as a woman but also as a human being to let everyone know she got the STD from this jerk (as long as she's positive who it is). It's not quite the same, but similar to having HIV and not letting your partner know. These things change your life forever.

    Part of my son's sex ed class talked HPV and other STDs (girls separate from boys), and he came home with a look of complete and utter disgust and shared all the gory details. Yay for education! I added a couple more that they hadn't covered in the class (yay for research jobs!) and I'm pretty sure the boy will be keeping his nethers sheathed for a very long time. He looked utterly terrified.

  69. Intheknow- So if it isn't Sandra then who is it? Both she and Ryan Gossling are in the DM today

  70. It does make sense that Sandra is gay, she needed Jesse to put the adoption papers in, then booted him once she got the baby

  71. but what about her other boyfriends? all beards? it seems like she had many a relationship that ended well enough to get some A list sperm.
    I like the Renee Z guess.

  72. Sandy is way too old for this blind. She married Jesse at over 40, so her fertility was already low. Then they divorced at what, age 45? Her chance of conception was already low by then. Has to be someone younger.

  73. Sandra Bullock, Jesse James, Keanu Reeves for A list sperm.

  74. My doc also said a pap every three years, but an annual exam every year.

    BTW, it's entirely possible for men to carry HPV and not know it. That's why younger women should get the vaccine AND insist on condoms, even in committed relationships.
