Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Today's Blind Items - A Long Time Coming

This A list actor with A+ list name recognition has alternated between television and movies but I think most people would give him A list because of his television fame. Been an actor for what seems like forever. He can trace his own personal problems back to the time when he was dumped by the love of his life. Since that day, the only time he has gone without alcohol from morning until he passes out at night is when he has been in rehab. Jack Daniels is his drink of choice. A bottle a day is the norm although he can drink two in a pinch. It is that pinch that can get him in trouble. One bottle a day keeps our actor half drunk and under control. Anything more than that and there are huge issues. As in violence and behavior that will scare just about anyone within range. Trusting women? Not going to happen. he doesn't trust any woman since that relationship. He was totally oblivious to her cheating. Totally oblivious that she wad cheating everyday with his best friend. Since that time he has felt like the only thing he can trust is the way he feels when he drinks and it is the one thing that won't let him down. That is why he does not want to be sober. It is why he will just keep on keeping on until he dies. Everyone who is close to him has tried to help, but he will have none of it. Go into his home though and you will see that this woman who tortured him so long ago. Who turned him into what he is now is still very much a part of his life. Magazines, photos. He would take her back in an instant.


  1. Replies
    1. Kiefer Sutherland, left at the alter by Julia "huuuge worst beyotch I had to deal with in my old job" Roberts, and Jason Patric. Wonder what became of Jason, anyway? His career was hot back then...

  2. Keizer, Julia, Jason Patric

  3. Alec Baldwin but it does not say whether the actor is married now or not

  4. My first thought was Keifer Sutherland/Julia Roberts. I hope not, but...I can see it. :(

    1. My first thought was Keifer too!

  5. Whoever it is, they need to grow up and get over their obsession. Everyone gets hurt; it doesn't excuse this kind of behavior. I just don't have a lot of sympathy for people who don't take responsibility for their own lives.

    1. I don't think he cares about your sympathy

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Charlie Sheen is a great guess.

  7. Cosign @izz and @karen

  8. Ooooh Keifer is a great guess.

  9. I think izz and Karen nailed this.

  10. I read it as Charlie, but Keifer makes more sense! I was thinking Charlie was more drugs than alcohol, so yeah.

  11. I totally thought Keifer reading this too. Soooooo sad.

  12. Totally on the Keifer train.

  13. What about David Hasselhoff? He was married to an actress from One Life to Live for 5ish years in the 80's.

  14. Kiefer. Matthew Perry was A-on TV at best.

  15. Keifer ftw
    And he can do better than Julia

  16. Oh, Kiefer, she is just not worth it.

  17. Agree with the Keifer guess.

    Matthew Perry's problems are more chemical in nature than alcohol.

  18. oh geez, man the eff up. every body gets dumped at some point in their lives. i do like the charlie would certainly help explain his nightmare trainwreck of the past decade and a half.

  19. I agree with the Keifer Sutherland guesses. For years he has been known to have a passion for Jack Daniels.

  20. Immediately thought Kiefer.

    Can you imagine anyone wanting JRoberts back once they managed to escape? Lordy.

  21. Being dumped like that (the way Keifer was) would be beyond devastating regardless, but to have it splashed on every magazine in the world must have made it unimaginably worse.

  22. "Heartbroken JULIA ROBERTS has come to the aid of ex-boyfriend MATTHEW PERRY in his desperate fight against drug addiction - because she can't help blaming herself.

    According to pals, Roberts feels terrible after discovering it was after she dumped him in 1996 that his downward spiral into a life of drink and drugs began.

    The pal says, "When Julia learned that Matthew was backsliding she called and urged him to get help. Although their romance has been over for a long time, Julia still cares for him. "She's sent him a message telling him that he's more than welcome to spend some quality time on her ranch in New Mexico after rehab if he needs to get away."

    1. @AResident, that's verrry interesting... You might be on to something.

  23. This makes me sad for Kiefer.

    OT but now everytime I hear that name I can only imagine Jenelles mom saying it and it sucks :(

  24. and, poor Kiefer. It totally sucks to be such a captive of your own misguided infatuation.

  25. what Julia destroys, she destroys thoroughly. What a worthless, self-congratulatory piece of narcissistic evilness.

  26. Matthew Perry's problems started when he became addicted to prescription drugs after surgery, not because of his brief 2 week fling with Julia Roberts. He is not in denial about his issues and he has his periods of sobriety (I think he's in one now, but it's hard to tell).

    I'm on the Kiefer Sutherland train.

  27. "Been an actor for what seems like forever"
    "Since that day"
    "A bottle a day"
    "One bottle a day"
    "the only time he has gone without alcohol "
    "Totally oblivious that she wad [sic] cheating everyday"

    Constant time references make me think "24" which would make me think of Kiefer Sutherland.

  28. He is long over Julia Roberts. His love is now for Jack Daniels.

  29. @bri - care to elaborate? "Allegedly", of course.

  30. I thought Julia dumped Kiefer *because* of his drinking...?

    Here's an old article on the break-up from 1991...,,20115436,00.html

  31. Either the blind itself is more than over-the-top when it describes the actor's trusting women, or it's not Kiefer: He was married for eight years to Kelly Winn (since his relationship with Julia) and he's had other relationships since his divorce in 2004.

    Also, he's described as having a very neat/tidy home in quotes on IMDB.

    There's also this article quoting him on forgiving Julia:

    Maybe it is him, but it doesn't seem to entirely fit.

  32. Just to be different Mickey Rourke. That model he dated (and allegedly beat) he considers the love of his life. He's obviously addicted to something, plus he only dates vapids now.

  33. Whoever this is, I totally see where he is coming from. Sometimes you just can't get over it.

  34. Yeah @bri....I hadn't noticed your little aside ("huuuge worst beyotch I had to deal with in my old job") till Amber pointed it out. ;) Did Julia ever talk abt Kiefer? :)

  35. Kiefer Sutherland:A list actor with A + list name famous for tv
    Julia Roberts:ex-girlfriend
    Jason Patric:best friend

    FTN,he yet drunk and he cheated Roberts with a stripper when she deleted their wedding and Sutherland yet said it's his fault if their relation didn't work

  36. Ugh, we really need a wicked nickname for Julia. Surely she's more or just as deserving as Tom Cruise/GMD.

  37. @Hothotheat, vg guess, but I don't think Mickey is/was known more for TV than movies.

  38. I'm proud of Enty for finally coming out explaining his drinking problem & wight issues. Admitting it is always the 1st step.

  39. What about that Owens dude that was in "The Wedding Crashers" and "I Spy".Didn't he try to commit suicide a couple of years ago?

  40. What happened to Jason Patric is Speed II. He was like a human block of wood in that movie.

  41. Hothotheat: I applaud your use of "vapid" as a noun.

    If it is Keifer, I feel bad.

    If it is Matthew Perry, I wish he would amp up the pill intake and get it over with. Only ones from Friends I can stand are Kudrow, who was good in Wonderland, and LeBlanc, cause of his Married W/ Children appearance.

  42. i thought it was well-known that julia had a heroin problem in the early 90s?

  43. @lazyday603:
    he disliked the script,the filming& Sandra Bullock (Bullock disliked him also)

  44. Aw, a bunch of my friends met Keifer in 1999 in NYC one night...they said he was such a nice guy. He must have been separated because he was on a first date w/ some girl, and they wanted to buy him a drink but he insisted on buying them drinks. He chatted them up for an hour or so. I love hearing stories about celebs that are nice.

  45. I thought of Matthew Perry, but I'm on board with the Kiefer guess. And Julia Roberts?! She's not even that pretty!

    Fun fact about Jason Patric: his dad played Father Karis in The Exorcist.

  46. Did anyone note Julia's husband sitting at the table during the Golden Globes looking miserable ....

    1. Julia's hubby looked like the lone child at the grown ups table at the Globes. He looked unhappy and like she had forbidden him to speak (while she flirted with Leo and Richard Gere)

    2. Misch, Carey Lowell looked just as miserable too.

  47. funny that both my favorite guesses involve julia!

    jason patric would work for me too but he's not A---but he was red hot until the deal with her. was he ever beautiful back then.

    keifer certainly DOES fit. like a glove.

  48. Ha, thanks @bri for the validation that Julia is a bitch-that's always been my opinion of her!

  49. The 2nd one has it, I think! - @izz Keifer, Julia and Jason.

  50. i've never liked julia but ONE TIME, i did---briefly.

    she was on letterman shortly after she married lyle lovett. dave asked her what she'd say to people who thought it was a weird match because he's so strange looking.

    she said 'anyone who doesn't get it, isn't someone i want to know.' i thought that was classy.

    1. I've only liked her when she was married to Lyle. That's it. And I particularly dislike her for what she did to another person's marriage.

  51. Because Kiefer is my former boyfriend (I wish!) I know lots about him. He's a super nice guy, a gentleman, and professional. But I'll be the first to admit he does have a problem with alcohol. HOWEVER, he would never be drunk at work. After work, yes. But never during work, he's the consummate professional, everyone who has ever worked with him says so.

    So either this is not him, or it's exaggerated about from morning til night.

  52. Just to be different? David Duchovny? I can imagine him as his char Hank Moody; same story; abusing drugs and alcohol, being obsessed with his biggest love. He might be A+ forever in TV world because of X Files, but movies probably not... I would guess Tea Leoni for the love of his life, or to be consistent with the rumors: Gillian Anderson, aka Dana Scully xD

  53. @ msgirl, I love him too and would hate to think this is him.

  54. I'm a huge Julia fan and I've never heard of her having had a heroin problem.

  55. Keifer's a PIRATE!

  56. Hasselhoff. He made MILLIONS on Baywatch and Knight Rider, known drinker and both his wives left him.

    Although how Catherine Hickland was doin' it with Edward Mulhare remains a mystery...

  57. @msgirl
    I think the sad thing is that if someone has been drinking a bottle of jack a day for decades, they could easily imbibe from morning til night and never be noticeably drunk. Though I too hope it's not Keifer (he does seem like the best fit so far though).

  58. The problem I see with the Matt Perry and Hasselhoff guesses is that I don't associate either one with movies at all. If memory serves, most of the movies either of them have been in were huge flops. Keifer, on the other hand, has been successful in both mediums yet is mostly recognized for TV nowadays.

  59. aw amy. Well shit. I just don't think he would have been taken on as a producer of 24 in addition to being the star of 24 if people smelled alcohol on his breath. Everyone seems to love working with him too.

    I know I know he does seem like a good fit doesn't it, just REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT wah wah

  60. If this were a really old actor, and the girl of his dreams were still alive, I'd say Lee Majors.

  61. msgirl, I met the father of your "boyfriend" Donald S. Beyond charming and gallant I must say:)

  62. Keifer Sutherland for the win. Julia Roberts did a number on him when he was young and felt invulnerable. Of course, drinking just keeps you stuck in the problem, but try and tell a drinker that. They truly believe alcohol is a "friend". It's not with Keifer anymore. I know an AD who used to pull him out of bars at 5 am to get him to the 24 set on time. Once on the set, Keifer always was prepared, knew his lines, did his stunts. Get this guy sober and he will be a prince. But he's still lost in his narcissistic rage over losing Julia.

  63. Kiefer is still friends with Jason Patric. They did Jason's father's play That Winning Season of Broadway together. I can't imagine that he would still be friends with him if this were true.

  64. Julia's husbot must have felt like he won the lottery when she took an interest in him, probably had no idea she had slept with over half of Hollywood. It has to be more than awkward for him at these events when she's dry humping anyone she can. She's one who isn't aging well.
    I don't see this blind as being either Hasselhof or Kiefer, seems more like someone like Keanu, a loner type.

  65. They weren't friends after this happened...but this was ... years...ago

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Kiefer Sutherland/Julia Roberts?

  68. It was impossible to read this without thinking of the Kiefer/Julia/Jason situation being old enough to remember it.
    Sometimes the 'love of your life' is also the worst possible thing for you.

  69. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Definetly Keifer. There was a blind about him a while back and someone commented that they had briefly dated him and that he was a drunk but really sweet. If you're still around maybe you can shed some light on whether or not he's still holding a torch for Julia. By the way I can't stand her, I hate that I used I like her and was fooled by her fakeness. The stuff with a low Vera really sealed the deal for me she's a bitch.

  70. Keifer and JulIA

  71. @Katydid: that was me and yes-I bet this is him. He will forever love that evil bitch.
    Thank you Enty- he really is a great guy. Sometimes a heart just doesn't recover.

  72. @overIt - wow so jealous,i love him!! so glad to hear his sweet but this blind makes me so sad!

    also someone above mentioned they met Donald and he was charming...*swoon* donald is one of my favourite actors.

    i hate julia too, i blame Oprah for feeding me Julai's fake personality

  73. John Stamos and the ex being Rebecca Romijn, the TV shows that he is better known for: Full House, ER, General Hospital and then of course the Beach Boys videos.

  74. @katydid I forgot about that vera T-shirt thing she did, which is pretty low. In all the interviews Julia did, did anyone ever ask her about that? It seemed needlessly spiteful.

  75. The Whole 9 Yards with Bruce Willis/Matthew Perry were solid performers.

    Matthew Perry is struggling right now, and has never married...He has supposedly slipped to alcohol, not vicodin which is what got him into trouble during Friends. Have friends who know Keifer, they love him and say he's an awesome man. I find it hard to believe it's him

  76. Looking at Danny Moder's "somebody please save me" face at the Golden Globes, I'd warn Keifer to be careful for what you wish for... you might get it.

  77. I don't know why but I first thought of Sean Bean. He's been in movies (LOTR Trilogy most notably but also Goldeneye and Ronin) and of course for TV he was Ned Stark in Game of Thrones (and I believe Sharpe was shown in the US?).

    He's had well documented problems with domestic violence; lots of stories of him being drunk. If you look at pictures of him from a few years ago, it's actually shocking how much he's changed, he definitely looks like a boozer to me.

    Can't think who the significant other that brooke his heart would be though? He has been with a few Brit actresses but no-one really recognisable, unless he's had flings with some co-stars (Joely Richardson during Lady Chatterley's Lover?)

    Just throwing it out there really. Slow day at work! ;o)

  78. I'm late to the party again, but I have to chime in with my 'I don't think it's Keifer' speech. Honestly, he seems to have done pretty well for himself, including relationships, since Julia. The 'blind' may be about them, but I doubt it's true. Also, if Keifer was blaming his relationship/breakup for his drinking, I would counter that he's an alcoholic who is 'blaming' his drinking on the relationship. Using it as an excuse to drink. I'm pretty sure Keifer would have enough supportive people around him (financially and emotionally) to help him get over it. I just don't think this is him.
    AND, I will NOT give Julia Roberts that much power over ANYONE. She's a piece of trash and I refuse to allow her to have that much impact on anyone. There's a reason she 'dated' all her co-stars, low self esteem, pathetic, thinks she's all that, etc. They fall for her name, but leave when they realize what a freaking nut case she is. I have nothing to base this on, I just don't like her.
    Other than that, I don't have any guesses. Except for Mickey Rourke. He's weird enough for this to be him.

  79. Lee Majors from way back his best friend was Ryan O'Neil

  80. NOT Kiefer and Julia. Or if it is Kiefer, it's not Julia, but probably his first wife, mother of his daughters, widow of that guy from Chicago. Not Julia. From what I heard, he couldn't wait to be free of her. Like all the other men in her life. She's smothering.

    Also, believe Matthew Perry broke up with her, after being urged to do so by Friends cast. They couldn't stand her.

  81. Before I make a guess I have to say this:

    === i before e, except after c ===

    The correct spelling:

    Not Keifer. Not Beiber.

    Sorry to be a pilkunnussija, but a lot of people seem to be confused on that. (I'm more sorry for mentioning Justin Bieber and Kiefer Sutherland in the same post. Don't tell Jack Bauer!) LOL.


    But back on topic, I don't think it's Kiefer. He may be a drunk, but he's a happy, social drunk. He jumps into Christmas trees (he's a pirate!) and drops his pants in restaurants. There aren't a lot of stories of Kiefer being violent or scary; none that I've heard. But I could be mistaken, I haven't researched it.

  82. From

    "I worked with Kiefer Sutherland: He was a whiskey addict, two bottles a day. He wanted to compete with me: ‘You drink one bottle, I drink one bottle, let’s see if you’re drunk.’ I never on set noticed that he had drunk anything—in the morning, he was sober.”
