Monday, January 14, 2013

Today's Blind Items - It's A Mystery

This couple should file for divorce but no one really knows why they have not. He cheats. She cheats, although a little more discreetly because of who she is cheating with. They play this public game of happy marriage and family and try and sell it like they are running for political office or something. They are just a celebrity couple. B list for sure with almost A list name recognition. They don't share the same bedroom and rarely share the same house. They alternate custody  of the kid(s). She started seeing a very powerful studio head who appreciates the way she performs certain activities in the bedroom. The husband cheats every chance he gets and loves being gone out of town because they both are trying so hard to not get caught and to have the world believe they are still together. They are not really trying to sell something that needs them to be together. It could be for the kid(s). Maybe. It is not like they have a book about fidelity or relationship advice about to hit the shelves. They could be holding out for a reality show. They both have experience with that.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    no reality show experience for either of those two, besides they have very young kids and probably that would be a reasonable consideration in any thoughts about divorce.

  2. I thought Beckhams.

  3. Nick Lache/ Vanessa Manilo (or whatever her last name is)

  4. I kept thinking Beckhams.

  5. oof nevermind--they are c-list probably ;)

  6. Bloom and Kerr? Not sure of reality show link.... just sayin

  7. Hmmm.. the reality show comment is the only part of this I don't get. I can't see Affleck/Garner holding out for a reality show...

  8. How bout Tori & Dean?

    1. @amber, I like this guess, it fits the clue about not writing a book, Tori is always writing books.

  9. Based on the fact that she's cheating with a studio head, it makes me think the wife is an actress, which posh is not. Other than that, they're the best guess so far...

  10. I don't think Beckhams - Victoria wouldn't stoop so low as to be in a reality show unless it was about her fashion. And Becks has never been on a reality show.

    Do Tori & Dean still have a show? I dunno, they seem genuinely happy.

    1. Victoria Beckham already had a reality show. Could be them.

  11. @Amber, with Tori Spelling getting pregnant all the time, I doubt this is them. :)

  12. "They could be holding out for a reality show. They both have experience with that." So far, the Nick and Vanessa guess?

  13. "B list for sure with almost A list name recognition." ...this does not sound like the Beckhams to me.

  14. Sarah Jessica Parker is involved with "Work of Art", and has judged on Project Runway.

  15. I am throwing out brooke shields and her hubby.

  16. The Beckhams are a good guess, but I think they're pretty firmly A-list, aren't they? To throw a few more names out there - Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman? Nicole Richie and Joel Madden? Gisele and Tom Brady? Tim McGraw and Faith Hill?

    If they weren't already split I'd say maybe Heidi and Seal.

    1. No, they're not a good guess, def not Posh & Falsetto. They are 100% A list. Nick and Vanessa are B list in name recognition, so that's a possibility,maybe.

  17. Posh had a reality show; they wanted to prove that she's not a sourpuss, even though we only ever see her frowning in photos. She was actually kind of cheerful and sweet in the show but it didn't do well; don't know if her hubs also appeared on it.

  18. Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr

  19. Victoria already did have a failed reality show though.

  20. Anonymous10:28 AM


  21. Beckams- for sure

  22. david beckham was on Snoop Doggs reality show and victoria beckham was on project Runway. They both have reality exp

  23. Nicole Ritchie - Fashion Star reality judge
    Joel Madden - Australian Idol reality judge

    Joel Madden rumored to have cheated with Delta Goodrem

  24. Throwing something out there Brue Jenner / Kris Kardasian!

  25. You think the use of "studio head" instead of something like "studio chief" is a tip off on the "certain activities"?

  26. I don't know why, but I thought of Will Smtih and Jada Pinkett Smith. That's all.

  27. Political office? The town? Affleck and garner

  28. The Beckhams might fit if it wasn't for the comment about the wife having the affair with the studio head & performing certain activities in the bedroom - that doesn't sound like Victoria Beckham to me, she doesn't strike me as relaxed or self-confident enough to be too wild in bed or anything like that.

    Plus doubt she'd bother seeing a studio head since she's not attempting a career in acting or anything like that & is moving back to UK not staying in LA.

    1. Ummmm... before they were married she ended in the ER with a certain libation container broken in a special place.

  29. Ok, I changed my mind Nicole Richie for the win

    simply life, fashion shit-show, Aussie voice for twin husband

  30. I agree with richie/madden. I can't remember the last time they were pictured together

  31. I'm going with Ritchie and Madden unless someone else comes up with a better guess, they fit.

  32. Hmmm...Was Affleck involved with that Project Greenlight show? Was that considered reality?

  33. Except for the reality show bit, I'm think Will & Jada. I'm surprised that there hasn't been anymore suspicion since the great denial.

  34. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I agree with Nicole Ritchie and Joel Madden they fit every clue

  35. I agree, Nicole & Joel, but who is the other couple who has a relationship book that's about to come out? Spill the tea Enty.

    1. @jazzy, I totally read that as a dig to the RHONJ Melissa and Joe Gorga. He's insinuated similar things abt them before and they have a book coming out.

  36. sunny, excellent guess.

  37. I watched the GG Red Carpet via live stream last night instead of on E! like I usually do. Affleck and Garner's behavior was bizarre to say the least. I saw Garner first and thought Affleck was right behind her but he didn't appear until several minutes later, also alone. It was as if they'd arrived separately. They sat together and shared a closed mouth kiss but that entry still bothered me.

    My first thought was Will and Jada though.

    1. It's not that weird. They've never walked a red carpet together, despite being married for years. The fact that they even arrived together was unusual.

  38. It says they both have experince with reality shows. Was Joel Madden ever on one?

  39. i like the nicole richie guess.

    no way the beckhams are B. ditto with ben/jen. he's solid A or even A+ at this point. i thought the 'running for political office' might be a clue to them, but they just don't fit.

  40. @Aoife, I think I would only give my husband a closed mouth kiss if cameras were on us, and millions were tuning in. I cannot imagine how awkward that would feel.
    I agree with the Richie/Madden guess, only because I can't think of anyone else. Richie needs to spend more time focusing more on her health than a guy imo. She looks sickly, all skin and bones.

  41. Joel Maddan was a judge on Australian version of a US reality show. I forgot which one.

  42. @ PuggleWug - Maybe Nicole is getting scary skinny because of problems with Joel.

  43. yes, Richie / Madden. Both judges (hah!) and hardly ever together, if pap photos are any measure.

  44. Could be @Borg Queen. She is setting a terrible example for her kids, especially her daughter.

  45. Leann Rimes and her douchenozzle hubs?

    She has been mentioned in reality tv (by Brandi Glanville) and Ediot has appeared on one I believe.

    Leann keeps mentioning her 'bonuskids' and she would never leave; she had to go through public humiliation to get him, no way she is gonna let go easy.

    She is B in talent, so could be her. Eddie is a C (or D) though.

  46. No way are the Affleck/Garners holding out for a reality show. Ben's making a comeback and that does not include reality TV for A listers.

    I like the Nicole Richie guess too.

  47. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I'm thinking that the Madden/Richie guest are pretty good. Although what studio head would want Richie? Can't see anyone else fitting any of this. Lachey and Minillo are still in baby heaven, Garner and Manho are way too A list movies for that. No one else that's been brought up fits and I don't have any creative guesses of my own.

  48. Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos?

  49. Anonymous11:34 AM

    David Beckham is probably as A list as an athlete can get. Can't be about him.

  50. The Afflecks and Beckhams are solid A listers...definitely not them

  51. What reality experience do the Smiths have? I would agree except for that part. Maybe Bruce & Kris???

  52. I knew people were gonna throw out Affleck and Garner like candy, without putting any thought into it. lol!

    Affleck is a very solid A list and the blind refers to them as a celebrity couple. If it were Affleck/Garner, enty would have called them actors, I'm sure.

    And where would the reality show experience for both of them be?

    Sorry, not Affleck.

  53. I think you guys may have nailed it with the Richie/Madden guess.

  54. Affleck and Garner do not have a reality show. They are also not TV...they are movies.

    Tori and Dean are a great guess...except they already have a reality show.

    It could be Nicole and Benji Madden.

  55. hmmmm.... Nick Lache/ Vanessa M in random photos ....

  56. "They are just a celebrity couple. B list for sure with almost A list name recognition". Gwen and Gavin?

  57. OMG, Affleck JUST produced & directed a Best Picture nominee....He hasn't been thinking REALITY as his step after Argo, puh-leez peeps.

    To paraphrase Amy P..."None of us PLANS to do Reality, Tina."

  58. I think the Gwen and Gavin guess is the only one that fits the list ranking, 'celebrity' not actors, and especially the SELLING the relationship.
    Sorry, Gwen. You know she seems the type to tenaciously deny rather than let go. Doesn't she, really?

  59. I think Beckhams are too high, and Richie/Madden don't really sell it. i never see them 'out there' together anymore.

  60. Libby
    This is one of those "I need to step away from the gossip sites for a bit" moments, but I remember them (Nicole/Joel) being out together at the Yo Gabba Gabba concert

  61. Affleck is 100% A list, so is David Beckham. Posh is A list in the designer world, and as a former Spice Girl, will have A list name recognition for life.
    Richie/Madden, IMHO, don't make the B list or even close.
    Do Fergie and Josh Duhamel have kids?

  62. And it COULD be a couple other than Nicole/Joel, but we have to remember the last line saying both persons in the relationship have had experience in reality television. That's an important clue

    1. Nicole has also written a book before. The Truth about Diamonds something silly like that...That fits the clue too.

  63. Affleck and Garner don't walk red carpets together. Never have.

    I like Nicole and Joel for this, but when have they been "selling" their happy family status?

  64. Yeah, Vera---i knew that about Affleck & garner. It was about Garner keeping her identity as actress Jennifer Garner separate from being just Mrs. Affleck.
    I remember that's one thing I respected about her, when they got together.

  65. They are just a celebrity couple. B list for sure with almost A list name recognition

    That knocks out Ben/Jen. I also think the Beckhams are solid A list for a celebrity couple. This description makes me think of a Nicole/Joel or Jessica Alba/Cash type couple.

  66. Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos have produced reality programming for TLC/Discovery networks.

  67. Affleck and Garner were together in Red Carpet together .At a moment at the end,Affleck searched her

  68. I would say the Beckhams, they have had experience with reality show. I remember a one off fly-on-the-wall that was shown here in the UK quite a few years ago

  69. I would say the Beckhams, they have had experience with reality show. I remember a one off fly-on-the-wall that was shown here in the UK quite a few years ago

  70. I had a guess immediately from the title "It's a Mystery"-a direct quote from Shakespeare in Love with Gwyneth. So, I'm going to throw her & Chris Martin out there on that alone. :)

  71. Ripa/Consuelos

    they produced a soap reality show that bombed.

    1. Ooo good guess! Didn't think of that one!

    2. Ooo good guess! Didn't think of that one!

    3. Sorry for the double reply...damn phone

  72. I think it's the Beckhams.

  73. 1/14/13 - 6:30 PM CST


    It's Dan Schneider's (47) birthday today. Ugh. Maybe Hungry Girl can whip him up some pedo chicken fingers.

  74. Palins. Neither is running for political office, been on reality TV, there are books about her. Not really A-list celebrity anymore.

    For equal time -- I thought about the Clintons, but their daughter is married, and there's no reality show... unless you count the news.

  75. Actually weren't SJP and Matthew both on the show "Who do You Think You Are?"

    If this is them, the blind has been recycled a few times.

  76. I'm amending my original guess to either Richie/Madden or Ripa/Consuelos

  77. Except for the suggesttion of experince with reality tv, the sounds like Goop and Chris. But since Madden is also a musician with said reality tv in his past as well as Nicole I have to vote that this is them.

  78. Paltrow/Martin or Stefani/Rossdale

  79. Hmm. I'm surprised no one has suggested Gwen and Gavin yet. Those two first got together back in Bush's and No Doubt's hey day when I was in middle school and even back then I thought they were mostly for show (he even mentioned his disdain for her music in more than a few interviews).

    Considering all the breakup rumors swirling around this couple over the past year or so and pair it with the recent *ss grabby pics of Gavin and the nanny then toss in the fact that these two have been working "happy family" photo ops with the paps like it's their second jobs over the last few months when they have always been so private before (Easter; Christmas AND Thanksgiving) and I think we just might have our answer... *Both have done reality stints too*

  80. I'm late to the guessing here, but I had a particular thought when I read that line about the book. Back in 2002, Kim Cattrall and her husband published a sex advice book. The next year, they split up. So, maybe that means SJP. MB also was a panelist on "The Marriage Ref." That counts as a reality show, right? (Also, political office = "Election"?)

  81. Sunny - Australian Version of The Voice, not Australian Idol. Madden is all over the place over here at the moment.
