Monday, January 07, 2013

Today's Blind Items - He Is Not The Same

This actor will probably always be A list. Talent wise he is probably a C lister. Always movies. Not sure if has ever appeared on television except on talk shows. Been around forever and has had a rebirth of sorts over the past few years, but much of it has been done with some very heavy handed editing. Our actor, despite his status is barely able to walk any longer and there is no way he is running anywhere. His body is too beat up and has way too many miles. Drugs, and a very long history of abusing his body have taken him to the point where he has significant gaps in his memory and when he walks it is more like a shuffle. He would like to get out more often, but it is such an involved production and has to be carefully managed to make sure his current franchise is not affected by what people might see or perceive about the actor or his condition. There was a time not so long ago that he suffered a minor stroke and his family is worried that the next one might not be so easy to work through. It is kind of sad to see him slowly turning into a shell of the man he once was.


  1. Current franchise? What would that be if it's Sly? The Expendables?

  2. Rocky? because of the comment about the running?

  3. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Def Sly Stallone.

  4. Mickey Rourke? Iron Man being the franchise?

  5. in re. Sly's talent: let's remember he wrote the screenplay for "Rocky." Also he gave an excellent performance in "Cop Land," imo. Still think this is a reference to him, though.

    1. @Rosemary, I agree. This is probably a Stallone blind, but he is really talented. He wrote and directed Rocky, among others, and I've found his more recent films (aside from Expendables 2) have had a little more substance than before - even that updated Rambo one.

      Somehow, ninjas managed to throw sand in my eyes during "Rocky Balboa."

  6. Donald Sutherland and The Hunger Games

    1. Wasn't he in that tv show, dirty sexy money though?

  7. Stallone or Schwarzenegger?

  8. Bruce Willis - There is a new Die Hard movie coming out but I always thought he took care of himself and he looks pretty good for his age compared to Sylvester Stallone. I think this is sounding more like Stallone.

  9. I can't decide between Sly or Mickey Rourke..... Hmmm.....sad either way.

  10. Arnie. Shwartzeneger, however you spell that. The Running Man. The minor stroke.

  11. I'd say Mickey Rourke. Personality aside -- he was so beautiful when he was young.

  12. I like Schwarzennegger better than Stallone for this. After all, Arnie was the lead in "the Running Man"

  13. My first thought was Mickey Rourke but Stallone makes more sense. We always see Rourke out walking his dog and he seems to pull himself together. All of the references to his body make me think of Stallone and all the steroids and physical beatings.

  14. I was reading Arnie the whole way - Running Man, plus he's doing another Terminator. "Rebirth" being going from gov back to movies. No tv, heavy editing happens in almost all of his movies due to special effects & CGI (Terminator, the Mars movie, Conan).

  15. I hope it's not Donald Sutherland. I love him!

  16. Arnold is rumored for Terminator 5 and "triplets" as a sequel to Twins.

    Stallone is in for Expendables 3

  17. I'm on board with Arnold S. Running does seem to be a reference to the movie The Running Man. A rebirth over the years might be a refernce for him returning back to acting after being Govenor. The damage to his body could be due to not the kind of drugs we think but a reference to steroids he used when he was body building. Franchise could be The Terminator Movies. He did three.

  18. Sly. He's aged terribly since his son's death

  19. I misread the part that said current franchise; but that probably means The Expendables; he is in both movies with Sly and slated to return if Sly does another one.

  20. I think Sly. There are almost never ever any photos of him out and about.

    Arnold is always on Leno and there are always tons of shots of him on TMZ and other sites.

    I can't remember the last time I saw Sly, maybe there was one shot of him when his son died, other than that it seems to always be statements from him. But no interviews or photos.

  21. I'm going with Sly over Arnie or Rourke - Sly is the only one I think fits "had a rebirth of sorts over the past few years".
    Or maybe Robert Downey Jr.?

  22. Yeah def Sly...he is 66, he injured himself real bad in the first Expendables movie...he keeps pushing himself probably to not end up folding over, I adore him, I pray that he gets some kind o frehab

  23. Sly ,

  24. I'm not sure that it's Arnie. My BF is from Sacramento and worked at the courts. When he'd go to the gym there, Arnie would walk around and tell people how to do things. Unless he has rapidly declined, I don't think it's him. I'd guess Sly because he looks wrecked.

  25. Sly looks awful in the first one, but if I had a bratty daughter sitting on my lap demanding shoes, I'd look pretty haggard, too! He doesn't seem to have trouble walking, but I could see the stroke rumour, with the way he talks. "Get out more often" is a pretty good clue for the DM shots.

  26. There's no way Donald Sutherland is only C level talent.

  27. I think it's Stallone. Common knowledge he's abused his body with EPO and other banned substances. He was caught in Australia a few years back with it in his luggage.

    We've seen photos of Arnold out riding his bike so I don't think it's him.

  28. I read it as Stallone. But the Running Man thing makes sense. Unless Enty is referring to the iconic Rocky scene with him running through Philly and dancing about on the top of the steps?

  29. I feel like it's Sly.

  30. This is probably Sly. We never see him anymore. Such a shame.

  31. Stallone.

    He's had a resurgence with the "Expendables" flicks (more the 1st than the 2nd though, so it may already be wearing off).

    Mickey, as much as I loathe the guy, is not a C list talent. When he wants to, he can act his ass off ("The Wrestler"). Nobody could say that about Stallone. He's been good in a thing or two, but nowhere in Mickey's class.

    Schwarzenegger hasn't had a resurgence yet, has he? He had the sex scandal. Now he's back in movies. But his 1st big "Arnie" movie is coming out this month or in Feb. I doubt his bit parts in the 2 "Expendables" flix count as a rebirth.

    Has to be Stallone.

  32. Arnie broke his femur a while back. His bones are britte from steroid use and unhealthy types of extreme exercise. Or so I have been told.

  33. Sly looks fine to me in the DM link...? And he's always talked like he's had a stroke, the way his mouth moves is a bit odd.

  34. ...and speaking of the DM, I cannot believe the shots of Anjelica Huston. O... M... G...

  35. I think it's Arnold. Running Man

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Read this as Mickey Rourke rebirth being Sin City & The Wrestler?

  38. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I really don't think this is Sly after reading through a few times. This blind seems to read a bit compassionate toward whoever it is about, I have never read anything Enty had written toward Sly that has any sort of compassion to him.
    I know a few months ago the Stallone family did an interview with I think Paris Match, and Jenifer stated that Sly has not taken his son’s death too well and he was also very worried about his daughters upcoming surgery (which was in December) so I am sure that is adding to his “aged” look lately.
    Also Sly did The Contender a few years back on TV.

  39. Sly is talentwise a C? That doesn't feel accurate to me. Same with Rourke, who is/was immensely talented. Arnold is talent-wise a D. And husband wise an F.

  40. I like the Mickey Rourke guess. Between drugs, boxing, etc., I can see his body being more run down than his years would belie. I don't think people would be shocked by someone of Donald Sutherland's age having mobility issues.

    Mickey in the Sin City franchise filming right now.

    Though the Stallone thing works, too, for the same reasons.

  41. I don't think this is Sly. He may look worn out in those DM pics, but he still looks pretty good for his age. Mickey Rourke is a much more likely candidate, with the Iron Man series as his franchise.

  42. I don't think Rourke has much family to worry about him. Not that I've ever heard about.

    My first thought was Stallone. He has mama, brother, wife and kids.

    While Arnie does have family, they are pretty pissed at him now what with the divorce and the surprise son and all.

  43. Blarg. I meant Anrnie, not Stallone. *sigh* Can I just go home and get in bed now?

  44. ARNIE - wtf ever. I give up.

  45. Stallone had a sectioned facial nerve at birth (due to a forceps), that's why part of his face is paralyzed (part of the lip, tongue and chin) and he looks dumber than he actually is.

    Stallone is also quite short, apparently five foot 7, and wears lifts to appear taller. They took great care of the issue in his films by casting small guys in supporting parts and using "good" angles to make him look bigger.

    Anyway, it's clearly him in the blind. Rourke is talented and Enty would have focused on how much despicable he is. The tone of this item is just "sad".

  46. I guess I'm the only one who thinks Sly looks pretty fit in those photos--especially the one that's just him with the sunglasses on sans jacket? I think his expression in the ladies shoe department is just a normal man's expression in a ladies shoe department.

  47. I would think Arnold, too.

  48. @Disco, what? There's a new Sin City?

  49. Not Arnold. He does the lecture circuit at policy conferences (which goes against the "he would like to get out more often"). I've seen him twice, and at least once in the last year. As much as I want to hate him, he is a great speaker and he doesn't appear to walk with a shuffle.

  50. I think Sly looks fit in the pics also. What about the Muscles from Brussels? Van Dam?

  51. Can we talk about how Jennifer Flavin's screwed up her looks, as per those DM pics? Good grief, lady! Those two must have gone in for couples' surgery or something!

    1. How about the angelica houston pics. My gawd!

    2. supapimp, I need to go check those out. Word is she's a little overinflated in the cheek area?

    3. My goodness - Angelica wins the prize for worst photo ever! Yes, she looks like a PS victim. but could they have picked a worse angle???? Holy moly - that's gotta piss you off, even if you've been in the biz as long as she's been. That is just criminal!

  52. Anonymous11:31 AM

    @Frufra I totally agree, although I am a tad bit jealous of her after all she is married to my almost baby daddy (in my head) she was a looker at one she looks weird. They have beautiful daughters though!

  53. Yes, they definitely have gorgeous daughters. And they would both look so much better if they'd have just aged naturally! She's only 44, but looks older!

    Look at this blast from the past:

  54. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Sly or Ahnold

  55. i have to pick sly over mickey because mickey rourke was a great actor. he really was. he stood out from everyone in 'body heat' in a small role. this guy could have had a brando-like career.

    so i can't go with him being C list talent-wise. he was incredible in 'the wrestler' too. just can't be him. gotta be sly.

  56. Good points all on Mickey Rourke not being C list when it comes to talents. The Wrestler was amazing.

  57. Em - Sin City: A Dame to Kill for is currently filming

  58. Anonymous12:12 PM


    If this truly is Sly, between this and the George Michael reveal you have broken my heart....</3

    Yours truly,


    P.S. Please no bad news about Eminem!! LOL

  59. Hell, Stallone has been mumbling for 3 Decades and 2 Centuries!

    I was thinking Van Damme, but he looks pretty good.

  60. You are smoking some serious dope if you think Stallone is a C-lister talentwise. Excellent actor and he was nominated for an Oscar for best screenplay for Rocky. Just because he's known for action heroics, and in later years, phoning it in, doesn't mean he's not talented. Also, Stallone will definitely (not probably) always be A list.

    (Unfortunately, whoever wrote this stupid blind is probably, definitely smoking some serious dope. Don't see who else it could be other than Stallone.)

  61. Oh No...Sly. This is so very sad.

  62. Arnold is out shopping at the mall with Maria--I saw him on one of the tabloid shows just recently--and he looked pretty dang perky.

    I think this is Stallone. Which makes me sad--he was a very vigorous young man.

  63. Arnold is hoping he WILL have a rebirth. He hasn't had one yet. Rourke had one several years ago with "The Wrestler," but is started to fade. Sly just had one with The Expendables. I saw the second one and didn't realize until just now that he was very sedentary in his scenes. There was a fight scene at the end, but between close-ups, stunt doubles, and CGI, who knows how much of that was him?

    Bruce has never stopped. Jean-Claude may be about to have some renewed, B-level popularity, so he hasn't had any "rebirth" yet.

    Sly all the way.

  64. You know, I think it's incredibly insulting that anyone would consider Sylvester Stallone of limited talent / c-list. He was nominated for Oscars for acting AND for his writing - he wrote Rocky AND developed it for the screen (two different nominations - three if you count the actor one). He was also given a lifetime achievement award and developed the concept of the expendables. He wrote and directed Rocky 2, and so many others. He is not of mediocre talent. He also has been on TV - he copresented the Contender, that boxing show. For a kid who went to NY w/ $50 to his name and no place to live, partial facial paralysis and a slight slur, I'd say he is IMMENSELY talented and intelligent to have achieved what he has - the head of franchises that have raked in billions, a writer of movies that have made BANK and a director of many movies that have been more successful than 99% of movies made. He's been inducted in the Boxing Hall of Fame, and he's been honored across the world. He's also a painter. How can anyone claim he's a c-list talent?? Lohan is a c-list talent. Stallone is a legend. And, if this IS him, and Enty's being callous and careless in his description, my prayers go out to him and his family.

  65. Anonymous2:59 PM

    going ALL IN with stallone on this one

  66. I think this is meant to be Sly, but I question the facts of it.

    Sly's body is definitely pushed way past what a man his age should be doing and he's openly said he uses HGH, as well as steroids in the past.

    Steroids gives you amazing muscle mass, but it does not help your joints or ligaments, so it's actually not uncommon to see formerly huge atheletes shuffling about - Their body mass and the running puts so much shock on their knees and ankles that their joints go, even though they still have mass and ripped muscles. I see it in Heavyweight fighters and older football players and I'm told it happens with pro wrestlers often too.

    That being said, nothing in steroid or HGH use would cause memory gaps. They fuck up your body, but they don't really affect your mind. Unless Sly's had a bunch of concussions in the past that we don't know about, his mind should still be there.

  67. Just an idea: what about Harrison Ford and Bladerunner? I don't know if he has a big drug history, but certainly alcohol, and he has a touch of the crazy-old-man to him now. And I had such an adolescent crush on him.

  68. Why can't this be Bruce Willis? With the rebirth being the newest Die Hard film (as some sort of comeback?) He is also in the Expendables (1 or 2?), don't remember him even walking in that movie, mostly standing and sitting. Or my memory isn't correct, could also be it..

  69. i was thinking De niro. i saw him on martha stewart and he looked Rough!

  70. This is Samuel Jackson age 64. In the last 3-4 movies he is always with his cane, and when anyone sees him in public he is always with a golf club (rather than a cane) because "he is such an avid golfer".
    Samuel spent much of his life addicted to heroin and then cocaine (see his wikipedia page for more info).
    Samual couldnt stand up straight in django without using both hands... one steadying himself on a wall, and one hand on his cane.
    How this will affect his franchise avengers/xmen franchise, who knows?

    Didnt know he had stroke... very sad

  71. definitely not Stallone, just saw a preview for his new movie bullet to the head and he is definitely kicking full ass.

  72. @ jen. The Blind Item states that "much of it has been done with some very heavy handed editing."

    @ Unknown. Christopher Lee is 90. If he had health issues, nobody would blame them on drugs or body abuse! And abuse of what? Vampire teeth?

  73. I saw Stallone crossing a street in midtown NYC a few months ago and was actually surprised by how good he looked. No problems walking, wearing a great tailored suit, seemingly no issues.

  74. Mickey Rourke or Sly Stallone.

  75. This is so NOT Sly - agreeing with everyone who is insulted at the thought that he is a C list talent. No way.

    And holy shit - those pix of Anjelica are totally terrifying! Yikes!!!

  76. I agree Samuel Jackson

    What's the trick for a shortened hyper link? I read it in a post here but don't remember where. Thank u!

  77. I guessed Bruce Willis, see above; but I am now on the fence if he is C-list in talent. I personally can't think of any movie he is good in, of my memory is just foggy..

    I don't think Samuel L. Jackson is C for talent :( If this is him I am really sad, because I love the guy, and the cane story seems a bit off.. So sad!

    I don't find Arnold Schwarzennegger much of a talent, so till someone gives me a movie Bruce Willis was good in I am staying with him xD With Arnie as my second guess.

    I also haven't seen Arnie running a lot in movies lately :o

    Rourke is very talented, it is just hard to see with his face all being jacked up :(

    *goes to think of more guesses*

  78. TO FLUFFY WHITE CLOUDS (posting above)

    to get s shortened hyper link- go to this site- it is FREE!

    www dot tiny u r l dot com.

    hope that helps ;)

  79. Thank you boxofdiamonds!😀

  80. @shit you can't buy, Willis was actually pretty good in a number of films. Sixth Sense, Death Becomes her and Blind Date, to name a few.

  81. Re running - Running Man was far from Arnie's best known film, while Sly running through the park and up the museum stairs in Philly was an iconic scene in the movie that made him, Rocky. He even repeated the scene in later Rocky films.

    I call Sly for this blind.

  82. I just watched Looper and I am now convinced this is Bruce Willis. Any scenes of him running or walking any distance are from far away, and when you do see him close up and moving, he seems to be moving rather slowly.
