Monday, January 28, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Dilemma

This actress is a solid B lister. After years of being an almost A and years being a C and close to being forgotten, she has pretty much solidified herself in the B range. Back in the day when she was A list she made a huge mistake and it nearly cost her a career. It took a long time for her to bounce back from that mistake and she thinks about it all the time. She loves being famous. She loves it more than anything and she knows that she needs to act to be famous. She does not want it to go away again. On the set of her latest show she met a guy and one thing led to another and our married actress has pretty much given up on her marriage and loves being with this actor who is not as well known as her, but is ten years younger and she thinks she is in love. The dilemma is that people actually love her husband. Throw in the fact she has a child or two or three and she sees herself being blasted by everyone for having an affair and her career in the toilet again. She wants to see if her show is a hit before making a decision about whether to take everything public. She has done subtle things like stopped wearing her ring and getting her own place, but her husband is such a nice guy that he just focuses on the child(ren) and lets her do what she wants to do. He won't blab or sell a story. He will just keep raising their kid(s) like he always has.


  1. i was with winona ryder until the married with kids part!!!!!

  2. "Subtle things" like getting her OWN HOUSE?! I don't take a hint well, and even I would pick up on that.

  3. I wanted this to be Winona Ryder so badly. Then Enty said married with kids. I have no idea at all!

  4. "After years of being an almost A and years being a C"

    "Back in the day when she was A"

    Was she A or almost A? Make up your minds Enties.

  5. Keri Russell on The Americans?

    Mistake was cutting her hair.

    Roman Blat is eight years younger than her.

  6. Who is married and starting a new TV show and has a super sweet husband???

  7. I have faith in you guys to guess this.

  8. oh, how badly i want this to be Angie Harmon

  9. Keri is a great guess @Cathy

  10. But what mistake did Keri make?

  11. Anonymous10:22 AM

    She thinks about her drastic hair cut all the time? Please let this one be more complex!

  12. Oh please not Keri, I love her!

  13. I just want to know who her hubby is so I can pick up the broken pieces and love him how he should be. It's sad when really good men end up with these self-absorbed pieces of trash and vice versa. I can't find a good man to save my life but this is proof that they are still out there! The best of luck to him and the children.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      @miss girl preach! the good ones go for trash while we sit at home eating fudge covered potato chips

    2. @nessa lmao, I've seen those but am nervous to try them. Are they really any good?

  14. Dude is lucky as hell. She has new dick to focus on, instead of trying to make him miserable and using the kids to accomplish it. I'm going on year 3 of that.

    If she is the bread winner, he should negotiate a higher allowance or kicker in the pre/post nup.

  15. Keri Russell fits the description

  16. I don't its Keri bc her husband isn't famous (according to imdb) - Shane Deary. She does have two kids though

  17. People love Keri Russell's husband? Who is he?

    I've been trying to go through the new 2013 shows, but am having trouble coming up with someone married to someone who I recognize.

  18. Who is Keri Russel married to? She made a HUGE mistake cutting her hair after only one season of Felicity.

  19. Sarah M Gellar and Freddie P Jr??

  20. Keri fits I guess but I don't know if she's the slam dunk guess for this. I just looked up new shows debuting and got nothing. Sarah Chalke was the only other name I recognized but I doubt this is her.

  21. How about Anne Heche in Save Me? People do love her husband (James Tupper) and she has at least two kids. She had that breakdown/alien thing a while back which definitely made her drop to C list or below for a while.

    The only part I can't make work is the co-star. They've had a few re-casts though so it could be someone that isn't in the pilot.

  22. Sarah Michelle Gellar?

  23. I like Crystal's guess!

    This totally sounds like SMG! Everyone loves Freddie P

  24. wow love the keri russell/hair idea

  25. i'm out of the loop but does SMG have a new show? and what was her big mistake that almost wrecked her career?

  26. I don't buy a haircut as a career killer. I think it must be something like Winona's shoplifting, Michael Richards' ranting, Rob Lowe's underage threesome or Suzanne Somers trying to get more money for Three's Company. So who's done something like that?

  27. Claire Daines and Hugh dancy?

    1. Who would be the younger man?

  28. what did claire danes do?

  29. The only problem I have with Keri Russell for this is that her husband is a carpenter, and 'people love him'/she'd be public ally shunned for the divorce make it sound as though the husband, too, is an actor/personality.

  30. Good guess, Lee Anne!

  31. I thought Sarah Michelle Gellar. Anne Heche or Keri Russel are good ones too.

  32. Aww, I love Keri Russel! I hope she isn't a cheater!

  33. Ok. SMG doesn't work at all. No new show. Unless The Wonderful Maladys has been bought and will air soon.

    Claire Danes just had her first baby, so I can't see this being her. She's a had few affairs in her time, but did any almost ruin her career? Maybe the Dexter thing?

    1. The Dexter affair was Julia Stiles. She has a new show, but I don't think she is married.

    2. I always confuse those two! I thought it was wrong when I typed it out.


      So it's not Claire! Yay, bc I like them together.

    3. Claire Danes home wrecked the shit out of Billy Crudup and Mary Louise Parker. I believe MLP was 7 or 8 months pregnant when he left her for Claire. It DID take a long time for her career to recover, but my understanding is that Homeland is a hit. It won a ton of Golden Globes (as did Claire personally) and she thanked Hugh Dancy who was in the audience rooting for her. Not Claire.
      Sarah Michelle Gellar is great guess, her big mistake might be how she decided to quit Buffy to focus on movies, but didn't tell any of the other cast or crew. They all found out they were losing their jobs in a magazine interview, I think. Her movie career never really took off and she has a newish show called Ringer, but I think it's already a season or two old. Unless its been cancelled already.
      I'm not as familiar with Keri Russel, but she could fit as well.

  34. Maybe it just means that people love her husband for being a normal, hard-working guy - it doesn't actually say that he's famous.

    Claire Danes doesn't fit because Homeland is already a hit.

  35. Count me in as one of the ones who really hope the supposed "career killer" wasn't a fucking hair cut. That's just ridiculous.

    1. RQ - it did almost ruin the show. People stopped watching and it was almost cancelled.

      But I don't think this is her.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Hi guys! I don't have a guess, but have lurked for a LONG time. I was just laid off this morning, so I may become a more active part of this site. Hi to you all! Dia, you have steered me in the right direction so many times. I love your attitude and positive take on life. I know TMI, but reading all of the commenters on here, just know that you make so many people's days! Hi CDaNers!

    1. Hi, ermygad (sorry if I spelled that wrong - if I scroll back up and check, my keyboard will freeze up!). So sorry to hear about your layoff, but happy that you decided to start commenting.

    2. @ermagerd - welcome! I wish it was under better circumstances, though. I hope you can use this lemon as an opportunity to find your true passion and do that instead. My grandmother always told me that things work out in the end. She lived through the Great Depression and just passed away at 92. It just sucks when you're in the trenches. Sometimes a total fresh start is just what you need. And prayers! I ask for divine help everyday!!!

      I hope we can spread some cheer your way and know that you're not alone in the CDaN-verse. And thank you for saying those sweet things about me. Your comments totally made MY day!!!

    3. Hi and welcome! I'm so sorry to hear about your job, but I hope you're able to find some support and comic relief here :)

  38. Jennifer Grey. Nose job the big mistake???

    1. Yesssss! She has said the nose job was a big mistake!

  39. This had better not be about Megan Fox not doing Transformers 3!

  40. Sarah Michelle Geller.
    Husband: Freddie Prinze Jr.
    Mistake: Quitting Buffy.
    Affair: Ioan Gruffudd
    Worked together on: Ringers.

  41. Anne Heche is a good guess.

  42. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Claire Danes hooked-up with Billy Crudup who was with Mary-Louise Parker at the time and Parker was 7 months pregnant at the time. I'd call that a mistake that made Claire look awful.

    1. This is the one I was thinking of! Not the Dexter thing.

      I knew there was a taudry event but couldn't remember.

    2. There was also Ben Harper...

  43. Can't find any hints in the DM for this one. What about Julia Styles? Is she married with kids? I don't think so and I would guess having another affair would definitely kill her career.

    Jaime Pressley? I'm grasping here.

  44. Keri Russell's haircut might seem trivial, but it was actually a big frickin' deal at the time. The president of the network actually blamed her haircut for the decline in ratings for the show.

  45. I never watched Keri's show, but even I remember the stink that raised about her cutting her hair. It was a HUGE story at the time.

  46. Claire Danes had an affair with some guy whose partner, Mary Louise Parker, was many months pregnant. But I agree homeland is already a hit so probably not her.

  47. I hope it's not Buffy, but Freddie is pretty much known as a nice guy. She quit Buffy and broke my damn heart.

    I'm flying in the face of self-shame by saying Alyson H could also fit but for the mistake part (but I won't b/c I *adore* her!).

    Haha, I so subtly got my own place last week. Mr didn't even notice. {eyeroll}

    1. @Prolixe, I just read this blind & got a place real quick. :)

  48. Katherine Heigl maybe?

  49. I think this is Claire Danes and she's having an affair with that psycho CIA agent who stabbed the hot ginger during questioning. She messed up when she took off with Mary Louise Parker's BF.

    1. I almost am always a lurker but your description of the psycho cia agent and hot ginger made me laugh out loud. Thanks :)

    2. Full-time lurker here, but I'm with you. The giggle I got from the "psycho CIA agent who stabbed the hot ginger during questioning" was the best giggle in days. Thanks so much!

  50. If Jennifer Grey has a new show coming out, that's a GREAT guess. People love her husband (Clark Gregg) as Agent Coulson in the Marvel Universe/Avengers movies.

    1. Yes, Cara -don't know who threw her name out there, (see my aforementioned keyboard problem) but I'm off to IMDB now. The nose job was a HUGE career killer for her!

    2. Gaaa! No new series listed on IMDB.

    3. @Cara- I didn't know Jennifer Grey was married to him!

  51. prolixe - I loved Buffy!!! So that's why it ended bc SMG didn't want to continue. It had been on forever and was on a new network. I just thought it had run its course and was a natural ending.

    However, I still want this to be her. And I thought oh no Allyson H! But her pics in the DM yesterday make them look very much together. And her show is not new anymore bc it's on every night in reruns!!!

    1. I don't think that is true. I think the network cancelled bc of diminished viewers...

    2. Nope. Joss Whedon had more seasons planned. SMG pulled a cunt move and quit, forcing the show to end early, and it backfired as no one wanted to hire her as anything other than Buffy for a long time.
      Alyson Hannigan was pretty candid about not being happy with her. A lot of people lost their jobs so she could fail at movies.

  52. That almost killed her career. I remember there was a huge backlash at the time - he was the guy who was in "Almost Famous" (brain is NOT working this morning!)

  53. @Katherine - wish I'd read your comment before making mine. I could not remember his name for the life of me, but Billy Crudup pretty much ruined his career by dumping a pregnant Mary-Louise Parker to run off with Claire. Everyone hated Claire after that, and some still do. I think everyone loves her Brit Hubby.

  54. Sorry if I intruded. Back to lurking lol!

    1. Stop Lurking! Be out and proud! A proud Entity!!!

      Haha! It makes the time pass when that evil voice in your head starts talking crap.

      I actually have to get to working. But the ladies will take good care of you!

    2. Don't go back to lurking @erma -- some of us get here when we can get here. Folks like Dia and Frufra and others are core commenters, but they have their own stuff to do too. People respond when they can! Sorry about the job! Promise yourself that after a week's recovery, you will put out at least on application for every CDAN blind you read and it'll make the in-between stage go faster! ;)

  55. I don't buy the Kerri Russel guess. She was big back with Felicity was on and had a movie with Tom Cruise, but she never seemed to do anything to achieve fame. She always was very low-key and not in the tabloids even when her show was huge.

  56. Keri definitely fits. I remember after she did that, the network started adding clauses to everyone's contracts that they couldn't alter their appearance without getting it cleared first. So yeah, something as trivial as a haircut WAS considered a huge mistake.

  57. @dia - I read an article where Joss was incredibly nice about the whole thing, but you could just kind of that undertone of how p*ed everyone was. The show would not have in any way worked without her, she knew it, and put the entire cast & crew out of work. I think some moved over to Angel, tho.

    This is a loooong shot, but what about Megan Fox? Her big mistake was firing off at Bay, then walking out of the Transformers franchise before the BAG. Plenty of people outside of gossip-land might still think of the BAG as a nice guy (David Silver) who doesn't blab.

    Claire Danes & the Beckhams are featured multiple times in DM today.

  58. I really like the Katherine Heigel guess.

  59. @ermagerd, what crap news. :( Sorry to hear it.

    Hope your day is good - have a CDaNtini! :D

  60. People did blame Keri's haircut for Felicity's lower ratings. She was an It girl and I could see her blaming the fallout from her haircut to the show ending sooner and losing out on other career making roles. She may wonder what could've been different if she hadn't cut the hair. Sounds silly, but silly things can make or break someone in Hollywood.

    Also, the husband may not be famous since he's the one raising the kids. She's the breadwinner with the crazy hours and commitments. The "people" who love him may be friends and family and not necessarily the general public. If he's terrific, she'll be the bad guy.

  61. um freddie prinze jr is a scumbag skin hound ... and I've seen him in action first hand.. while smj was pregnant....

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I was with Claire Danes all the way because she does look pretty cozy with Damien Lewis in red carpet photos and supposedly the reason he didn't mention her in his Emmy speech was because he made a joke about her baby being a ginger and didn't want the press to take it the wrong way. However:

    1. Hugh Dancy is 2 or 3 years older than her. He's not famous either.

    2. She has 1 kid and the blind mentions multiples.

    3. She never wanted to be famous. If she did, she would have pimped herself out more when her career was in a lull.

  65. I was thinking Katherine Heigl too. But is she in a new show?

  66. I could get onboard the Claire guess, the rumor is the her hubby prefers the gents.
    Damien is older than Claire, so that doesn't work. Rupert Friend, the CIA guy, is only a few years younger. I can't think of anyone who stands out besides him as a younger male of relevance on Homeland. Ideas?

  67. So many of the clues fit Claire Danes (the affair with Billy Crudup), but I just have a gut feeling she wouldn't be looking to leave Hugh since they just had a baby. Plus the blind says the affair is with an actor 10 years younger. Could the hot CIA officer be that much younger? I also don't feel anyone has to see if Homeland is going to get picked up - it's one of the hottest shows on television

    That said. . .
    *crickets* I got nothing but I want to dwell on this all day. It's a good blind!

    Ugh - that sucks about your job. I wish you the best of luck and a positive outlook while you get through this. Don't be shy about commenting. To this day I remember Libby was the first person who "talked to me" here. How sad that I remember that! :)

  68. It doesn't quite work with Danes, though. "Throw in the fact she has a child or two or three" implies that there's more than one. Plus I don't buy the "She loves being famous. She loves it more than anything" part.

  69. Guys, Homeland has already had two seasons with high ratings and critical acclaim/awards. There is no question about if it is/will be a hit.

  70. Oy - it takes me way too long to type. Didn't mean to dupe the last few peeps above me :)

    But at least you guys know I think CIA guys is Hot Stuff, and that LIbby is my CDAN friend 4EVAH

  71. I can't escape the previews for Keri Russell's new show. My bf said last night that it was nice of someone to give Felicity a job.

  72. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I like the Jennifer Grey guess.

  73. I don't think Heigl or SMG have new shows coming out. "Homeland" is already two seasons in, not new. Plus it's a huge hit.

  74. How about Jenna Elfman?

  75. What about Jessica Alba? although every time I read her husband's name, I'm like, "WHO?"

  76. 'homeland' is a hit and is a go for another season.

    claire danes, this is NOT. she's not solid B. she's A. she's won everything for that show. and i think crudup's career suffered for her affair with him---not her.

    she had a 3 year break from acting to go to yale. it had nothing to do with billy---that happened later. other than that, she's worked steadily.

    nothing about this blind fits her.


  77. Keri Russell is in the DM today, at a screening of "The Americans". She's not wearing her wedding ring in the photos, and her husband didn't attend, according to the article.

  78. Not saying it's her but that whole Felicity Haircut "Scandal" is insane and hilarious looking back on it. The show was had buzz and accolades(back when the CW/WB mattered) and then she cut her hair and the world went "Ohhhh!" Then everyone moved on to Gilmore Girls.

    To be honest I downloaded an older show she was on with Dudley Moore and her hair on there is pretty hypnotic.

  79. SMG is almost four years younger than Ioan Gruffud, so that one is out. Can't you lazy newbies spend an extra minute and IMDB people? Or do you just pull them out of your a**e* like smelly poopies?

  80. On the red carpet last night Claire Danes mentioned taking off her wedding ring.

    On a side note: GOD SHE'S A GREAT ACTRESS BUT SO FULL OF HERSELF. Even gets that fake Brit accent when she talks about being an actor. Ugh barf.

  81. Ermagerd I can't read your username without seeing the "errrrmergerd" girl in my head. Welcome! I'm sorry it is under such unfortunate circumstances though.

    Sunny I still remember one of the first people to talk to me, twas our dear friend Reeses Peace. Coming out of lurkerdom can be scary, especially when you have been lurking for a while and see all the other posters interacting.

    And I have no clue for this blind, but you guys are doing great without me!

  82. Uhh Aly SMG isn't married to Ioan. Pot meet kettle.

  83. Thanks everyone for the support! And Dia, as usual you had the perfect thing to say. There are bigger things ahead of me.

    So if I am going to brush off my sleuthing skills, does anyone have a link to the rating system that JSierra was so wonderful to put together?

  84. Oh there you are JSierra! Yes, it was based on the "Goosebumps" meme lol!

    Do you have a link to your "ratings" spreadsheet?

  85. Almost every article written about Keri Russell still mentions the hair cut. Yes, it's absurd, but it definitely hasn't gone away.

  86. JSierra, duh, Aly's talking about people thinking of Ioan as the boyfriend.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. @Nervous Nelly

    There's probably a trace of a British accent there because she spends a lot of time with British people, between her costars and her husband. That happens with some people, especially if they're good at adapting certain voices for certain roles. When I visit my mother for a day or two, I start thinking in Spanish because she speaks it. And I didn't start studying Spanish until junior high.

  89. In addition to the aforementioned reasons, Danes doesn't work for me because the BI implies that the husband has been taking care of the kids for a while. Danes just had their baby six weeks ago.

    Keri Russell does seem like a great fit, especially with The Americans premiering soon. The only hangup is that since Felicity ended, she hasn't done much of prominence -- well, not really enough to maintain the implied level of fame.

  90. No no not Danes, she is definitely low key, doesn't seek fame - you never see her anywhere except at press and award shows. She's also an A, has an infant. I think people still want to hate her, but I like her even more these days especially after that kindness. IF she wanted to be famous that would be all over the news.

    It amuses me to say I guess Keri does fit even tho the whole hair thing is a joke. And I read a quote from Whedon that he loves her and wants to work with her again, but he hasn't has he? She is not at all a fame whore tho, she keeps pretty quiet, I dunno.

  91. No no not Danes, she is definitely low key, doesn't seek fame - you never see her anywhere except at press and award shows. She's also an A, has an infant. I think people still want to hate her, but I like her even more these days especially after that kindness. IF she wanted to be famous that would be all over the news.

    It amuses me to say I guess Keri does fit even tho the whole hair thing is a joke. And I read a quote from Whedon that he loves her and wants to work with her again, but he hasn't has he? She is not at all a fame whore tho, she keeps pretty quiet, I dunno.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Claire Danes had an affair with Billy Krudup while he was with Mary Louise Parker...and Billy ditched Mary Louise Parker while she was 7 mos pregnant to be with Claire.

  94. I don't think it's Kerri Russell. She seems to down to earth. I can't remember how long ago it was but a pap took a picture of her out and about in New York with very little make up on, her baby was in a harness around her chest and she was carrying one of those old lady type grocery carts. This blind is about someone very addicted to fame, if it were Kerri, that pic I just described would have never made it to the light of day. Just sayin' :)

  95. The whole Keri haircut thing:

    TPTB tried to blame the ratings dive on that, but what happened is: TPTB moved the show to the WB... which NOBODY carried at first. Not satellite, not cable; THAT's why people weren't watching Felicity. TPTB just didn't want to admit that moving the show to the WB was a bad move (at first, the channel was picked up after a while). So they blamed Keri's hair.

    But I still don't want this to be her; I'm voting SMG, just because Freddie P JR seems like such a nice guy.

  96. There were serious rumors about claire having issues with her hubby b/c he was jealous of her career. I think this is her, she has met someone new and wants to move on but scared bc of the huge scandal of her past. I remember the Billy crudup scandal was huge back in the day

  97. @ermagerd - I am sorry to hear about your job! I got fired once (not even laid off) for smarting off to my asshole boss. I was initially humiliated and distraught but IIt was one of the best things that ever happened to me - I used the time to learn HTML (back in the day) and some guys that worked down the hall from me with their own business got me a great job. It was the best job I ever had and I was happy there, unlike the place I got fired from.

    I hope better opportunities come your way and you can trudge through this. Lots of luck!

  98. Noxema girl & McSteamy, or dreamy, whichever one he was...

  99. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I checked imdb and none of Keri's co stars that were listed fit for 10 yrs younger. Unless Jennifer Grey has a show coming out I think she's out. Claires out because Homeland has been a hit for at least 2 seasons and she's A list TV. I feel we havnt gotten it yet....SMG could work but again I don't know if she is working on a show right now. This ones tricky.

    1. @katydid one of Keri's coworkers fit the bill, the Roman Blat guy is abt ten years younger. I think she fits the best.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      8 years I guess it's close enough especially how Enty likes to fudge -guess I'll keep her on the list I still feel like there's someone we're missing....

  100. Oops - the part she regrets is killing that kid... And she should.

  101. @ MadLyb - I was miffed at Claire Danes for a long time, first for leaving My So Called Life (apparently she didn't want to do anymore seasons after the first so they canceled the show) and then her affair with Billy Crudup, but after that reveal I think differently about her.

    @ ermagerd - Welcome! I hope things get better for you. Remember, when one door closes, another opens. :)

  102. Ermagerd it's

  103. For some reason, I am obsessed with this blind. I agree with katydid - I don't think we have it yet. I have reread, and I am stuck on this line:

    "She loves being famous. She loves it more than anything and she knows that she needs to act to be famous"

    Could this be someone whose mistake was going into another field, such as singing or ???? But that didn't pan out, so she needed to go back to acting to maintain her celebrity?

    I think maybe he got frustrated with our lack of research when throwing out guesses, but we need SpaceCowboy78. Have we lost you for good, Sir?

  104. ClaireFrasier - Felicity was ALWAYS on The WB.

  105. @ermagerd - Welcome..We're in the same boat so I, too, can sympathize. It's been hard motivating myself to look for a job. Hang in there!!!

  106. I totally think this is Kerri Russell. Cutting her hair killed Felicity and ratings dropped. She didn't get work for about 3 years. Her career now is slowly starting to build back up and she's even done a few movies. SHe now had the American's starting, and if that show is a big hit, she'll probably leave her husband.

    Enty doesn't say anything about the husband being a celebrity or actor. Enty just says people love her husband. He could be referring to her friends or other castmates and people who have met him who like him.

  107. THIS IS NOT CLAIRE DANES. Her show is already a hit, does not fit the clues. There's no one on Homeland that is 10 years younger than her (Rupert Friend is TWO years younger than her--she's 33, he's 31), does not fit the clues. NO NO NO.

  108. I like the Jennifer Grey guess, but Keri Russell fits, too....

  109. I agree with the caller that mentioned mcsteamy or Eric Dane, & Rebecca Gayheart. I don't honestly know why they popped in my head here. except Rebecca's career has been stalled (at least in IMDB's time line) since 2009, and suddenly she's got a new movie (comedy) dated 2013.

    All I know about the 2 of them (besides the fact that Eric Dane is HOTHOTHOT) is that Rebecca was in that accident in what 2001?

  110. I was gonna say Juliana Margulies because she turned down the BIG bucks when she left ER and then didn't do much for a long time. But The Good Wife is a solid hit. Her hubs is a hunk and people love him though...Kerri Russell sounds much better.

  111. @ Me2
    Noxema girl and her crack-head hubby are in the DM but she doesn’t have a new TV show in the pipeline. I think she killed a little boy when she jetted-out in front of a school bus that was stopped in traffic or something. I also think Brandy did something obnoxiously similar? Let’s not forget the photos of the 2 of them smoking crack and having a 3some w/ that Celebrity Rehab trainwreck Keri Anne Peniche. Yes, Noxema girl could use a career comeback but it’s too bad that she doesn’t fit all of the clues.

  112. yeah i like eric dane but the blind item clearly said husband well liked. I remember the 3 some was a few years ago wasn't it? Also I know that enty mixes up the details a little bit sometimes doesn't he?

    Whoever this is it makes me so sad.

  113. I know I'm way late (that's why I usually don't comment), but I remember reading an article about Keri Russell after the haircut where she mentioned that it was actually the show Producer's idea and the show's hair stylist did the cutting. They were all surprised about the backlash. The idea was for it to be about Felicity's new sense of freedom or something.

  114. Claire Danes. She messed around with Billy Crudup while Mary Louise Parker was pregnant with his child. Supposedly things aren't so rosy with her and Hugh Dancy.

  115. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ioan Griffudd (Mr. Fantastic!) on the Identical Twin Show...But that was cancelled...Also Ioan is married and has a child himself.

  116. @ermagerd, welcome!! Sorry about your job loss. Good things to come!

  117. Jada Pinkett Smith and Will?

  118. Anne Heche isn't known for having a strong conscience.

    Are Ashley Simpson and Pete Wentz officially divorced? She made an SNL mistake, and Pete is usually seen with the kid.

  119. I would have said Courtney Cox but all of this has already happened to her.
    Keri Russell seems a good guess, although I don't buy her loving being famous.

    Maybe Brooke Shields who is gonna be on 'Army Wives'. She seems to love being famous.

  120. Keri Russell's husband is an unknown entity. The actress in question doesn't want the public to hate her again, it doesn't say a word about her caring what her friends and family think. It doesn't fit.

  121. Also, one relative hit on the WB did not make Keri Russell A list anything

  122. I thought of Alyson Hannigan mostly because of the "she loves being famous" part. There was a reveal recently where Enty said she would call the paps and walk slowly when being photographed and coaching the kids on how not to act for the paps.... Also, her husband is Sandy Rivers in HIMYM; a recurring role where "everyone" would love him(everyone being her coworkers) but hes not very famous, or at least I had no idea who he was. Cant think of a mistake she made, but I also havent followed her career much.

  123. Ringer was a blink & you'll miss it, one season only. Too bad, it was an interesting premise.
