Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Dares

This A+ list mostly movies now Academy Award winner/nominee actor has always been known for his sense of humor and willingness to do anything if it sounds fun. At least he has always claimed it. This Academy Award winner/nominee B- list actress decided to put him to the test. While making a movie together she challenged him on the very first day with a list of 20 things and bet him $25K as to who could finish the list first. The catch was that each item on the list had to be witnessed by someone who needed to sign off. there were childish things like stealing everything from the craft service table and taking it to your trailer, but there were also things like stand naked outside your trailer for 30 seconds in the daylight. Apparently they both did that and had some people watching too who were the witnesses. Another of the items was to have phone sex while on the set, loud enough for people to actually stare. They both did that too. Surprisingly, one of the items that was hardest for him to accomplish was finding five people to make out with. Apparently despite the best efforts of the very good looking actor, it took him almost the entire shoot to find five women willing to make out with him. The actress had no such problems and found five takers in a matter of minutes and had them lined up and signing off on her list. The one thing our actress did not do was have sex with the actor who tried and tried. She did end up having sex with another of her co-stars but she said it was purely a stress reliever and told him not to bother calling her, or thinking it was going to happen again.


  1. Tommy Lee Jones and Sissy Spacek in Coal Miner's Daughter.

  2. I'd say George Clooney, but he's ALL movies now, not just mostly.

  3. George Clooney & who?

  4. my first thought was James Franco and Mila Kunis but I dont think she got an Oscar nom for Black Swan, so I'm out of guesses.

  5. Robert DeNiro and Jennifer Lawrence is all I got.

  6. This one is fun. I thought Clooney too.

  7. Andrew, I thought she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress.

  8. What about Clooney and Julia Roberts. Don't they sort of compete in challenges?

  9. I immediately thought of Dustin Hoffman because he has a great sense of humor but he doesn't really fit.

  10. Oops sorry I guess Julia is not B-. Unless you saw Eat, Pray, Love.

  11. RDJ & Noomi thingy in the last Sherlock movie Jude law being the shit lay

  12. I thought of Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis in Natural Born Killers.

  13. Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter & Geoffrey Rush or Guy Pearce!

  14. Clooney is known as a prankster and although he's now all movies, he had a strong early career in TV, hence "mostly movies now." Bold co-star = Sandra Bullock in their new movie "Gravity"? Wouldn't call her B-list but who knows what that means...

  15. I don't think any of the actresses mentioned (Jennifer Lawrence, Mila Kunis, Julia Roberts, or Sissy Spacek-haha) are as low as B-.

  16. Woody is mostly movies, and known for his sense of humour. Juliette seems crazy enough to partake in this kind of stuff.

  17. Clooney def known for humor and fun. I'll go with him. And it would be a shock to find out he had a hard time scoring. No clue about the actress.

  18. Ha, and so the 5 people she made out with "signed off on it"
    "OK, I had fun, but, uhh, can you sign this paper verifying this encounter?"

  19. Here is a really easy link to the spreadsheet

    Just click right here

    This actor doesn't sound like too bad of a guy, especially when compared to a lot of the dick head horror stories that we hear all the time.

    1. This is awesome. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Wow - I'm book marking that for future reference! Nice work!!!

  20. I want to know who won!

  21. someone and cameron diaZ

  22. This is a fun one! The only actor that fits is Clooney.

  23. @Rosemary Young,

    I know that Clooney used to have a big TV career, but aside from one cameo on E.R.'s last season in 2009, he hasn't been on TV since 2000. No TV in 12 years doesn't sound like "mostly" movies, it sounds like "all movie."

    To be honest, I'm mostly playing devil's advocate because like someone said above, Clooney is a known prankster. I totally buy this being him despite Enty using mostly movie instead of all movie.

  24. For some reason my first thought was George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez movie was 1998's Out of Sight. They had a lot of sexual chemistry but could see her cock blocking him as she was more into the urban fellas back then. And everybody knows George loves a good bet.

    1. @Timebob that's a good one, wasn't even thinking back that far.

  25. I want to say Clooney as well but I don't think Clooney or RDJ would have a problem finding five women to make out with them. I'm willing to bet there are some takers on this post that would jump at the chance; well Clooney not so much anymore but I'm gamed.

  26. Does anyone else think Enty insinuated that they would've won last year and/or nominated this year? I know it's a shot in the dark but I think when he said is "now" it was a hint of sorts...

    Long time lurker ;)

  27. But Jlo was never Oscar nominated. That would be the last thing her ego needs.

    1. Yep, I must've skipped over that

  28. @Jason Blue Eyes, could you IMAGINE if that ever happened? Maybe Enty would have another clue about MV.

  29. George Clooney and Julia Robertson on the set of Oceans whatever.

  30. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Cloons is known as a prankster, but everyone would want to kiss him. Maybe Depp?

  31. Thank you, JSierra!

  32. Hugh Jackman qualifies as NOW an Academy Award Nominee (it's his first, I think). The B- list actress - Helena Bonham Carter, both filming Les Mis? Long shot

  33. Bradley Cooper, Julia Stiles would work other than she isn't academy award winner/nominee
    could be coop / Lawerence

  34. Marisa Tomei and George Clooney.

    Movie: The Ides of March.

  35. I'm hoping this isn't Julia Horseface b/c I totally like the chick in this blind -- living her own life, take-no-prisoners style. :D

  36. I was just going to say Brad Coop and Jennifer Lawrence. I refuse to call her Jlaw because that sounds too much like Jlo and one of those is enough.

  37. If it is Clooney, maybe he had a hard time getting takers since his current gf could easily beat the shit out of them?

  38. Clooney really works given his sense of humor. What about Vera Farmiga as the co-star? She was nominated for "Up in the Air" which definitely raised her profile to the B-range. Actually, Anna Kendrick was nominated as well.

    1. This was my guess too.

    2. I was thinking Clooney and Kendrick. Wasn't there some story about her bringing him a picture or magazine signed by Pattinson, ribbing Clooney about being the world's sexiest man and Clooney sending something hilarious back?

  39. Daniel-Day Lewis and Judi Dench. ;)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. oh damn, didn't see the actress was Oscar nom'd J.Lo is out.

    I was only thinking it would have to be in the late 90's or early 00's before everybody had a phone in their camera and before the social media explosion. I can't see anyone getting away with that now without the paps or civilian documenting it on camera.

  42. I'm assuming it's someone who is just nominated this year or just won last year...only because it says, NOW academy award winner/nominee

  43. I can totally see this being Clooney except I think women would be lining up to make out with him, even knowing it was just to satisfy a bet. I certainly would.

  44. Are we not thinking about Leo because he doesn't have a great sense of humor and/or there haven't been many women in his latest films? Just wondering, as he does seem like he'd do anything if it sounds fun (e.g. take poor Jonah Hill on a yacht filled with naked beauties)...

  45. Does anne hathaway fit? i can see her "im not sexy" act fronting for some daring behind the scenes action...and rumor has it she did sleep with christian bale

  46. I don't know why, but I feel like this is Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway. I could totally see both of them doing this.

  47. Anonymous11:07 AM

    ^^ I would gladly witness Hugh Jackman naked for 30 seconds... or longer if need be.

  48. I think this is Sasha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter on the set of Les Miz. He was nominated for writing and, while I know they're both married, they're the first names that popped into my head.

  49. I would thing Cooper over Clooney because if George asked me to make out with him, I totally would in a heartbeat. Though I do think Bradley is gorgeous, there is something about him. He seems kind of skeevy, like he's never really clean and his hair always looks greasy. I don't think he could pay me to make out with him.

    Some things you drop on the floor just don't get the 3-second rule applied to them.

  50. what bflogurl said = )

  51. @ Goober...i LOVE that guess. That's an awesome one. Has Sasha been nominated though? I'll have to look it up.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. SBC was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay.

  54. @VIcki LOL I was gonna say Orson Welles and Ruth Warrick.

  55. im not sure i would agree that sasha is "very good looking"

  56. This is obviously Dumbledore and Professor McGonnigal on the set of Harry Potter. Next!

  57. I seriously doubt Clooney would stand out side naked for ANY amount of time. He's too private for that, regardless of the fun and jokes side. He'd never do the naked part. Nor, the make out part, either. He's more monogomus (sp?) than that.

  58. No way, George Clooney couldn't find someone to make out with him.

    A list actor having probs getting someone to make out with him...Will Ferrell?

  59. I co-sign with crila16......Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway.

    And I would've guessed she'd've relieved a little stress with Amanda Seyfried until Enty put the "told him not to bother calling her" in there. So I'm guessing Sasha Baron Cohen as her lucky one-time-only co-star.

  60. I googled "prankster actors" and including George Clooney in the list was Sean Penn and Mel Gibson. Not sure if that helps.
    The line that throws me is "At least he has always claimed it." in regards to doing anything that sounds fun.

  61. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock.

  62. I like the Clooney and Tomei guess!

  63. I'm going with Clooney and Roberts...

  64. I really like Anne Hathaway for this, though she *just* got married. I'd like to think she wouldn't cheat.

  65. To be different? George Clooney and Renee Zellweger during Leatherheads, with John Krasinski as the one-off. Since the cast was mostly male, it would give her an edge and Clooney would have to convince non-actresses to make-out. On set, it's hard for the cast to get the production folks to look sideways at them, lest it cost the non-star his/her job (which happens far too often - if the star says 'replace that PA, she was rude to me' then the PA is gone in a heartbeat.)
    Besides, Renee strikes me as having that sort of humor.

  66. Anonymous2:06 PM

    George Clooney and Sandra Bullock

  67. The majority of women y'all are mentioning are A list, definitely not B- list. I mean, I don't have any BETTER suggestions, but still.

  68. I am wish Mala, I agree in George and Renee with the other dude being John K as the other dude. I seem to remember hearing rumors at the time about her and John

  69. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth - Hunger Games

  70. Actor- Woody Harrelson
    Actress- Jennifer Lawrence
    Actor That Tried and Tried- Josh Hutcherson
    Stress Reliever- Liam Hemsworth

  71. @mala im loving the renee and george guess and why it could be difficult for georgy to get a kiss

  72. George
    Evan Rachel Wood
    Ryan Gosling

  73. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I think Woody tried with Jennifer, but she said no. Josh likes boys.

  74. Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz. The Bourne Legacy.

  75. Could be a stretch, but makes sense. Renner as a "nominee" for the Oscar...Hurt Locker as the actual win.

    Weisz as B list and Oscar winner.

  76. Def Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter.

  77. seriously..am I the only one who thinks Sacha Baron Cohen is no where close to being "very good looking"? i just don't get the appeal = /

  78. What about Leo and Carey Mulligan on "Great Gatsby"? Both of them have Oscar noms and Carey is definitely B list, even though she is quite talented.

  79. I know this is really late, and no one will probably even see this, but the one actor that came to my mind that would have trouble getting people to make out with him AND he was known for his pranks was Mel Gibson. He just wrapped up a movie, Machete Kills with a bunch of women - Sofia Vergara, Amber Heard, Michelle Rodriguez, Vanessa Hudgens, Jessica Alba and Lady Gaga. Do any of those women fit the B- AA Nominee/winner category? Oh, and Charlie Sheen and Cuba Gooding, Jr. could have been the other actor that the B- actress slept with. Just a thought...

  80. Clooney and Anna Kendrick? She mentioned his pranks at an awards show in the past. Another prankster on sets is Brad Pitt, says Jonah Hill on a talk show.

    In the meantime, I guess
    Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour.

  81. Totally @Ludakristen. None of these women people are saying are B-. All more A

  82. timebob:When referring to Black people please don't use 'urban'. All of us are not from urban areas. I'm a Black woman from rural Virginia, as are millions of others.

  83. If I remember correctly, the only black man JLo dated was Diddy. I believe Timebob was referring to her whole style at the time (remember how she picked up with Ben Affleck right after Diddy, and worked hard to change his entire image?) which was very "urban". I mean, this is Jenny-From-the-Block (the block being the heavily Puerto Rican South Bronx) her "URBAN" image was very intentional and cultivated by her team. But "urban" is certainly not meant to be read as "black", otherwise you are way off track.

  84. ^ LOL! I'm pretty sure you just outed yourself as the prejudice one. JLo was into "urban" guys-rappers, wannabe rappers, urban-clothing/speak aficandadoes (sp) REGARDLESS of race. Exactly like Timebob said.

    It might be the wine talking but I think it's kinda sad you thought urban would = black to someone else. I'm all like "Awwwww B!" :/

  85. I thought of Kristen Wiig as the actress. Has she ever worked with Woody H.? She did work with Ben Affleck......

  86. I like the Clooney/Tomei guess too (movie was Ides of March).
    And there's this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/28/marisa-tomei-i-skinny-dip_n_984711.html

  87. Clooney and Tilda ftw

  88. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter (Lone Ranger or Sweeney Todd)
