Monday, January 14, 2013

Tina Fey & Amy Poehler Golden Globes Opening


  1. They look so great. Gowns fit like a GLOVE.

  2. These never work for me.
    Is it because I am on mobile?

  3. I'm going to get black balled for saying this, but I'm really not crazy about these two. Yes, some of the lines were good, but overall I really don't find either funny. I think they're too impressed with themselves.

    Ok now I'm going to hide while rocks are being thrown at me.

    1. @greenmountain, playground after school. Be there.


      I love them both, and thought they did a smashing job. Amy's zingers were good and not nearly a awkward as Ricky's were. The line about James Cameron, I almost lost it!

    2. I agree with you, @Greenmountaingal. Although I prefer them over Wiig.

    3. They're so bland! They're just not funny, what's the love about???

  4. Is it too late to replace Seth McFarlane with Amy and Tina?

  5. Aww, greenie - I'd never throw rocks at you, but I love these ladies! Agree to disagree?

    Thanks for posting the clips, Enty. I was watching hunting shows with Mr. F last night, so I didn't get a peek at the GG's. Love makes you do crazy things!

  6. Plus, I knew I'd get the 411 here today :-).

  7. Mr. Gervais was missed:)

    1. First time I've ever missed Gervais, ever.

  8. I love Amy soooo much. It sucks that Tina overshadows her so often. She's so bland and overrated.

  9. I loved it. They were great!
    @Green Different strokes is all:)

  10. I loved it. They were great!
    @Green Different strokes is all:)

  11. I loved it. They were great!
    @Green Different strokes is all:)

  12. @goes, I get them on mobile so it might be your mobile but it's not mobile in general. You might check your Internet settings.

  13. I loved them both. But then again, their shows are two of my favorites.

  14. Damn, sorry! On mobile, can't trash.

  15. I think they did an okay job. My favorite moment came when Tina told Swifty to take a break from boys and Amy said to leave Michael J. Fox's son alone. I also loved when Tina said to that Lena lady from the show "Girls" "Middle School, we helped you through middle school insinuating that Lena was calling them old.

  16. Thanks @Lola
    I get the blue Lego with question marks.

  17. I thought they SLAYED. Now, I didn't watch the whole thing, had to go to bed in the middle of the show, but the opening sequence was great - nothing too mean, nothing that made you squirm, but funny nonetheless. "If left untreated, HFAP can develop into cervical cancer..."

  18. Those 2 crack me up to no ends. Honestly, there's not very many people that actually make me laugh out loud. Also known

  19. I thought they were great and it shows you don't need to be insulting to be funny. Wish they could do the Oscars. Speaking of...loved her comment to Anne Hataway about Franco. Priceless!

    The only down side is I had to explain nearly all their jokes to my husband who is so clueless about the gossip we discuss here.

  20. Patty--OMFG, I had to spend all night explaining to my BF about SO many---Mel Gibson, Affleck/JLo, Leo, QT, and even RDJ!!!
    It was exhausting.

  21. I thought they were funny, but then almost everyone else who went on stage seemed to emulate their schtick, not always working

  22. I thought they did a fine job - if they weren't ballsy, people would complain about them being wimpy. Can't win. It seems better with 2 hosts, bc it allows for funny banter.

  23. I thought they were fantab last night. And the show seemed to flow nicely. I was shocked that it actually ended on time.

  24. I loved T & A and boy golly did they look great! Very good show overall, even if I didn't agree with many of the winners.

  25. @Libby, I'd get the look, followed by "what are they talking about?" However, he was able to explain in detail to our teen daughter about RDJ's history of drug use, jail and his comeback after I talked about Mel giving him a break in a film after he finally got clean and no one else would hire him.

    Which leads to another great line....RDJ is such a versatile actor. He played Ironman in three different movies!

  26. They did great. Two thumbs up. This clip doesn't involve the Taylor Swift dig and the bit they did when they were nominated.

  27. I'm just shocked that Mel was allowed in the room. And who was that sitting next to RDJ, and why was their table half-filled with children?

  28. Yeah, the Taylor Swift line cracked me up. Spot on :)

    I thought they were great.

    2 that were on my nerves? Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell. Ugh.

    1. Agreed. Add Wiig to my list of people I don't find funny.

    2. I enjoyed their bit

  29. Green I love these ladies, but def agree with you. I was disappointed with them hosting, it was no where near as funny as I Was expecting it to be. I still loved them as hosts, but it didn't live up to my expectations.

    The Swift jokes were grand though. Did she skip out before the end? I'm pretty sure Leo did.

    1. I keep meaning to tell you how much I love your avatar. I so want to take portraits of my kitties like that lol.

  30. Love tina. Love amy. Did not love amy's dress, style or color. However, i know im person it may have looked very pretty.

  31. It's funny cuz as I watched the show I was like Ooooooo he's mean and ugh she's coke mom. Made me look at these stars in a differnent light.

  32. Compared to how bad Ricky Gervais bombed last year, they did as good a job as when they used to co-anchor the SNL news together.

    Loved the glares they gave Lena after she unintentionally put her foot in her mouth saying she was fans of them since middle school.

  33. Wait, so is Debra Messing coke mom?

    Thanks Green, I'm not sure how but those kitties totally make Eric Northman even hotter.

  34. Amy Pohler is meh for me. I love Tina Fey though, and just this year I finally discovered 30 Rock (I know, I know, but it's on NBC, and I hate them!) Now I'm PVR'ing it constantly so I can watch the old eps. Fortunately, it's EVERYWHERE in syndication!

  35. Leave it to women to hit it out of the ballpark! :)

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I am a huge fan if both and thought they killed it. Even the small moments of the two of them in disguise or while waiting for their best actress category were funny. I thought Sasha Barn Cohen did his version of Ricky G and paled in comparison.

  38. i loved them as hosts, they only fell flat a few times, but recovered nicely...i thought they did great...and omg, tina finally decided it was ok to rock some gorgeous and did just that. i've never seen her look better. loved it!

  39. I only saw about 20 minutes of the GG last night, so thank you so much for posting the opening, Enty! I smiled throughout the whole thing - BEFORE COFFEE! That's quite a feat

    Curly - I agree about Kristen and Will. I adore those 2, but I hated their intro. Didn't it seem like the audience was throwing shade at them too? Yikes

  40. I loved the dig at James Cameron, he's such an asshole and it was perfect.

  41. I guess I'm in the minority - they were amusing but not laugh out loud funny. Tina's dig at Taylor Swift was the funniest thing.

    Was anyone else floored at how much Michael J. Fox's son looked like him? I kept thinking it was him up on stage. It made my heart break a little. Long live Marty McFly!

  42. I thought Tina and Amy did a fantastic job, they were every bit as funny as I wanted them to be. I also really liked Ricky Gervais, I thought he was fearlessly funny.

  43. I, like Adele, was "pissing my self laughing". I thought they did a fantastic job.

  44. Anonymous11:55 AM

    These two are comedy magic, why can't they get their own show where they get to do whatever the hell they want? Give them a sketch show!!!

  45. Both were fantastic and holy moly Tina Fey VA VA VOOM! She is aging fantastically. I thought they did a great job and their personalities compliment each other so well

    Also loved the Ferrell and Wiig bit.

  46. Cara---YES! It freaked me a bit too, because MJF doesn't age, except for the Parkinson's, so it was like seeing him up there, able-bodied Alex P. Keaton. Sad.

    But so great the MJF is up to working again. i just love that he keeps fighting, and works whenever he can. AWESOME.
    Having Tracy all these years---He is really lucky he found the right woman before it all happened, you know?

  47. I adore these ladies!

  48. They're sooooooooooo overrated!!! Urgh
