Monday, January 14, 2013

The Role Of Katie Holmes Could Have Been Played By Lindsay Lohan

As crazy is Lindsay Lohan is, I bet that she would still be married to Tom Cruise if he had picked her instead of Katie Holmes. Last week I told you about the new book about Scientology written by a Pulitzer Prize winner. Well, in another reveal from the book, apparently Tom cruise's team faked auditions for Mission Impossible and invited Scarlett Johansson, Kate Bosworth, Jessica Alba, Lindsay Lohan and Katie Holmes for a fake part. They all showed up, but Katie Holmes got the role. I wonder why they picked her? What did those matchmakers see in Katie that they also saw in Lindsay Lohan? Young and open to money persuasion? That photo above might be the only time Tom Cruise ever let Katie Holmes show any kind of cleavage.


  1. Katie was the most vulnerable and star struck one of all of them. She never stood a chance against tom and his zenu army of drones.

  2. Lindsay would NEVER take her talons out of Tammy's deep pockets!!!

  3. OMG, think of how different LiLo's life would be now if she had married Tom Cruise!! I mean that in a good way. His complete control would have prevented all of her legal problems. But then again, we wouldn't have had the magic that is Liz & Dick :)

  4. Even the girl that was in Mission Impossible 3 (Michelle Monaghan) reminds me alot of Katie Holmes but she married her boyfriend immediately after the shooting of MI3 so I guess she off the market.

  5. Agreed with @skimpymist. Katie was the most star struck. Saw a superold interview where Katie celeb crush was Tom Cruise and she even mentions wanting to marry him. Fast forward to the Tom Cruise wife casting call, Katie never stood a chance.

  6. He is so fucking creepy auditioning for wives & they don't even know it? Hmm, bet he picked Katie bc she seemed like the most controllable option.

  7. How can this be a reveal? I remember reading about these 'audtions' years ago, when Holmes and Cruise were still married.

  8. For crying out loud if Lilo had married Tom he would have been the one who was strung out by now.

  9. I think LL would be seen as too headstrong. WAY too much to handle.

    Katie is much more malleable, or was, Remember how she let that Chris Klein treat her? He was a nobody DOUCHE discovered by Alexander Payne. Katie deserved so much better and still does, i just wish she knew it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I cant totally believe that Katie was innocent in all of this!

  12. They thought they could control her, and the fact that she was already pregnant sealed the deal..

    I bet this would have been good for Lindsay...

  13. I heard Katie was his #3 choice. Scarlett was his #1 choice. Rumor has it that she went along with it for all of a day. She supposedly was at the Scientology church with him, and was invited to something to turned out to be a 4 hour meeting (or brainwashing session). When she thought she was finally finished and she could leave, they escorted her into another room for more meetings. That's when she said Forget this. This is bat-hit crazy.

    As for Lohan...she's too defiant. She would have outed Tom within a week, and would have robbed the church blind. LL also has no shame, so she'd be impossible to blackmail. She'd actually probably end up with more blackmail material against the church, than they would have against her.

  14. @crila, to be fair, the only way I might consider that Tom Cruise isn't gay is if LiLo said he was. No one takes her seriously, so it wouldn't matter what she said about him or Scientology.

  15. Omg YOU wrote about this exact story and exact list over five years ago????? Remember when "you" exclusively reported the interview with ScarJo and the Scientology center? Why the fuck are you reporting it again like its news?

    1. Because that was all it was, what people said happened.
      This is the legally vetted, lawyer approved, sources supplied eyewitness account of a blown $cilon. It's not gossip, it's the court proof reporting of fact.

  16. LL was already a mess by then. That alone makes me question this book. I don't care WHO wrote it! I remember the supposed auditions back in the day. Makes me wonder how often Swifty does

  17. Ok, this is why I have no sympathy for her. She chose this. Poor Katie indeed. Barf.

  18. This story about how Lindsay was "in the running" made the online media rounds months ago. Why is this news again?

  19. LiLo would have brought shame to the Scientology community. That's why they didn't choose her.

    That and her mother and father would be all over that like flies on shit.

  20. I love the idea of the Scientologists having to put up with Lindsay.

  21. Enty is quoting from a new book that is coming out Jan 17th.‘Going Clear,’ by Lawrence Wright. I don't think it's meant to be a reveal. UK won't publish the book.

  22. Let's put aside for a moment, the monumental hurdles that would have been required for LiLo to pass the interviews, charm TC and actually get down the aisle with him. I think she would be sober and still married today. But, man, would there have been drama behind the scenes! Cleaning up her legal messes, isolating her from her family (I hate that I'm on COS's side in such a scenario), detoxing. Damn! Of course, for all those reasons, she wouldn't have made it past the first date.

    It goes without saying that she would also be an automaton by now. Her marriage? Amazing. Her life? Amazing. Her stagnant career? Amazing. The forced detox? Amazing. Her new-found celibacy? Amazing. At least all the money and legit Hollywood clout would actually be, you know, amazing.

    I love that ScarJo put the brakes on the whole charade.

  23. I'm sure after five minutes with Lindsay (and a few items going missing) they wised up and sent her packing.

  24. I just really really really dont want to believe this is true, even tho all signs point to yes. As for linds, if she had gone with Tom, and hadnt kicked the 'rents and drugs, she'd be hanging somewhere with shelly!

  25. Katie was probably easiest to control I mean think about it if she wasn't Tom would've never gone for her. What he didn't plan on happening was how much damage being with her caused him.

    I never bought it was an arrangement at least on her end because no way would Tom agree to look as bad as he does right now. I think over time she realized she was being used and waited until she had everything set up in NY before she bailed.

    The fact Tom settled so quickly means Katie has something over him he doesn't want out there.

  26. I thought I read something about how Dina didn't want so much of their money going to Scientology. There's no way this family would sign off on that. They need every precious cent, obviously....

  27. I have sympathy for Katie, I think she was told what they wanted her to know. Remember the whole you can still be catholic and be a scientologist. I think she was promised the world, we know she was immediately being handled and monitored. We also know from past members that they control the information, I have no doubt that what she watched & read was selected by Tom and the church.

    What the church did not count on was that she would go full on momma bear when it came time for Suri to become active in the church. This is where the church clearly underestimated Katie.

  28. I'm not a particularly a fan but I have to concede that he does look good in that photo. His hair is nice sometimes when it's a bit longish.

  29. Aw damnit. Now I dislike Co$ even MORE. If they had picked LiLo she could've ended up in The Hole, never to be heard from again. ;(


  30. katie holmes is flat chested. i'm not sure how she has ANY boobage here, because she is about as flat as a person can be. remember right before the split was announced, and she was wearing all those tank-type tops? she had no boobs.

    1. I think she lost a great deal of weight during the marriage. She looked gorgeous through the endof her friendship with Posh, and then she started looking increasingly disheveled and gaunt.

    2. I think she lost a great deal of weight during the marriage. She looked gorgeous through the endof her friendship with Posh, and then she started looking increasingly disheveled and gaunt.

  31. teehee. i'm sitting here thinking what suri's burn book would read like if lindsay was the momma.

  32. Life is not fair. Oh, how I would have loved to see Miscaivagne (or whatever his name is) trying to control Lohan. hahaha She would have been considered a hostile from the start. Boy that would have been fun to watch. hahaha Damn! I wish he'd married her!

  33. Now she's flat chested but before she used to have boobs she was in The Gift and was topless in that movie.. I wondered what happened to them.

  34. I love this!!! Hahaha!! Come on Tom, give a crackie a second chance! She would rob them all blind, drive Miscavige to Zoloft and find Shelly in the process, one coke head can bring COS down.

  35. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I'd love it if they got together. It be the equivalent of loading virus software in to a computer, she'd infect them all! Katie was sweet, young, clean, not a druggy, easily manipulated. Lindsay is the opposite of all of those things, dirty, old before her time, druggy, manipulative, scheming, etc.

  36. LOLing at the thought of Tom trying to control the worlds most narcissistic person.

  37. Seriously, this is the oldest news. And Scarlett was actually cast to be in MI3 but Tom freaked her out with his Scientology stuff (remember the story about him inviting her out to dinner and it was actually with a whole roomful of Scientology folks?). For a brief moment that MI3 role was his opportunity to meet any hot young thing in Hollywood, but even then he made weird choices - does anyone remember any of Lohan's sad, bikini-clad attempt to do some boxing training?

  38. Now where did I read a quote that states Nicole Kidman kept her miscarried foetus frozen to prove it was Tom's in the event that she needed the ammunition? It was very recent - perhaps a quote from Lawrence Wright's new book?

    That, to me, suggests he's not gay. I have a feeling he's probably asexual ("someone who does not experience sexual attraction").

    And in my experience, gay men are WAY nicer and more fun than Tiny Tom appears to be. Yeah! That's my stance from now on: Tom's not good enough to be gay :D

  39. It would have been FANTASTIC if Lindsay and Tom had gotten together. The idea of Tom trying his darndest to flash that frozen "I am a big important movie star" smile for the paps as he helped a drunken Lindsay get up from the pavement in front of a night club while she babbled incoherently = priceless. Bet they'd have been a couple for all of a week before Tom couldn't stand it anymore.

  40. Katie looks great in this picture, he looks aged here.

  41. 1) Lilo wouldn't spend a penny on the church, and there's no way they'd approve of that!

    2) don't they believe that if you've taken drugs (esp. prescription drugs) then you're already broken?

    3) her image was already too screwed for TC - I'm surprised she made the list in the first place

    4) Katie was already pregnant and TC saw the opportunity to play 'bio dad' and increase his manly points. I reckon Suri's dad is Josh Hartnett, that she found out about the pregnancy around the time of the interview, and that she and TC fudged the birth date to throw people off. Josh and TC share enough physical similarity that TC must have thought he struck gold in addition to her being all 'OMG I had a crush and a poster and now we are getting married' on it. I also think Josh knows, was paid off, but regrets the decision - that's why he's on (or has been on) a bit of a downward spiral.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
