Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Police Chase On Television That Becomes Live Action

Just wait for it. It is worth it. (Thanks Mooshki)


  1. This looks fake... why does it go from a four lane highway to a residential neighborhood?

  2. I thought fake, too. Why was he filming the news in the first place? So he was ready with the camera when the "live" action was on tv?

  3. "Holy shit" is exactly what I would have said. And then The Short One would have chastised me for cursing.

  4. Watch it again - he turns from a four lane onto a side street

  5. that made me laugh so hard.

  6. They showed it on the news last night. NBC wouldn't fake something like this. They aren't Fox.

  7. Vicki hahaha ! You forgot about the nbc audio of George Zimmerman (among others).The one thing Fox does well is cover car chases, even if it includes showing the man blowing his brains out on live TV (thanks for that visual, Shep).

  8. Wow. But yeah... it's weird that he was video taping the television.

  9. Evidently a lot of people videotape stuff on TV and post it on Youtube. I don't know why. But yeah, this is real.

  10. I used to live in Inglewood. I know that area all too well.

  11. They said he was watching the chase and then realized the guy was coming through his neighborhood so he had the camera ready.

  12. Ok, I normally hate watching videos, but that was funny.

  13. This happened to me once back in the '90s when I was living in LA. It didn't come directly by my apartment, but when the chase got close, I ran outside to look at the helicopters as they passed.

    So, yeah. It's real.

  14. If you look on YouTube there are hundreds of videos of people filming the news in hopes that something cool will happen. These days everyone films everything in hopes of getting YouTube famous.

  15. I thought it was neat * shrug*

  16. anyone else think the car was gonna come through the front window?

  17. It's true! I've a friend in Hollywood (her address is Hollywood, she says it's the butt-skirt of Hollywood) and she said people there have the camcorder app set on their iPhone home screen "just in case."

  18. Jax I thought it was going to something along those lines. Something more than just drive by anyways.

  19. I thought the car was going to come through the window too, and I think the guy filming it did as well, because he said "holy shit" as it veered towards his house, not when the car first appeared. And it would be typical these days for someone to keep filming instead of running away. :)

  20. Agreed Jax, JSierra, Mooshki; I thought that was what he was reacting to. And as a movie connoisseur (twirls moustache) I think it would have added a certain je ne sais quoi top the production, don't you know.

  21. That was cool! There was a car chase outside my house several years ago. We lived on a corner and the car AND the cops came tearing through and cut the corner SO hard. I thought they were going to come right into our living room. It scared the shit out of me for sure. One car, and like 5 cop cars. I don't know why they do that, it's like in the movies where one cop car crashes and they all domino-crash after that. Nuts. I'm sure there's a reason for it, though.
