Sunday, January 06, 2013

Tempestt Bledsoe & Bill Cosby Reunite

It is a pretty aww shucks five minutes of television on Fallon from Friday night.


  1. A bit off topic, but I think Jimmy Fallon is an ass for badmouthing Jay Leno.

  2. Phon- didnt hear it. Pls tell me what he said.

  3. It was Jimmy Kimmel
    Not Fallon

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh chit sorry. Anne is right. It was Jimmy Kimmel, not Fallon. My apologies.

  6. My 9-year-old son looooves Bill Cosby. We are taking him to see Bill Cosby for his birthday in May.

  7. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I agree, with Anne. Why bad mouth someone in the press? Keep your private thoughts, in your private circle or in your head. There's absolutely no reason to go airing dirty laundry in public like that. I never had much respect for Kimmel anyways, even less so now. Stoopid!

  8. Bah, Kimmel's comments weren't that harsh. I'm sure people have said worse about Jay. *cough*I'M GOING TO KICK LENO'S ASS*cough*.

    He's trying to stir up attention for his time change. If he succeeds he succeeds, if he fails he fails.

  9. But Kemp IS an ass.

  10. Wow, she is really pretty.

  11. Back on topic:

    Cosby is amongst the few who should be put in a hamster ball and kept alive forever.

    That man is a treasure and had a hand in encouraging all the young actors on his show to pursue an education outside Hollywood.

    Class act. This was a fab clip Enty, thanks :)

    1. @Jas, was coming to say the same about Mr. Cosby. One of my favorite sitcoms ever. Cute new profile pic, btw. ;)

  12. "When I got my first set of grades, he posted them on his dressing room door, and I tell you, THAT was motivation."


  13. Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't keep the Jimmy's straight! I mean, I know very well the difference between the two people (Fallon=the nice funny sweet one, Kimmel=the one i dont care for as much)....I just always mix up the names.

  14. I admit I looove gossip... but I love positive posts even more :-) So glad Enty posted this! Their relationship is so sweet and she's grown into a beautiful woman. This really made me smile!

  15. I figure it's not worth taking the time to distinguish between the 2 Jimmys'..

  16. Jay leno stole Stuttering John right out from under Howard Stern as well a a slew of bits. Jay has no talent and he won't ask any hard questions of any celebrities..

  17. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw Leno. Old Johnny Carson shows are still funnier than all of them. I do like Craig, but rarely stay up that late.

  18. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't get the warm fuzzies from Cosby.

  19. The whole episode with Bill Cosby was hysterical. I was crying from laughter. One family vacations, we always listened to tapes of Cosby's stand up. Still quote it to this day!

  20. Lindsey -
    I was just about to say I could probably quote any scenario from the Bill Cosby: Himself standup video (yes, video!) or The Cosby Show episodes from the first 4 years (Dad is great! He gave us chocolate cake!)

    The scene where Theo tells his Ob/GYN dad that he just wants to be a regular guy was probably my all time favorite ("You plan on having a girlfriend?), along with when Denise makes Theo that busted ass shirt. Ha ha!

    Tempest is beautiful, Mr Cosby is as funny as ever, but Jimmy honey - lose the beard. Ack!

  21. ^i just laughed remembering the busted shirt episode.

  22. Ms. Pierce-

    Old Mr. Cosby is equal in cuteness to 100 kitties :)

    And thanks sweets~

  23. How about when cleo got an earring...or denise's regaee boyfriend singing on the couch

  24. Re Kimmel: He was totally Team Coco. Two years ago Kimmel did an entire episode dressed as Leno in a scathing impersonation the night Conan announced he was leaving the Tonight Show. Then he went on the Tonight Show and was scathing to his face.

    Kimmel idolizes Letterman and has nothing but good things to say about Jimmy Fallon. But Leno's name never fails to elicit explitives from him.

  25. I don't fault Kimmel for his opinions on Jay Leno, but I will take Craig Ferguson and Jimmy Fallon over either of them.

    This clip made me a little bit teary. It's so sweet that Bill Cosby talks about Tempestt Bledsoe as if she is his biological daughter.

  26. I can't watch the video, but from the picture it looks like she hasn't aged a bit!

    I LOVED the Cosby Show when I was little. Best thing ever.

  27. I'm with Jimmy Kimmel. Jay Leno is a POS. As soon as they tried to get Fallon for the Tonight Show slot after Leno was set to retire in 2014, he extended his contract. You just know he was going to do the same thing to Fallon as he did to Conan. This man will stab anyone in the back and act like he's the innocent party. There is a reason his competition can't stand him. He is a duplicitous slimeball.

  28. My favorite Cosby Show episodes are the one where they all get together to show Theo what it would be like on his own and Rudy is the landlady and the one where Claire breaks her foot on their anniversary and they chair dance. That was such a great show.



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