Monday, January 28, 2013

Taylor Swift Snubbed By Harry Styles In London - Returns The Favor In Paris

Last week Taylor Swift flew to London on her private jet to try and work things out with Harry Styles. She was rebuffed and ignored and told that there would be no getting back together ever. So, apparently Taylor has finally accepted that and finished writing all the songs and moved on to other European capitals until she found herself in France this weekend for the NRJ Awards. Last week she was hopeful that she and Harry would walk the red carpet together. When that failed, she made sure the organizers knew that she would be arriving last and that Harry Styles and One Direction needed to arrive much much earlier than her. They arrived about 30 minutes before Taylor walked the red carpet. She stayed to herself for the entire show and performed that never ever getting back together song and stared at Harry while singing it although I get the feeling that if he called she would get back together and then her whole album would be entirely screwed.


  1. Lame. It's like the teenage celebrity equivalent of passing notes in class and then pouting at the school dance.

  2. I will say this...she has AMAZING legs! Ahhhh what I wouldn't give to be in my early 20's again! :)

  3. There's something seriously wrong with this trick.

  4. Sorry if this is a repeat. Blogger ate my comment.
    What is wrong with this woman? Notice how she's been wearing sexy gowns and showing skin for the first time lately? That's fine and I don't blame her, but I think she might be nutty and I used to defend her.

  5. @RenoBlondeee: I've noticed the same thing. She's been vamping it up lately, which as you said is fine. But the cuckoo bells in my head are going off with this one. Clang, clang, clang!!!

  6. Girls, I'm starting to think she did have (small) implants done. I'm ashamed to admit that I looked at a comparison pic on some website the other day, and it seems likely. And I think she's cuckoo, too. I always thought her clothing choices were bizarre for a girl her age. She's always dressed like a school marm. Based on all the moms I know who think she's a great role model for their daughters (if they only knew!), I firmly believe the conservative dress was strictly PR.

  7. How about we snub them both?

  8. Well... as we've discussed before, symptoms of mental illness do begin to surface in the mid 20s. She's 23 now.

    Look out, barely of age teenage boys! Bitch be cray cray!

  9. MissInfo Taylor has an amazing body, not just legs IMO. I wish being 23 was all it took to look like that. I am currently sitting on my ass in full workout gear, and have been since 8am hoping it will make me get up faster to exercise. No such luck.

    Can anyone else picture Taylor locking eyes with Harry and not looking anywhere else her entire performance? That along with her horrible dance moves is giving me a good giggle this morning.

  10. @RenoBlondee and @ReesesPeace, I feel the same way. I used to defend her, but now I think she's crazy.

    To be fair (and because part of me still wants to defend her), didn't she already have a photoshoot scheduled in London when she was supposedly trying to get back together with Harry Styles? I wonder if he *actually* snubbed her or if she never had plans to see him in the first place.

    As for showing up later than One Direction for the awards show, that is a little sticking-it-to-him, but not an uncommon tactic. In America's Sweethearts there was an entire scene devoted to negotiating who would arrive first at a press junket.

  11. Anonymous7:21 AM

    So she's been internet-diagnosed as having mental illness, but instead of defending that, she gets p*ssed on even more by non-fans?


    1. @Layna...

      Yes, it's okay to attack the (Internet diagnosed) mentally ill if you don't like them. But God forbid you even suggest someone else is bi-polar.

      Contradiction, thy name is Internet.

  12. It's like she's perpetually 14!!!

  13. She's cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

  14. She is so creepy! She does have an awesome body. If she got implants, they at least are a normal size on her frame.

  15. As for boobie implants, here is a picture from 2010 where she is a lot less enhanced.

  16. @Layna, I don't think she is mentally ill. She is just incredibly immature emotionally.

  17. God, how old is she? She acts like a 6th grader.

  18. How much of this post is Ent's imagination? How much is realty?

  19. Natalie Maines was on Howard Stern a few weeks ago and said something very insightful. When you become famous you stop growing emotionally and become stuck in whatever age you first become famous. Which is why Natalie decided to take a few years off so she could grow emotionally as a person.

    Taylor became famous at what 15 16? so like @Puggle says she is just incredibly immature emotionally. Taylor needs to take a year off and try to become an actual person not a star fucker who is morphing into a Barbie doll with no soul.

    There are a lot more important things in life than just having a BOYFRIEND!!!!!

    1. This is a great point. Go to college, Taylor girl!

  20. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @PuggleWug: maybe, but she wouldn't be the first celebrity to fall under that header. At least she isn't stealing, driving around drunk, in court for breaking the law, etc.

    Not to mention that 'writing songs about breakups' is all Enty and other bloggers can harp on. Because that's all there is about her. Controversy doesn't follow her around, at least not yet.

    If this is the worst thing we have to say about Taylor, then how bad can she be? JMO.

  21. I think a lot of women act foolishly around boyfriends and ex-boyfriends in their early 20s. I certainly did. But I didn't have a full media blitz covering all my mistakes. Thank goodness.

  22. ^Those are good points, actually. And I LOVE Natalie. Amazing voice.

  23. That ^ was directed at Mayor timebob.

  24. thx Lelaina, and here is her perfomance of Mother by Pink Floyd she did on Howard. She is releasing an album of covers in a few months..She is one cool chick.

    1. Loved her until I had to work with her. The worst. Equal to Julia R. and Ashley Judd in terms of terrible.

    2. Sounds like a good story there

    3. Oooh @bri, do you think we could get a "for instance ..." on that?

      Gossip! Yummy!!

  25. I love Natalie Maines, too, and I'm glad she's getting some attention now.

    As for Taylor, I don't know what to think. I really think she's going through a difficult phase right now, and that she'll grow out of it. She will probably have to keep to herself for a year or two to get that done, though.

    JSierra, good luck with the whole workout thing. I've been meaning to exercise for the past hour, but haven't made it out of my pajamas. (I actually should have started work by now, but, again, I haven't made it out of my pajamas.)

  26. So when does the Grammy Award winning single "The Other Direction" come out?

  27. Anonymous7:44 AM

    She's in her twenties! Grow up girl. Come on now, you're not in high school anymore. Move on. Oh yeah, she got implants done. They're superobvious on her because of the lack of body fat. They're small and tasetful though. I agree that we all did this kind of stupid shit around that age, I know I did. It's just so painful to watch her go through it!

  28. So the little fairy snubbed her...big deal

  29. ... Where's the reference to this whole thing being fake? Enty's already mentioned it in tons of other posts before...

  30. I actually like the idea of her doing an album of covers because my complaint against her is that her songs are terrible. I'm glad she writing and making lots of money for it, but I personally think her writing is bland.

  31. Yeah. Harry will be a nobody in a few years...and Taylor will still be around. She does have great legs and a banging figure. It's too bad she's annoying.

  32. Has anyone actually heard Taylor say anything about going to London to get back together with Harry or is it just internet/blogger/gossip writer speculation? It's funny that if she is shown with a male -- ANY male --- she is automatically stalking/dating him and ready to write an album. She's 23 ffs and just like most 23 year old girls/boys I know. Just looking to have fun and explore life. What's wrong with that?

  33. @Cheryl-I think the album of covers is being done by Natalie Maines, not Taylor.

    I always defend Taylor know you've made it to the top when everyone tries to knock you down. Yeah, she does some really silly and immature things. But when I think back to what I did from ages 16 through 23, 24....good lord. What an IDIOT. Starting with my high school boyfriend, who had a girlfriend when I met him, but kept both of us pingponging back and forth between him. And then he turns up again when I was 21...the other h.s boyfriend. And the sh*t that I did in college, once I discovered beer? Including the one guy I chased just because he looked like Tom Cruise (there's a good laugh for all y'all!) YOWZA. I give thanks every day that there were limited cell phone cameras and no Facebook to document all the time I spent at the PiKapp & Kappa Sig houses. I can't even imagine.

    The drama all made sense then, and I didn't have the benefit of fame and fortune and hangers-on giving me and telling me what I wanted to hear. So yeah, she should be starting to grow up, and she will. If she's still doing stupid crap like this when she's in her late 20s (looking at you Lohan)then it's time for concern.

    I keep hoping she'll meet a nice guy who's a little older who can help her navigate life in the public eye a little better. My theory on why she's sticking with the younger guys is because that douchebag Mayer spooked her, AND I suspect a little PR manipulation to making her a professional beard. Keeps her outta trouble, keeps the up and comers on the covers of Tiger

  34. I don't mind Taylor either. People feel things so strongly at that age. She grew up performing, and didn't have the chance to be a normal teenager, so I just think she's doing it now. Lots of people love her, bc she's one of the best-selling artists...I was thinking that she's been dressing like Faith Hill lately. I think that's a good thing, though.

  35. MISCH said...
    "So the little fairy snubbed her...big deal"

    speaking of immature.

    Timebob, you are referring to arrested development and that is not the case here or with most child actors. Although I like Natalie, she is talking out of her ass.

  36. It just looked so desperate that she flew out to meet him in london. Yes, maybe he called but still looks sad. Oh well make the millions and try to grow up because dating 18 yr olds will just lead to teenager like breakups. But in the meantime, putting aesexual rumors out there will only make her look pure to the deeply stupid. Many people much more famous tested out relationships quietly without making out in central park then wondering why they are coming across as stupid, nuts, and kind of slutty.

  37. I'm starting to actually feel sorry for Taylor, even though constant media coverage is annoying. She's still young and obviously DYING for a relationship, and every failure is playing out in front of everyone..and like a child, she then writes about it. It's all so cringe-worthy.

  38. i don't know why most everyone here is bashing her about the "boyfriends" i mean come on people we know those are PR and fake. i'll start wondering what the fuck is up with her when she hits 30 and i see how she behaves then, but i'm only a year older than her so i can't throw hate since i still do dumbass crap. just put yourselves in her shoes & imagine how much it sucks that she has to be so "prim & proper" if she were to step out of line and do something crazy her little teenage fans would have a fucking heart attack! i've been saying since last spring that it looked like she got implants and i can't believe a magazine finally noticed & wrote about it, who know maybe that's her first step to breaking out of her shell and being a little bit of a steps for her.

    1. oh and she was in london for work last week she was doing some photoshoot. but heaven forbid enty report the facts. no let's spin this story and make taylor sound like an obsessed jilted ex. *eyeroll*

    2. No dude, the pathetic songs make her sound like an obsessed jilted ex. But she is making a lot of money. She wants the good, great but you take the bad as well. You have lots of money but now you look like a nut. Life's little sense of humor.

  39. And homeroom...she told Jennifer, who told Carrie that Harry had stinky breath! And they laughed at him all day, so he kissed Marie out by the bleachers where everyone would see!

  40. She wears underpants and a bra every day. I think Enty used this picture to keep the focus on the bashing instead of the fact that she looks absolutely stunning. Mind bogglingly beautiful and the implants are perfect.
    To top it off the biotch can sing, play guitar and has like a billion dollars. We are all just gelus h8ers.

  41. I like Yodelay's response the best.

    Seriously, I don't think she was snubbed by Harry..Still think it's all PR drivel and this adds to it. REALLY doubt she stared at him the entire time she did the song, but ya'll go on an believe it.

    And think John Mayer hurt her all you like but remember she never once admitted they were together and if they were it was incredibly brief. Sounds like she knew what he was about and skeedaddled if that were the case. At any rate her time with him was mercifully short.

    But if her team is writing this stuff think about how it's making her look..Slutty one minute,(spin control check!) crazy the next (spin coming up). She needs a new team.

  42. Thank GOD I did not have the media reporting on my every step when I was in my twenties. What a circus that would have been...

  43. Good point about fame and personal development here. Could explain a few things.

    // start ranting //
    I am so longing for a world where teenagers won t be full treated as full on celebs anymore (and not by their age peers only while grown ups don t pay attention).
    I can t give a damn about the Biebs, Selena, Miley, Taylor, One Direction, the starlets, and the likes... Let the teenagers have their idols and the grown ups theirs for Christ Sake!

    Their (post-)teenager antics don t interest me the slightest, they re childish and a bit daft. And it s awful/hurtful/damaging for them growing under the spotlight and the scrutiny (I m looking at Miley and Taylor here, they re acting really stupid right now, but it s kind of understandable, the problem is it will haunt them all their lives)

    If anyone knows an adult gossip blog (and not the kind of adult Jerkula might think of), I m in. I m fed up being forced to pay attention to teenagers who need to build themselves on their own and in a modicum of privacy.

    // end ranting//

  44. Anonymous10:33 AM

    @Sherry: I think it's worth noting that of all the women Mayer has been involved with over the past few years, it's the youngest one--Taylor--who run away from him the fastest. Smart cookie.

    P.S. I like your use of the world skedaddle. It's one of my favorites! :-D

    1. Thanks Layna. I'm also fond of a word I think my mom made up: piddlypoke. As in stop piddlypoking around and get something done.

  45. She's showing off her implants.

  46. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I think Taylor falls in love easily with practically every guy she meets. She's in love with being in love. I hear she wrote a song about "almost" getting together with Zac Efron? They hung out a bit while promoting that Dr. Seuss movie and she wrote "Girl at Home." This was during the two-week period he supposedly dated Lily Collins. Here's a link to the lyrics:

  47. Taylor is not a child, she is almost 24! I'm two years older than her, and don't act like that. With her whirlwind relationships, and songs, it seems meeting a dude is her greatest joy. That is how 16 year olds act. So I am standing my ground. She is emotionally stunted.

  48. Lol I read on Dlisted that they broke up bc she couldn't stand his uncut peen.

  49. Anonymous11:17 AM

    PuggleWug: what is "I don't act like that" supposed to mean? Maybe you've had better guidance at an early age. Maybe you're better adjusted. Maybe you're smarter. Maybe it's a lot of things. Who knows. But she's hardly the first 20-something to act this way and won't be the last.

    Have whatever opinion you wish, but just because Taylor doesn't live up to your expectations and what you deem to be a good 20-something doesn't mean anything.

  50. Write a song about that Swifty!

  51. Yeah this is super catty, poor swifty. She hasn't even done anything close to stupid. If having bfs for a week and then making millions writing a song abt the break up is the worst tea you have on her, you guys are missing out on many more fun scandalous people to read abt and hate on. Not that I even like her that much, but really what's so bad?

  52. she looked smokin in that dress. heard she got implants(?)

  53. One of my best friends looks exactly like Taylor - but prettier - we're 23 and I'm with you JSierra. Some girls have good genes and some of us have to work hard just to look like a healthy human next to them.

  54. On all the Taylor Swift hate, it is such a crime to dislike someone? Not everyone likes everyone, and for small insignificant reasons that even they can't explain. I am just not a fan of Taylor Swift, she gets on my nerves and like I said in the Anne post, we would not be friends in real life. I don't get why people get so distressed because someone doesn't like a celebrity. She doesn't have to do anything wrong for me to not be a fan.

  55. Swifty needs college way more than James Franco does.

  56. Taylor - do yourself a favor and find a fuck buddy. It does a world of good

  57. What ever happened to the kennedy house that she bought? Did she sell it?

  58. J, I don't care that people don't like her but (just as with Anne and, for that matter LeAnn) the piled on HATE and seething disgust becomes...ugh...I don't even know but it is damn unpleasant. It's like people would LOVE to see someone destroyed and humiliated because, I don't know, I guess they date too many people (in Taylor's case). It reeks of high school mean girls going after the girls who had the audacity to date the quarterback.

    I totally get it when it's someone who screws people over, harms, treats others like shit...I even get saying you dislike (or even loathe) the person. But, again, the pile on is just too much.

  59. I don't know why people get distressed when people *do* happen to like a celebrity! Everyone's entitled to an opinion. "Forum" comes from the Latin (father was a Classical Studies teacher) which means "a place for open discussion".

    1. Cosigned. The arguments over matters of personal opinion are baffling.
      It's one thing to argue over rude or intentionally cutting remarks, another entirely to bash another for liking or disliking a celebrity, or giving an opinion of the situation discussed.

  60. Amy, if she got a fuck buddy everyone would just start literally slut shamming her (I already think they figuratively do).

  61. Good god, we are not slut shaming her. She is 23 going on 13. My main issue is her refusal to grow up. She wants to be a role model? Well, she should act her age. No way would I want my daughter thinking men are the end all be all. A happily ever after does not have to include getting some guy (unlike what Swift seems to think). THAT is what pisses me off the most. If people dislike her, let them.

  62. Anonymous5:40 PM

    As I suspected all along, the girl is a shark in demure clothing. She plays the game 'cause she knows how to. She's working the celebrity thing. She's as much of a hustler as Lilo, but from a different angle.

    SHIT, a girl's gotta eat. The only way is to keep relevant by any means necessary.

  63. Anonymous5:43 PM


  64. She is a pretty girl when she isn't wearing so much eyeliner it makes her eyes look squinty. I don't like country music, so I am not a fan, but when I do hear her music it reminds me of stuff that a young teen would have written in her journal or diary.. only set to music. And to me it sounds all the same. I don't find her all that talented because of that, and any time I have heard her sing live it was pretty bad. I do wish she would wear another color other than the beige she favors at award shows...and she needs to stop dating teenagers. She is 23 and should be dating adults.

  65. @timebob - Thanks for the link! I will definitely have to keep that album on my radar.

  66. @Sherry. I love shenanigans, too. My mom also used to say 'Quit your fiddly-farting around, Theresa Ann!' I sometimes say those things, too. Keeping on with the old Mom-ism's. =)

  67. @bri swartley

    bri, sorry, is this Taylor you are talking about? What did she do? (If you are able to say).

    1. She was referring to Natalie Maines I believe

  68. Late to the party, but I'm not sure she got baby bolt ons. Maybe it's just puberty happening. I went from a C to a D cup relatively quickly with very little actual weight gain when I was about 24. Definitely looked bigger, but no real reason, other than puberty, or the extension of puberty.
    Other than that, she dressed all 50's ish for the Kennedy kid, Urban for Mayer and slutty now that Stiles said she's asexual. She's a chamelean (sp?) for whoever the guy is. This is nothing new, I'm sure we, or our friends, did exactly the same thing. She's just the newly popular kid garnering all the attention from the cool guys and she's loving every minute of it. Because she spent so much time as a nobody, though, she's clingy and can't let them go. EVER. This will pass, when she matures. She's not there yet. I am not sure any of these guys actually cared for her, weren't all the relationships relatively short-lived? Once she's in a real, reciprocal relationship, it will be very different.
    That's my armchair quarterbacking for the morning. I'm not bashing her, nor am I a hater (she does drive me crazy, though), just someone who has finally matured.

  69. @Sarah

    Thanks for sorting that out for me Sarah. I could definitely see Natalie being difficult. She sure can sing though.

  70. @silly girl...Amen! She is living out her growing pains in the public eye, while most of us got to do it in relative obscurity. ;)
